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Loudon Wainwright III - Дискография (1970-2012) (40 альбомов),
MP3 (tracks), 160-320 kbps
Жанр: Folk-Rock, Rock, Country, Blues, Songwrighter
Годы выпуска: 1970-2012
Страна: USA
Аудио кодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 160-320 (VBR, CBR)
Продолжительность: ~ 42:36:00
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: нет

Торрент перезалит 21.12.2012








2012 - Older Than My Old Man Now
1976 - Live At Post-Aula, Bremen, Germany, July 27, 1976
1976 - Live On KLOL Radio, Houston, TX, June 2, 1976
1980 - Live At Uni-Theater, Bremen, Germany, September 25, 1980
1983 - Live At Ripley Music Hall, Philadelphia, PA, December 19, 1983
1985 - Live At Nightstage, Cambridge, MA, December 12, 1985
1988 - Live At Rockefeller's, Houston, TX, June 14, 1988
1990 - Live At Godfrey Daniels, Bethlehem, PA, March 23, 1990
2007 - Live On KCRW Radio, Santa Monica, CA, June 29, 2007
2009 - Live At City Winery, New York, NY, August 24, 2009
2010 - Live At Glastonbury Festival, UK, June 27, 2010
2011 - Live At Jeanne Rimsky Theater, Port Washington, NY, March 5, 2011

Американский автор и исполнитель песен, юморист и актёр Лаудон Сноуден Уайнрайт III родился 5 сентября 1946 года.
Уайнрайт - отец музыкантов Руфуса и Марты Уайнрайт и Люси Уайнрайт Роше, а также брат певицы Слоан Уайнрайт и бывший муж фолк-исполнительницы Кейт МакГарригл.
Родился Уайнрайт в городе Чапел-Хилл, Северная Каролина, в семье Марты Тейлор - инструктора по йоге, и Лаудона Уайнрайта-младшего, обозревателя и редактора журнала 'Life'. Детство Уайнрайта прошло в Бедфорде, штат Нью-Йорк, а школьные годы Лаудон провёл в Делавэре в школе Святого Эндрю.
Карьера Уайнрайта началась в конце 1960-х годов. Ещё учась в школе, Лаудон начал играть на гитаре, однако позже бросил занятия музыкой и занялся йогой. Спустя некоторое время бабушка Уайнрайта устроила его работать в лодочную мастерскую, где Лаудон встретил старого рыбака, который побудил его вновь взяться за гитару. Так появилась на свет первая песня Уайнрайта - 'Edgar'. Вскоре музыкант купил гитару и на протяжении следующего года написал около двадцати песен. Он путешествовал в Бостон и Нью-Йорк, чтобы давать концерты в фолк-клубах, и наконец, встретил Милтона Крамера, который впоследствии стал менеджером Лаудона. Так Уайнрайт получил контракт с 'Atlantic Records' и в 1970-м году выпустил в свет свой первый альбом.
Вероятно, более всего Уайнрайт запомнился публике хитовой песней 1972 года, записанной в совершенно новом стиле, 'Dead Skunk (in the Middle of the Road)', а также ролью Капитана Калвина Спалдинга ('поющего хирурга') из американского телешоу 'M*A*S*H'. Однако деятельность Уайнрайта не ограничивается парой хитов и участием в сериале.
Используя талант, остроумие и умение посмеяться над собой, музыкант записал более двадцати альбомов у одиннадцати разных звукозаписывающих лейблов. Две его пластинки были удостоены премии 'Грэмми': альбом 'I'm Alright' (1085) и 'More Love Songs' (1986).
Согласно личным записям Уайнрайта, после смерти матери в 1997 году, музыкант погрузился в глубокую депрессию, и даже решил, что больше не напишет ни одной песни. Лаудон вернулся в домик своей матери, который находился в лесу. Проведённое там время пошло музыканту на пользу, свидетельством чего стал новый откровенный альбом Уайнрайта 'Last Man on Earth' (2001). Выход этого диска вернул музыканта к творческой жизни, и тот вновь стал писать песни и выпускать диски с прежней активностью.
В сентябре 2006 года Уайнрайт и музыкант Джо Генри занялись написанием музыки к фильму Джудда Апатоу 'Немножко беременна' (Knocked Up), который вышел на экраны в 2007 году. Кроме того, что Уайнрайт работал над созданием саундтрека к картине, он сам сыграл в фильме в эпизодической роли.
Также Лаудон написал музыку для театральной постановки Карла Хиассена 'Везунчик' (Lucky You), премьера которого состоялась в 2008 году на Эдинбургском фестивале 'Edinburgh Festival Fringe'.
Что касается личной жизни Уайнрайта, его семья тесно связана с музыкой. Его сын Руфус Уайнрайт и дочь Марта Уайнрайт (появившиеся на свет от бывшей жены Лаудона, Кейт МакГарригл) - оба пишут и исполняют музыку. Руфус дважды становился главным героем песен отца: в оде 'Rufus is a Tit Man' и в ретроспективной песне 'A Father and a Son'. О Марте мир впервые услышал из сингла 'Pretty Little Martha', затем, спустя пять лет после развода Лаудона и Кейт, на свет появилась песня 'Five Years Old', а затем, когда Марта достигла подросткового возраста, Уайнрайт написал песню 'Hitting You'.
В ответ Руфус создал кавер на песню отца 'One Man Guy' и написал композицию о семейном общении 'Dinner at Eight'. Марта также сделала кавер-версию на сингл Лаудона 'Pretty Good Day', а также неубедительно пыталась доказать, что её песня 'Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole' написана об её отце.
Марте довелось и сотрудничать с Лаудоном - вместе они записали песню 'You Never Phone' для альбома Уайнрайта 'So Damn Happy' (2003). Ранее Марта уже записывалась дуэтом с отцом для сингла 'Father Daughter Dialogue' с диска 'Grown Man' (1995).
В 2005 году Уайнрайт женился на певице Сьюзи Роше. В настоящее время у него есть ещё две дочери - Люси Уайнрайт Роше и Лекси Келли.
Весь материал раздачи собран на просторах интернета, некоторые альбомы есть только в VBR, бóльшая часть альбомов в 320 kbps сграблена из lossless.
ID3-теги присутствуют.

Studio Albums
Продолжительность: 00:38:40
01. School Days
02. Hospital Lady
03. Ode To A Pittsburgh
04. Glad to See You've Got Religion
05. Uptown
06. Black Uncle Remus
07. Four Is A Magic Number
08. I Don't Care
09. Central Square Song
10. The Movies Are A Mother To Me
11. Bruno's Place
Loudon Wainwright III (also known as Album I) is the debut album of Loudon Wainwright III. It was released on vinyl in 1970 on Atlantic Records. Like his sophomore effort album II, the album is a solo acoustic effort (his later 1970s albums became progressively more rocky). Though his ironic humour is evident, this is an altogether bleaker and more acerbic effort ('Black Uncle Remus', 'Four is a Magic Number', 'Glad to See You've got Religion') than most of his 1970s work.
Reflecting another career-wide obsession, the first line of the first song on his debut album concerns growing older - a theme which persists to his newest recordings, 39 years later, at time of writing.
Продолжительность: 00:35:51
01. Be Careful, There's A Baby In The House
02. Me And My Friend The Cat
03. Motel Blues
04. Nice Jewish Girls
05. I Know I'm Unhappy / Suicide Song / Glenville Reel
06. Saw Your Name In The Papers
07. Samson And The Warden
08. Plane, Too
09. Cook That Dinner, Dora
10. Old Friend
11. Old Paint
12. Winter Song
Album II, as its title indicates, is the second album from Loudon Wainwright III. It was released in 1971 on Atlantic Records.
Продолжительность: 00:32:20
01. Dead Skunk
02. Red Guitar
03. East Indian Princess
04. Muse Blues
05. Hometeam Crowd
06. B Side
07. Needless To Say
08. Smokey Joe's Cafe
09. New Paint
10. Trilogy (Circa 1967)
11. Drinking Song
12. Say That You Love Me
Album III, as its title indicates, is the third full album from Loudon Wainwright III. It was originally released in 1972 on Columbia Records. Album III would spawn Loudon Wainwright's most popular hit single, "Dead Skunk", making this his commercial 'breakthrough' album. "Dead Skunk" was, however one of the many 'novelty songs' sprinkled throughout Wainwright's career, and rather pigeonholed him as a latter-day Tom Lehrer, to the extent that he appeared in three episodes of M*A*S*H*. Although Wainwright has maintained an ironic, sometimes sepulchral sense of humor, Dead Skunk, despite its commercial success, has dogged him ever since, as he comments on 1985's album I'm Alright, "Were you embarressed about 'Dead Skunk'"?
Nevertheless, Album III launched Wainwright into a mid-1970s commercial heyday, even if his serious side was ignored in favor of his clownish one.
This is also the first of his albums to feature a full backing band (on many tracks). Wainwright mostly eschewed a rocking sound for a stripped down acoustic one from the early 1980s onwards.
Loudon Wainwright III – Guitar, vocals
David Amram – French horn
Brooks Arthur – Engineer
Charlie Brown – Guitar, Electric guitar
Richard Crooks – drums
Richard Davis – Bass
Thomas Jefferson Kaye – Guitar, Arranger, Rhythm Guitar, Producer
Bill Keith – Banjo, Steel guitar
Kenny Kosek – Fiddle, Violin
Hugh McCracken – Guitar
Don Payne – Electric bass
Elliott Randall – Electric guitar
Jim Ryan – Guitar
David Sanborn – Saxophone
Sailor Bob Schmidt – Harmonica
Tom Watson – Electric bass
Eric Weissberg – Dobro, Guitar
Teddy Wender – Piano
Продолжительность: 00:37:35
01. The Swimming Song
02. A.M. World
03. Bell Bottom Pants
04. Liza
05. I Am The Way (New York Town)
06. Clockwork Chartreuse
07. Down Drinking At The Bar
08. The Man Who Couldn't Cry
09. Come A Long Way
10. Nocturnal Stumblebutt
11. Dilated To Meet You
12. Lullaby
Attempted Mustache is the fourth album from Loudon Wainwright III. It was recorded in Nashville, Tennessee with producer Bob Johnston and was released in 1973 on Columbia Records.
Wainwright said that "I am the Way" was partly inspired by Guru Maharaj Ji's appearance at the Millennium '73 festival in December 1973.
Kenneth Buttrey - drums
Johnny Christopher - acoustic guitar, electric guitar
Tommy Cogbill - bass
Ron Cornelius - acoustic guitar, electric guitar
Mac Gayden - acoustic guitar, electric guitar, slide guitar
Reggie Young - acoustic guitar, electric guitar
Hargus "Pig" Robbins - piano, organ
Doug Kershaw - fiddle and cajun exclamation
Loudon Wainwright III - acoustic guitar, banjo, vocal
Kate McGarrigle - banjo, vocal
Продолжительность: 00:48:38
01. Sweet Nothings
02. The Lowly Tourist
03. Kings And Queens
04. Kick In The Head
05. Whatever Happened To Us
06. Crime Of Passion
07. Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
08. On The Rocks
09. Guru
10. Mr. Guilty
11. The Untitled
12. Unrequited To The Nth Degree
13. Old Friend
14. Rufus Is A Tit Man
15. Rufus Is A Tit Man (Alternate Version)
16. Over The Hill
17. Hollywood Hopeful
Unrequited is the fifth album from Loudon Wainwright III. It was his last album on the Columbia Records label, released in 1975. Tracks 1-7 were recorded in a studio, while tracks 8-14 were recorded live at the Bottom Line, remote by Record Plant NYC, August 30, August 31, September 1, 1974. Tracks 15-17 are bonus tracks included on the Sony-Legacy CD reissue.
Although stylistically typical of Wainwright's mid-1970s output, the album is somewhat groundbreaking in that though all songs are originals, one side is studio, the other live.
Продолжительность: 00:40:17
01. Bicentennial
02. Summer's Almost Over
03. Hollywood Hopeful
04. Reciprocity
05. At Both Ends
06. Wine with Dinner
07. Hey Packy (George Gerdes)
08. California Prison Blues
09. Talking Big Apple '75
10. Prince Hal's Dirge
11. Just Like President Thieu
12. Wine with Dinner (Night Cap)
T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues. Nevertheless it had the misfortune to arrive on the scene at the same time as punk rock, making it immediately dated in the eyes of many critics. According to Wainwright on the 2006 CD liner notes, it received a scathing review from Rolling Stone Magazine which depressed him so much he stayed in bed for five days. By the early 1990s he disowned the album in a radio interview broadcast in Australia. However, by the time of the CD remaster (which included Final Exam) he admitted to a much more sympathetic view of the album(s), which he referred to as his 'puppies'.
Loudon Wainwright III - guitar, vocals
Richard Davis - bass
Hank Jones - keyboards
David Sanborn - saxophone
Marvin Stamm - horn
Jimmy Maelen - conductor
Elliott Randall - guitar
David Taylor - trombone
Eric Weissberg - banjo
Charlie Brown - guitar
Jeanie Arnold - vocals
Jon Cobert - vocals
Joe Cocuzzo - drums
Kenny Kosek - violin
Richard Crooks - drums
John Crowder - bass
Ron Getman - steel guitar
Don Hammond - recorder
Peter Labarbera - background vocals
John Lissauer - clarinet
George Marge - recorder
Irwin "Marky" Markowitz - horn
Charlie Messing - guitar, vocals
Gwynne Michaels - vocals
Glen Mitchell - keyboards, vocals
Paul Prestopino, Maggie & Terre Roche - vocals
Christie Thompson - vocals
Stephen Tubin - keyboards
Joanne Vent - vocals
Продолжительность: 00:37:57
01. Final Exam
02. Mr. Guilty
03. Penpal Blues
04. Golfin' Blues
05. The Heckler
06. Natural Disaster
07. Fear with Flying
08. Heaven and Mud
09. Two-song Set
10. Pretty Little Martha
11. Watch Me Rock, I'm Over Thirty
Final Exam is a 1978 album by Loudon Wainwright III. It was re-released on Telarc in 2006 at the time of his European tour as a double-disk album, coupled with his 1976 album T Shirt.
At this point in his career, Wainwright was including a lot of electric and rockier songs. After poor reviews of T-Shirt and Final Exam the latter became his last studio album for five years. He emerged, reborn as an acoustic writer backed by acoustic folk/rock musicians. He disowned Final Exam in an Australian radio interview in the early 1990s, but changed his mind and embraced it (and T-Shirt) according to the liner notes to the 2006 release.
Loudon Wainwright III - guitar, vocals
Arlen Roth - guitar
John Hall - guitar
Eric Weissberg - banjo
Errol Bennett - percussion
Kenny Kosek - violin
Richard Crooks - drums
John Crowder - bass
Ron Getman - steel guitar
John Lissauer - clarinet
Hugh McCracken - guitar
Glen Mitchell - keyboards, vocals
Larry Packer - violin
Stephen Tubin - keyboards
Продолжительность: 00:38:09
01. Reader And Advisor
02. The Grammy Song
03. Dump the Dog
04. Thick and Thin
05. Revenge
06. Five Years Old
07. Ingenue
08. I.D.T.T.Y.W.L.M. (I Don't Think That Your Wife Likes Me)
09. Westchester County
10. Saturday Morning Fever
11. April Fool's Day Morn
12. Fame And Wealth
Fame and Wealth is a 1983 album by Loudon Wainwright III. It was originally released on Rounder Records. After a five year hiatus since Final Exam, it eschewed the rock sound of his later 1970s albums in favour of a stripped-down, wirier folk sound which would typify his recorded output from then on.
Loudon Wainwright III - acoustic guitar, banjo, vocals
Richard Thompson - acoustic & electric guitar, mandolin
Myles Chase - synthesizer, piano, Fender Rhodes
Mark Hardwick - piano
Luther Rix - drums, percussion
Bob Rose - 12 string guitar
Teddy Wainwright - Executive Producer
Mark Johnson - percussion
John Miller - bass
Продолжительность: 00:41:50
01. One Man Guy
02. Lost Love
03. I'm Alright
04. Not John
05. Cardboard Boxes
06. Screaming Issue (Loudon Wainwright III & Terre Roche)
07. How Old Are You?
08. Animal Song
09. Out of This World
10. Daddy, Take a Nap
11. Ready Or Not (So Ripe)
12. Career Moves
I'm Alright is a 1985 album by Loudon Wainwright III. It was his third release on Rounder Records, recorded in London. It was produced by Richard Thompson, who also played electric lead guitar on several songs. The back cover features a photo of the two together, captioned 'Loud and Rich'.
The poignant "Screaming Issue", one of Wainwright's few collaborations – this time with Terre Roche of The Roches – was never compiled, nor has it appeared on a live album. It concerned his then infant daughter Lucy Wainwright Roche, who has since played and recorded with him.
This album continued Wainwright's reinvention of himself as an acoustic-based artist, and was the first of his Richard Thompson produced collaborations, which would peak critically the following year with More Love Songs.
Richard Thompson continued to tour with Wainwright, and Danny Thompson of Pentangle into the late 1990s. His most recent appearance on a LW3 album was 2003's So Damn Happy.
Loudon Wainwright III – guitar, vocals
Paul Brady – vocals
Richard Thompson – guitar, mandolin
Tony Coe – clarinet
Henry Lowther – cornet
Christine Collister – vocals
Gerry Conway – drums
Chris Karan – percussion, Executive Producer
Greg Prestopino – vocals
Chris Pyne – trombone
Chaim Tannenbaum – Executive Producer
Danny Thompson – string bass
Ric Sanders – octave violin
Продолжительность: 00:50:21
01. Hard Day On The Planet
02. Synchronicity
03. Your Mother And I
04. I Eat Out
05. No
06. The Home Stretch
07. Unhappy Anniversary
08. Man's World
09. Vampire Blues
10. Overseas Call
11. Expatriot
12. The Back Nine
13. The Acid Song
14. At The End Of A Lonely Day
More Love Songs is a 1986 album by Loudon Wainwright III released on Rounder Records. Wainwright had moved to England, and this was the second album produced by (and featuring) Richard Thompson. Critically and popularly it is probably considered the peak of his 1980s renaissance. After three albums in four years, it would be another three years before he released the largely ignored Therapy.
The style of the album combines purely acoustic staples like "Your Mother and I" with piano-driven ballads like "The Back Nine" and full-blown rockers like "Vampire Blues" and "Hard Day on the Planet". Wainwright also careens emotionally from the sad "Overseas Call" to the laugh-out-loud "Synchronicity".
Wainwright also enjoyed a period of popularity as a regular on The Jasper Carrott Show in the UK, and many of the songs from his following album were written during this time as well as some (still) unreleased ones.
By the late 1980s Wainwright was back in the USA.
Loudon Wainwright III - guitar, percussion, vocals
Arran Ahmun - percussion
Martin Brinsford - percussion
Martin Carthy - guitar, mandolin, vocals
Richard Cheetham - trombone
Howard Evans - trumpet
Peter Filleul - keyboards
Christopher Guest - synthesizer
John Kirkpatrick - accordion, vocals
Dave Mattacks - drums
Ruari McFarlane - bass
Brian McNeill - fiddle
Alan Reid - synthesizer
Chaim Tannenbaum - banjo, harmonica, saxophone, vocals
Danny Thompson - bass
Richard Thompson - guitar, mandolin, vocals
Beckie Burns, Christine Collister, Maria Muldaur, Linda Taylor - additional vocals
Produced by Richard Thompson, Chaim Tannenbaum, Paul Charles and Loudon Wainwright III.
Продолжительность: 00:46:38
01. Therapy
02. Bill of Goods
03. T.S.D.H.A.V. (This Song Don't Have a Video)
04. Harry's Wall
05. Aphrodisiac
06. Fly Paper
07. Nice Guys
08. Thanksgiving
09. Your Father's Car
10. Me and All the Other Mothers
11. You Don't Want to Know
12. Mind Read (It Belonged to You)
13. This Year
Therapy is a 1989 album by Loudon Wainwright III. It followed a three-year hiatus, during which Wainwright moved from England (where he had recorded his previous two albums) back to the USA. Compared with those two, 'Therapy' was not well received, but outstanding tracks have subsequently appeared on live albums (e.g. 'Thanksgiving' on Career Moves.
Loudon Wainwright III - guitar, vocals
Richard Thompson - guitar, mandolin
Arran Ahmun - drums, percussion
B.J. Cole - pedal steel
Alan Dunn - piano, accordion
Bob Loveday - fiddle
Ian Maidman - bass
Ruari McFarlane - bass
Chaim Tannenbaum - banjo, harmonica, tenor saxophone
Linda Taylor - vocals
Olly Blanchflower - double bass
Simon Limbrick - marimba
Cathi Ogden - vocals
Продолжительность: 00:46:19
01. People in Love
02. Men
03. The Picture
04. When I'm at Your House
05. The Doctor
06. Hitting You
07. I'd Rather Be Lonely
08. Between
09. Talking New Bob Dylan
10. So Many Songs
11. 4x10
12. A Father and a Son
13. Sometimes I Forget
14. Handful of Dust
History is the twelfth studio album by American singer-songwriter Loudon Wainwright III, released on September 21, 1992 on Charisma Records. The album was recorded following the death of Wainwright's father, Loudon Wainwright Jr.. Regarding his father's death and its influence on History, Wainwright stated that: "[the] whole record is about him and me, and his death, and the struggle with my own son - and so as far as reconciliation goes, I think when one or both of your parents dies, you realize you're in the batter's box. That's it: You're going to die. You get a taste of your own mortality, and you also are not as angry at them, at least after a while, and so maybe you do try to start to reconcile some things".
The album featured deeply personal compositions, with a musical style that ranges from talking blues ("Talking New Bob Dylan") to almost pure country rock ("So Many Songs") and modern folk ("The Picture", "Men").
History is often regarded as a breakthrough in Wainwright's career. Allmusic call the album "his masterpiece", and both Bruce Springsteen and Bob Geldof cited it as their favourite album of the year.
Loudon Wainwright III - guitar, vocals
The Roches - vocals
Syd Straw - vocals
Jeffrey Lesser - vocals
David Mansfield - pedal steel & electric guitar, violin
Anna McGarrigle - vocals
David Nichtern - acoustic guitar
Paul Ossola - acoustic bass
Chris Parker - drums, percussion
Chaim Tannenbaum - banjo, harmonica, vocals
Stephen Tubin - organ, accordion
Kate McGarrigle - vocals
Robin Gould - drums
Продолжительность: 00:50:11
01. The Birthday Present (#1)
02. Grown Man
03. That Hospital
04. Housework
05. Cobwebs
06. A Year
07. Father/Daughter Dialogue
08. 1994
09. I.W.I.W.A.L. (I Wish I Was A Lesbian)
10. Just A John
11. I Suppose
12. Dreaming
13. The End Has Begun
14. Human Cannonball
15. Treasure Untold (Jimmie Rodgers)
Grown Man is the thirteenth studio album by American singer-songwriter Loudon Wainwright III, released on October 2, 1995 on Virgin Records. The release is generally considered less stark and somewhat more humorous that its predecessor, History.
Grown Man contains a song addressed to his daughter, Martha Wainwright, entitled "Father/Daughter Dialogue", on which they duet.
Loudon Wainwright III - guitar, vocals
Dom Cortese - accordion
Richard Crooks - drums
Steve Gaboury - organ, accordion
John Kaye - percussion
Randy Landau - bass
Jeffrey Lesser - percussion, Jew's harp, vocals
David Mansfield - bouzouki, fiddle, guitar, mandolin, pedal steel, electric & slide guitar
Chaim Tannenbaum - banjo, harmonica, vocals
Martha Wainwright - vocals on "Father/Daughter Dialogue"
Продолжительность: 00:48:34
01. Breakfast In Bed
02. Four Mirrors
03. Mr. Ambivalent
04. OGM (Out-Going Message)
05. Our Own War
06. So Damn Happy
07. Primrose Hill
08. Underwear
09. The World
10. What Are Families For?
11. Bein' A Dad
12. The Birthday Present II
13. I Can't Stand Myself
14. Little Ship
15. A Song
Little Ship is the fourteenth studio album by American singer-songwriter Loudon Wainwright III, released on October 6, 1997 on Virgin Records/Charisma Records. According to Wainwright, the album "focuses primarily on the theme of a relationship. In terms of the other records, I don't know how or why I would place it somewhere except that it's the newest."
Loudon Wainwright III - vocals, guitars, banjo, ukulele, "Bein' a Dad" chorus
John Leventhal - guitars, keyboards, percussion, harmonica, harmonium, lap steel, mandolin, bass, drums, "Bein' a Dad" chorus
Tony Garnier - bass ("Breakfast in Bed", "Mr. Ambivalent", "Our Own War", "Primrose Hill", "Bein' a Dad", "I Can't Stand Myself" and "Little Ship")
Shawn Pelton - drums ("Breakfast in Bed", "Mr. Ambvivalent", "Our Own War", "Bein' a Dad", "I Can't Stand Myself" and "Little Ship")
Rick DePofi - tenor saxophone, clarinet, bass clarinet ("What Are Families For?" and "I Can't Stand Myself")
Brian Mitchell - organ ("Mr. Ambivalent" and "I Can't Stand Myself")
Shawn Colvin - background vocals ("Mr. Ambivalent" and "Our Own War")
Larry Campbell - pedal steel ("Our Own War")
Sandra Park - violin leader ("Breakfast in Bed" and "A Song")
Sharon Yamanda - violin ("Breakfast in Bed" and "A Song")
Richard Sortomme - violin ("Breakfast in Bed" and "A Song")
Carol Webb - violin ("Breakfast in Bed" and "A Song")
Lisa E. Kim - violin ("Breakfast in Bed" and "A Song")
Daniel F. Reed - violin ("Breakfast in Bed" and "A Song")
Sue Pray - viola ("Breakfast in Bed" and "A Song")
Robert Rinehart - viola ("Breakfast in Bed" and "A Song")
Alan J. Stepansky - cello ("Breakfast in Bed" and "A Song")
Maria Kitsopoulos - cello ("Breakfast in Bed" and "A Song")
John Patitucci - bass ("Breakfast in Bed" and "A Song")
Chris Botti - trumpet ("Our Own War" and "The Birthday Present II")
Robert Carlisle - trumpet ("Our Own War" and "The Birthday Present II")
Jim Hynes - trumpet, fugelhorn ("Our Own War" and "The Birthday Present II")
Michael Davis - trombone ("Our Own War" and "The Birthday Present II")
Steve Addabbo - "Bein' a Dad" chorus
Stephen Barber - string arrangement ("A Song") and horn arrangement ("Our Own War")
Rick DePofi - horn arrangements ("What Are Families For?" and "I Can't Stand Myself")
John Leventhal - horn arrangements ("What Are Families For?", "I Can't Stand Myself" and "The Birthday Present II")
Продолжительность: 00:53:07
01. What Gives
02. Tonya's Twirls
03. New Street People
04. Carmine Street
05. O.J.
06. Leap Of Faith
07. Conspiracies [poem]
08. Christmas Morning
09. Y2K
10. Number One
11. Bad Man
12. Inaugural Blues
13. Our Boy Bill
14. Jesse Don't Like It
15. Pretty Good Day
Social Studies is a studio album by Loudon Wainwright III, released in 1999. The album comprises various topical and satirical songs, originally produced for National Public Radio and based upon then-current issues and events, such as the Tonya Harding scandal, the O. J. Simpson murder trial, the lead-up to Y2K, and controversies surrounding comments made by former Republican U.S. Senator Jesse Helms.
Regarding the album's topical nature, Wainwright notes: "It's something that no-one does anymore; write songs about current events. When I was young there were a lot of topical songwriters around; maybe folk music had more impact on culture back then. I see these songs as a kind of musical journalism. My father was a journalist, for Life magazine, and I've definitely inherited something of that approach."
Loudon Wainwright III - guitar, vocals
The Roches - vocals
John Scofield - electric guitar
Greg Cohen - bass, piano
Richard Crooks - drums, percussion
Peter Ecklund - trumpet, cornet
David Mansfield - guitar, harmonica, violin, mandolin
Jenni Muldaur - vocals
Ken Pearson - organ, piano
Lenny Pickett - clarinet, saxophone
Chaim Tannenbaum - banjo, harmonica, vocals
Продолжительность: 00:37:49
01. Missing You
02. Living Alone
03. White Winos
04. Fresh Fossils
05. I'm Not Gonna Cry
06. Out of Reach
07. Bridge
08. Surviving Twin
09. Donations
10. Graveyard
11. Bed
12. Last Man on Earth
13. Homeless
Last Man on Earth is the sixteenth studio album by American singer-songwriter Loudon Wainwright III, released on September 24, 2001 on Red House Records. Recorded in the wake of Wainwright's mother's death and the collapse of a romantic relationship, the album thematically addresses feelings of grief and loneliness.
Portions of the album also reflect upon Wainwright's troubled relationship with his father, Loudon Wainwright, Jr., a subject that has populated many of his earlier recordings. Last Man on Earth can be seen as a companion piece to his 1992 album, History, written after the death of his father.
Loudon Wainwright III - vocals, guitar, five-string banjo
Stewart Lerman - guitars, bass, organ, Wurlitzer, percussion
Dick Connette - piano, spinet, celeste, harmonium, percussion, arrangements
Steuart Smith - electric guitar, acoustic guitar, piano, organ, Wurlitzer, accordion, bass, harmonica
David Mansfield - fiddle, viola, mandolin, dulcimer, guitar, percussion, string arrangements on "White Winos"
Sammy Merendino - drums, percussion
Mary Rowell - violin, viola
Marshall Coid - violin
Dorothy Lawson - cello
Brian Stanley - bass ("Living Alone")
Johnny Gale - vocals and vocal arrangements ("Bridge")
Little Isidore - vocals ("Bridge")
Suzzy Roche - vocals ("Bed" and "Last Man on Earth")
Продолжительность: 00:56:31
01. My Biggest Fan
02. No Sure Way
03. Had To Be Her
04. Hank and Fred
05. Half Fist
06. To Be On TV
07. God's Country
08. Make Your Mother Mad
09. When You Leave
10. Nanny
11. Choppers
12. Things
Here Come the Choppers is a 2005 album by Loudon Wainwright III. The title track is an acerbic and blackly humorous reference to the Iraq War, reset in southern California's Miracle Mile
"The inspectors found nothing
That’s just not right
Whole Foods and Kmart
Are targets tonight"
Perhaps the most remarkable track though, is Hank and Fred, a real life account of Wainwright driving to the grave of Hank Williams when he heard the news, on the car radio, of the death of children's TV host Fred Rogers.
"One New Years' Day Hank slipped away
Slumped over in the back
Oh, I hope he had his cardigan on
In that Cadillac"
The album is also notable for the seemingly unlikely recruitment of Bill Frisell on lead guitar.
The cover illustration is by Steve Vance.
Loudon Wainwright III - acoustic guitar, vocals
Jim Keltner - drums, percussion
Bill Frisell - electric guitar
Greg Leisz - mandolin, pedal steel, electric & lap steel guitar
David Piltch - electric & acoustic bass
Coco Love Alcorn - vocals
Chris Gestrin - Wurlitzer
Продолжительность: 00:48:15
01. Grey In L.A.
02. You Can't Fail Me Now
03. Daughter
04. Ypsilanti
05. So Much To Do
06. Valley Morning
07. X Or Y
08. Final Frontier
09. Feel So Good
10. Lullaby
11. Naomi
12. Doin' The Math
13. Strange Weirdos
14. Passion Play
Strange Weirdos: Music from and Inspired by the Film Knocked Up is the official soundtrack album to the 2007 Judd Apatow film Knocked Up, and the eighteenth studio album by American singer-songwriter Loudon Wainwright III, released on May 22, 2007 on Concord Records.
Loudon Wainwright III
Patrick Warren - keyboards
David Piltch - bass
Jay Bellerose - drums
Greg Leisz - guitar
Richard Thompson - guitar on "Grey in L.A."
Van Dyke Parks - accordion on "Daughter"
Продолжительность: 00:50:33
01. Black Uncle Remus
02. Saw Your Name In The Paper
03. School Days
04. The Drinking Song
05. Motel Blues
06. Muse Blues
07. New Paint
08. Be Careful There's A Baby In The House
09. Needless To Say
10. Movie Are A Mother To Me
11. Say That You Love Me
12. Old Friend
13. Man Who Couldn't Cry
14. Swimming Song
Recovery is the nineteenth studio album by American singer-songwriter Loudon Wainwright III, released on August 19, 2008 on Yep Roc Records. The songs are "re-covers" from his first four albums: Loudon Wainwright III (1970), Album II (1971), Album III (1972) and Attempted Mustache (1973).
Loudon Wainwright III
Patrick Warren - keyboards
David Piltch - bass
Jay Bellerose - drums
Greg Leisz - guitar
Продолжительность: 00:48:09 + 00:50:57
Disc One
01. High Wide & Handsome (Loudon Wainwright III)
02. Took My Gal Out Walkin' (featuring Martha Wainwright)
03. I'm The Man Who Rode The Mule Around The World (Traditional)
04. My Mother And My Sweetheart (E.P. Moran/J. Fred Helf)
05. Bill Mason's Bride (featuring Chris Thile) (Bret Harte)
06. Goodbye Booze (Jean Havez)
07. Old Ballyhoo (Dick Connette)
08. Little Waterloo (Dick Connette)
09. I'm Glad I'm Married (featuring Dick Connette) (Jack Norworth/Albert Von Tilzer)
10. Mother's Last Farewell Kiss
11. Acres Of Diamonds (Dick Connette)
12. Way Up In NYC (Loudon Wainwright III/Dick Connette)
13. If I Lose (Traditional)
14. The Great Reaping Day (R. E. Winsett)
15. Where The Whippoorwill Is Whispering Goodnight (Rufe K. Stanley)
Disc Two
01. The Man In The Moon (Loudon Wainwright III/Dick Connette)
02. The Deal (featuring Chris Thile) (Traditional)
03. No Knees (Loudon Wainwright III)
04. Moving Day (Andrew B. Sterling/Harry Von Tilzer)
05. Old And Only In The Way (featuring Rufus & Martha Wainwright) (P.J. Downey/L.T. Billings)
06. Ragtime Annie (featuring Chris Thile) (Traditional)
07. Sweet Sunny South
08. The Letter That Never Came (Paul Dresser/Max Sturm)
09. Awful Hungry Hash House (Traditional)
10. Rowena (Loudon Wainwright III/Dick Connette)
11. Didn't He Ramble (W. C. Handy)
12. Ramblin' Blues (featuring Sloan Wainwright) (W.C. Handy)
13. Charlie's Last Song (Loudon Wainwright III/Dick Connette)
14. Beautiful (featuring Lucy Wainwright Roche) (Barney E. Warren)
15. High Wide & Handsome (Reprise) (Loudon Wainwright III)
High Wide & Handsome: The Charlie Poole Project is the 20th studio album by American singer-songwriter Loudon Wainwright III. The album, a double-CD released on August 18, 2009 on 2nd Story Sound, pays tribute to singer and banjo picker Charlie Poole (1892–1931). It features 30 tracks, including new versions of songs made popular by Poole from 1925 through 1930, as well as original songs on Poole's turbulent life by Wainwright and producer Dick Connette.
More than 25 artists contributed to the album, including Wainwright's children, Rufus Wainwright, Martha Wainwright and Lucy Wainwright Roche, all singer-songwriters in their own right; his sister, singer-songwriter Sloan Wainwright; Maggie, Suzzy and Terre Roche of The Roches; Chris Thile, mandolinist and vocalist for the former acoustic group Nickel Creek; and Geoff Muldaur, a founding member of the 1960s group Jim Kweskin Jug Band.
The album won the 2010 Grammy Award for Best Traditional Folk Album.
Loudon Wainwright III – banjo, guitar, vocals, backing vocals, liner notes, photo courtesy
Paul Asaro – piano
C.J. Camerieri – trumpet, French horn, brass arrangement
Dick Connette – arranger, cymbals, drums (bass), backing vocals, producer, liner notes, vocal arrangement, song notes
Paula Court – photography
Michael Davis – trombone
Peter Ecklund – trumpet, whistle (human)
Danielle Farina – viola
Erik Friedlander – cello
Rayna Gellert – violin
Scott Hull – mastering
Milt Kramer – photography
Scott Lehrer – engineer, mixing
Stewart Lerman – engineer
Dan "D Unit" Levine – trombone, euphonium
Tim Luntzel – bass
Dana Lyn – violin
David Mansfield – bass, dobro, mandolin, violin, backing vocals, string arrangements
Greil Marcus – liner notes
Rob Moose – acoustic guitar, mandolin, violin, arranger, national steel guitar, tenor guitar
Geoff Muldaur – banjo, arranger
Matt Munisteri – banjo, guitar, arranger
Ben Perowsky – drums
Dave Roche – backing vocals
Maggie Roche – vocals, backing vocals
Suzzy Roche – backing vocals
Terre Roche – backing vocals, vocal arrangement
Marcus Rojas – tuba
Kinney Rorrer – liner notes, photo courtesy
Stefan Schatz – drums
Johnny Lee Schell – engineer
Wade Schuman – harmonica
Chaim Tannenbaum – banjo, guitar, harmonica, mandolin, vocals, backing vocals
Chris Thile – mandolin, backing vocals
Alex Venguer – engineer, mixing
Martha Wainwright – backing vocals
Rufus Wainwright – backing vocals
Sloan Wainwright – backing vocals
Paul Woodiel – violin
Продолжительность: 00:30:04
01. Times Is Hard
02. House
03. On To Victory, Mr. Roosevelt
04. Fear Itself
05. The Panic Is On
06. The Krugman Blues
07. Halloween 2009
08. Middle Of The Night
09. Cash For Clunkers
10. Got A Ukulele
10 Songs for the New Depression is the twenty-first studio album by American singer-songwriter Loudon Wainwright III, released in July 2010 through Proper Records. Released forty years following his first studio album, 10 Songs is Wainwright's first album since his Grammy Award-winning tribute project High Wide & Handsome: The Charlie Poole Project (2009). The concept album was inspired by the late-2000s financial crisis and recession, and features Wainwright backed by his own banjo, guitar and ukulele performances.
Wainwright began writing songs for the album following the inauguration of Barack Obama in January 2009. The album features ten original songs and two cover versions of songs originally written and recorded during the Great Depression. Lyrical references throughout 10 Songs include economists Alan Greenspan, John Maynard Keynes and Paul Krugman, President Barack Obama, and the government program Car Allowance Rebate System (more commonly known as "cash for clunkers"). Overall, critical reception of the album was positive. 10 Songs reached peak positions of number thirty-eight on the United Kingdom's Top Independent Albums chart and number twelve on the Top 40 Independent Albums Breakers chart.
Продолжительность: 00:54:17
01. The Here & The Now
02. In C
03. Older Than My Old Man Now
04. Double Lifetime (feat. Ramblin’ Jack Elliott)
05. Date Line
06. All In A Family
07. My Meds
08. Interlude
09. Over The Hill
10. Ghost Blues
11. I Remember Sex (feat. Dame Edna Everage)
12. Somebody Else
13. The Days That We Die (feat. Rufus Wainwright)
14. 10
15. Something's Out To Get Me
Older Than My Old Man Now is the twenty-second studio album by American singer-songwriter Loudon Wainwright III, released on April 17, 2012 on 2nd Story Sound Records. Described as "a gleefully morbid summing up of [Wainwright's] life in which he ponders childhood, family history, aging and death,"[1] the album is produced by High Wide & Handsome: The Charlie Poole Project (2009) collaborator Dick Connette, and features contributions from each of Wainwright's children.
The album's title alludes to Wainwright's father, Loudon Wainwright, Jr., who was aged sixty-three upon his death. Upon the album's release, Wainwright noted, "When you’re sixty-five, everything seems to be somewhat in the rear-view, or at least in the side-view. Well, not everything, and hopefully your windshield wipers are still working."
The following musicians are confirmed to appear on the album:
Loudon Wainwright III - vocals, guitar
Ramblin’ Jack Elliott
Dame Edna Everage
Chris Smither
Lucy Wainwright Roche
Suzzy Roche
Chaim Tannenbaum
Martha Wainwright
Rufus Wainwright
Rob Moose
John Scofield
Recording personnel
Dick Connette - producer
Alex Venguer - recording engineer

Продолжительность: 01:09:24
01. Hard Day On The Planet
02. Your Mother And I
03. Reader And Advisor
04. Cardboard Boxes
05. One-man Guy
06. I Eat Out
07. Five Years Old
08. Westchester County
09. I'm Alright
10. Not John
11. How Old Are You?
12. The Acid Song
13. Dump The Dog
14. Career Moves
15. Fame And Wealth
16. The Grammy Song
17. I.D.T.T.Y.W.L.M. (I Don't Think That Your Wife Likes Me)
18. Ready Or Not (So Ripe)
19. Synchronicity
20. Lost Love
21. Unhappy Anniversary
Продолжительность: 01:06:49
01. Be Careful, There's A Baby In The House
02. East Indian Princess
03. Medley (I Know I'm Unhappy / Suicide Song / Glenville Reel)
04. A.M. World
05. The Swimming Song
06. Prince Hal's Dirge
07. I Wish It Was Me (Poem)
08. No
09. Hard Day On The Planet
10. You Don't Want To Know
11. Sunday Times
12. Nice Guys
13. Harry's Wall
14. Carmine Street
15. Number One
16. The Birthday Present (#1)
17. Men
18. A Father And A Son
19. School Days
20. It's Love And I Hate It
21. One Man Guy
Продолжительность: 00:48:31 + 01:02:13
Disc One
01. Dead Skunk
02. Red Guitar
03. East Indian Princess
04. Muse Blues
05. Hometeam Crown
06. B. Side
07. Needless To Say
08. Smokey Joe's Cafe
09. New Paint
10. Trilogy (Circa 1967)
11. Drinking Song
12. Say That You Love Me
13. The Swimming Song
14. A.M. World
15. Bell-Bottom Pants
16. Liza
17. I Am The Way
18. Clockwork Chartreuse
Tracks 1-12 from "Album III".
Tracks 13-18 from "Attempted Moustache"
Disc Two
01. Down Drinking At The Bar
02. The Man Who Couldn't Cry
03. Come A Long Way
04. Nocturnal Stumblebutt
05. Dilated To Meet You
06. Lullaby
07. Sweet Nothings
08. The Lowly Tourist
09. Kings And Queens
10. Kick In The Head
11. Whatever Happened To Us
12. Crime Of Passion
13. Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
14. On the Rocks
15. Guru
16. Mr. Guilty
17. The Untitled
18. Unrequited To The Nth Degree
19. Old Friend
20. Rufus Is A Tit Man
Tracks 1-6 from "Attempted Moustache"
Tracks 7-20 from "Unrequited"
In the 2000s, Loudon Wainwright III was probably best known as an actor (KNOCKED UP, the TV series UNDECLARED) and as the father of singer-songwriters Rufus Wainwright and Martha Wainwright, both of whom have written songs about their sometimes-combative relationships with their dad. But Wainwright is a gifted and equally self-revealing songwriter whose 1970s albums for Columbia Records are highly regarded by fans of the confessional singer-songwriter style. DEAD SKUNK is a two-disc set that gathers all three of Wainwright's Columbia albums: ALBUM III, ATTEMPTED MOUSTACHE and UNREQUITED. Ironically titled after the novelty throwaway that ended up being Wainwright's only chart hit, DEAD SKUNK primarily consists of stark, personal material like "Red Guitar," "Whatever Happened To Us," and "Say That You Love Me," alongside occasional comic tunes like "Dilated To Meet You," a song about Rufus's birth.
2007 two CD set featuring Loudon's three albums recorded for Columbia. After two albums with Atlantic, Loudon signed with Columbia and released his third album in 1972, curiously titled 3, which featured his only Top 40 hit, 'Dead Skunk'. The album Attempted Moustache followed in 1973 and the half live Unrequited in 1975, which ended Loudon's association with CBS. Acadia.
Продолжительность: 01:14:54 + 01:18:23 + 01:18:28 + 01:18:14
01. School Days
02. I Don’t Care
03. Uptown
04. Be Careful There’s A Baby In The House
05. Saw Your Name In The Paper
06. Dead Skunk
07. New Paint
08. Drinking Song
09. The Swimming Song
10. Dilated To Meet You
11. Down Drinking At The Bar
12. The Man Who Couldn’t Cry
13. Whatever Happened To Us?
14. Crime Of Passion
15. Kick In The Head
16. Summer’s Almost Over
17. Just Like President Thieu
18. Golfin’ Blues
19. The Heckler
20. Natural Disaster
21. Red Guitar
22. Hollywood Hopeful
23. I.D.T.T.Y.W.L.M.
24. The Grammy Song
01. Westchester County
02. I’m Alright
03. Screaming Issue
04. Unhappy Anniversary
05. Your Mother And I
06. Synchronicity
07. Hard Day On The Planet
08. You Don’t Want To Know
09. Bill Of Goods
10. Thanksgiving
11. Your Father’s Car
12. When I’m At Your House
13. The Picture
14. Men
15. So Many Songs
16. Tip That Waitress
17. I’d Rather Be Lonely
18. April Fool’s Day Morn
19. The Acid Song
20. I.W.I.W.A.L.
21. A Year
22. Dreaming
01. So Damn Happy
02. Primrose Hill
03. Bein’ A Dad
04. Four Mirrors
05. It’s Love And I Hate It
06. Christmas Morning
07. Pretty Good Day
08. White Winos
09. Bed
10. Surviving Twin
11. The Shit Song
12. Between
13. My Biggest Fan
14. When You Leave
15. Make Your Mother Mad
16. Daughter
17. Grey In L.A.
18. Muse Blues
19. Motel Blues
20. The Deal
21. Rowena
22. High Wide & Handsome
01. Weave Room Blues (with Kate McGarrigle)
02. McSorley’s
03. Black Uncle Remus (demo)
04. Funny Having Money
05. The Hardy Boys At The Y (with The Boys Of The Lough)
06. Laid (live)
07. Outsidey (live)
08. That Cat
09. Surfin’ Queen (demo)
10. Newt
11. 4X10 (live)
12. Somethin’ Stupid (with Barry Humphries)
13. The Miles (live)
14. So Good So Far (live)
15. Big Fish
16. No Sure Way
17. Hey There 2nd Grader
18. More I Cannot Wish You
19. Florida (Lucky You)
20. Hank & Fred (live)
21. Your Eyes (demo)
22. Dead Man
23. At The End Of A Long Lonely Day (with Suzzy Roche)
40 Odd Years into an exceptionally prolific and storied career, Loudon Wainwright III is being celebrated with an aptly named career-spanning 4-CD/1-DVD box set, including a 40-page book, with an essay by renowned journalist/author David Wild and an introduction by filmmaker and box set co-producer Judd Apatow.
40 Odd Years features songs from throughout Wainwright’s career, including works of brilliance such as “The Man Who Couldn’t Cry” from 1973’s Attempted Mustache, which Johnny Cash would record with producer Rick Rubin decades later, to the genuinely odd “Dead Skunk,” which became a #16 pop hit and thus a true novelty in the Wainwright canon, to highlights from his most recent projects, including cuts from the Grammy®-winning album High Wide & Handsome: The Charlie Poole Project. The 3+ hour DVD includes an extremely rare documentary made for Dutch television entitled One Man Guy, TV appearances on the BBC, Saturday Night Live, and Austin City Limits, as well as several unreleased concert performances.
Famed comedy powerhouse Judd Apatow, who co-produced the set with Wainwright, and who credits the artist as a great influence on his own career, writes in his introduction “I wanted to do what he has always done: to be brutally honest, emotional, hilarious and sweet all at the same time. Whenever I wonder what my tone might be, if I am confused, I just listen to a Loudon Wainwright song.”
Regardless of prevailing trends or commercial pressures, Wainwright has always continued to follow his beautiful, often heartbreaking muse, no matter what the consequences. This is why his music endures, 23 albums and 40 odd years later, and why Loudon remains a true American treasure to this day.
It’s all enough to make you hope for another 40 Odd Years.

Live Albums (Official)
Продолжительность: 00:37:55
01. Motel Blues
02. Hollywood Hopeful
03. Whatever Happened To Us?
04. Natural Disaster
05. Suicide Song
06. School Days
07. Kings and Queens (Loudon Wainwright III & George Gerdes)
08. Down Drinking At The Bar
09. B-Side
10. Nocturnal Stumblebutt
11. Red Guitar
12. Clockwork Chartreuse
13. Lullaby
Track 1 - Birmingham Town Hall, England, Autumn 1976.
Tracks 2, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13 - McCabes Guitar Shop, Los Angeles, California, October 1978.
Tracks 3, 4, 5, and 12 - The New Vic, London, England, Autumn 1976.
Track 6 - The Apollo, Glasgow, Scotland, Autumn 1976.
Track 11 - Manchester Opera House, England, Autumn 1976.
A Live One is a live album by Loudon Wainwright III. The live performances included on the album were recorded on a tour of the British Isles in 1976 and at McCabe's in Los Angeles in 1978. It was released in 1979 on Rounder Records.
His first completely live album, it was released during the longest hiatus between studio albums so far in his career (five years): his farewell to the 70's (1978's Final Exam) and his self-reinvention on 1983's Fame and Wealth. Furthermore, since the track list relies on early LP's such as Attempted Mustache, the gap between his adjacent studio albums seems all the wider.
Продолжительность: 01:13:53
01. Road Ode
02. I'm Alright
03. Five Years Old
04. Your Mother And I
05. Westchester County
06. He Said, She Said
07. Christmas Rap
08. Suddenly It's Christmas
09. Thanksgiving
10. A Fine Celtic Name
11. T.S.M.N.W.A. (They Spelled My Name Wrong Again)
12. Some Balding Guys
13. The Swimming Song
14. Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
15. Happy Birthday Elvis
16. Fabulous Songs
17. Unhappy Anniversary
18. I'd Rather Be Lonely
19. Just Say No
20. April Fool's Day Morn
21. The Man Who Couldn't Cry
22. The Acid Song
23. Tip That Waitress
24. Career Moves
Tracks 1, 6, 8, 11, 15 and 23 are premiere appearances.
Tracks 7, 10, 12, 16 and 19 are spoken word segues.
Tracks 13 and 21 originally appeared on the 1973 album Attempted Mustache.
Track 14 originally appeared on the 1979 album Unrequited.
Tracks 3, 5 and 20 originally appeared on the 1983 album Fame and Wealth.
Tracks 2 and 24 originally appeared on the 1985 album I'm Alright.
Tracks 4, 17 and 22 originally appeared on the 1986 album More Love Songs.
Track 9 originally appeared on the 1989 album Therapy.
Track 18 originally appeared on the 1992 album History.
Career Moves is the second live album by Loudon Wainwright III, released on July 1, 1993 on Virgin Records. The album predominantley features material culled from Wainwright's 80s output, alongside six new songs, and one track from his then-recent album, History (1992). In the album's liner notes, Wainwright states: "To celebrate my silver jubilee, twenty-five years of earning a damn good living on the periphery of the music business, I give you this live record done in one night at The Bottom Line in New York City, my home town."
Wainwright is joined by musicians David Mansfield and Chaim Tannenbaum during the performance.
Продолжительность: 01:00:09
01. Much Better Bets
02. So Damn Happy
03. Between
04. The Picture
05. Cobwebs
06. Heaven
07. Something for Nothing
08. Dreaming
09. Westchester County
10. Tonya's Twirls
11. A Year
12. You Never Phone
13. 4x10
14. The Shit Song
15. Primrose Hill
16. The Home Stretch
17. Men
So Damn Happy is the third live album by American singer-songwriter Loudon Wainwright III, released on August 19, 2003 on Sanctuary Records. The album was recorded at Largo in West Hollywood, California, and features, amongst others, Van Dyke Parks, Richard Thompson and Martha Wainwright.
So Damn Happy compiles mostly nineties-era Wainwright songs, particularly from Grown Man, and new songs.
Regarding So Damn Happy's lighter tone, in comparison to previous release, Last Man on Earth, Loudon states that: "One of the reasons I made this record is because Last Man on Earth had a kind of serious tone to it, let's say. But this record, one of the reasons that we wanted to call it So Damn Happy - aside from the fact that there's a tune on the album with that title - was that we wanted to herald that it's lighter in tone. And there are some serious songs in it [but] there's some completely silly stuff, too, which I certainly hopefully never will forego entirely. ... It's a good time, and a lighter time, and I'm doing fine".

Live Albums (Unofficial, bootlegs)
Продолжительность: 00:54:27
01. Down Drinking At The Bar
02. Travel Song I
03. Travel Song II
04. California Prison Blues
05. Summer Is Almost Over
06. Unrequited To The Nth Degree
07. Motel Blues
08. Bicentennial
09. Our Love Is On The Rocks
10. Dead Skunk
11. Surfin’ Queen
12. Suicide Song
13. Twist And Shout
Продолжительность: 00:29:54
01. Interview
02. So Much To Do
03. Interview
04. Five Gold Stars
05. Interview
06. My Girl
07. Interview
08. Say That You Love Me
09. Interview
Продолжительность: 01:26:37
01. Intro
02. Vampire Blues
03. I.D.T.T.Y.W.L.M.
04. Grammy Song
05. Dilated To Meet You
06. Be Careful, There's A Baby In The House
07. Being In A Hotel
08. Call Me Mr. Guilty
09. Say That You Love Me
10. Final Exam
11. The Man Who Couldn't Cry
12. I Am The Way (New York Town)
13. Watch Me Rock, I'm Over Thirty
14. Swimming Song
15. Central Square Song
16. Surfin' Queen
17. Suicide Song
18. (Crowd)
19. Travel Song
20. Unrequited To The Nth Degree
21. Motel Blues
22. Dead Skunk
Продолжительность: 00:42:50 + 00:45:01
Disc 1
01. Daddy Take A Nap
02. Talk
03. I'm Alright
04. Talk
05. Westchester County
06. Talk
07. Be Careful, There's A Baby In The House
08. Daddy Take A Nap
09. Ramblings Of A Ragged Clown
10. Five Years Old
11. I Wanna Be On MTV
12. Talk
13. Kings And Queens
14. Hardy Boys At The Y
15. Out Of This World
16. Suicide Song
17. Talk
18. Fame & Wealth
19. The Grammy Song
Disc 2
01. Talk
02. April Fool's Day Morn
03. The Acid Song
04. Motel Blues
05. Ready Or Not (So Ripe)
06. Talk
07. Surfin' Queen
08. Down Drinking At The Bar
09. Final Exam
10. Talk
11. Watch Me Rock, I'm Over Thirty
12. The Acid Song (bonus)
13. I.D.T.T.Y.W.L.M. (bonus)
Продолжительность: 01:27:12
01. Animal Song
02. Fear With Flying
03. Whatever Happened To Us
04. I'm Alright
05. Five Years Old
06. Sunday
07. Synchronicity
08. Daddy Take A Nap
09. Mr. Guilty
10. I Eat Out
11. Wine With Dinner
12. Vampire Blues
13. One Man Guy
14. Talk
15. Nice Jewish Girls
16. Revenge
17. Thick And Thin
18. The Acid Song
19. Pee Break - Fame And Wealth
20. How Old Are You
21. Your Mother And I
22. Natural Disaster
23. A Hard Day On The Planet
24. Down Drinking At The Bar
25. MTV
26. Central Square Song
27. Dead Skunk
Продолжительность: 00:46:58 + 00:50:58
Disc 1
01. Arthritis Blues
02. Cardboard Boxes
03. One Man Guy
04. Thanksgiving
05. This Song Don't Have A Video
06. Guilty
07. Unrequited To The Nth Degree
08. You Don't Want To Know
09. Unhappy Anniversary
10. Your Father's Car
11. The Grammy Song
12. Fame And Wealth
13. Aphrodisiac
Disc 2
01. Your Mother And I
02. Me And All The Other Mothers
03. School Days
04. I.D.T.T.Y.W.L.M.
05. Down Drinking At The Bar
06. The Man Who Couldn't Cry
07. Dead Skunk
08. A Hard Day On The Planet
09. Surfin' Queen
10. Tip That Waitress
11. Rufus Is A Tit Man
12. Lullaby
Продолжительность: 01:07:29 + 00:59:02
Disc 1 (Early Show)
01. People In Love
02. The Doctor
03. I'm Alright
04. Talk
05. They Spelled My Name Wrong Again
06. Talk
07. Thanksgiving
08. Talk
09. You Don't Want To Know
10. Unhappy Anniversary
11. Your Mother And I
12. Me And All The Other Mothers
13. Talk
14. Aphrodisiac
15. This Song Don't Have A Video
16. Talk
17. School Days
18. Be Careful There's A Baby In The House
19. Talk
20. Jesse Don't Like It
21. Sometimes I Forget (That You're Gone)
22. A Hard Day On The Planet
Disc 2 (Late Show)
01. Mr. Ambivalent
02. Mr. Guilty
03. Unrequited To The Nth Degree
04. Hernia Story
05. I Went To The Doctor
06. Synchronicity
07. Talk
08. I Eat Out
09. Your Mother And I
10. B Side
11. Westchester County
12. Smokey Joe's Cafe
13. The Man Who Couldn't Cry
14. Fame And Wealth
15. People In Love
16. Talk
17. Colors
18. Sunday Times
19. A Father And Son
Продолжительность: 00:32:48
01. Intro
02. Grey In LA
03. You Can't Fail Me Now
04. Daughter
05. (Hip) - Poem
06. Doin' The Math
07. Interview With Nic
08. Muse Blues
09. School Days
10. Outro
Продолжительность: 00:58:12
01. Intro
02. Didn't He Ramble
03. Talk
04. The Deal
05. Talk
06. Goodbye Booze
07. Talk
08. If I Lose
09. Talk
10. The Letter That Never Came
11. Talk
12. High Wide & Handsome
13. Talk
14. Way Up In NYC
15. Talk
16. The Man In The Moon
17. Talk
18. The Great Reaping Day
19. Talk
20. Charlie's Last Song
Продолжительность: 00:57:36
01. Hometeam Crowd
02. Heaven
03. Between
04. The Picture
05. Dead Man
06. Fear Itself
07. Grammy Song
08. High Wide And Handsome
09. The Doctor
10. All In The Family
11. Primrose Hill
12. Unfriendly Skies
13. Swimming Song
14. White Winos
15. Middle Of The Night
16. Dead Skunk
Продолжительность: 01:21:52
01. Intro
02. Moving Day
03. Westchester County
04. Krugman Blues
05. Half Fist
06. Somethings Out To Get Me
07. My Meds
08. Be Careful, There's A Baby In The House
09. High Wide And Handsome
10. Rowena
11. Red Guitar
12. Another Song In C
13. Family Tree
14. House
15. Your Mother And I
16. Daughter
17. White Winos
18. Harlan County
19. Unfriendly Skies
20. Surfin' Queen
21. Dead Skunk

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