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Black Countess - дискография
Страна: Россия, Ульяновск
Жанр: Symphonic Black Metal
Год выпуска: 1999-2007
Формат: MP3
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps
Продолжительность: 2:30
"Child Of The Demonic Moon" – 1999
"Blood, Desire And Dead Nenuphars" – 2000
"Королева Зимы" – 2003
"Carnivorous Romance" – 2004
"The Language Of Flesh" – 2006
"Feetish" – 2007

01. Eleanors Desire
02. In The Abyss Of Fear
03. Carpathian Legends
04. The Queen Of The Fourth Dimension

01. Female Masturbation For My Ill - Natured Pleasure
02. Lesbian Moon
03. Lustful Embrace Of Whore
04. The Portrait
05. Nocturnal Episode
06. Vestal Part I (The Flame Between Her Thighs)
07. Princess With Mermaids Soul
08. Vestal Part II (The Blood Between Her Thighs)
09. Erotic Poetry

1. Сквозь горизонты чёрных планет
2. Королева зимы
3. За великой стеной луда
4. Маленькая девочка и ночной кошмар
5. На службе силы зла
6. Вампирическая нимфомания (Инструментальная версия)

01. Prologue - Royal Escort
02. Majestic Countess
03. A Melody of Coming Nightmare
04. Seduction and Defloration of E
05. Vampiric Nymphomania
06. The Chamber of Sapphic Vice
07. Escape to Nowhere
08. Last Chapter - Epilogue

1. The Scent of a Screaming Woman 05:06
2. For My Fallen Angel 04:49
3. God Grant She Lies Still 06:08
4. Of Octopus and Sodomizing Virgin 04:15
5. Demonica 05:46
6. The Mystery of a Witching Forest 05:52
7. Red Carnations and Bloodstained Lingerie 08:12

1. In the Moonlight I Kiss Her Bare Feet (2:50)
2. Brunette in Black Stockings (5:12)
3. Sweaty Thighs of Dominant Sluts (5:27)
4. Through the Emerald Gates (4:41)
5. Showing the Cards (5:14)
6. Passing the Death Valley (5:10)
7. Return to the Sinful Earth (7:40)
Группа была образована в Ульяновске в 1992 году, и некоторое время существовала без названия, но вскоре оно появилось - INTERMENT. В то время в составе банды было трое мрачных парней: Илья Полагушин (вокал, гитара), Михаил Антонов (бас) и Сергей Щепочкин (ударные). Молодая кровь бурлила, желания играть как можно брутальнее было хоть отбавляй, что в конечном итоге породило дебютное demo "Mutilated Reality", которое увидело свет в апреле 95 г. Альбом был выдержан в лучших традициях brutal death metal. Исключение составляла лишь заключительная вещь "My Suffering", которая немного разбавила брутализм. Demo-лента была очень хорошо принята фэнами и получила неплохие отзывы в подземной прессе.
Вскоре команду покинул драммер, поиски замены оказались безуспешными. В это время происходит поворот в сторону более медленной и мелодичной музыки, в духе все той же "My Suffering". Вместе с музыкой меняется и название на THE MISERY. Уже в 96 году выходит второй альбом "Her Forgotten Face". Теперь это уже стопроцентный doom на подобие Crematory. К этому моменту группа уже находится в подавленном душевном состоянии, положение к тому же усугубляется недоукомплектованностью состава и отсутствием живых выступлений. В результате, парни погружаются в глубокую депрессию и почти на три года пропадают из вида.
Начало - Рождение дитя...
Но, как говориться, что ни делается - все к лучшему. И вот, весной 1999 г. с новыми силами, новым составом и новым названием - BLACK COUNTESS - группа реализует убойный MCD "Child Of The Demonic Moon" ("Дитя демонической луны"), выдержанный в black/doom стиле. Музыка стала значительно быстрее, но по-прежнему осталась наполнена мелодичными соло-гитарами. Были удачно использованы некоторые сэмплы, а также живые эротические женские голоса и чувственные стоны. Все это укладывалось на готическом, можно даже сказать вампирском, холсте клавишных партий, которым было уделено повышенное внимание. Их помогали прописывать два сессионных музыканта: Илья Вакуленко и Катерина Кривова. К основному составу присоединился молодой талантливый гитарист Дмитрий Мартьянов. Качество записи получилось просто отличным, и, наконец-то, нашлась замена барабанщику - в команде появилась неплохо запрограммированная драм-машина с вполне живым звуком.
После выхода "Child Of The Demonic Moon" группа дала серию концертов в Ульяновске, выступив на одной сцене с такими командами как Morbit, Alkonost, Flame Exergon.
Альбом получил хорошие и отличные отзывы прессы и фэнов. Материалы о группе появились в The Surly Sullen Bell webzine, Vae Solis webzine, Thorn zine, MusicMind newsletter. Песни с "Child Of The Demonic Moon" вошли в компиляции Unholy Dark Castle Compilation Vol. 4 "Nothing Sacred Is Anymore" и Идиллия Vol. 2.
Проявили интерес и некоторые дистро-конторы: альбом распространялся (распространяется) через Blacksmith Prod. (Россия), MusicMind Prod. (Россия), Beverina Prod. (Латвия), Autumn Sun Distro (Украина), Hell Division Distro (Россия).
Продолжение - Больше крови, больше страсти...
Параллельно продолжалась работа над новым материалом. Музыка стала быстрее, с более разнообразными мелодическими линиями и симфоническим звучанием. Лирика стала предельно откровенной, с доминирующей темой мрачных и притягательных миров эротики и вампиризма.
Запись альбома длилась более двух месяцев с февраля по март 2000 года на студии Morbit. Наконец, в мае официально было объявлено о выходе CD "Blood, Desire and Dead Nenuphars" ("Кровь, Страсть и Мертвые Ненюфары").
К концу лета 2000 г. в составе группы появились барабанщик Радик Великов и гитарист Александр Сомов (ex. A-51), поэтому на концертах у Ильи появилась возможность выступать в роли свободного вокалиста. Место за клавишными на концертах занимали сессионные клавишницы Евгения Хазина и Катерина Кривова.
В конце 2000 года была достигнута договоренность с Beverina Production о выпуске 500 МС "Blood, Desire and Dead Nenuphars". Благодаря оперативной работе лейбла этот релиз увидел свет уже в январе 2001 г. За его распространение взялись различные лейблы и альбом получил дистрибьюцию практически по всей Европе.
20 января 2001 г. состоялся первый выездной концерт BLACK COUNTESS. В г. Сызрань группа отыграла вместе с Flame Exergon и Morbit. Отличный звук, свет и организация (спасибо Flame Exergone!), отличная реакция фэнов: все это позволяет считать сызранский концерт лучшим выступлением команды на данный момент.
Продолжая работу в плане промоции, BLACK COUNTESS приняли участие в нескольких радио-шоу: Charon's Chronicles (Россия, Калининград), Metal On Wave (Италия), Beverina (Латвия). Увеличилось также и количество публикаций в прессе: Fortitude webzine (Румыния/Молдавия), Terroraiser zine (Украина), Vae Solis webzine (Россия), Музыкальный Журнал - ex. Legion Mag (Беларусь), Metal PL webzine (Польша).
2002 год оказался не слишком продуктивным для группы, хотя весь материал для нового альбома был готов еще в предыдущем году, но проблемы со студией и репетиционной базой долго не позволяли приступить к записи. Кроме того, команда была вынуждена расстаться с барабанщиком, причиной чему было безответственное поведение последнего, а также его чрезмерное увлечение тонизирующими средствами. И в довершение всех неприятностей, басист группы - Михаил - сломал кисть правой руки, причём перелом оказался настолько сложным, что он проходил в гипсе почти 9 месяцев. Пытаясь преодолеть возникшие трудности группа тем не менее продолжала концертную деятельность и распространение своих альбомов. В результате появились новые рецензии в прессе, песни с "Blood, Desire and Dead Nenuphars" были включены в несколько компиляций.
Часть III - Двойной удар
Наконец в конце 2002 - начале 2003 года проблемы со студией были решены и Black Countess приступили к записи. К этому времени количество готового материала значительно увеличилось, поэтому было решено записывать сразу два альбома. Первый - "Carnivorous Romance" ("Плотоядный Роман") - полнометражный, по сравнению с предыдущим "Blood, Desire and Dead Nenuphars" музыка на нем стала более сложной и полифоничной, звучание - более жестким. Данный альбом был задуман как концептуальное повествование о затерянном в лесах замке, его плотоядных обитателях и их прекрасной и обольстительной госпоже. Второй альбом - "Королева Зимы" - миньон, здесь музыка более мелодичная, но зато и более сложная. От прочих альбомов Black Countess, данный релиз отличается русскоязычными текстами. В альбом вошли четыре новые вещи, инструментальная версию песни Vampiric Nymphomania с полнометражника "Carnivorous Romance" и великолепная кавер-версия хита "На Службе Силы Зла" легендарной Арии.
В конце июля 2003 года запись была закончена, и группа с новой силой приступила к поискам лейбла. В октябре Black Countess получили предложение от старейшего российского метал-лейбла MetalAgen Records и в ноябре был подписан контракт сразу на шесть альбомов (четыре уже готовых, и два - готовящихся). Выпуск дебютного CD слегка подзатянулся из-за некоторых проблем с оформлением обложки, но в итоге, в конце апреля 2004 года "Carnivorous Romance" увидел свет. Данный диск является совместным релизом MetalAgen Records и молодого российского лейбла Metalism Records.
На данный момент к выпуску готовятся остальные работы Black Countess, а сама группа уже приступила к подготовке нового альбома.
Текущий состав:
Ilya Polagushin. Роль в группе: Guitars, Vocals
Mikhail Antonov. Роль в группе: Bass
Dmitriy Martyanov. Роль в группе: Guitars
Бывшие участники:
Sergey Shepochkin. Роль в группе: Drums
Radik Velikov. Роль в группе: Drums
Aleksandr Somov. Роль в группе: Guitar
Katerina Polevina (Гость). Роль в группе: Female Vocals
Kate Black (Гость). Роль в группе: Female Vocals
1. Eleonor's Desire
...It comes out of the night's pulsatory bosom inveighling me into the abyss of lechery by its
invisible kisses.
It shows unlimited delights of sex and engenders irrepressible concupiscence inside of me.
O darling, if you knew how wonderful this licking pleasure is.
But every time when fit of passion is over I see the blood on my hands and panties,
And also feel its copper taste in my mouth.
I think it is something that prepares me, but for what?
From Eleanor's letter to Joanna.
I'm lost feeling
Of distant corners of your sensations
I'm the desire that has not limit
My spiritual presence
Is caressing your naked vestal body
Flowing by the wave of pleasure
In your wet vagina
"My hymen is safe
But orgasm spreads inside me"
I couple with your fantasy
At the crossing of dreams...
You wake up with smile on the face
You know that everything
Will be again next night
2. Tempting By The Cunt
Having drawn aside the hairy boughs of firs
I saw silent doom of desolate cemetery and castle's majestic ebony walls behind.
From the chronicle obtained. Unknown author.
The endless dark passages
Of the derelict old castle's catacomb
Still let me straight to the desired aim
To the mysterious door
With the depiction of ornament
Of six crossed bloody roses
To the door behind which lost and lonely
Shadows of the dead hide
I open it with care and cross the mystic line
The fog spreads like a ghostly veil
I see the Countess holding two glasses of red wine
In the dim light of candles full of sexual bale
The whore that calls me every night
"Red sexy lips of the vamp
Black hair and languid look
Slender body... her power and grace
Pulling males into the depth of sweet dreams"
Her desirous look tempts me
And I come to her like in a dream
Passing the exquisite dishes
Laid on the royal table
The light veil falls down to the countess' feet
Naking her graceful body
And she holds out her hand to me
With one of the glasses full of wine
I drink and look at her legs her cunt and smirking face
And soon all dim before my sight
I'm in half a sleep and I feel her clingy cold embrace
And enjoyable pain in my neck besides
3. In The Abyss Of Fear
Unknown forces are pressing my flesh
My exhausting moaning brain
Twisting fingers and tearing the soul
Uglifying the face by the grimace of pain
Alone among the dark grey walls
In the abyss of my own fear
I suffocate in the wave of hysteria
That infected my cold blood
It'll come to take me from there
Gathering mosaic from pieces of mind
And it s me who'll see it
My helpless silhouette on the grey floor
I m not alone now and this is side by side
Everywhere around me
I feel wicked presence
And see fast increasing shadows
Something incomprehensible – scared in them
Their washy outlines and... light
The light inside ruling darkness
The light that comes to take me
It'll come to take me from there
Gathering mosaic from pieces of mind
And it s me who'll see it
My helpless silhouette on the grey floor
4. Carpathian Legends
5. The Queen Of The Fourth Dimension
She is leading me by the hand
Along the distant paths of the universe
Rounding the spiral of time
Through the horror and beauty
Am I going in a dream or reality?
I don't know
I follow her white misty figure
I see the arising of illusions
And the appearance of parallel worlds
She is leading me by the hand
Passing by old tombstones and graves
And ugly rotting corpses
Look at us with a dead cold glance
But now I see the colours are iridescent
She is leading me to them
And horror turned into beauty
I'm in the field full of flowers
And see the visions
Of spectral naked women around
And she is among them
My mysterious Queen
She is asking me to go on
And I'm following her white misty figure
1. Female Masturbation For My Ill-Natured Pleasure
2. Lesbian Moon
Clouds are parting giving the way to a full moon
Its light – is a seeker for chosen souls
Streaming like sweet wine from the bowl of skies
Giving life to eternal Temptresses – Whores of shades
Winged women – children of darkness, moon and sex
You see their faces under the mask of night
They are beautiful
Fullmoon erotica under their sweet languid moans
They perform their dance of seduction
Chosen girl – walking under moon
They call you join their lesbian love
You fall for their temptation
And lay on the wet grass
Down among the opening orchids
The winged creatures round you
You feel their fingers fondle
Your trembling body – they undress you
Their Queen throws off her black dress
She stays on the knees above your face
And you see her seductive sexual hole
Mistress's laying upon you embracing your flaming thighs
And soon you feel how she licks your clitoris
You also lick her cunt and moan in orgasm
Moon is lighting the orgy bewitching you
You unable to feel how their greedy mouths
Sticking into your flesh
Your pain seems sweet like wine, like sex, like moonlight
3. Lustful Embrance Of Whore
The wanderer under shroud of the night
Exhausted with hunger and thirst
Destiny guides you to the lost house
Heavy oak door opens and you see
The woman illuminated with light of candles
She smiles to you biting her finger sensually
Through translucent dress
Appear beautiful forms of her naked breasts
She follows you to the soft splendid bed
Puts candelabrum at its head
And brings a bowl of excellent red wine
You drink and thank her for lodging and wine
She answers with mysterious smile
And let the dress falling on the floor with ease
Staying only in narrow lacy panties
You fall silent from matchless surprise
Stopping your look between her thighs
White nenuphar in her hand arises
She puts it into your hair and whispers closing eyes
"Plunge into the world which's perfect and free
Take your forbidden fruit and cling to me
Touch my wet heated cunt, my sinny flesh
Fuck with me cause I'm so ready and fresh
Leave your past behind and let me kiss you
Let me wrap my long legs around you
I will satisfy you more and more
Because you'll don't dare to resist the Devil's Whore"
You lend yourself to her sexual voice
And Whore's laying you down your back
She's standing on her knees at your feet
In a moment you feel her fiery mouth
Covering your hardened phallus
Her tongue, lips and fingers fondle it
You see in her desirous and smiling eyes
She seizes you stripping her shameless hole
And straddling her thighs
She's thrusting her sharp polished nails into your skin
Starting sexual liaison
And terribly laughing with pleasing sin
You cum into her dead fruitless womb
Raving Whore is triumphing
Her sensual red lips's striping lengthened fangs
Her eyes is becoming black chasms
And you see her true face – face of Succubus
She throws herself on you
The wanderer under shroud of the night
Your scream – so sweet music for Daughter of Darkness
4. The Portrait
When night is clothing skies into black velvet
It could be heard her singing
Her voice calling to show yourself
Vamping into the depth of her multy-faced being
I'm flying in this muse, feeling her with whole my body
Above the beaten way behind the light
Sometimes ill-natured eyes of the Demonic Moon
Open the flesh of night by its dead ashy look
And then I see her children awoke after day sleep
To slake their hunger performing nocturnal trip
Their desire gave the centuries of dark being
Their screaming victims went from the lost blooded ways
They are the cruel history of gothic night –
The mother of wolves and vampires tide
I see dead fields full of faded flowers
Slowly waving under the autumn wind
Fields with bones are spreading everywhere
Like white spots shown on the grey canvas
Packs of wolves come down from the high hills
To this left and lost dale
Following the path of eternal call
Hours of great hunt are waiting for them
Oblivious melody is still spreading around
Like dark water of Lethean river
Among the hills covered with dense Forest of the Dead
Mirror-like surface full of blinking stars is spread
The lake with mysteries hidden inside its black gist
Covered under shroud of light spectral mist
Sometimes this mist materialises and tempts
Shaping as graceful bodies of young sexy vamps
Her eyes reflect unlimited desirous abyss
And ruby lips are calling for voluptuous kiss
O lonely wayfarer cling to their naked legs
Rest after a long way
Sleep under their kisses and caresses
That'll be a last dream in your life
I fly further passing the whispering forest
To the castle on the rock from where
This nocturnal music sounds
My Countess – a beloved of night
I'm flying to you
I know that real love can't die
That's why I always return to your chamber
To your Portrait
I see my flight in your eyes
I see how night is clothing skies into black velvet...
5. Nocturnal Episode
6. Vestal Part I (Flame Between Her Thighs)
"I hear the voice of my Lord
Whenever watch
At flame spreading over forest
A sunset flame
Dressed as any of nuns but not like them
With hand between legs trembling from desire
I burn myself from flame of mine
Blazing up more often in my dependent life
My Lord promises to slake my wild desire
Thus I decided to escape this night
To his lonely castle
Dark forest will shelter me and wolves will show the way"
My child I'm waiting for you in my crypt
Now you're at my door
Break the holy seal
Follow the steps down
Open the coffin's cover
Move apart your thighs
Above my mouth
Give me your vestal blood
Give me life after years of vampiric sleep
Put out your flame
Slake your sexual starvation
And don't think about further punishment
Because it'll be just reward
Come with me into the night life of blood and desire
Be my Bride!
7. Princess With Mermaid Soul
She was a beautiful girl loving ocean
Young Princess with mermaid's soul
She felt its mighty majesty
And gave her flesh and blood
To his depth beating the stone...
Water is outlining new-born body pleasantly
It's naked
Hair creeps behind her
In harmony her movements
She is one of them now
She is a Mermaid
She is to go along her own underwater way
The death isn't the end
The death is just the beginning
And my Princess is alive again
Her element is water now...
I see her in my dreams
I hear about her from the legends
I know her...
8. Vestal Part II (Blood Between Her Thighs)
9. Black Countess' Erotic Poetry
From time to time seven selected virgins
Were exposed to majestic sexual ritual
Making members of demonic whores
Travelling around the world
The kingdom of depraved sex
The kingdom of cruel Countess
In the castle among rocks and barren scorched emptiness
She is sitting on the menstrual blood coloured throne
With cold grin the light of burning candles
She is not alone
"Down on your knees – I'm your Queen
For you my lovely rite
My vestal concubines
Give me your hymens at this night"
Obey her lesbian bias
Or you'll see the opened gates
Behind which cuts by the abyss
Paths of your innocent fates
"Crawl to me and lick my legs
Lick my depraved cunt
I'm carnivorous perverted Whore
Welcome to my Vicious Haunt"
Concubines can't resist her witching spell
They crawl to her and start to lick her legs
Countess delights, touching her infernal vulva
But soon she repulses the virgins off
Servants bring for her majestic magic phallus
And she masturbate with it looking at young girls
They deflower themselves with their fingers
Laying semicircling at her filthy throne
They masturbate violently too
Feeling the taste of desire
And moan from carnal delight
Fresh blood is running to the floor
From chinks between their thighs aparted wide
"Stop to open moaning mouths
And curve your scarlet lips
Your virginity is your sun
I'm your eclipse"
Obey her revolting lusts
And don't awake the Beast
Don't contradict your destiny
And end the bloody feast
"Look at me and once more
Wide apart your hussy's thighs
Be ready to new sexual pleasure
Read it in my eyes"
Girls are obeying
Countess leaves her throne crumbling to Mist
And soon they feel how something enters them
The Mist – it fills their mouths and vaginas
They feel unearthly orgasms
And cruel fire flames in their eyes
"The seven young virgins now are not pure
And night is playing for them lullaby overture
Now they are Newborn Vamps – they are free
That is my lustful legend – Black Countess' erotic poetry"
1. Сквозь Горизонты Чёрных Планет
2. Королева Зимы
Мир одиночества скованный льдом
Здесь смертным нет места, но это мой дом
Вечность скитаний сквозь снежные сны
Она уготовила мне – Королева Зимы
Губы тронул мороз
Тронул глаза
Но я смотрю как страдают небеса
"Их слезы застынут в холодном дыхании моем
Обдав забвенную землю блестящим хрустальным дождем
Сжимая распятие ты молишься, я же пою
Подняв индевелое платье, мочась на святыню твою..."
Душу тронул мороз
Тронул всю плоть
Но я смотрю как страдают...
Горы снежных оков
В великой предсмертной агонии...
Долины зеленых лугов
Застывших в стекле фантасмагории...
Пустые пространства погибших лесов
Теперь лишь обитель ничьих голосов
И жалких стенаний по солнечным дням
Канувшим в бездну к разбитым мечтам...
Под панцирем льда мировой океан
Рвется к свободе – Левиафан
Но цепи властной тиранки Зимы
Крепки и ведут в чрево рабства они...
Вечной мерзлотой пагубный твой трон окутан
Дьявольской красой обольщен я и попутан
В серебре Луны слышу возглас – Аллилуйя!
На коленях я холод ног твоих целую
В звездной черноте одинокая планета
В саван белизны девственных снегов одета
Сей осколок льда в космосе моего транса
Породила ты – Королева Диссонанса
3. За Великой Стеной Луда
...Скалы с сотнями сумрачных нор
Льются из них воды зловонных потоков
Земли – ветрам холодным простор
Спеклись стеклом в результате кошмарного рока
Голый вид керамических труб
С синим мерцанием в них подземных огней
Греются рядом несколько групп
Тварей уродливых – дети бесплодных полей
Реки расплавленной лавы дополнят
Черный пейзаж отравленной мертвой долины
Выжженной котловины...
4. Маленькая Девочка И Ночной Кошмар
5. На Службе Силы Зла
оригинал: Ария
Твой флаг поднят вверх
Идет жизнь без помех
Все взял, что хотел
А то, что не успел
Не в счет
Ты как все вокруг
Врагам – враг, другу – друг
Но лишь под землей
Становишься собой
Под землей скрыт бункер твой
Ты в нем вершишь дела
Ты – на службе Силы Зла...
Зная исход
Веришь в себя
Твой дом обойдет
Чаша сия
Точен как штык
Как штык жесток
Мир в один миг
Ляжет у ног!
Но вдруг резкий сбой
И рвет ночь громкий вой
Твой страх, словно джинн
Поднялся из глубин
Взял в плен
Ты так хочешь жить
Готов хоть волком выть
И за пять минут
Признать свою вину
Ты попал сам под прицел
Ты завершил дела
Ты – на службе Силы Зла!
Лишь об одном
Думаешь ты
Кто правит Злом
Может спасти
Тело бьет дрожь
И на краю
Ты продаешь
Душу свою...
...хозяин торг ведет
...душа как ночь черна
...и Дьявол не берет
Кому она нужна?!
Твой флаг сброшен вниз
Горит ночь, стынут дни
Снег, грязь, царство тьмы
Удар смял целый мир
Есть лишь тучи крыс
Для них смерть – пир и жизнь
Стерт в пыль разум твой
Жестокий и слепой
На земле нет никого
Ты завершил дела
Ты был на службе Силы Зла
Только в одно
Веровал ты
Кто правит Злом
Может спасти
Думал душой
Выплатить дань
Вьется змеей
Путь в никуда...
6. Вампирическая Нимфомания[track-instrumemtal]
1. Prologue – Royal Escort
"Welcome to the vicious Castle of Flesh
My door is always opened for you – wayfarers
Get rest, food, drink, divert yourselves
In honour of your Majestic Mistress"
Crooked branches of trees on a background of the Moon's face
Cold breath of the night kissing your lips
Eleanor – a noble daughter of the king
You see this picture again and again...
Your escort missed the familiar way
Leading to a small summer castle
And that is why you're in the domain of the Dark Woods
Attracted by your pure empyreal beauty
Looking at the singing stars you think about your chamber
And the shadows of the flames dancing on your splendid dress
You remember yourself sitting in an arm-chair in front of the fireplace
Virgin plunged into her own secret passions
Your loyal knights follow the unknown path
Crossing hills, gullies and mountain rivers
Vainly seeking the way to escape
From this spreading around Majesty
But soon the wood thins and recedes
Giving space to a forgotten cemetery
Your appearance is accompanied by flashing lights
A night work of monstrous Bifrons
Behind the necropolis towers the Castle's monolith
The black mystic palace on the dismal canvas of the night
Hidden from strangers' eyes by the dense coniferous forest
Succubia – the Dark Castle
The road has lead you here Eleanor
Nice child listen to the whisper of the wind and dry trees
See attracting moaning shadows and then bend your knees
The ancient Castle awaits you in the hour of the element's balance
You are given the galactic keys of your own universe
Open it
Rule it yourself
"Enter the heart of the Queen of Darkness
Through the vein – the path overgrown by weeds
A mysterious bouquet of moon flowers
Is for you Eleanor – the Princess of Innocence
Close your shining eyes of morning sky colour
Listen to your true internal voice
Smell the fragrance of my excitement
See my lascivious languid body"
2. Majestic Countess
Passing gothic pattern of an iron fence
The Royal Escort approaches the Castle's gates
Two semi-naked girls are opening it
Evoking an amazement of the tired knights
"Come inside and have rest after a long way
Succubia with pleasure will receive a lost escort of the May
For everyone got ready red wine and hot dish
You are permitted to treat yourselves by our Lady's wish"
Surrounded by her suite the Princess get into the hall
And sees a luxurious and majestic Dame from her dreams
"Many people get lost in a pine forest's mouth – it's enormous
But the one who's got out of it comes to my house
I hope you was not scared by it's dark silhouette
I'm a daughter of Lilith and Samael – my name is Elizabeth"
The Countess invites everyone to the table
Placing Princess Eleanor beside
Other servant-maids appear in the great hall
Serving each of the dear guests
Sweet taste of wine and good meal
The view of peerless female charms
Fill the veins of the noble knights
With entrancing belladonna's juice
The revelry covers the awaken Castle
With it's variegated gown
Releasing from the den a Blade of Lust
Which cuts the fruit of the Eden's Apple
Eleanor is in the ocean of desire
Elizabeth strokes the Princess under the dress
Between perfect and silken vestal thighs
Searching the gates of the Purity Temple
"You have known me – a lonely rose of human flesh
I'm the source of your lecherous thoughts
The sensual erotic splash
You're just like me – lesbo blood runs through our veins
The noble blood...
So follow me and take all sweetness of virgin pain"
3. A Melody Of Coming Nightmare
4. Seduction And Defloration Of Eleanor
You are going through a long corridor
Passing many closed chambers
Leaving behind the laugh and joy of the hall
Which are drowning in the silence of night
Soon you find yourselves in a splendid bedroom
With a couch covered with a canopy
Bathing in beams of moonlight
Dizzied by the charms Eleanor falls into trance
The Countess undresses her and lays down on featherbed
Reading spells Elizabeth delight
Listening to Princess's breath full of unknown unlimited desire
"Wonderful child
I see myself in your look
It's time for your beauty to create a monument of immortality"
Soon you'll be transfered to the surrealistic place
The esoteric space of revelations
At the crossing of elements
Where the endless desert of sand joins the ocean depth
Where the wind fans the coals of your secret flame
Eleanor – you feel uncommon calmness
Resignedly following the Great Mistress and Preceptress
Look around
Beyond the horizon
Infinity of sand is at the left and water at the right
You are walking along the boundary of elements...
...Until you reach the lonely standing shining throne
The Countess calls you to sit there and become a Queen of Emptiness
You sit immediately feeling sexual passion
Your legs involuntarily spreads apart
And something ice-cold comes into vagina
You cry and the ocean becomes bloody-red...
Scream banishes oblivion out of blear mind
Eleanor awakes from the nightmare
Finding herself again on the same couch
She sees blood on the hands and thighs
"You deflowered yourself and opened the secret door
Come inside
Taste my blood for impending pleasure
Of power, lechery and tyranny"
The Princess is in desirous anticipation
Elizabeth bares the breast and cuts the skin with her sharp nail
Eleanor presses her lips to the bleeding Countess
They cum together
5. Vampiric Nymphomania
Celebration is going on in the hall of the Castle
There is no more modest servant-maids
Now they're salacious women in red silk
Furious votaresses of Belphegor
One of them is dancing on the tableful
Pouring wine over herself and showing her cunt
Another is masturbating in front of her guest
Permitting to lick her legs smeared with honey
The art of sexual seduction declares slavery
Eternal reign and cruel power of flesh and blood
When throne is occupied by the lowest lusts
Nobody will resist the temptation
They are Whores in Red fulfiling filthy wishes
And fucking with bewitched slaves of night
Beautiful infernal creatures bringing the exhaustion
And enthralling into the labyrinth of sex
Sadomasochistic orgy tortures the bodies of the knights
The art of torments slashes the skin with a knife and lash
The view of blood hastens the orgasms of the nympho whores
And a quick agonies for the unhappy martyrs
They are Whores in Red fulfiling filthy wishes
And fucking with bewitched slaves of night
Beautiful infernal creatures bringing the exhaustion
And enthralling into the labyrinth of sex
6. The Chamber Of Sapphic Vice
Did you like the taste of poison?
Now it's Elizabeth's turn
The magic elixir of virgin blood between your thighs is for her
Come together in unlimited lesbian ecstasy
Kissing, moaning, screaming and biting under the naked Moon
Don't be scared Eleanor
The lick of her cunt which enslaved thousands lives
Will be just an amorous game for you
7. Escape To Nowhere
A man running in the mist of reason
You're vainly trying to get out of the Death's den...
The lust calls you to return but you are fighting with it
Overcoming the fence which's encircled the Castle like a snake
Who resisted the charms of vamps won't hide from the nightmare around
Tell better about your escape to nowhere...
You reach the familiar cemetery
But it's graves are dug out and empty
And the view of erotic phantasmagoria appears ahead
With twisting in filthy poses young Daughters of Lesbian Love
Sappho would be triumphant at watching them
Embracing and kissing in the shade of the enormous slimy creature
Fumbling with it's palpi between their vibrant legs
Giving birth to a symphony of lascivious female moans and screams
You jump into the wet dark grave
And madly masturbate without any forces to restrain yourself
At the moment of orgasm the ground disappears under you
And far below you see the fires of Gehenna
Disgusting stench of burning corpses and sewage beats the nose
You want to get out from the grave but the dirty skies soar up
Screaming and breaking the nails you scratch the soil
But the Darkness which swallowed your shade
Is devouring you like Manticora
8. Last Chapter – Epilogue
The seed of cruelty is sown
Elizabeth leads a changed Eleanor to the hall
There is no more fear in Princess's eyes
But only carnal satisfaction
Recreated to seduce with her immortal young beauty
She steps along the way of new feelings without any tiredness
You come inside plunging into an atmosphere of vampiric nymphomania
Bloody bodies of exhausted knights are spread around
The smell of insatiable copulations and fresh blood excites Eleanor
The mask of nonchalance on her face is changed for the languid mask of desire
You are given with the bowls filled with red wine of opened veins
Accepting the source of life the Countess points at all around her
"Eleanor drink to the dregs and feel the whole power of Darkness
My heiress sometime it'll all belongs to you"
Your lips join together in lustful kiss again
And the tongues lovingly play between sharp fangs
Carnivorous Vamps in Red rapturously contemplate
Your supreme act of oral pleasure...
But the dawn comes near and it's the time to finish the dissolute feast
Coffins in darksome chambers wait their lecherous ladies
Elizabeth leads away the Princess and whores which are following them
Here comes the hour of ugly inhabitants of Succubia's catacomb...
Shapeless dwarves
Malicious gnomes
Corpse eaters
Crawl from miasmatic vaults of the Castle
To carry off the remains of bodies to their underground town...
Tired wayfarers
Welcome to the vicious Castle of Flesh
It's door is always opened for you...
1. The Scent Of A Screaming Woman
You are hidden in the basement of a deserted house
Your body, your feelings, your screams in darkness
And only in your thoughts you still see daylight
In your perpetual thoughts you plead for mercy...
You remember your lonely way through the night
Walking in silence with vacant stare
With the burden of worldly troubles
You notice a creeping ugly shadow but it's too late
And now you are here – among rusty tubing
Among disgusting purling of sewage
In the incubator of moss and mould
In the domain of slowly approaching insanity
You lie bound to a rotten table and choke with fear
Naked, frozen and weak
Trembling at the thought of what
IT will do next time
IT visited you twice by now
An ugly crooked figure
Every time the creature came up to you
And sniffed up something between your spread legs
You tried but could not see HIS (HER) face
It scared you even more, giving way to shrill screams...
You live in hope that someone could here it
Before IT will come again smelling your scent...
2. For My Fallen Angel
I invite you to take a walk
It's time to thaw the ice in your heart
Take my hand and don't look back
Only vague doubts are waiting for you behind
Walk with me to the labyrinth of dark souls
Believe me, my world is absolute
I invite you to plunge into darkness
It's time to feed your hungry flesh
Give in to me with passion
Showing protest to mankind
Drink the wine of immortality
And stand by my side on the edge of abyss
Dizzy, satiated
Inspired and shameless...
You'll become a damned angel
Erecting the temples of lechery
You'll take the look of a wandering stranger
Spreading seeds of evil on the virgin land
Seductive, convincing
Depraved and imperious...
You will gain a throne and devoted worshippers
And then you will feel delight in the deserted scenery of your poetry
Your chaos is waiting for you
You only need to confide in me
You will finally find yourself with me
3. God Grant She Lies Still
"God grant she lies still"
These are the words on a gravestone
Wind, rain and snow kiss her memory
As I kissed her to the rustle of falling leaves
Come back to me my autumn love
In the hour when silence cries!
Sometimes I smell the odour of her perfume
And see the play of shades showing her shape on the wall
I hear the trees outside whispering her name
And I feel a warm waft rushing past me
Then her clear laughter rings in my head
Devoured by a sarcastic echo
And her presence is taken to nowhere
Dissolving in the secret whisper of the night
But I revere these moments...
I recall our erotic dances
To the wail of autumn wind
Her peerless body in the light of the fireplace
Her teasing provocative look
Then her sexy moans ring in my head
Devoured by a sarcastic echo
And her last kiss is taken to nowhere
Dissolving in the secret whisper of the night
"God grant she lies still"
These are the words on a gravestone...
4. ...Of Octopus And Sodomizing Virgin
Concrete grey walls
Emptiness and lonely candlelight
That is the room of your secret passion
Behind the door of intimate illusions
You are virgin and you still value it
But the desire gives you no rest
And so you come to this room every night
Every spare minute...
You are blindfold
Not to see the ONE who gives you these minutes:
Octopus-like creature
In the far corner of the room imbued with female discharge
You kneel down sucking HIS tentacle
While the creature squeezes your nude trembling flesh
And then you throw off carelessly your panties wet from lust
Directing the slippery tentacle to you butthole
Giving yourself over to unearthly bliss
Moving in an unrestrained obscene dance
You are virgin and you still value it
But the desire gives you no rest
And so you come to this room every night
Every spare minute...
You kneel down sucking HIS tentacle
While the creature squeezes your nude trembling flesh
And then you throw off carelessly your panties wet from lust
Directing the slippery tentacle to you butthole
Giving yourself over to unearthly bliss
Moving in an unrestrained obscene dance
5. Demonica
О, Демоника! Повелительница непристойных снов
Нимфокоролева бесконечных мастурбаций
Клиторальных стимуляций, сладких слов
Твое тело вновь обтянуто в изящный черный латекс –
Изощренный и волнующий наряд
Ну а я спешу как прежде, подчиняясь зову плоти
По петляющей тропинке света в извращенный сад
Stepped into the abyss I come in your dominion
In fathomless depth of universe
Among the myriads of ice-cold twinkling stars
Which reflect your divine beauty and supremacy
Let me touch again your graceful unforgettable bare feet
Let me feel with my tongue their exciting unearthly taste
Fulfil your darkest erotic fantasies with me...
Твой запах из-под платья для меня укажет путь
Сквозь время и пространство должен я перешагнуть
Затем, чтоб снова пред тобою на колени встать
И пальцы стройных ног твоих лизать, лизать, лизать!
Show me the steamy sex of distant Galaxies
And piss with golden liquid on my wishful lips
Straddle me and draw out passion breaking from my flesh
Squeeze my phallus skillfully in tight anal embrace...
О, Демоника! Повелительница непристойных снов
Нимфокоролева бесконечных мастурбаций
Клиторальных стимуляций, сладких слов
Твое тело вновь обтянуто в изящный черный латекс –
Изощренный и волнующий наряд
Ну а я спешу как прежде, подчиняясь зову плоти
По петляющей тропинке света в извращенный сад
Stepped into the abyss I come in your dominion
In fathomless depth of universe
Among the myriads of ice-cold twinkling stars
Which reflect your divine beauty and supremacy
Let me touch again your graceful unforgettable bare feet
Let me feel with my tongue their exciting unearthly taste...
Твой запах из-под платья для меня укажет путь
Сквозь время и пространство должен я перешагнуть
Затем, чтоб снова пред тобою на колени встать
И пальцы стройных ног твоих лизать, лизать, лизать!
6. The Mystery Of A Witching Forest
Walking on the golden fallen leaves
In red blaze of the autumn sun
You clung to false threads of hope
In the kingdom of writhed trees
You disturbed the peace of a dead place
Where birds' songs died down in dry trunks
You came to know the old mystery
The story of two guiltless girls
Tongues of flame licked their bodies
To the scorn of exultant crowd
They were faggoted on suspicion
Of witchcraft and lesbian sex
And then the forest sheltered their souls
Flying, whispering and luring
Damned haunt of deep melancholy
The cradle of illusive quiet
На поляне из белого мрамора
В кругу черных горящих свечей
Ты столкнулся с двумя обнаженными дамами
Отразившись во взгляде их томных очей
О, галерея дьявольской прелести
Увертюра раздвинутых ног
Насмотревшись как шлюхи ласкают друг друга
Устоять пред соблазном ты просто не смог!
You joined their tight embrace
Which begot a sharp blade
They offered it to you
And you accepted the gift of death
It easily got into the flesh
Shedding your warm red blood
On their perfect silk skin
Your fell to their feet on the smooth marble
И лишь шепчущий лес да ночное небо знают правду об этом
7. Red Carnations And Bloodstained Lingerie
It's sunset again full of expectation for the forthcoming meeting with you
We were together last night and the juice of your charms is still on my tongue
It's as fine as a bunch of red carnations
Brought by me at that mysterious night
I licked between your legs and drank that juice
While your aroused cunt was shedding it
But first there were my hypnotic serenades outside your window
They forced you to suck your pretty toes and stimulate the clit
I took pleasure in looking at that picture
Painted by the brush of the erotic idyll
Plunging into the melody of tireless cicadas
Singing to me about the seduction of innocence
Я готов тебе предложить
Унять в милом теле пожар
Секрет непристойных мечтаний раскрыть
Остудить между ног твоих трепетных жар
You opened the window
And I flashed along your lips as a waft of night
Appeared behind your naked back
With flowers, the colour of the defloration
They sank in the blue shine of your ice-cold eyes
Arising undisguised unbridled desire
Losing your patience you lied down on the bed
And shamelessly spread out your legs
Oh, this splendid minutes of bliss!
You feeled sexual charm
And I licked you and bit your thighs
Sipping the red wine – pure fresh blood
When lust and passion satiated us
You fell asleep and I left you
I sank into the night and soon it melted away in the first rays of the dawn
It was the night of our carnal acquaintance
And now I am outside your window again
I see you dressed just in white lingerie
Almost not hiding your intimate secrets
И вот мы летим под Луной
Мимо лугов и полей
Всласть наслаждаясь любовной игрой
Погружаясь в пучину развратных страстей
We descend in cozy shades of trees and hang in the air by the ground
You are pleased with our fabulous flight
And cold twinkling of wolves' eyes who gathered around
You are laughing when I undress you
And it rains down with carnation-petals
We are spinning in this rain
You entwine me with your legs
And sit yourself on my phallus
Then the rain of petals turns into the bloody shower
We fall on your teared lingerie
And the wolf's howl spreads through your veins like absinth
Orgasm reaches us wiping out your virginity
Whispering unbiblical prayers of further lechery
Oh, newborn whore!
1. In The Moonlight I Kiss Her Bare Feet
2. Brunette In Black Stockings
Brunette in Black Stockings
Lonely stranger –
The Goddess of imperious pleasure
She was sitting at the next table
Hidden behind the velvet of shadows and cigarette
Her crossed legs in black stockings
Peerless feet in stiletto heels shoes
Brightly painted toenails
Drew a picture of unreal dreams
And I was there
In my mind I pulled off fine nylon from these slender legs
Sniffing their scent
Kissing the soft skin
While she was sipping vintage wine
Smoking a light cigarette
Until she noticed my close attention
So evidently paid to her
And then I saw her speaking eyes
So mysterious and promising
I heard a whisper of her sensible lips
Offering to follow her
Lonely stranger –
The Goddess of imperious pleasure
She was sitting at the next table
Hidden behind the velvet of shadows and cigarette smoke
Her crossed legs in black stockings
Peerless feet in stiletto heels shoes
Brightly painted toenails
Drew a picture of unreal dreams
And I was there
In my mind I pulled off fine nylon from these slender legs
Sniffing their scent
Kissing the soft skin
3. Sweaty Thighs Of Dominant Sluts
Sweaty Thighs of Dominant Sluts
Soon the Goddess left her unfinished dinner
And walked by me
Stopping just for an instant
To touch my trembling shoulder
I guessed her gesture
And followed her at once
Passing by the staff rooms
Going further inside the building
All the way my godlike stranger kept silence
I also did not dare ask her anything
And when the service lift brought us to the top floor
The Mistress opened the door to a penthouse
Where I saw a really fabulous sight
Of many incredibly expensive women
Skilfully satisfying their partners
I found myself in the apartments of strange society
Where strict ladies dominated
And men sucked their toes
I could not believe my eyes
It was the place of my dreams
But the mysterious black-stockinged brunette
Helped my dream come true
All the way my godlike stranger kept silence
I also did not dare ask her anything
And when the service lift brought us to the top floor
The Mistress opened the door to a penthouse
Where I saw a really fabulous sight
Of many incredibly expensive women
Skilfully satisfying their partners
Soon I was lying under the sweaty thighs of two
dominant sluts
Who came to me by the order of the Goddess
I felt the hot slot of one female and greedily licked
the feet of another
I surrendered myself to them
4. Through The Emerald Gates
Through the Emerald Gates
I enjoyed and exulted
As now I was a part of the performance
I was inside these splendid women
While their toes were in my mouth
And then I met again the eyes of my brunette
She watched me with a pleased smile
But soon she turned and left the penthouse
I was looking at her until an emerald mist obscured my eyes...
I woke up in the light of the setting sun
To the sound of waves breaking on the shore
I came to myself on a desert beach
By the voices of my new girlfriends talking nearby
Their perfect bodies were wrapped in latex gowns
Their hair was styled into amazing updos
The sluts were evidently preparing themselves to
something grand
And waited until I awoke
I rise to my feet
Shook off the dust from my black suit
And hurried to my chic companions
For explanation
5. Showing The Cards
Showing the Cards
I was given a cordial welcome and they told me what to do
Cyberia and Persephone were not slow to show their cards
I discovered soon that I went through the gates to another world
Too forbidden to be Paradise
Too nice to be called Hell
Without asking for my permission
The women just brought me there
It was the wish of black-stockinged brunette
And they were to escort me to the place
We had to go through a difficult path
To the mysterious Shining Palace
With its inimitable and gorgeous Mistress Selene
But first we had to go through the Death Valley
Behind the hills we were to face its cold grin
I did not expect to find this bizarre world
I did there nothing but fucked
And licked the feet of these two ladies
Without thinking why they tasted so nice
But there were also strange emerald pills
Dissolved in vintage vine
And the baths filled with this beverage
In which the sluts washed their feet
Washing their feet
The sluts filling them with magic
Washing their feet
The sluts sending the likes of me to this world
6. Passing The Death Valley (Including Shining Palace)
Passing the Death Valley
We crossed green littoral hills
Leaving behind the waters of an unknown sea
And we faced at once the opposite
Of those tranquility and beauty
Meeting face to face with the power of the Death
We perceived its delicate devastated taste
A boundless burnt city appeared before us
With ruins of once grand skyscrapers
Collapsed stack interchanges
And endless lines of wrecked cars
I stood stunned at this desolate scenery
Looking at piles of concrete
Broken glass and various debris
Unable to control my trembling soul
And far away above the dead city's ruins
The Shining Palace towered splendidly
We made our way to it
7. Return To The Sinful Earth
Return to the Sinful Earth
In the very center of a huge earth rift
On the top of a lofty rock
Surrounded by the bottomless abyss
The Palace was perfect and unassailable
Our way lay through a tottering old bridge
Eaten away by rust
Cyberia and Persephone fearlessly stepped on it
I had no choice but to follow them
We walked over the chasm
Step by step approaching the Palace
Watching strange creatures passing beneath us
Swishing the air with their leathery wings
After crossing the dilapidated bridge
We came inside the mysterious construction
My companions in skintight latex gowns
Led me solemnly to the grand hall
There I saw an impressive crowd
Crying out the name of their Mistress
And then I saw Her sitting imperiously on a throne
Selene – my matchless Goddess
She expected something from me
Evidently and ardently
I knew it and came up to her throne
And then the crowd fell silent
I bent my knees before Selene
And in the moonlight I kissed her bare feet
I could not stop sucking these sweet toes
I was getting higher and carefully licked her thighs
Studying every inch of Selene's skin with my tongue
Until I set my face between her splendid legs
And there, in the intimate shade of her dress
I sensed the scent of her fluid
At this moment the crowd behind me gasped
And I reluctantly turned around
To my surprise I found myself sitting at the bar table
In my habitual time and space
I understood that my adventure was just a dream
But then I noticed familiar female legs
Their owner turned to me
This was Selene
She beckoned me and I followed her without hesitation
Ещё мои дискографии: Sunterra,Legion Of The Damned
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