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•Duke Ellington - Collection part II, 17 albums & 6 Box-Sets•

Жанр: Big Band, Swing, Mainstream Jazz
Год издания: 1999 - 2011
Аудиокодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps
Продолжительность: 73 часа 33 минуты 2 секунды
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: да
Количество дисков:67
Дюк Эллингтон (29.04.1899 - 24.05.1974) — величайшая личность в истории джазовой музыки, один из немногих музыкантов, имя которого известно всему культурному человечеству. Искусство Эллингтона возвышается не только над таким локальным понятием как стиль, но и над всей современной культурой.
Duke Ellington Collection part I https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3686859
Duke Ellington Collection part III (дополнение) https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3809001

#777Edward Kennedy ‘Duke’ Ellington
29.04.1899, Вашингтон —
24.05.1974, Нью-Йорк
Пианист, аранжировщик, композитор, руководитель оркестра, величайший представитель свинга.
Получил домашнее образование, мать давала ему уроки фортепиано. Проявил склонность к живописи, работал плакатистом, но увлекся регтаймом и танцевальной музыкой. Первый оркестр Эллингтона состоял из его ближайших друзей — барабанщика Сонни Грира, саксофониста Отто Хардвика, трубача Артура Уэтсола. От них же из-за любви к красивой одежде получил прозвище ‘Duke’ (герцог). В 1923 году квартет Эллингтона The Washingtonians появился в Нью-Йорке и после нескольких не очень благополучных сезонов, включая работу в Kentucky Club, преобразовался в оркестр из десяти человек, которому удалось закрепиться в престижном Cotton Club. Из клуба программы оркестра регулярно транслировались по радио, и это принесло Эллингтону широкую известность. Первые композиции для оркестра были связаны либо со "стилем джунглей" (East St.Louis Toodle-oo, Black Beauty, Black And Tan Fantasy, Ducky Wucky, Harlem Speaks), либо со "стилем настроений" (Mood Indigo, Solitude, Sophisticated Lady). Разработка этих стилей могла осуществиться лишь потому, что Эллингтон блестяще использовал индивидуальные возможности своих музыкантов — трубачей Чарли Эрвиса, Баббера Майли, Трикки Сэма Нэнтона и впоследствии Кути Уильямса, альт-саксофониста Джонни Ходжеса, баритон-саксофониста Харри Карни. Благодаря вкладу этих исполнителей оркестр обрел некое специфическое звучание, а Эллингтона стали называть первым подлинно американским композитором. Успех принесли гастроли в Европе и Южной Америке (1933), в 1934 году бэнд совершил поездку по Соединенным Штатам. К концу 30-х годов в оркестре было 15 музыкантов (саксофонисты Джонни Ходжес, Отто Хардвик, Барни Бигард, Харри Карни, трубачи Кути Уильямс, Фрэнк Дженкинс, Артур Уэтсол, тромбонисты Трикки Сэм Нэнтон, Хуан Тизол, Лоренс Браун). Репертуар в основном составляли композиции Эллингтона (самые известные — It Don’t Mean A Thing, In A Sentimental Mood, Prelude To A Kiss, Jeep’s Blues, I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart, All Too Soon, Concerto For Cootie, Cotton Tail, Warm Valley, I’m Beginning To See The Light, Don’t Get Around Much Anymore). На славу оркестра "работали" и его музыканты. Тромбонист Хуан Тизол предложил такие темы, как Caravan и Perdido, а пианист, композитор и аранжировщик Билли Стрейхорн стал, как говорил Эллингтон, его "вторым я", написав массу прекрасных композиций, в том числе Take The ‘A’ Train.
Оркестр Эллингтона был одним из немногих коллективов, не распавшимся после появления бибопа и последующих современных джазовых стилей. В 50–60-е годы Эллингтон стремился создавать произведения крупной формы, создал ряд оркестровых сюит — Newport Jazz Festival Suite (1956), A Drum Is A Women (1956), Shakespearean Suite (1957), Toot Suite (1958), Controversial Suite (1958), Jump For Joy (1959), Nutcracker Suite (1960), Per Gynt Suite (1962), Timon Of Athens Suite (1964), The Far East Suite (1965), New Orleans Suite (1971), написал музыку к кинофильмам "Асфальтовые джунгли" (1950), "Анатомия убийства" (1959), "Парижский блюз" (1961), "Покушение на королеву" (1966) и три Концерта духовной музыки (1965, 1968, 1973).
Эллингтон был образцовым лидером биг-бэнда — авторитетным и деликатным, поэтому многие музыканты оставались с ним почти всю жизнь. Из "старой гвардии" это — Джонни Ходжес, Харри Карни, Барни Бигард, Джимми Хамильтон, Рассел Прокоуп, Пол Гонзалес, Хуан Тизол, Лоренс Браун, Кути Уильямс, Рэй Нэнс, Квентин Джексон. Некоторое время в оркестре играли такие солисты, как Бен Уэбстер, Кларк Тэрри, Кэт Андерсон, саксофонист Уилли Смит, барабанщики Луи Беллсон и Сэм Вудъярд. Во второй половине 60-х годов в оркестр пришли музыканты молодого и среднего поколений — саксофонисты Норрис Терни, Харольд Эшби, трубач Джонни Коулз, контрабасист Джо Бенджамин, барабанщик Руфус Джонс. Долгое время главным помощником Эллингтона был его сын — трубач Мерсер Эллингтон.
Об Эллингтоне написаны десятки книг, лучшие из которых — "Мир Дюка Эллингтона" Стэнли Дэнса, "Портрет Дюка Эллингтона" Дерека Джюэлла и автобиографический сборник Эллингтона "Музыка — моя госпожа". На русский язык переведена книга Джеймса Коллиера "Дюк Эллингтон" (1991).
This Is Duke Ellington And His Orchestra (1952)
Duke Ellington Plays The Blues (1953)
The Duke Plays Ellington (1954)
Blue Light (1955)
Ellington At Newport ’56 (1956)
In A Mellotone (1957)
Newport 1958 (1958)
The Best Of Duke Ellington (1961)
Money Jungle (1962, с Чарльзом Мингусом и Максом Роучем)
Duke Ellington And John Coltrane (1962)
Duke Ellington Meets Coleman Hawkins (1963)
Ella At Duke’s Place (1966)
Far East Suite (1967)
The Ellington Greatest Hits (1966)
And Mother Called Him Bill (1968)
The Duke Ellington Carnegie Hall Concert. December 1944 (1977)
Four Symphonic Works (1989)
The Essence Of Duke Ellington (1991)
The Complete Capitol Recordings Of Duke Ellington. 5 CDs (1996)
"Эра Эллингтона. 1927–1940, пл.1–3" (1976)
"Популярные пьесы из репертуара Дюка Эллингтона" (1976)
"Дюк Эллингтон встречается с Коулменом Хокинсом" (1978)
"Дюк Эллингтон и его оркестр. Джонни Ходжес и его оркестр" (1985)
"Концерт Дюка Эллингтона и его оркестра"
Концерты духовной музыки, пл.1–3 (1988)
Фейертаг В.Б. Джаз. XX век. Энциклопедический справочник. - Издательство "СКИФИЯ", 2001
CD 1:1. Rockin' In Rhythm
2. B.P.
3. Take The A Train
4. Tootie For Cootie
5. 4:30 Blues
6. El Gato
7. Black Butterfly
8. Things Ain't What They Used To Be
9. Laying On Mellow
CD 2:1. Satin Doll
2. Azure
3. In Triplicate
4. Perdido
5. Fifi
6. Medley
7. Black Swan
8. Final Ellington Speech
01. If You Can't Hold The Man You Love
02. Washington Wabble - Take 1
03. Washington Wabble - Take 2
04. Black And Tan Fantasy
05. Washington Wabble
06. Creole Love Call
07. Blues I Love To Sing - Take 1
08. Blues I Love To Sing - Take 2
09. Harlem River Quiver - Take 1
10. Harlem River Quiver - Take 2
11. Harlem River Quiver - Take 3
12. East St. Louis Toodle-o
13. Blue Bubbles - Take 1
14. Blue Bubbles - Take 2
15. Black Beauty
16. Jubilee Stomp
17. Got Everything But You
18. Santa Claus, Bring My Man Back
19. I Done Caught You Blues
20. The Mooche
01. I Can't Give You Anything But Love - Take1
02. No Papa No - Take1
03. No Papa No - Take 2
04. I Can't Give You Anything But Love - Take 2
05. Bandanna Babies
06. Diga Diga Do
07. I Must Have That Man
08. St. Louis Blues - Take 1
09. St. Louis Blues - Take 2
10. St. Louis Blues - Take 3
11. Flaming Youth - Take 1
12. Flaming Youth - Take 2
13. Saturday Night Function
14. High Life
15. Doin' The Voom Voom - Take 1
16. Doin' The Voom Voom - Take 2
17. Japanese Dream
18. Harlemania
01. The Dicty Glide - Take 1
02. The Dicty Glide - Take 2
03. Hot Feet.mp3 (6.11 megabyte)
04. Sloppy Joe - Take 1
05. Sloppy Joe - Take 2
06. Stevedore Stomp
07. A Night At The Cotton Club, Part 1 Cotton Club Stomp Misty Mornin'
08. A Night At The Cotton Club, Part 2 Goin' To Town Untitled Interlude Freeze And Melt
09. Cotton Club Stomp
10. Misty Mornin'
11. Arabian Lover
12. Saratoga Swing
13. Mississippi
14. The Duke Steps Out
15. Haunted Nights
16. Swanee Shuffle
17. Breakfast Dance
18. Jazz Lips
19. March Of The Hoodlums
02. My Gal Is Good For Nothing But Love
03. I Was Made To Love You
04. Sweet Dreams Of Love - Take 1
05. Sweet Dreams Of Love - Take 2
06. Jungle Nights In Harlem
07. Sweet Jazz O' Mine - Take 1
08. Sweet Jazz O' Mine - Take 2
09. Shout 'Em Aunt Tillie.
10. Ring Dem Bells - Take 2.
11. Ring Dem Bells - Take 3.
12. Old Man Blues - Take 1.
13. Old Man Blues - Take 2.
14. Old Man Blues - Take 3
15. Three Little Words (previously unreleased)
16. Three Little Words
17. Ring Dem Bells
18. Old Man Blues - Take 4
19. Old Man Blues - Take 6
20. Hittin' The Bottle - Take 1
21. Hittin' The Bottle - Take 2
22. That Lindy Hop
01. You're Lucky To Me
02. Memories Of You
03. Nine Little Miles From Ten-Ten-Tennessee - Take 1
04. Nine Little Miles From Ten-Ten-Tennessee - Take 2
05. I'm So In Love With You - Take 1
06. I'm So In Love With You - Take 2
07. What Good Am I Without You (unauthorized)
08. Blue Again
09. When A Black Man's Blue (unauthorized)
10. Mood Indigo
11. What Good Am I Without You
12. When A Black Man's Blue
13. The River And Me
14. Keep A Song In Your Soul
15. Sam And Delilah
16. Rockin' In Rhythm - Take 1
17. Rockin' In Rhythm - Take 2
18. Creole Rhapsody, Part 1
19. Creole Rhapsody, Part 2 - Take 3
20. Creole Rhapsody, Part 2 - Take 2
01. Limehouse Blues
02. Echoes Of The Jungle
03. It's Glory
04. The Mystery Song
05. The Mystery Song (French RCA)
06. Mood Indigo,Hot And Bothered, Creole Love Call
07. Mood Indigo, Hot And Bothered, Creole Love Call (Stereo Version)
08. East St. Louis Toodle-o, Lot O' Fingers, Black And Tan Fantasy (Stereo Version)
09. Dinah
10. Bugle Call Rag
11. Maori
12. Rude Interlude - Take 1
13. Rude Interlude - Take 2
14. Dallas Doings - Take 1
15. Dallas Doings - Take 2
01. Dear Old Southland - Take 1
02. Dear Old Southland - Take 2
03. Daybreak Express - Take 1
04. Daybreak Express - Take 2
05. Delta Serenade - Take 1
06. Delta Serenade - Take 2
07. Stompy Jones
08. Solitude
09. Blue Feeling
10. Ebony Rhapsody
11. Cocktails For Two - Take 1
12. Cocktails For Two - Take 2
13. Live And Love Tonight
14. I Met My Waterloo
15. Troubled Waters - Take 1
16. Troubled Waters - Take 2
17. My Old Flame
01. You, You Darlin'
02. Jack The Bear
03. Ko-Ko - Take 1
04. Ko-Ko - Take 2
05. Morning Glory
06. So Far, So Good
07. Conga Brava
08. Concerto For Cootie
09. Me And You
10. Bojangles (unauthorized)
11. Cotton Tail
12. Never No Lament
13. Blue Goose (unauthorized)
14. Dusk - Take 1
15. Dusk - Take 2
16. Bojangles
17. A Portrait Of Bert Williams
18. Blue Goose
19. Harlem Air-Shaft
20. At A Dixie Roadside Diner
21. All Too Soon
22. Rumpus In Richmond
23. My Greatest Mistake
01. Sepia Panorama - Take 1
02. Sepia Panorama - Take 2
03. There Shall Be No Night
04. In A Mellotone
05. Five O'Clock Whistle
06. Warm Valley
07. Pitter Panther Patter - Take 1
08. Pitter Panther Patter - Take 2
09. Body And Soul - Take 1
10. Body And Soul - Take 2
11. Body And Soul - Take 3
12. Sophisticated Lady (French RCA)
13. Sophisticated Lady
14. Mr. J.B. Blues - Take 1
15. Mr. J.B. Blues - Take 2
16. The Flaming Sword - Take 1
17. The Flaming Sword - Take 2
18. The Flaming Sword - Take 3
19. Warm Valley - Take 2
20. Warm Valley - Take 3
21. Across The Track Blues
22. Across The Track Blues (French RCA)
23. Chloe (Song Of The Swamp)
01. I Never Felt This Way Before - Take 1
02. I Never Felt This Way Before - Take 2
03. Day Dream.mp3 (6.78 megabyte)
04. Good Queen Bess
05. Good Queen Bess (French RCA)
06. That's the Blues, Old Man
07. Junior Hop - Take 1
08. Junior Hop - Take 2
09. Without a Song - Take 1
10. Without a Song - Take 2
11. My Sunday Gal
12. Mobile Bay - Take 1
13. Mobile Bay - Take 2
14. Linger Awhile - Take 1
15. Linger Awhile - Take 2
16. Charlie the Chulo - Take 2
17. Charlie the Chulo
18. Charlie the Chulo - Take 1
19. Lament for Javanette
20. Lament for Javanette - Take 1a
21. A Lull at Dawn (first unnumbered)
22. A Lull at Dawn (second unnumbered)
23. A Lull at Dawn - Take 1a
24. Ready Eddy - Take 1
01. Ready Eddy (breakdown)
02. Ready Eddy (false start)
03. Ready Eddy - Take 2
04. The Sidewalks Of New York
05. Flamingo.mp3 (7.8 megabyte)
06. The Girl In My Dreams Tries To Look Like You - Take 1
07. The Girl In My Dreams Tries To Look Like You - Take 2
08. Take The 'A' Train
09. Jumpin' Punkins - Take 1
10. Jumpin' Punkins - Take 2
11. John Hardy's Wife
12. Blue Serge
13. After All
14. Dear Old Southland - Take 1
15. Dear Old Southland - Take 2
16. Solitude - Take 1
17. Solitude - Take 2
18. Bakiff
19. Are You Sticking - Take 1
20. Are You Sticking - Take 2
21. Just A-Sittin' And A-Rockin'
22. The Giddybug Gallop
23. Chocolate Shake
01. I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good) - Take 1
02. I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good) - Take 2
03. Clementine.mp3 (6.88 megabyte)
04. The Brown-skin Girl (In The Calico Gown)
05. Jump For Joy - Take 1
06. Jump For Joy - Take 2
07. Moon Over Cuba
08. Some Saturday
09. Subtle Slough
10. Menelik - The Lion Of Judah - Take 1
11. Menelik - The Lion Of Judah - Take 2
12. Poor Bubber
13. Squaty Roo
14. Passion Flower
15. Things Ain't What They Used To Be
16. Goin' Out The Back Way
17. Five O'Clock Drag
18. Rocks In My Bed
19. Bli-Blip
20. Chelsea Bridge
21. Brown Suede
22. Noir Bleu
23. 'C' Blues
24. June
01. Raincheck
02. What Good Would It Do
03. I Don't Know What Kind Of Blues I Got - Take 1
04. I Don't Know What Kind Of Blues I Got - Take 2
05. Chelsea Bridge
06. Perdido - Take 1
07. Perdido - Take 2
08. The 'C' Jam Blues
09. Moon Mist - Take 1
10. Moon Mist - Take 2
11. What Am I Here For
12. I Don't Mind - Take 1
13. I Don't Mind - Take 2
14. Someone
15. My Little Brown Book
16. Main Stem
17. Johnny Come Lately
18. Hayfoot, Strawfoot - Take 1
19. Hayfoot, Strawfoot - Take 2
20. Sentimental Lady - Take 1
21. Sentimental Lady - Take 2
22. A Slip Of The Lip
23. Sherman Shuffle
01. I Ain't Got Nothin' But The Blues
02. I'm Beginning To See The Light - Take 1
03. I'm Beginning To See The Light - Take 2
04. Don't You Know I Care - Take 1
05. Don't You Know I Care - Take 2
06. I Didn't Know About You
07. Work Song
08. Come Sunday
09. The Blues
10. Three Dances
11. Carnegie Blues
12. Blue Cellophane
13. Mood To Be Wooed
14. (All Of A Sudden) My Heart Sings
15. Kissing Bug
16. Everything But You
17. (Otto Make That) Riff Staccato
18. Prelude To A Kiss
19. Caravan
20. Black And Tan Fantasy
21. Mood Indigo
22. In A Sentimental Mood
01. It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)
02. Sophisticated Lady.mp3 (6.07 megabyte)
03. Tonight I Shall Sleep (With A Smile On My Face)
04. The Minor Goes Muggin'.mp3 (6.96 megabyte)
05. I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart - Take 1
06. I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart - Take 2
07. Solitude
08. Frankie And Johnny
09. Jumpin' Room Only
10. Black Beauty
11. Every Hour On The Hour
12. Balcony Serenade
13. Strange Feeling
14. Dancers In Love
15. Coloratura - Take 2
16. Coloratura - Take 1
17. Things Ain't What They Used To Be
18. Tell Ya What I'm Gonna Do
19. Come To Baby, Do!
20. I'm Just A Lucky So-and-So
21. Long, Strong, And Consecutive
22. The Wonder Of You
23. Tonk
24. Drawing Room Blues
01. Rockabye River
02. Suddenly It Jumped
03. Transblucency
04. Just Squeeze Me
05. Gathering In A Clearing
06. You Don't Love Me No More
07. Pretty Woman
08. Hey, Baby
09. (Back Home Again In) Indiana
10. Blue Is The Night
11. Lover Man - Take 1
12. Lover Man - Take 2
13. Just You, Just Me
14. Beale Street Blues
15. Memphis Blues
16. St. Louis Blues
17. My Honey's Lovin' Arms
18. (I Don't Stand) A Ghost Of A Chance (With You)
19. Swamp Fire
20. Royal Garden Blues
21. Esquire Swank
22. Midriff
01. Long, Long Journey
02. The One That Got Away
03. Gone With The Wind
04. Metronome All-Out
05. Skin Deep
06. How Could You Do A Thing Like That to Me (Sultry Serenade)
07. Sophisticated Lady
08. Perdido
09. Caravan
10. Harlem Suite
11. The Hawk Talks
12. Ellington Medley
13. Jam With Sam
01. In The Beginning God
02. Tell Me It's The Truth
03. Come Sunday
04. The Lord's Prayer
05. Come Sunday (Hodges solo)
06. Will You Be There ,Ain't But The One
07. New World A-Comin'.mp3 (19.32 megabyte)
08. David Danced (Before The Lord With All His Might)
09. Ninety Nine Percent
10. My Mother, My Father And Love
11. New World A-Comin'
12. A Christmas Surprise (first performance)
13. A Christmas Surprise (second performance)
01. Praise God
02. Supreme Being
03. Heaven
04. Something 'Bout Believing
05. Almighty God
06. The Shepard
07. It's Freedom
08. Meditation
09. The Biggest And Busiest Intersection
10. T.G.T.T.
11. Don't Get Down On Your Knees To Pray Until You Have Forgiven Everyone
01. Father Forgive
02. Praise God And Dance
03. Introduction by Sir Colin Crowe
04. Introduction By Duke Ellington
05. The Lord's Prayer,My Love
06. Is God A Three-Letter Word For Love (Part I)
07. Is God A Three-Letter Word For Love (Part II)
08. The Brotherhood
09. Hallelujah
10. Every Man Prays In His Own Language
11. Ain't Nobody Nowhere Nothin' Without God
12. The Majesty Of God
01. Tourist Point of View - Take 7
02. Bluebird of Delhi (Mynah) - Take 12
03. Isfahan - Take 1
04. Depk
05. Mount Harissa
06. Blue Pepper (Far East of the Blues)
07. Agra
08. Amad - Take 3
09. Ad Lib on Nippon
10. Tourist Point of View - Take 5
11. Bluebird of Delhi (Mynah) - Take 8
12. Isfahan - Take 2
13. Amad - Take 5
01. Take The 'A' Train
02. I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good)
03. Perdido
04. Mood Indigo.
05. Black And Tan Fantasy
06. The Twitch
07. Solitude
08. Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me
09. The Mooche
10. Sophisticated Lady
11. Creole Love Call
12. Caravan
13. Wings & Things
14. Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me
15. House Of Lords
16. The Second Portrait Of The Lion
17. Take The 'A' Train
18. Caravan
19. Mood Indigo
20. Love Scene
02. I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart
03. I'm Beginning To See The Light
04. Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me
05. Sophisticated Lady
06. Timon Of Athens March
07. Solitude
08. I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good)
09. Satin Doll
10. Single Petal Of A Rose
11. Snibor
12. Boo-Dah
13. Blood Count
14. U.M.M.G.
15. Charpoy
16. After All
17. The Initmacy Of The Blues
18. Raincheck - Take 6
19. Raincheck - Take 4
20. Day Dream
21. Rock Skippin' At The Blue Note
01. All Day Long
02. Lotus Blossom - Take 1
03. Lotus Blossom
04. Smada - Take 3
05. Smada - Take 4
06. Midriff
07. My Little Brown Book
08. Acht O'Clock Rock
09. The Piano Player
10. Creole Love Call
11. Don't You Know I Care
12. I Can't Get Started With You
13. New York, New York
14. Pitter Panther Patter
15. How High The Moon
16. Basin Street Blues
17. Tiger Rag
18. Soso
19. Meditation
20. Mecuria, The Lion
01. East St. Louis Toodle-oo
02. Black and Tan Fantasy
03. Take It Easy
04. The Mooche
05. Rockin' in Rhythm
06. Mood Indigo
07. Creole Rhapsody
08. It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)
09. Creole Love Call
10. Sophisticated Lady
11. Solitude
12. Caravan
13. Back Room Romp
14. Ko-Ko
15. Never No Lament (AKA 'Don't Get Around Much More'´)
16. Cotton Tail
17. Take the 'A' Train
18. Satin Doll
19. Jeep's Blues (Live)
20. Come Sunday (from Black, Brown and Beige)
21. Black Beauty
#777Трэклист:1. What Am I Here For
2. Raincheck
3. In A Mellotone
4. Ko-Ko
5. Warm Valley
6. I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good)
7. Perdido
8. Johnny Come Lately
9. Main Stem
10. Bojangles (A Portrait Of Bill Robinson)
11. Take The 'A' Train
12. Harlem Air Shaft
13. Concerto For Cootie
14. All Too Soon
15. Chelsea Bridge
16. Moon-Mist
17. Jack The Bear
18. Don't Get Around Much Anymore (Never No Lament)
#777Трэклист:1. Battle Royal
2. To You
3. Take The A Train
4. Corner Pocket (a.k.a. Until I Met You)
5. Wild Man (a.k.a. Wild Man Moore)
6. Segue In C
7. B D B
8. Jumpin' At The Woodside
9. One More Once
10.Take The A Train (The Count Departs) (rehersal and alt. takes)
11.Jumpin' At The Woodside (alt. take)
12.B D B (alt. take)
13.Blues In Hoss' Flat (Blues in Frankie's Flat)
14.Wild Man (a.k.a. Wild Man Moore) (alt. take)
15.Battle Royal (rehersal & alt. takes)
16.Pause track
#777Трэклист:01. Satin Doll 2:43
02. Do Nothin' Till You Hear from Me 3:04
03. I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good) 3:07
04. Body and Soul 4:48
05. Creole Love Call 2:54
06. Prelude to a Kiss 4:43
07. The Star-Crossed Lovers (AKA Pretty Girl) 4:00
08. Corner Pocket (AKA Until I Met You) 4:53
09. To You 3:53
10. Take Love Easy 3:01
11. All of Me 2:28
12. Tenderly 5:21
13. Love You Madly 3:01
14. Love (My Everything) 2:30
Duke Ellington — Piano
Rosemary Clooney — Vocals
Johnny Hodges — Sax (Alto)
Frank Wess — Flute, Sax (Tenor)
Charlie Rouse — Sax (Tenor)
Paul Gonsalves — Sax (Tenor)
Frank Foster — Sax (Tenor)
Russell Procope — Clarinet, Sax (Alto)
Harry Carney — Sax (Baritone)
Ray Nance — Trumpet, Violin
Dizzy Gillespie — Trumpet
Clark Terry — Trumpet
Snooky Young — Trumpet
Juan Tizol — Trombone
Freddie Green — Guitar
Oscar Pettiford — Bass
Sam Woodyard — Drums
#77701. Deacon Jazz
02. Oh, How I Love My Darling
03. How Come You Do Me Like You Do?
04. Everything Is Hotsy Totsy Now
05. Jig Walk
06. Creeper
07. Washington Wobble
08. The Blues I Love to Sing
09. Black and Tan Fantasy
10. Harlem River Quiver
11. Harlem River Quiver
12. Blue Bubbles
13. East St. Louis Toodle-Oo
14. Jubilee Stomp
15. Take It Easy
16. Black Beauty (Firewater)
17. The Mooche
18. St. Louis Blues
19. Tiger Rag - Part 1
20. The Dicty Glide
21. Sloppy Joe
22. Six or Seven Times
23. Oklahoma Stomp
24. Wall Street Wail
#77701. St. James Infirmary
02. St. James Infirmary
03. When You're Smiling
04. Rent Party Blues
05. Rent Party Blues
06. Jungle Blues
07. When You're Smiling
08. Maori
09. Maori
10. The Mooche
11. East St. Louis Toodle-Oo
12. Accordion Joe
13. Cotton Club Stomp
14. Sweet Jazz O'Mine
15. Sweet Mama
16. Ring Dem Bells
17. Old Man Blues
18. Hittin' the Bottle
19. Nine Little Miles from Ten-Ten-Tennessee
20. Them There Eyes
21. Them There Eyes
22. Rockin' Chair
23. Rockin' Chair
24. Rockin' in Rhythm
#77701. Creole Rhapsody - Part 2
02. The Mystery Song
03. Lazy Rhapsody
04. Medley: Mood Indigo-Hot and Bothered-Creole Love Call
05. Blue Tune
06. St. Louis Blues
07. Best Wishes
08. Blue Ramble
09. Blue Mood
10. Blue Mood
11. Ducky Wucky
12. Jazz Cocktail
13. Lightnin'
14. Stars
15. Swing Low
16. I Must Have That Man
17. I Must Have That Man
18. Baby!
19. Any Time, Any Day, Anywhere
20. Delta Bound
21. I Must Have That Man
22. Baby!
23. Eerie Moan
01. The Queen's Suite: Sunset and the Mocking Bird (3:50)
02. The Queen's Suite: Lightning Bugs and Frogs (2:52)
03. The Queen's Suite: Le Sucrier Velours (2:46)
04. The Queen's Suite: Northern Lights (3:37)
05. The Queen's Suite: The Single Petal of a Rose (4:09)
06. The Queen's Suite: Apes and Peacocks (3:05)
07. The Goutelas Suite: Fanfare (0:32)
08. The Goutelas Suite: Goutelas (1:13)
09. The Goutelas Suite: Get-with-Itness (1:55)
10. The Goutelas Suite: Something (5:22)
11. The Goutelas Suite: Having at It (3:36)
12. The Goutelas Suite: Fanfare (0:35)
13. The Uwis Suite: Uwis (7:51)
14. The Uwis Suite: Klop (2:01)
15. The Uwis Suite: Loco Madi (9:07)
01. Take the A train
02. Warm valley
03. Cotton tail
04. Jack the bear
05. Concerto for Cootie
06. Black and tan fantasy
07. East saint Louis Toodle-o
08. The moochie
09. Creole rhapsody, part 1
10. Chelcea bridge
11. Work song
12. Caravan
13. Isfahan
14. Blood count
15. Come sunday
16. Satin doll
17. С jam blues
18. Mood indigo
19. Prelude to a kiss
20. Perdido
01. Across The Blues Track (2:59)
02. Chloe (Song Of The Swamp) (3:26)
03. I Never Felt This Way Before (3:30)
04. Sidewalks Of New York (3:15)
05. Flamingo (3:24)
06. The Girl In My Dreams Tries To Look Like You (3:19)
07. Take The 'A' Train (2:55)
08. Jumpin' Punkins (3:33)
09. John Hardy's Wife (3:29)
10. Blue Serge (3:22)
11. After All (3:21)
12. Bakiff (3:23)
13. Are You Sticking (3:04)
14. Just A-Settin' And A-Rockin' (3:35)
15. The Giddybug Gallop (3:32)
16. Chocolate Shake (2:53)
17. I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good (3:18)
18. Clementine (2:56)
19. The Brown Skin Gal (3:10)
20. Jump For Joy (2:50)
01. Dinahґs In A Jam (2:52)
02. Iґm Slappinґ Seventh Avenue (2:35)
03. Swingtime In Honolulu (2:51)
04. You Gave Me The Gate (2:23)
05. Rose Of The Rio Grande (3:01)
06. Pyramid (2:55)
07. When My Sugar Walks Down The Street (2:40)
08. Watermelon Man (2:36)
09. A Gypsy Without A Song (2:59)
10. The Stevedoreґs Serenade (2:47)
11. La De Doody Doo (2:27)
12. A Blues Serenade (2:21)
13. Love In Swingtime (2:37)
14. Please Forgive Me (3:02)
15. Lambeth Walk (2:28)
16. Prelude To A Kiss (3:01)
17. Hip Chic (2:57)
18. Buffet Flat (2:28)
19. Prelude To A Kiss (2:43)
20. Thereґs Something About An Old Love (2:41)
01. The Jeep Is Jumpin' (2:29)
02. Krum Elbow Blues (2:37)
03. Twits And Twerps (2:37)
04. Mighty Like The Blues (2:37)
05. Jazz Poutpourri (2:59)
06. T. T. On Toast (2:51)
07. Battle Of Swing (2:59)
08. Potrait Of The Lion (2:25)
09. (I Want) Something To Live For (2:50)
10. Solid Old Man (2:41)
11. Cotton Club Stomp (2:52)
12. Doin' The Voom Voom (2:42)
13. Way Low (3:29)
14. Serenade To Sweden (3:24)
15. In A Mizz (3:07)
16. I'm Checkin' Out, Goo'm Bye (2:28)
17. A Lonely Co - Ed (3:17)
18. You Can Count On Me (2:56)
19. Bouncing Buoyancy (2:43)
20. The Sergeant Was Shy (2:43)
21. Grevin' (3:10)
01. Bojangles (2:44)
02. Cotton Tail (3:11)
03. Never No Lament (3:18)
04. Blue Goose (3:20)
05. Dusk (3:19)
06. Bojangles (2:53)
07. A Portrait Of Bert Williams (3:11)
08. Blue Goose (3:23)
09. Harlem Air-Shaft (2:59)
10. At A Dixie Roadside Dinner (2:48)
11. All Too Soon (3:32)
12. Rumpus In Richmond (2:45)
13. My Greatest Mistake (3:25)
14. Sepia Panorama (3:21)
15. There Shall Be No Night (3:13)
16. In A Mellotone (3:18)
17. Five O'Clock Whistle (3:19)
18. Warm Valley (3:15)
19. The Flaming Sword (3:07)
20. Warm Valley (3:22)
01. The Blues (4:36)
02. Three Dances (4:29)
03. Carnegie Blues (2:49)
04. Blue Cellophane (2:56)
05. Mood To Be Wooed (2:59)
06. My Heart Sings (2:52)
07. Perfume Suite Part 1 a/ Under The Balcony b/ Strange Feeling (4:53)
08. Perfume Suite Part 1 a/ Dancers In Love b/ Coloratura (5:11)
09. Frantic Fantasy (4:43)
10. It Donґt Mean A Thing (4:29)
11. Black Brown And Beige Part 1 a/Blues (5:09)
12. Black Brown And Beige Part 2 b/West Indian Dance c/ Emancipation Celebration ... (6:31)
13. The Kissing Bug (3:02)
14. Everything But You (2:52)
15. Riff Staccato (3:05)
16. Prelude To A Kiss (3:02)
17. Caravan (2:47)
18. Black And Tan Fantasy (2:48)
01. Little Posey (2:41)
02. I Never Felt This Way Before (2:59)
03. Grievin' (2:52)
04. Tootin' Through The Roof (2:55)
05. Weely (A Portriat Of Billy Strayhorn) (3:00)
06. Killin' Myself (2:26)
07. Your Love Has Faded (2:55)
08. Country Gal (2:58)
09. Solitude (3:02)
10. Stormy Weather (2:37)
11. Mood Indigo (2:46)
12. Sophisticated Lady (2:51)
13. You, You Darlin' (3:22)
14. Jack The Bear (3:17)
15. Ko-Ko (2:43)
16. Morning Glory (3:18)
17. So Far, So Good (2:54)
18. Conga Brava (2:58)
19. Concerto For Cootie (3:17)
20. Me And You (2:52)
01. Sentimental Lady (3:03)
02. A Slip Of The Lip (2:55)
03. Sherman Shuffle (2:39)
04. Boy Meets Horn (4:45)
05. Hop Skip Jump (2:39)
06. Things Ainґt What They Used To Be (3:19)
07. Main Stem (2:57)
08. Creole Love Call (4:30)
09. The Mood To Be Wooed (5:04)
10. My Little Brown Book (3:13)
11. Iґm Checkinґ Out Goom-Bye (1:50)
12. Tootinґ Through The Roof (2:13)
13. I Ainґt Got Nothing But The Blues (2:42)
14. Iґm Beginning To See The Light (3:16)
15. Donґt You Know I Care (2:59)
16. I Didґnґt Know About You (2:45)
17. Work Song (4:40)
18. Come Sunday (4:33)
01. Mood Indigo (2:43)
02. Harlem Airshaft (3:16)
03. The Minor Goes A Muggin (2:58)
04. In A Sentimental Mood (2:59)
05. It Don't Mean A Thing (3:01)
06. Sophisticated Lady (2:41)
07. Tonight I Shall Sleep (2:58)
08. I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart (3:04)
09. Solitude (3:03)
10. Black Beauty (2:49)
11. Every Hour On The Hour (3:08)
12. Hollywood Hangover (3:38)
13. Kissing Bug (3:03)
14. In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree (4:55)
15. Frankie And Johnnie - Part 1 (3:57)
16. Frankie And Johnnie - Part 2 (3:12)
17. Sugar Hill Penthouse (Black, Brown And Beige) (4:23)
18. Diminuendo In Blue / Crescendo In Blue (6:32)
19. New World A Comin' - Part 1 (5:43)
20. New World A Comin' - Part 2 (5:44)
01. Jump For Joy (2:55)
02. Moon Over Cuba (3:10)
03. Five O'Clock Drag (3:14)
04. Rocks In My Bed (3:07)
05. Blip-Blip (3:06)
06. Chelsea Bridge (2:55)
07. Raincheck (2:30)
08. What Good Would It Do? (2:46)
09. I Don't Know What Kind Of Blues I Got (3:15)
10. Chelsea Bridge (2:54)
11. Perdido (3:09)
12. The 'C' Jam Blues (2:40)
13. Moon Mist (2:59)
14. What Am I Here For (3:27)
15. I Don't Mind (2:51)
16. Someone (3:11)
17. My Little Brown Book (3:11)
18. Main Stem (2:49)
19. Johnny Come Lately (2:40)
20. Haywood, Strawfoot (2:31)
01. Prelude To a Kiss
02. Ring Dem Bells
03. Perfume Suite - Strange Feeling
04. Perfume Suite - Coloratura
05. Perfume Suite - Balcony Serenade
06. Perfume Suite - Coloratura
07. Time's A-Wastin
08. Perfume Suite - Dancers In Love
09. Carnegie Blues
10. Tell Ya What I'm Gonna Do
11. Come To Baby, Do!
12. I'm Just A Lucky So And So
13. Long, Strong And Consecutive
14. The Wonder Of You
15. Esquire Swank
16. Rockabye River
17. Suddenly It Jumped
18. A'Gathering In A Clearing
19. Transblucency
20. 'C' Jam Blues
01. East St. Louis Toodle-Oo
02. Black And Tan Fantasy
03. Creole Love Call
04. The Blues I Love To Sing
05. Take It Easy
06. Jubilee Stomp
07. Yellow Dog Blues
08. The Mooche
09. Hot And Bothered
10. Awful Sad
11. Misty Mornin'
12. Mood Indigo
13. Rockin' In Rythm
14. Echoes Of The Jungle
15. Daybreak Express
16. Saddest Tale
17. Moon Glow
18. Black Beauty
01. Reminiscing in Tempo
02. Echoes Of Harlem (Cootie's Concerto)
03. Diminuendo And Crescendo In Blue
04. The New Black And Tan Fantasy (Part Two)
05. Blue Light (Transblucency)
06. Subtle Lament
07. Jack The Bear (Take It Away)
08. Ko-Ko (Kalina)
09. Concerto For Cootie
10. Cotton Tail
11. Harlem Air Shaft
12. All Too Soon
13. In A Mellotone
14. Chloe
15. Take The 'A' Train
16. Blue Serge
17. Accross The Track Blues
18. Pitter Panther Patter
1. Hot And Bothered (4:12)
2. It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) (5:08)
3. Cotton Tail (5:03)
4. The Mooche (3:14)
5. Battle Of Swing (2:57)
6. Rockin' In Rhythm (3:14)
7. Braggin' In Brass (2:43)
8. Caravan (3:05)
9. Ring Dem Bells (4:08)
10.Merry-Go-Round (2:57)
11.East St. Louis Toodle-Oo (5:03)
12.In A Jam (4:18)
13.Take The "A" Train (4:13)
14.Tootin' Through The Roof (4:12)
1. Hot and Bothered / Ellington 2:54
2. Double Check Stomp / Bigard, Mills 3:24
3. Black and Tan Fantasy / Ellington, Miley 3:11
4. Ring Dem Bells / Ellington, Mills 2:52
5. Old Man Blues / Ellington, Mills 3:08
6. Ring Dem Bells / Ellington, Mills 2:57
7. Old Man Blues / Ellington, Mills 3:05
8. Three Little Words/ Kalmar, Ruby 3:07
9. Hittin' the Bottle/ Arlen, Koehler 2:57
10. That Lindy Hop/ Blake, Razaf 2:55
11. You're Lucky to Me/ Blake, Razaf 2:56
12. Memories of You/ Blake, Razaf 3:14
13. Big House Blues / Ellington 3:02
14. Rocky Mountain Blues/ Simmonds 3:10
15. Runnin' Wild/ Gibbs, Grey, Wood 2:44
16. Dream Blues (Mood Indigo)/ Bigard, Ellington, Mills 2:53
17. Home Again Blues/ Akst, Berlin 2:57
18. Wang-Wang Blues/ Busse, Johnson, Mueller, Wood 3:02
19. Ring Dem Bells/ Ellington, Mills 2:48
20. Three Little Words/ Kalmar, Ruby 3:10
1. Old Man Blues/ Ellington, Mills 3:07
2. Sweet Chariot/ Ellington, Mills 2:53
3. Mood Indigo/ Bigard, Ellington, Mills 3:09
4. I Can't Realize You Love Me/ DeSylva, Donaldson 3:21
5. I'm So in Love With You/ Ellington, Mills 2:58
6. Rockin' in Rhythm/ Carney, Ellington, Mills 3:14
7. Nine Little Miles from Ten-Ten-Tennessee/ Conrad, Lewis, Sherman 3:25
8. I'm So in Love With You/ Ellington, Mills 3:35
9. Blue Again/ Fields, McHugh 3:13
10. When a Black Man's Blue/ Little, Nelson, Sizemore 3:03
11. What Good Am I Without You?/ Ager 2:48
12. When a Black Man's Blue/ Little, Nelson, Sizemore 2:58
13. Mood Indigo/ Bigard, Ellington, Mills 3:04
14. Them There Eyes/ Pinkard, Tauber, Tracey 3:08
15. Rockin' Chair/ Carmichael 3:11
16. I'm So in Love With You/ Ellington, Mills 2:57
17. Rockin' Chair/ Carmichael 3:13
18. Rockin' in Rhythm/ Carney, Ellington, Mills 3:00
19. Twelfth Street Rag/ Bowman 2:56
01. Soul Call (2:17)
02. Prelude To A Kiss (2:59)
03. Delta Serenade (3:16)
04. Chelsea Bridge (2:58)
05. In A Sentimental Mood (3:22)
06. Moon Mist (3:03)
07. Black And Tan Fantasy (4:18)
08. All To Soon (3:33)
09. Cotton Club Stomp (2:58)
10. Creole Love Call (1:13)
11. Air Conditioned Jungle (2:45)
12. Country Gal (2:57)
13. Day Dream (3:00)
14. Dusk (3:23)
15. The Mooche (3:50)
16. Solitude (3:29)
17. The 'C' Jam Blues (2:42)
18. Jump For Joy (3:01)
19. Harlem Speaks (3:10)
20. Pussy Willow (4:34)
01. Aurora Borealis [00:10:21]
02. Nameless Hour [00:09:07]
03. Collage No. 3 [00:03:00]
04. Far Wind [00:03:41]
05. Silent Night, Lonely Night [00:03:02]
06. Song And Dance [00:09:32]
01. Hot And Bothered
02. Cotton Club Stomp
03. Mood Indigo
04. Rockin' In Rhythm
05. It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)
06. Creole Love Call
07. Sophisticated Lady
08. Drop Me Off Harlem
09. Solitude
10. Caravan
11. Concerto For Cootie
12. Cotton Tail
13. In A Mellotone
14. Take The 'A' Train
15. Perdido
16. I'm Beginning To See The Light
01. It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)
02. Lazy Rhapsody
03. Blue Tune
04. Baby, When You Ain't There
05. St. Louis Blues
06. Creole Love Call
07. Blue Harlem
08. The Sheik Of Araby
09. Best Wishes
10. Blue Ramble
11. Clouds In My Heart
12. Blue Mood
13. Ducky Wucky
14. Jazz Cocktail
15. Lightnin'
16. Swing Low
17. Slippery Horn
18. Drop Me Off In Harlem
19. Happy As The Day Is Long
20. Get Yourself A New Broom
21. Bundle Of Blues
22. Sophisticated Lady
23. Jive Stomp
24. Harlem Speaks
25. Daybreak Express
01. Ebony Rhapsody [rehearsal]
02. Ebony Rhapsody [pt. 2]
03. Solitude
04. Saddest Tale
05. Moonlight Fiesta
06. In A Sentimental Mood
07. Showboat Shuffle
08. Merry-Go-Round
09. Reminiscing In Tempo
10. I Don't Know Why I Love You So
11. Isn't Love The Strangest Thing
12. Clarinet Lament
13. Echoes Of Harlem
14. Trumpet In Spades
15. Yearning For Love
16. In A Jam
17. Exposition Swing
18. Uptown Downbeat
19. Scattin' At The Cotton Club
20. Black Butterfly
01. The New Birmingham Breakdown
02. The New East St. Louis Toodle-O
03. Caravan
04. Azure
05. Chatterbox
06. Diminuendo In Blue
07. Crescendo In Blue
08. Harmony In Harlem
09. Dusk On The Desert
10. Steppin' Into Swing Society
11. Prologue To Black And Tan Fantasy
12. The New Black And Tan Fantasy
13. Ridin' On A Blue Note
14. Lost In Meditation
15. The Gal From Joe's
16. Scrounch
17. I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart
18. Braggin' In Brass
19. Carnival In Caroline
20. I'm Slappin' Seventh Avenue
21. Dinah's In A Jam
22. Rose Of The Rio Grande
23. Pyramid
24. A Gypsy Without A Song
25. The Stevedore's Serenade
01. Prelude To A Kiss
02. Hip Chic
03. Buffet Flat
04. Jazz Potpourri
05. TT On Toast
06. Battle Of Swing
07. Blue Light
08. Old King Dooji
09. Boy Meets Horn
10. Slap Happy
11. Pussy Willow
12. Subtle Lament
13. Schmorgasbord And Schnapps
14. Portrait Of The Lion
15. (I Want) Something To Live For
16. Solid Old Man
17. Way Low
18. Serenade To Sweden
19. Bouncing Bouyancy
20. The Sergeant Was Shy
21. Grievin'
22. I Never Felt This Way Before
23. Tootin' Through The Roof
24. Killin' Myself
25. Country Gal
1. Tuxedo Junction
2. Smoke Rings
3. Artistry In Rhythm
4. The Waltz You Saved For Me
5. Woodchopper's Ball
6. Sentimental Journey
7. When It's Sleepy Time Down South
8. One O'Clock Jump
9. Goodbye
10. Sleep Sleep Sleep
11. Rhapsody In Blue
12. Don't Get Around Much Anymore
1. Take The A Train
2. In A Sentimental Mood
3. Don't Get Around Much Anymore
4. Day Dream
5. Cotton Tail
6. Pretty Little One
7. Tricky's Licks
8. Blues In C
9. String Along With Strings
10. Limbo Jazz
11. The Feeling Of Jazz
1. A Spoonful Of Sugar
2. Chim Chim Cheree
3. Feed The Birds
4. Let's Go Fly A Kite
5. Stay Awake
6. I Love To Laugh
7. Jolly Holiday
8. Sister Suffragette
9. The Perfect Nanny
10. Step In Time
11. The Life I Lead
12. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
1. Hello Dolly
2. Call Me Irresponsible
3. Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words)
4. The Peking Theme (So Little Time)
5. Danke Schoen
6. More
7. The Second Time Around
8. Never On Sunday
9. I Left My Heart In San Francisco
10. Blowin' In The Wind
11. Stranger On The Shore
1. Red Roses For a Blue Lady
2. Charade
3. People
4. All My Loving
5. A Beautiful Friendship
6. I want to Hold Your Hand
7. Days Of Wine And Roses
8. I can't Stop Loving You
9. The Good Life
10. Satin Doll
11. Moon River
12. Ellington '66
01. Who Knows
02. Retrospection
03. B Sharp Blues
04. Passion Flower
05. Dancers In Love
06. Reflections in D
07. Melancholia
08. Prelude To a Kiss
09. In A Sentimental Mood
10. Things Ain't What They Used To Be
11. All Too Soon
12. Janet
13. Kinda Dukish
14. Montevideo
15. December Blue
16. All the Things You Are (Version 1)
17. All the Things You Are (Version 2)
18. Piano Improvisation No.1
19. Piano Improvisation No.2
20. Piano Improvisation No.3
21. Piano Improvisation No.4
22. New World a-Comin
23. Variations on Mood Indigo
Duke Ellington all tracks plus:
Tracks 1-12
Wendell Marshall (Bass) & Butch Ballard (Drums)
Recorded April 1953
Tracks 13-15
Wendell Marshall (Bass) & Dave Black (Drums)
Recorded December 1953
Tracks 16-21
Jimmy Woode (Bass) & Sam Woodyard (Drums)
Recorded March & October 1957
Tracks 22 & 23 are solo piano Bonus tracks:
Track 22 Recorded in France February 1966.
Track 23 from the Nat King Cole radio show December 1947.
01. Slippery Horn
02. The Blues I Love to Sing
03. Hot and Bothered
04. East St. Louis Toodle-Oo
05. Black and Tan Fantasy
06. Creole Love Call
07. Digga Digga Doo
08. The Mooche
09. Take It Easy
10. Move Over
11. Jubilee Stomp
12. Black Beauty
13. Cotton Club Stomp
14. Misty Mornin'
15. Ring Dem Bells
16. Mood Indigo
17. Rockin' Rhythm
18. Creole Rhapsody, Pts. 1 & 2
19. It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)
20. Blue Ramble
21. Drop Me off at Harlem
22. Sophisticated Lady
01. Stormy Weather
02. In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree
03. Stompy Jones
04. Solitude
05. Merry-Go-Round
06. In a Sentimental Mood
07. Showboat Shuffle
08. Clarinet Lament
09. Echoes of Harlem
10. Kissin' My Baby Goodnight
11. Caravan
12. Azure
13. Harmony of Harlem
14. I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart
15. The Gals From Joe's
16. Prelude to a Kiss
17. Ridin' on a Bluenote
18. I'm Slappin' Seventh Avenue (With the Sole of My Shoe)
19. A Gypsy without a Song
20. Boy Meets Horn
21. Country Gal
22. Jack the Bear
01. Ko Ko
02. At a Dixie Roadside Diner
03. Sepia Panorama
04. Morning Glory
05. Conga Brava
06. Me and You
07. Cotton Tail
08. Dusk
09. In a Mellotone
10. Take The 'A' Train
11. I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good
12. Chelsea Bridge
13. The 'C' Jam Blues
14. Blue Serge
15. Never Know Lament
16. Perdigo
17. Bojangles
18. Concerto for Cootie
19. Main Stem
20. I'm Beginning to See the Light
21. Transbluency
22. Carnegie Hall Concert Brown Betty
#777Трэклист:01. Jack the Bear 1940 3:27
02. Concerto for Cootie (Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me) 1940 3:09
03. Harlem Air-Shaft 1940 3:24
04. Across the Track Blues 1940 2:43
05. Chloe (Song of the Swamp) 1940 18:16
06. Royal Garden Blues 1946 3:15
07. Warm Valley 1940 2:59
08. Ko-Ko 1940 3:18
09. Black, Brown & Beige 1944 3:21
10. Creole Love Call 1927 3:00
11. Transblucency (A Blue fog That You Can Almost See Through) 1946 3:01
CD1:01. Swing Session
02. Medley: Solitude/In A Sentimental Mood
03. Harmony In Harlem
04. If You Were In My Place
05. Mood Indigo
06. Theme: East St. Louis TYoodle-Oo
07. Theme: East St. Louis Toodle-Oo
08. Oh Babe, Maybe Someday
09. Dinah’s In A Jam
10. If Dreams Come True
11. Scrontch
12. You Went To My head
13. Three Blind Mice
14. Solitude
15. Downtown Uproar
16. Dinah’s In A Jam
17. On The Sunny Side Of The Street
18. Ev’ry Day
19. Azure
20. Carnival In Caroline
21. Harmony In Harlem
22. At Your Back And Call
23. Solitude
24. The Gal From Joe’s
25. Riding On A Blue Note
26. If Dreams Come True
CD2:01. Oh Babe, Maybe Someday
02. I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart
03. Birmingham Breakdown
04. Rose Room
05. If Dreams Come True
06. It’s The Dreamer In Me
07. Lost In Meditation
08. Ev’ry Day
09. Echoes Of Harlem
10. Theme: East St. Louis Toodle-Oo
11. Jig Walk
12. In A Sentimental Mood
13. I’m Slapping 7th Avenue
14. Lost In Meditation
15. Alabamy Home
16. If You Were In My Place
17. Prelude in C Sharp Minor
18. Rockin’ In Rhythm
19. Serenade To Sweden
20. Rockin’ In Rhythm
21. In A Red Little Cottage
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