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Жанр: Epic Doom Metal || Год выпуска: 1984-2012 || Страна: Sweden (North Stockholm) || Лэйбл: Napalm Records
Аудио кодек: MP3, WMA || Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps (иное указано отдельно) || Продолжительность: 49:00:33
Lyrical themes: Dark Fantasy, Religion, Doom, Life, Death

Candlemass — шведская рок-группа, известная как одна из основоположников жанра дум-метал и одна из наиболее успешных команд, играющих музыку в этом стиле. Лидером группы является Лейф Эдлинг.
Группа была основана бас-гитаристом и композитором Лейфом Эдлингом в 1984 году после распада его предыдущей группы Nemesis. В первый состав вошли также вокалист Йохан Лангквист, гитаристы Матс Бйоркман и Клаас Бергваль, ударник Матс Экстрём. Первый же альбом коллектива, Epicus Doomicus Metallicus (1986), завоевал группе широкую известность среди поклонников метала. Музыка представляла собой совершенно новое на тот момент направление в рок музыке: медленный, "вязкий", мрачный стиль, напоминающий хард-рок ранних альбомов Black Sabbath, но с уклоном в сторону утяжеления. По названию дебютного альбома "Epicus Doomicus Metallicus" (стилизация под латынь), жанр стали называть Doom Metal.
В 1987 году состав группы почти полностью поменялся: вокалистом стал Мессия Марколин, гитаристом — Ларс Йоханссон, а ударником — Ян Линд. В таком составе Candlemass записали три своих самых известных альбома: "Nightfall" (1987), "Ancient Dreams" (1988) и "Tales of Creation" (1989). Новый состав продемонстрировал некоторый уклон в прогрессивный метал, а необычный вокал Марколина стал визитной карточкой группы.
Однако новый Candlemass просуществовал недолго: в 1991 году Мессия Марколин покинул группу. В 1992 году с Томасом Викстрёмом на вокале группа записала очередной альбом, "Chapter VI", но работа не имела большого успеха. У группы начались финансовые проблемы и в 1994 году она была распущена.
Лейф Эдлинг несколько лет занимался сайд-проектом Abstrakt Algebra, но вскоре попытался реанимировать Candlemass. В 1998-99 году полностью новый состав с вокалистом Бйорном Флодквистом, состоящий практически из группы Abstrakt Algebra, записал альбомы "Dactylis Glomerata" и "From the 13th Sun". Тем временем Мессия Марколин пел в собственной группе Memento Mori. Однако, несмотря на "фирменный" вокал, проект не имел того же успеха, который в своё время снискал Candlemass.
Наконец, в 2002 году было объявлено о полном воссоединении Candlemass с участием Мессии Марколина, Бйоркмана, Йоханссона и Линда. В честь воссоединения группа дала тур по Европе и выпустила одноимённый себе альбом Candlemass. Однако, как и предыдущие, состав оказался нестабилен, и группа вновь поменяла вокалиста в 2006 году. На данный момент эту позицию занимает американец Роберт Лоу (Solitude Aeternus).
В 2009 году гитарист Матс Бйоркман попал под суд за присвоение чужой собственности. Заведуя складом торговой сети ENS, он нелегально продал на сторону диски на сумму $490,000. Несмотря на угрозу тюрьмы, он все еще продолжает выступать с Candlemass.
В апреле 2004 года группа выпускает сингл "Hammer of Doom", который включал два трека. 3 октября 2009 Candlemass отыграли большое шоу в Афинах, после чего вышли DVD и винил с этим шоу под названием "Ashes to Ashes". Здесь присутствуют как старые треки вроде "Solitude" и "Sorceres Pledge", так и нечто из более позднего творчества, а также кавер на Rainbow.
В 2011 году первому альбому группы, "Epicus Doomicus Metallicus" (1986), исполняется 25 лет. В честь этого события в мае планируется выпуск специальной версии альбома на двух CD. Оно включает альбомные треки и интервью основателя группы Лейфа Эдлинга, которое было записано в начале 2011 года. Здесь Лейф делится своими воспоминаниями о прошедших временах, о том, как эволюционировала и развивалась группа все эти 25 лет.
В июле 2011 года группа выступила на фестивале Hell’s Pleasure вместе с Trouble и Lord Vicar. В октябре этого года состоялось шоу в Афинах, Греция. В качестве вокалиста на этом шоу выступил первый вокалист группы Йохан Лангквист. Это шоу знаменательно тем, что на нём играли песни из первого альбома. Такая программа была лишь отыграна дважды до этого: в Стокгольме и на фестивале Roadburn 2011.
Также стало известно, что группа собирается выпустить новый альбом в 2012 году. Для этого был подписан контракт с лэйблом Napalm Records. Грядущий альбом станет последним для группы, как гласит сообщение на сайте группы, однако музыканты планируют ещё как минимум пять лет повыступать.

слева направо: Lars "Lasse" Johansson, Leif Edling, Jan Lindh, Robert Lowe, Mats "Mappe" Björkman
Текущий:Leif Edling - бас-гитара (1984 - 1994, 1997 - ...), вокал (1984 - 1986)
Mats "Mappe" Björkman - ритм-гитара (1985 - 1994, 2001 - ...)
Jan Lindh - ударные (1987 - 1994, 2001 - ...)
Lars "Lasse" Johansson - соло-гитара (1987 - 1994, 2001 - ...)
[*]Robert Lowe - вокал (2006 - ...)Бывшие участники:Mats Ekström - ударные (1984 - 1986)
Christian Weberyd - гитара (1984 - 1985)
Johnny Reinholm - гитара, ударные (1984 - 1985)
Klas Bergwall - гитара (1986)
Messiah Marcolin - вокал (1986 - 1991, 2001 - 2006)
Johan Längquist - вокал (1986)
Mike Wead - гитара (1987)
Thomas Vikström - вокал (1991 - 1994)
Jejo Perkovic - ударные (1997 - 1999)
Michael Amott - гитара (1997 - 1998)
Patrik Instedt - гитара (1997 - 1998)
Björn Flodkvist - вокал (1997 - 1999)
Mats Ståhl - гитара (1998 - 1999)
Carl Westholm - клавишные (1998)
[*]Mats Levén - вокал (2006)

В раздаче:
Лэйбл: Active Records
Номер по каталогу: CDATV 15
Продолжительность: 00:43:21
01. Black Messiah [00:07:11]
02. In God We Trust [00:04:40]
03. Theme of the Guardians [00:04:27]
04. The King is Dead [00:05:25]
05. Goodnight [00:06:09]
06. Black Stone Wielder (Candlemass Demo) [00:07:21]
07. Demon's Gate (Candlemass Demo) [00:08:04]
- Nemesis:
Leif Edling - bass, vocals
Anders Wallin - lead guitar
Christian Weberyd - guitar
Anders Waltersson - drums
- Candlemass:
Leif Edling - bass, vocals
Mats Björkman - rhythm guitar
Matz Ekström - drums
Christian Weberyd - guitar
Klas Bergwall - lead guitar
All songs written by Leif Edling
Produced by Leif Edling
#777Лэйбл: Black Dragon Records
Номер по каталогу: LD 19882-2
Продолжительность: 00:42:54
01. Solitude [00:05:35]
02. Demon's Gate [00:09:10]
03. Crystal Ball [00:05:21]
04. Black Stone Wielder [00:07:34]
05. Under the Oak [00:06:51]
06. A Sorcerer's Pledge [00:08:20]
- Lineup:
Leif Edling - bass
Mats Björkman - rhythm guitar
Matz Ekström - drums
- Guest/session musicians:
Johan Lanquist - vocals
Klas Bergwall - solo guitar
Christian Weberyd - guitar
Cille Svenson - voice on "A Sorcerer's Pledge"
Engineered and co-produced by Ragne "Valhalla Warrior" Wahlquist
Produced by CANDLEMASS
Cover concept and artwork by CANDLEMASS
Back cover picture by Ulf Magnusson
#777Лэйбл: Metal Blade Records
Номер по каталогу: 72241-2
Продолжительность: 00:46:22
01. Gothic Stone [00:04:31]
02. The Well of Souls [00:03:45]
03. Codex Gigas [00:02:18]
04. At the Gallow's End [00:05:46]
05. Samarithan [00:05:27]
06. Marche Funebre [00:02:19]
07. Dark are the Veils of Death [00:07:06]
08. Mourner's Lament [00:06:09]
09. Bewitched [00:06:38]
10. Black Candles [00:02:18]
#777Лэйбл: Active Records
Номер по каталогу: CDATV 7
Продолжительность: 00:58:25
01. Mirror Mirror [00:06:16]
02. A Cry from the Crypt [00:07:25]
03. Darkness in Paradise [00:06:47]
04. Incarnation of Evil [00:07:17]
05. Bearer of Pain [00:07:22]
06. Ancient Dreams [00:07:03]
07. The Bells of Acheron [00:05:19]
08. Epistle No. 81 [00:04:36]
09. Black Sabbath Medley [00:06:16]
#777Лэйбл: Music For Nations
Номер по каталогу: CD MFN 95
Продолжительность: 00:42:46
01. The Prophecy [00:01:27]
02. Dark Reflections [00:05:05]
03. Voices in the Wind [00:00:14]
04. Under the Oak [00:06:00]
05. Tears [00:04:13]
06. Into the Unfathomed Tower [00:03:03]
07. The Edge of Heaven [00:06:25]
08. Somewhere in Nowhere [00:03:47]
09. Through the Infinitive Halls of Death [00:05:07]
10. Dawn [00:00:25]
11. A Tale of Creation [00:06:55]
#777Лэйбл: Music For Nations
Номер по каталогу: CDMFN 128
Продолжительность: 00:46:26
01. The Dying Illusion [00:05:52]
02. Julie Laughs No More [00:04:23]
03. Where the Runes Still Speak [00:08:42]
04. The Ebony Throne [00:04:25]
05. Temple of the Dead [00:07:11]
06. Aftermath [00:05:37]
07. Black Eyes [00:05:53]
08. The End of Pain [00:04:23]
#777Лэйбл: Music For Nations
Номер по каталогу: CDMFN 237
Продолжительность: 00:43:33
01. Wiz [00:04:04]
02. I Still See the Black [00:06:18]
03. Dustflow [00:09:24]
04. Cylinder [00:01:22]
05. Karthago [00:06:36]
06. Abstrakt Sun [00:06:39]
07. Apathy [00:04:06]
08. Lidocain God [00:03:30]
09. Molotov [00:01:30]
#777Лэйбл: Music For Nations
Номер по каталогу: CDMFN 253
Продолжительность: 00:47:55
01. Droid [00:04:35]
02. Tot [00:06:01]
03. Elephant Star [00:04:54]
04. Blumma Apt [00:05:21]
05. ARX/NG 891 [00:05:54]
06. Zog [00:05:50]
07. Galatea [00:04:47]
08. Cyclo-F [00:09:18]
09. Mythos [00:01:12]
#777Лэйбл: Nuclear Blast
Номер по каталогу: NB 1448-2
Продолжительность: 00:58:24
01. Black Dwarf [00:05:41]
02. Seven Silver Keys [00:04:57]
03. Assassin of the Light [00:06:29]
04. Copernicus [00:07:17]
05. The Man Who Fell from the Sky [00:03:26]
06. Witches [00:06:22]
07. Born in a Tank [00:04:53]
08. Spellbreaker [00:07:00]
09. The Day and the Night [00:08:52]
10. Mars and Volcanos [00:03:23]
#777Лэйбл: Nuclear Blast
Номер по каталогу: NB 1818-0
Продолжительность: 01:05:10
01. Prologue [00:00:55]
02. Emperor of the Void [00:04:30]
03. Devil Seed [00:05:46]
04. Of Stars and Smoke [00:05:38]
05. Demonia 6 [00:06:24]
06. Destroyer [00:07:55]
07. Man of Shadows [00:06:15]
08. Clearsight [00:06:51]
09. The Opal City [00:01:12]
10. Embracing the Styx [00:08:19]
11. At the Gallow's End (vocal session w. Robert Lowe) [00:05:57]
12. Solitude (vocal session w. Robert Lowe) [00:05:21]
#777Лэйбл: Nuclear Blast
Номер по каталогу: NB 2272-0
Продолжительность: 00:51:14
01. If I Ever Die [00:04:54]
02. Hammer of Doom [00:06:16]
03. The Bleeding Baroness [00:07:19]
04. Demon of the Deep [00:05:22]
05. House of 1000 Voices [00:07:49]
06. Dead Angel [00:04:05]
07. Clouds of Dementia [00:05:38]
08. My Funeral Dreams [00:06:03]
09. Lucifer Rising [00:03:43]
#777Лэйбл: Nuclear Blast
Номер по каталогу: NPR 427
Продолжительность: 00:50:18
01. Prophet [00:06:06]
02. The Sound of Dying Demons [00:05:30]
03. Dancing in the Temple (of the Mad Queen Bee) [00:03:38]
04. Waterwitch [00:07:03]
05. The Lights of Thebe [00:05:50]
06. Psalms for the Dead [00:05:15]
07. The Killing of the Sun [00:04:09]
08. Siren Song [00:05:57]
09. Black as Time [00:06:47]
Leif Edling - Bass
Robert Lowe - Vocals
Lars "Lasse" Johansson - Guitars (lead)
Jan Lindh - Drums
Mats "Mappe" Björkman - Guitars (rhythm)
Guest/session musicians:
Mark Roberton - Narration on "Black as time"
Per Wiberg - Hammond on "Siren Song"
Carl Westholm - Keyboards
Mats Levén - Vocals (backing)
Other staff:
Leif Edling - Producer

#777Лэйбл: N/A
Номер по каталогу: N/A
Продолжительность: 00:43:25
01. The Scar [00:05:55]
02. It is Not There [00:04:26]
03. Angelic 'til I die [00:04:54]
04. On the Edge of Time [00:06:17]
05. Butterfly [00:00:57]
06. My Black Birthday [00:05:39]
07. Space Killer [00:05:40]
08. Nautilus [00:09:33]
#777Лэйбл: Megarock Records
Номер по каталогу: MRRCD 024
Продолжительность: 00:59:21
01. Stigmata [00:05:42]
02. Shadowplay [00:05:19]
03. Nameless [00:05:34]
04. Abstrakt Algebra [00:07:24]
05. Bitter Root [00:07:03]
06. April Clouds [00:07:26]
07. Vanishing Man [00:05:29]
08. Who What Where When [00:15:21]

#777Лэйбл: Music For Nations
Номер по каталогу: CDMFN 109
Продолжительность: 01:15:41
01. Well of Souls [00:05:24]
02. Dark are the Veils of Death [00:04:02]
03. Bewitched [00:04:29]
04. Solitude [00:05:39]
05. Dark Reflections [00:04:43]
06. Under the Oak [00:05:58]
07. Demon's Gate [00:08:46]
08. The Bells of Acheron [00:04:50]
09. Through the Infinitive Halls of Death [00:05:22]
10. Samarithan [00:05:06]
11. Mirror Mirror [00:05:32]
12. At the Gallow's End [00:05:29]
13. Sorcerer's Pledge [00:10:14]
#777Лэйбл: Peaceville
Номер по каталогу: CDVILED215X
Продолжительность: 02:08:58
Live in Stockholm 9th June 1990:
01. Well of Souls [00:05:24]
02. Dark are the Veils of Death [00:04:02]
03. Bewitched [00:04:29]
04. Solitude [00:05:39]
05. Dark Reflections [00:04:43]
06. Under the Oak [00:05:58]
07. Demon's Gate [00:08:46]
08. Bells of Acheron [00:04:50]
09. Through the Infinitive Halls of Death [00:05:22]
10. Samarithan [00:05:06]
11. Mirror Mirror [00:05:32]
12. Gallow's End [00:05:29]
13. Sorcerer's Pledge [00:10:14]
Live at the Dynamo Open Air '88:
01. Solitude [00:06:20]
02. At the Gallow's End [00:05:36]
03. Crystal Ball [00:05:25]
04. Dark are the Veils of Death [00:06:31]
05. A Sorcerer's Pledge [00:11:42]
06. Sabbath Medley [00:06:00]
07. Crystal Ball [00:05:30]
08. Bearer of Pain [00:06:10]
Продолжительность: 00:46:22
01. Bullfest / The Dying Illusion [00:07:24]
02. Dark Reflections [00:05:36]
03. The Ebony Throne [00:04:46]
04. At the Gallow's End [00:06:16]
05. Julie Laughs No More [00:05:21]
06. The Well of Souls [00:05:33]
07. Dark are the Veils of Death [00:05:42]
08. Mirror Mirror [00:05:41]
Продолжительность: 00:56:55
01. Introduktion [00:01:43]
02. Mirror Mirror [00:05:20]
03. Bewitched [00:04:33]
04. Dark are the Veils of Death [00:04:14]
05. At the Gallow's End [00:06:07]
06. Samarithan [00:05:42]
07. Dark Reflections [00:05:23]
08. The Well Of Souls [00:08:49]
09. Solitude [00:07:20]
10. Crystal Ball [00:07:40]
Продолжительность: 01:00:28
01. Marche Funebre / Dark Reflections / Under the Oak [00:12:03]
02. The Well of Souls / Dark are the Veils of Death [00:05:23]
03. Dark are the Veils of Death / Bewitched [00:04:37]
04. Bewitched / Solitude [00:04:29]
05. Solitude / The Night of the Witch [00:06:18]
06. The Night of the Witch / The Bells of Acheron [00:06:05]
07. The Bells of Acheron [00:03:27]
08. At the Gallow's End [00:05:35]
09. Black Sabbath Medley [00:07:04]
10. Mirror Mirror [00:05:21]
Продолжительность: 00:36:29
01. Marche Funebre / Well of Souls [00:09:59]
02. Dark are the Veils of Death [00:04:23]
03. Mirror Mirror [00:05:37]
04. A Sorcerer's Pledge [00:10:20]
05. At the Gallow's End [00:06:10]
Продолжительность: 01:29:43
01. March Funebre [00:01:49]
02. Demon's Gate [00:09:34]
03. Dark Reflections [00:05:18]
04. Well of Souls [00:05:44]
05. Into the Unfathomed Tower [00:04:12]
06. Ancient Dreams [00:04:41]
07. The Bells of Acheron [00:05:27]
08. Witches [00:07:58]
09. Mirror Mirror [00:06:04]
10. A Cry from the Crypt [00:09:56]
11. Mourner's Lament [00:05:24]
12. Black Stone Wielder [00:09:27]
13. Solitude [00:07:26]
14. At the Gallow's End [00:06:39]
#777Лэйбл: Candlelight Records
Номер по каталогу: CDL0262CD
Продолжительность: 01:37:08
Disc One:
01. Mirror Mirror [00:05:50]
02. Bewitched [00:04:33]
03. Dark are the Veils of Death [00:04:04]
04. Demon's Gate [00:09:22]
05. Under the Oak [00:06:16]
06. At the Gallow's End [00:05:32]
07. Samarithan [00:05:15]
08. Dark Reflections [00:04:43]
09. Mourner's Lament [00:04:46]
10. Black Stone Wielder [00:02:54]
Disc Two:
01. The Well of Souls [00:08:53]
02. A Sorcerer's Pledge [00:10:24]
03. Bearer of Pain [00:04:26]
04. Ancient Dreams [00:00:30]
05. Somewhere in Nowhere [00:04:32]
06. Solitude [00:07:39]
07. Crystal Ball [00:07:22]
Продолжительность: 01:14:39
01. Marche Funebre [00:01:34]
02. The Well of Souls [00:05:49]
03. At the Gallow's End [00:05:33]
04. Solitude [00:07:07]
05. Emperor of the Void [00:05:04]
06. Devil Seed [00:06:29]
07. Mirror Mirror [00:06:03]
08. Under the Oak [00:07:03]
09. Of Stars and Smoke [00:06:21]
10. A Sorcerer's Pledge [00:11:04]
11. Black Dwarf [00:05:49]
12. Samarithan [00:06:38]
#777Лэйбл: Nuclear Blast
Номер по каталогу: NB 2446-2
Продолжительность: 01:04:56
01. Dark are the Veils of Death [00:04:07]
02. Samarithan [00:06:11]
03. If I Ever Die [00:05:12]
04. Hammer of Doom [00:07:05]
05. At the Gallow's End [00:05:38]
06. Emperor of the Void [00:04:24]
07. The Bleeding Baroness [00:08:03]
08. A Sorcerer's Pledge [00:11:47]
09. Solitude [00:06:54]
10. Kill the King [00:05:30]
#777Лэйбл: Music For Nations
Номер по каталогу: CDMFN 166
Продолжительность: 02:11:46
Disc One:
01. Solitude [00:05:36]
02. Bewitched [00:06:38]
03. Dying Illusion [00:05:49]
04. Demon's Gate [00:09:10]
05. Mirror Mirror (Live) [00:05:30]
06. Samarithan [00:05:27]
07. Into the Unfathomed Tower [00:03:02]
08. Bearer of Pain [00:07:22]
09. Where the Runes Still Speak [00:08:38]
10. At the Gallow's End [00:05:46]
11. Mourner's Lament [00:06:08]
Disc Two:
01. A Tale of Creation [00:06:53]
02. Ebony Throne [00:04:22]
03. Under the Oak [00:06:00]
04. Well of Souls (Live) [00:05:23]
05. Dark are the Veils of Death [00:04:03]
06. Darkness in Paradise [00:06:47]
07. The End of Pain [00:04:23]
08. Sorcerer's Pledge [00:10:12]
09. Solitude (87 12'' Version) [00:05:46]
10. Crystal Ball (87 12'' Version) [00:05:27]
11. Bullfest (93 Swedish Party Single) [00:03:14]
#777Лэйбл: Volve Recs.
Номер по каталогу: Vol 002
Продолжительность: 01:13:56
01. Demon's Gate [00:08:04]
02. Blackstone Wilder [00:07:21]
03. Bullfest [00:03:14]
04. Samling vid Pumpen [00:02:46]
05. Brollop pa Hulda Johanssons Pensionat [00:02:43]
06. Tjo och Tjim och Inget Annat [00:02:47]
07. Solitude (12'') [00:05:47]
08. Crystal Bal (12'') [00:05:27]
09. Black Messiah [00:07:04]
10. In God We Trust [00:04:33]
11. Theme of the Guardians [00:04:27]
12. The King is Dead [00:05:23]
13. Goodnight [00:06:07]
14. Solitude (Live) [00:06:41]
15. Skit 1 [00:00:21]
16. Skit 2 [00:00:14]
17. Skit 3 [00:00:17]
18. Skit 4 [00:00:27]
19. Skit 5 [00:00:03]
#777Лэйбл: Powerline Records
Номер по каталогу: PLRCD008
Продолжительность: 01:52:09
Disc One:
01. Nemesis - The King is Dead (Demo) [00:05:11]
02. Nemesis - Burn the Witch (Demo) [00:04:00]
03. Nemesis - Black Messiah (Demo) [00:07:31]
04. Nemesis - Nemesis (Previously Unreleased Demo) [00:03:43]
05. Nemesis - Lucifer (Previously Unreleased Demo) [00:05:02]
06. Candlemass - Warchild (Previously Unreleased Demo) [00:03:31]
07. Candlemass - Crystal Ball (Demo) [00:04:49]
08. Candlemass - Sorcerer's Pledge (Demo) [00:07:24]
09. Candlemass - Into the Unfathomed Tower (Demo) [00:03:00]
10. Candlemass - Black Stone Wielder (Demo) [00:07:21]
11. Candlemass - Demon's Gate (Demo) [00:08:04]
Disc Two:
01. Abstrakt Algebra - Shadowplay (Demo) [00:06:48]
02. Abstrakt Algebra - Nameless (Demo) [00:05:43]
03. Abstrakt Algebra - Remulus and Romus (Previously Unreleased Studio Outtake) [00:06:22]
04. Abstrakt Algebra - White Heat Red Hot (Previously Unreleased Studio Outtake) [00:03:59]
05. Abstrakt Algebra - Blue Wizard (Previously Unreleased Studio Outtake) [00:04:24]
06. Abstrakt Algebra - Thirst (Previously Unreleased Studio Outtake) [00:04:59]
07. Candlemass - Venusian (Previously Unreleased Studio Outtake) [00:04:52]
08. Candlemass - Oil (Japan Bonus Track) [00:04:42]
09. Candlemass - Rock'n'Roll (7'' B-Side) [00:02:22]
10. Candlemass - Planet of the Apes (Previously Unreleased) [00:04:41]
11. Nemesis - Lucifer (Live) [00:03:29]
#777Лэйбл: Candlelight Records
Номер по каталогу: CDL0263CD
Продолжительность: 01:14:47
01. Solitude [00:05:37]
02. Crystal Ball [00:05:20]
03. A Sorcerer's Pledge [00:08:13]
04. Gothic Stone [00:00:45]
05. The Well of Souls [00:07:27]
06. Bewitched [00:06:37]
07. At the Gallow's End [00:05:45]
08. Samarithan [00:05:27]
09. Mirror Mirror [00:06:15]
10. Ancient Dreams [00:07:03]
11. The Prophecy [00:01:27]
12. Dark Reflections [00:05:06]
13. Into the Unfathomed Tower [00:03:03]
14. Witches (Demo 2003) [00:06:37]
#777Лэйбл: Nuclear Blast
Номер по каталогу: NB 2698-5
Продолжительность: 05:01:44
Jönköping 9/5 1987 (first gig ever):
01. Intro [00:02:14]
02. Crystal Ball [00:05:00]
03. Under the Oak [00:06:52]
04. Bewitched [00:06:19]
05. Demon's Gate [00:09:26]
06. The Well of Souls [00:07:28]
07. A Sorcerer's Pledge [00:10:55]
08. Solitude [00:06:46]
Buckley Tivoli 17/11 1988:
01. Mirror Mirror [00:05:38]
02. Bewitched [00:04:22]
03. Solitude [00:06:09]
04. The Bells of Acheron [00:05:33]
05. At the Gallow's End [00:05:52]
06. Demon's Gate [00:08:50]
07. Bearer of Pain [00:06:50]
08. Samarithan [00:05:44]
09. A Cry from the Crypt [00:06:20]
10. Dark are the Veils of Death [00:04:17]
11. The Well of Souls [00:07:40]
12. A Sorcerer's Pledge [00:10:30]
Demos white album 2003 - 2004:
01. Black Dwarf [00:05:53]
02. Spellbreaker [00:07:19]
03. Seven Silver Keys [00:04:47]
04. Assassin of the Light [00:06:19]
05. Copernicus [00:07:11]
06. Witches [00:06:32]
07. Born in a Tank [00:05:26]
08. Black Dwarf (Mats Levén vocals) [00:05:44]
09. Spellbreaker (Mats Levén vocals) [00:07:03]
10. Witches (Tony Martin vocals) [00:05:18]
11. Witches (Doogie White vocals) [00:05:45]
Demos King of the Grey Islands 2006:
01. Emperor of the Void [00:04:17]
02. Devil Seed [00:05:41]
03. Of Stars and Smoke [00:06:12]
04. Demonia 6 [00:06:15]
05. Destroyer [00:06:10]
06. Man of Shadows [00:06:17]
07. Embracing the Styx [00:11:44]
08. Edgar Grey [00:07:13]
Misc. Demos 1992 - 2008:
01. Ebony Throne [00:04:19]
02. The Dying Illusion [00:05:23]
03. Temple of the Dead [00:07:09]
04. The End of Pain [00:04:17]
05. Black Dwarf [00:05:38]
06. At the Gallow's End [00:05:22]
07. Solitude [00:05:58]
08. Lucifer Dance [00:03:31]
09. Handklover Ouh Klarinett [00:02:52]
10. Vort Sistz Rushed [00:02:59]
#777Лэйбл: Powerline Records
Номер по каталогу: PLRCD 02
Продолжительность: 01:34:26
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus:
01. Solitude [00:05:35]
02. Demon's Gate [00:09:10]
03. Crystal Ball [00:05:20]
04. Black Stone Wielder [00:07:34]
05. Under the Oak [00:06:52]
06. A Sorcerer's Pledge [00:08:11]
Bonus Live CD
Candlemass live in Birmingham march 1988:
01. The Well of Souls [00:07:25]
02. Demon's Gate [00:09:02]
03. Crystal Ball [00:05:18]
04. Solitude [00:06:26]
05. Bewitched [00:06:24]
06. A Sorcerer's Pledge [00:10:53]
07. Black Sabbath Medley [00:06:12]
- Lineup:
Leif Edling - bass
Mats Björkman - guitar
Matz Ekström - drums
- Guest/session musicians:
Johan Längquist - vocals
Klas Bergwall - lead guitar
Christian Weberyd - guitar
Cille Svenson - voice on "A Sorcerer's Pledge"
Recorded in Thunderload studios
Engineered and co-produced by Ragne "Valhalla Warrior" Wahlquist
Produced by Candlemass
Remastering by Micke Lind at Unicorn, Stockholm
Picture by Ulf Magnusson
Cover concept and artwork by Candlemass/M&Beda
All songs, lyrics and arrangements by Leif Edling
Published by Jobete Music
- Lineup in Birmingham:
Messiah Marcolin - vocals
Mats "Mappe" Björkman - guitar
Lars Johansson - lead guitar
Leif Edling - bass
Jan Lind - drums
All songs by Leif Edling except Black Sabbath medley by lommi/Butler/Ward/Osbourne (Onward Music/Westminster Music)
#777Лэйбл: Peaceville
Номер по каталогу: CDVILED330X
Продолжительность: 01:25:52
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus:
01. Solitude [00:05:37]
02. Demon's Gate [00:09:12]
03. Crystal Ball [00:05:22]
04. Black Stone Wielder [00:07:36]
05. Under the Oak [00:06:54]
06. A Sorcerer's Pledge [00:08:12]
Bonus CD:
01. Epicus Doomicus Metallicus with Commentary by Leif Edling [00:42:55]
#777Лэйбл: Candlelight Records
Номер по каталогу: CDL0259CD
Продолжительность: 01:20:04
Disc One:
01. Gothic Stone [00:00:47]
02. The Well of Souls [00:07:25]
03. Codex Gigas [00:02:17]
04. At the Gallow's End [00:05:44]
05. Samarithan [00:05:25]
06. Marche Funebre [00:02:19]
07. Dark are the Veils of Death [00:07:04]
08. Mourner's Lament [00:06:06]
09. Bewitched [00:06:36]
10. Black Candles [00:02:15]
Disc Two:
01. Bewitched (Demo) [00:07:08]
02. Battlecry (Demo) [00:06:06]
03. The Well of Souls (Live) [00:05:16]
04. Dark are the Veils of Death (Live) [00:04:05]
05. At the Gallow's End (Studio Outtake) [00:05:48]
06. Mourner's Lament (Studio Outtake) [00:05:34]
#777Продолжительность: 00:46:38
01. Gothic Stone [00:00:49]
02. The Well of Souls [00:07:27]
03. Codex Gigas [00:02:21]
04. At the Gallow's End [00:05:49]
05. Samarithan [00:05:31]
06. Marche Funebre [00:02:22]
07. Dark are the Veils of Death [00:07:07]
08. Mourner's Lament [00:06:10]
09. Bewitched [00:06:39]
10. Black Candles [00:02:19]
#777Лэйбл: Candlelight Records
Номер по каталогу: CDL0260CD
Продолжительность: 01:18:22
Disc One:
01. Mirror Mirror [00:06:15]
02. A Cry from the Crypt [00:07:24]
03. Darkness in Paradise [00:06:46]
04. Incarnation of Evil [00:07:18]
05. Bearer of Pain [00:07:22]
06. Ancient Dreams [00:07:03]
07. The Bells of Acheron [00:05:19]
08. Epistle No. 81 [00:04:35]
09. Black Sabbath Medley [00:06:14]
Disc Two:
01. Mirror Mirror (Live) [00:05:18]
02. The Bells of Acheron (Live) [00:04:59]
03. Bearer of Pain (Live) [00:06:09]
04. A Cry from the Crypt (Live) [00:03:34]
#777Лэйбл: Candlelight Records
Номер по каталогу: CDL0261CD
Продолжительность: 01:07:20
Disc One:
01. The Prophecy [00:01:28]
02. Dark Reflections [00:05:06]
03. Voices in the Wind [00:00:14]
04. Under the Oak [00:06:00]
05. Tears [00:04:13]
06. Into the Unfathomed Tower [00:03:02]
07. The Edge of Heaven [00:06:24]
08. Somewhere in Nowhere [00:03:47]
09. Through the Infinitive Halls of Death [00:05:07]
10. Dawn [00:00:25]
11. A Tale of Creation [00:06:52]
Disc Two:
01. Dark Reflections (Demo) [00:03:19]
02. Under the Oak (Demo) [00:07:42]
03. Into the Unfathomed Tower (Demo) [00:03:07]
04. Somewhere in Nowhere (Demo) [00:04:35]
05. A Tale of Creation (Demo) [00:05:53]
#777Лэйбл: GMR Music Group
Номер по каталогу: GMRCD9003
Продолжительность: 00:58:14
01. The Dying Illusion [00:05:51]
02. Julie Laughs No More [00:04:22]
03. Where the Runes Still Speak [00:08:42]
04. The Ebony Throne [00:04:24]
05. Temple of the Dead [00:07:11]
06. Aftermath [00:05:37]
07. Black Eyes [00:05:52]
08. The End of Pain [00:04:32]
09. Bullfest [00:03:16]
10. Samling vid Pumpen [00:02:47]
11. Brollop pa Hulda Johanssons Pensionat [00:02:45]
12. Tjo och Tjim och Inget Annat [00:02:48]
#777Лэйбл: GMR Music Group
Номер по каталогу: GMRCD9004
Продолжительность: 01:34:10
Dactylis Glomerata:
01. Wiz [00:03:55]
02. I Still See the Black [00:06:17]
03. Dustflow [00:09:21]
04. Cylinder [00:01:22]
05. Karthago [00:06:40]
06. Abstrakt Sun [00:06:41]
07. Apathy [00:04:14]
08. Lidocain God [00:03:36]
09. Molotov [00:01:38]
10. Container [00:03:19]
11. Thirst [00:04:54]
Abstrakt Algebra II:
01. 3rd Child from the Sun [00:04:05]
02. Dustflow [00:07:59]
03. Abstrakt Sun [00:06:52]
04. Thirst [00:05:03]
05. Bug Queen [00:03:47]
06. Blue Wizard [00:04:19]
07. Lidocain God [00:04:14]
08. Cylinder [00:01:33]
09. Enigma [00:04:10]
#777Лэйбл: Peaceville
Номер по каталогу: CDVILED218
Продолжительность: 00:59:12
01. Droid [00:04:37]
02. Tot [00:05:59]
03. Elephant Star [00:04:55]
04. Blumma Apt [00:05:22]
05. ARX/NG 891 [00:05:56]
06. Zog [00:05:52]
07. Galatea [00:04:49]
08. Cyclo-F [00:09:17]
09. Mythos [00:01:14]
10. Oil [00:04:43]
11. Nimis [00:04:00]
12. Rock'n'Roll [00:02:22]
Продолжительность: 00:17:50
01. Crystal Ball [00:04:37]
02. A Sorcerer's Pledge [00:06:59]
03. Forever Lost [00:03:22]
04. Witchcraft [00:02:50]
#777Лэйбл: Megarock Records
Номер по каталогу: MRRCDS003
Продолжительность: 00:11:35
01. Bullfest [00:03:15]
02. Samling vid Pumpen [00:02:46]
03. Bröllop på Hulda Johanssons Pensionat [00:02:46]
04. Tjo och Tjim och Inget Annat [00:02:47]
Продолжительность: 00:03:28
01. Countess Bathory [00:03:28]
Продолжительность: 00:11:48
01. Black Dwarf (ft. Robert Lowe) [00:05:37]
02. Demonia 6 (Early Version) [00:06:11]
#777Лэйбл: Nuclear Blast
Номер по каталогу: NB 2173-2
Продолжительность: 01:11:40
01. Lucifer Rising [00:04:07]
02. White God [00:05:01]
03. Demon's Gate [00:09:03]
04. At the Gallow's End (Live) [00:05:17]
05. Solitude (Live) [00:06:54]
06. Emperor of the Void (Live) [00:04:53]
07. Devil Seed (Live) [00:06:02]
08. Mirror Mirror (Live) [00:06:04]
09. Under the Oak (Live) [00:07:01]
10. Of Stars and Smoke (Live) [00:05:51]
11. Black Dwarf (Live) [00:05:30]
12. Samarithan (Live) [00:05:52]
Продолжительность: 00:10:05
01. Don't Fear the Reaper (Blue Oyster Cult cover) [00:06:02]
02. All Along the Watchtower (Bob Dylan cover) [00:04:03]
#777Лэйбл: Napalm Records
Номер по каталогу: NPR 396
Продолжительность: 00:07:32
01. Dancing in the Temple (of the Mad Queen Bee) [00:03:28]
02. The Killing of the Sun [00:04:03]
John the Leper [00:03:34]
Lucifer Rising (Outtake) [00:03:43]
Odessa Chamber [00:04:00]
[*]Sokrates [00:05:22]

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