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Rock Your Detox with Sadie Nardini
Rock Your Detox: 6 days to cleanse toxins, weight and extra baggage from your body and life
Год выпуска: 2014
Страна: США
Жанр: йога, правильное питание
Продолжительность: 01:24:58
Язык: Аннглийский
Описание: Шестидневный семинар для очищения от токсинов, лишнего веса в вашем теле и жизни.
Rock Your Detox - это все о детоксикации вашего ума, тела и духа в реальной и увлекательной игровой форме! Большая часть детоксикации сосредоточена на диете, но вы не будете видеть реальные, устойчивые результаты, не обращаясь к вашему разуму и духу в том числе... На этом семинаре мы погружаемся во все три области, предоставляя вам:
- 30-минутный творческий поток последовательности йоги Детокс
- Освобождающая ум и пробуждающая душу медитация
- Диета и увлажняющие советы для сияющей кожи, сказочные тела и оптимального здоровья
- Советы по развитию границ здоровья, охватывающих уязвимость и практики благодарности
- Рецепты и идеи детоксикационной пищи
Качество: WEBRip (Сэмпл)
Формат: AVI
Видео: 720x400 (1.80:1), 23.976 fps, XviD ~1398 kbps, 0.20 bit/pixel
Аудио: 48 kHz, MPEG Layer 3, 2 ch, ~128.00 kbps
Sadie Nardini - 14 Day Yoga Detox & Empowerment Course
#777Thanks so much for joining us for the Rock your Detox Workshop! This is where the workshop takes place and you’ll get a daily email linking you back here to watch a new video where Sadie will help you go deep into your body, mind, and relationships to help get fit, fierce and fabulous.
You’ll also get to practice putting her advice into action with daily introspections and exercises. We'd love to hear your questions and feedback along the way so join the discussion forum at the bottom of each lesson with Sadie and other participants so you can continue to inspire and support each other.
We hope you find the insights and tips valuable and encourage you to invite your friends to get inspired with you. (The popexpert Team & Sadie)
Day 1 - Detox Your Diet
Fierce and Fabulous Starts With Detoxing Your Diet
You are what you eat is more than just a common phrase. It’s really true! If you eat a lot of junk food, you’re not going to feel very good and eating right is more than just cutting out the junk. In today’s video, I’m going to give you all of my quick and easy tips for eating the best food to look and feel great. It’s more fun than you think it is to be healthy – you’re allowed to have sugar and fat! You just gotta do it right.
Check out today’s video for a collection of diet tips:
Eating a Fit and Fabulous Diet Everyday
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
- Virginia Woolf
There Is More Than One Way To Detox Your Diet
1) Train Your Hunger
Did you know that your stomach, like the family pet, is quite trainable? It will not only get hungry when you are starving (which you shouldn’t be with these tips) but it also will get hungry when it’s used to eating! You may have to be stubborn for 3-4 days to change your eating patterns but once you do, you’ll be the master of your diet. I remember waking up at times with ravenous hunger, so I just kept a bottle of fizzy water next to my bed to satiate my belly. It worked like a charm!
2) Remove the foods and drinks from your diet that are not natural
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Eat as organic as possible. There are far too many chemicals in processed junk food, such as the neurotoxin monosodium glutamate (MSG) that are better suited to the back of a bleach container than your bowl of nachos.
3) Use the 80/20 Rule
There is no such thing as complete perfection in life. You should be thinking about how to take actions that will be more constructive and in the direction of reaching your goals. I find that doing your best to eat healthy will work out best 80% of the time with 20% left to indulge in some birthday cake, some weekly comfort food or an occasional frappuccino. The question is not if you will falter – we all do. The question is, what are you going to do when it happens? Are you going to continue sliding off track or get back to your healthy options? The choice is yours.
4) Eat Some, Not All
If you changed nothing else about your diet but this one rule, you would lose weight. Whatever is sitting on your plate, don’t eat it all. Don’t pack your plate if you’re at home or take some home if you’re at a restaurant. I usually eat a bit then ask the waiter to wrap it up before I’m really ready. By the time another 20 minutes has gone by (the amount of time it takes your stomach to tell your brain you’re full) you won’t have food to pick at
5) Seriously Supplement Healthy Options
Order a side salad instead of fries. Don’t play the “Eat Less Fries” game. Trust me, you will lose every time, my friend.
6) Have the Early Bird Special
Have a light dinner around 7PM whenever possible then have only water, tea or if necessary, a fruit-only smoothie or veggie-only juice before bed. Eating three hours before you get to bed keeps you free and clear of storing more of that meal as your body slows down to rest.
7) Drink to Detox
To optimize your detox, like a dirty cloth, your body needs water to wash away the bad stuff. I recommend consuming at least 2 quarts (or 8 cups) of detoxifying liquid per day. This means water, tea, kombucha, vegetable juice and anything void of caffeine. Caffeine dehydrates you and your body will need plenty of water to detox.
8) Fiber Up
Fiber is like a broom that sweeps out old gunk and debris from your digestive system. It’s been shown to cut the risk of digestive cancers, lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease and aid in weight loss. A diet high in fiber also makes you feel full faster so you’ll eat less. Fiber is made up of the parts of plants that your body can’t digest, so as long as your diet contains fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and/or added fiber, you’re golden!
Daily Challenge: Transform Your Diet
Today’s lesson provided plenty of tips for you to detox your diet. Today I challenge you to sit down and map out your typical weekly diet. Then think about what kind of goals you have and pick out some healthy tips to help you reach those goals. If you’re feeling ambitious, map out an ideal weekly diet then just do it! I’m here for you.
Share your diet goals in the discussion forum. Don’t be afraid to proclaim your intentions! It’ll help you reach your goals faster and with the support of a community working to do the same.
Day 2 - Detox Your Bod
Streamline Your Detox with Fun and Fast Yoga
Have you ever been to a yoga class and thought, wow, is this ever going to end? This is not that kind of yoga routine. You’ll be smiling and moving so much, you’ll rethink what physical exercise really means! I’ll show you my favorite routine from my compilation of moves in The 21-Day Yoga Body. I focus on core strength Vinyasa yoga which is designed to maximize your weight loss while toning your body at lightning speed! Don’t worry, it won’t hurt too much as long as you’re ready to sweat! Seriously though, listen to your body and don’t overwork anything that hurts.
Check out today’s video to get fiercely fit!
Yoga Like You've Never Yoga-ed Before
"A fit, healthy body - that is the best fashion statement."
- Jess C. Scott
Body Care Beyond Physical Movement
Woo hoo! I hope you enjoyed Sadie-style core-strength yoga. It’s definitely one of my favorite physical exercises and the best part is that it’s fast and easy to do anytime. Since it’s not always fun to break a sweat, I want to give you more tips to keep your body clear and strong.
1) Work Out Less
That’s right. Research shows that if you work out for too long at too high an intensity, you will stimulate your hunger hormones and most of us end up eating more, therefore negating the calorie burn benefits of your workout. There’s a fine line between working out productively and working out in a way that sabotages your intentions. I recommend 30-75 minutes of my core strength yoga 3 times per week to balance your hormones and keep you sane. I’ve done most forms of exercise, and I can tell you that yoga is by far the best workout that doesn’t stimulate your appetite in a way that has you scarfing down your next meal.
2) Move More
What? Didn’t I just say the opposite? Well, yes and no. During your day, find ways to sneak calorie burn in. Get off the elevator and walk three floors. If you’re on the couch, do a chair pose. Little steps here and there go a long way when they become daily habits. Choose the stairs and the walk to work, you’ll look and feel better in the long run.
3) Rise and Shine
Your metabolism is a complex network of reactions in your body that dictate how much fuel you burn and how efficient you are at doing it. Eating even a small breakfast starts your digestion, which brings your body from a sleeping state of metabolism back to burning calories. If you skip breakfast, your body stays low and slow longer.
4) Lean Muscle Starts Your Fire
Since muscle uses more calories than fat, one of the most effective and cute ways to raise your metabolism is to build lean muscle mass. I’m not talking about bulk, which tends to limit movement and compress the joints. Yoga helps you build this optimal density, long, strong muscles that look toned, instead of short and lumpy.
5) Make Time to Move
This one isn’t always easy but you gotta do it if you’re serious about your body! Doing a 30-60 minute work-out most days of the week may seem like a lot but the payout is HUGE. Watch your daily routine carefully and make space for your workouts. If you have a busy day, try two micro-workouts to get your movement time in. If you wake up 30 minutes earlier to do a workout, I bet you’ll feel better than if you sleep an extra 30.
6) Core Work is Key
The point of my style of yoga is not just to whittle your middle (which is a nice side effect) but to get deeper inside the belly, moving and stimulating your digestion and filter organs to work optimally. When you do a specific kind of core work, you will see a big change in your body as it sparks your detox and weight loss furnace to burn hotter – a phenomenon that yogis have known about for centuries.
Daily Challenge: Get Up and Get Out!
Think about your day and craft a few ways you can integrate a solid workout, small movement substitutions and a metabolism kickstart. This moment of planning will really help you get serious about beautifying your body. It’s good for your health, you’ll feel fantastic and others will notice when you muscles start popping.
Write down your plan in the discussion forum so your intentions can be set and cultivated with community love! I can’t wait to spread the excitement
Day 3 - Detox Your Skin
Health and Beauty are Actually Skin Deep
Your skin absorbs absolutely everything it comes in contact with so it’s important to take care of it as the largest organ of your body. It’s also part of your physical appearance so it feels really good to look healthy and bright! In today’s video, I’ll give you some easy tips to take care of your skin and give it the kind of glow that has heads turning.
Check out my skin care tips in today’s video!
Keeping Your Skin Healthy and Bright
"Think how lucky you are that the skin you live in, so beautifully holds the 'You' who's within."
- Michael Tyler
Get Your Glow On!
There are so many fun ways to take care of your skin, I highly recommend integrating them into your regular routine! Who doesn’t want an herbal bath followed by a slather of almond oil? You don’t have to go to a spa to get top-notch skin care. One thing you should consider looking at is your make-up and lotion options. There are often really harsh chemicals or unnatural dyes in lipstick, cover-up and other products you put on your face. Consider Burt’s Bees or another more natural product.
If you're interested in organic clothing options, check out Synergy and Blue Canoe!
You can also eat your way to skin health! Here are some of my favorite ways to get your skin soft, smooth and glowing:
Avocado Smoothie
I wasn’t a huge fan of drinking avocado until I tried it. Now I drink them all the time. Here’s one of my favorite recipes:
1 Ripe Avocado, halved and pitted
1 Cup of Milk or Soy Milk or Almond Milk
½ Cup of Organic Vanilla Yogurt
3 Tablespoons of Honey
1 Tsp of Ground Flaxseed
8 Ice Cubes
Beach Body Smoothie
Mangos are fantastic for your skin and this smoothie will help you feel like you’re on the beach basking in the sun.
½ Ripe Mango, sliced
1 Cup Pineapple
1 Frozen Banana
1 Kiwi
½ Cup Coconut Milk
1 Tsp Ground Flaxseed
¼ Cup Nonfat Yogurt
1 Teaspoon Honey
1 Cup of Ice
Daily Challenge: Pamper Yourself!
Run a bath, make a smoothie, rub oil all over your body - Is it really a challenge to indulge in some self-love? Do it now and do it so you feel good! I guarantee it will be fun and you’ll be grateful to yourself for making time to love your skin.
Tell us about what you did to indulge in loving your skin! Let’s share the inspiration together.
Day 4 - Detox Your Mind
Maintaining A Healthy Mind
Today we’re detoxing all the clutter in your mind! Ok, I know that meditation isn’t for everyone. Sitting and “Om-ing” may not be your style, so I have a rainy day meditation that will be interactive and fun to do with yours truly. Just like your body, your mind needs tending and today I’ll show you how nice and easy it can be to get your mind feeling clean and clear. If you know how to breathe, you have what it takes to reset your mind.
Check out my interactive rainy day meditation in today’s video!
A Rainy Day Meditation That's Not Just For A Rainy Day
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled."
- Plutarch
Breathing And Meditating For Mental Wellness
A healthy mind needs clearing just like all of the other aspects of your life. It’s easier than you think to keep it clean and uncluttered. The breathing techniques and rainy day meditation from today’s video are just two of my favorite ways of detoxing my mind. With all of the mental activity that occurs in a day, a few moments of quiet inactivity can work wonders to initiate a mental reset and meditation and breathing are two simple ways to reach mental clarity.
Here are some other activities I recommend for a soft mental reset:
1) Read a Good Book
Let your mind follow someone else’s thoughts rather than expending energy creating your own.
2) Listen to Music That Matches Your Mood
Sink into the feelings that emerge from auditory expression. Your mind need only receive the sounds.
3) Draw Something (Anything!)
Unleash the boundaries of your mental capacity and release your mind from the words that usually monopolize your mind’s day-to-day activities.
4) Cook a Delicious Meal
Cooking is an activity of the soul! Try to minimize the amount of thinking with this one by invigorating other senses such as taste and smell.
5) Get a Great Workout In
You won’t need to think when your body is busy working! And I know that you know how to get a great workout in with my core strength vinyasa yoga routine.
6) Clean Your Room or Do the Dishes
Cleaning doesn’t take much mental exercise. Let your mind rest while your hands get the job done!
Daily Challenge: Give Your Mind a Break
Today I’ve given you many different practices for detoxing your mind. I’d like to challenge you to seriously pick one activity or more to do for a few minutes. The goal is to keep your mind clear so whatever you choose to try, allow yourself to remain present by stopping any internal pull to other thoughts from today, yesterday or tomorrow.
How did it go? Let us know in the discussion below!
Day 5 - Detox Your Relationships
Rethink The Way You Relate To Your Relationships
Welcome back detox rock stars! Today is a big day because we are going to look at all of the different relationships in your life and clear out any drama. Relationships (friends, coworkers, lovers, family) are a day-to-day experience so it’s important to make sure that you’re spending time with people who build you up and support you in your life while removing yourself from unnecessary drama. Let’s get to it!
Check out today’s video to clear out relationship drama.
DRAMA: It's Just Not Cute Anymore
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."
- C.G. Jung
How Your Relationships Affect You
Giving out until you burn out is not a sustainable way to live. It’s so important to pay attention to the relationships in your home, work and social life. Take the time to understand how they are affecting you. Do you feel energized, relaxed and connected when you walk away? Or do you feel drained, exhausted and frustrated? Life is too short to spend time giving your energy away to others who need it. There’s a big difference between being there for a friend who needs to vent because they had a bad day and always having to take in complaints from someone who has a negative outlook on life. Paying a little more attention to how your relationships affect you day-to-day will go a long way in terms of improving the quality of your interactions.
Keep the relationships that help you shine and ditch the drama that drags you down.
Here are some questions that you can ask yourself to determine if you’re gaining or straining from a particular relationship in your life:
1) When you think of this person, what is the first feeling you have?
2) How would you describe a typical interaction?
3) How does this person add value to your life?
4) What type of contribution must you make to maintain a relationship with this person?
The best types of relationships will generate a positive response to these questions. If you’re not feeling good answering these questions, you may need to rethink the necessity of that particular person in your life. Do what’s best for you!
Daily Challenge: Take a Look at Your Inner Circle
Your inner circle is the group of people you choose to spend the most time with. Today, I challenge you to truly feel the value of your inner circle and make note of any particular people that don’t seem to return the value that you invest. This doesn’t mean you have to ditch anyone necessarily. This exercise will help you to cultivate those relationships that truly add meaning to your life. If you feel better, you’ll be a better friend in the end. Feel free to look beyond your inner circle to other relationships in your life and don’t forget to let me know how you did!
What did you learn from this exercise? Share it with the community below!
Day 6 - Detox Your Environment
Clean Out and Clear Out Your Environment
Welcome to the final day of Rock Your Detox! Congratulations, you’re almost done cleansing your life. Now that we’ve thoroughly scrubbed your internal self, time to scrub out the space around you! Your environment has a tremendous effect on your well-being and today I’m going to help you style it just right. You’ll feel clean and clear just looking at your space. Are you ready to get your hands dirty? They’ll be cleaner than ever soon enough!
Check out environmental detox tips in today’s video.
Getting Your Space Spick and Span
"Clutter-clearing is modern-day alchemy."
- Denise Linn
Your Space Is Your Temple
Cleaning products can be full of harsh chemicals that your skin (and other people’s skin who come into your space) absorb upon contact. Can you imagine ingesting a chemical that is meant to kill nasty bacteria? Sorry to be a downer, but that’s what you’re doing when you breathe, touch or eat residue from countertops, plates, pots and pans, utensils, etc. I’d like to share with you some of my all-natural tips for cleaning your house without ingesting the nasties.
One of my favorite sites is www.MrsMeyers.com. You can also make your own cleaners, like these two go-to recipes that I love:
Household Cleaner #1
Mix together:
1 Tsp Liquid soap (castile, peppermint)
1 Tsp Borax
Squeeze of Lemon
1 qt Warm Water
Household Cleaner #2
¼ Cup Baking Soda
½ Cup Borax
½ Cup Vinegar
1 Gallon of Water
Daily Challenge: Inventory Your Household Products
Take a look at the products that you use to regularly clean your space. Check out the ingredients and get a feel for the products that you’re surrounding your body with. Can you replace them with healthier options? Try out one of the household cleaning recipes or replace some of your cleaners with more natural options.
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