* Added support for CFW 4.81
* Added update for Stealth version
* Added support for CFW 4.81(DEX)
* Fixed nethost/netiso issues on DEX CFW
* Added support for CFW 4.80
* StDISC updated (Supporting 4.75-4.78 CFW)
* Fixed naming of FLASH/LV1/LV2 exports for CFW 4.66/4.76/4.78
* Fixed EBOOT.BIN/SPRX patching for CFW 4.66/4.76/4.78
* Updated Showtime/Movian to latest Bleeding Edge (04.99.812) –
http://movian.tv* Updated stealthMAN (multiMAN Stealth version) to 04.78.02
* Fixed Crash when scanning for /net_host (ps3netsrv) games
* Added support for CFW 4.78
* Added support for CFW 4.76
* Fixed BD-Mirror for 4.75 DEX
* Added support for CFW 4.75
* Support for CFW 4.75 CEX/DEX
* webMAN v1.43 available with support for 4.75
* lastGAME14 available in the web column with support for 4.75
* Fixed/Removed unused DYNAREC references
multiMAN celebrates 5 years and 500,000 users.
* Added support for CFW 4.70
* Updated Danish translation by ChopstiX
* Updated Movian/Showtime for mM to 4.9.430
* 200 PS3 covers added to the online server (total of 9200 PS3 covers available)
* Added: Unload network and NTFS modules loaded by webMAN on mM startup.
* Fixed: Create ISO from folder.
* Fixed: Issue on Rebug when copying PS3UPDAT.PUP.
* Minor Fixes before 04.75.00 Release
* Fixed game covers for split ISO games
* Fixed game backgrounds for ISO games
* Fixed few issues introduced in .08
* Fixed minor issue (mmCM) (regression from 04.66.07)
* Added prompt to launch multiMAN if mmCM finds itself in non-cobra mode (fixes @tiefputin1 issue)
* Fixed issues when using more than one external USB HDD on Cobra CFWs (4.46-4.66+)
* Fixed issues with homebrew locks/blackscreen/invalid-discs and other weird errors (CFW 4.65CEX/DEX and 4.66CEX)
* Removed habib's patches and added two different ones to improve compatibility
* JB games from FAT32 USB HDDs will be mounted as /dev_usb (and not as /dev_usb***) - this issue appeared in CFW 4.20. /dev_usb is always the first usb hdd which the ps3 manages to mount. When it happens that your game is not on the first/fastest usb hdd it caused problems. "Reset USB Bus" was introduced to multiMAN more than a year ago, but it is now added to mmCM, too, without actual reset of the bus.
* Added support for 4.66 CEX CFW
* Added spoof to 4.66 (do not use on Habib 4.65 1.02 Cobra)
* Added support for 4.65 DEX CFW
* Added "BD-Mirror" for Cobra firmwares for external FAT32 USB HDD games
* Enabled "USB Patch" option in settings to help with black-screen-games
* Updated explorer_plugin.sprx (for better discless support)
* Fixes some problems with 4.66 firmwares (especially COBRA compatible CFWs and the 80010017 error).
* Fixes issues with games like "Shadow of Mordor" - it can be launched in JB/folder format from internal/external now
* Probably will fix issues with other JB/folder-format games
* Fix is for all standard CFWs and for cobra CFWs (4.46-4.66)
* /app_home is intentionally not redirected to /dev_bdvd on cobra CFWs
* "Direct-Disc-Access" is now added. You should be now able to access all types of optical discs, that includes PS1 game discs, PS2 discs (to backup/convert to "classics"), AVCHD discs (for playback in Showtime) or Blu-ray (to backup and later decrypt on a PC), including any DATA CD/DVD with music/movies.
* Added support for 4.65 CFW
* Added support for 4.60 CFW
* Fixed USB bus scanning and reset for CFW 4.53 and 4.55
* Updated Showtime for mM to version 04.05.302
* Added support for 4.55 CFW
* Added 4.55 spoof option to mmCM(do not use on non 4.46CFW)
* Fixed downloading files from sendspace from the WEB column
* Names of local PS3 games in ISO format are properly displayed (from PARAM.SFO)
* Names of network and NTFS PS3 games in ISO format are properly displayed (from PARAM.SFO) after you load them at least once
* PS3 ISO games from NTFS drives will now show background and cover (if loaded at least once)
* Added support for checking for game updates for network and NTFS PS3 games in ISO format
* Last loaded game/video (no network/ntfs) will be passed to webMAN for auto-load at next system start (making lastGAME almost obsolete)
* While scanning for content, mmCM will prepare data for webMAN, too (NTFS info, images and param.sfo)
* Upon launch, mM/mmCM will rescan your games and will cache images and other files
* Small change to make mM "title_id” independent (in case you change it from the default BLES80608)
* Downloading mM/mmCM updates is now "title”/”name” independent
* In mmCM mode in HOME column you now have "Scan connected NTFS USB drives” option. In case you didn’t connect the drive before launching mmCM you can use this option to refresh content from NTFS drives.
! For COBRA7 compatible firmwares (CEX version only):
* Added support for PS3 games in ISO format from NTFS drives (/PS3ISO folder)
* Added support for PS1 games in ISO/BIN+CUE format from NTFS drives (/PSXISO folder)
* Added support for Blu-ray movies in ISO format from NTFS drives (/BDISO folder)
* Added support for DVD video in ISO format from NTFS drives (/DVDISO folder)
* Added proper detection of COBRA7 firmwares (4.46-4.53)
* Added "Check for updates" for local PS3 games in ISO format
* Added check when loading local/network PS3 games in ISO format if installed game update requires higher firmware version and fixes sprx/self/eboot files
* Fixed covers/backrounds for network PS3 games in JB/folder format
* Added spoof to version 4.53(COBRA7 firmwares only)
* Added support for 4.53 CEX CFW
* Added support for 4.50 CFW
* Added support for lastGAME 8.0 (bdMIRROR)
* Added support for 4.41 DEX CFW
* Added Korean language and updated Romanian
* Added support for 4.50 DEX CFW
* Added support for 4.46 COBRA7 CFW
* Added support for 4.46 CFW
* Fixed "Change BD-Movie Region" for 4.41CFW
* Added support for 4.46 REX/DEX
* Added support for 4.41 CFW
* Added support for various 4.40CFWs
* Added support for loading PS2 Classics
* Added support for lastGAME5 for loading PS1 backups from the "Load Last Title" icon on XMB
* Added support for Emulator-grouping selection in the SIDE menu in RETRO column
* Fixed mM last-state-save when loading "bd-mirror"/"ext. game data" games
* The improved discless compatibility now allows for skipping mandatory gamedata install for some games
* When using /net_host to load PS3 games via mmDM+ProDG - the scan/refresh is greatly improved. I'll appreciate feedback on that.
* There is a new option in "Settings" - "Expand Contents of XMMB media columns (net_host)" - default is "No".
When disabled, mM will only scan for PS3 games in FOLDER FORMAT from the remote hosts.
It will not scan for DVD/BD iso files or other non-game content.
* Fixed few minor issues in 4x2 and 8x4 modes (refreshing the game title when insert/ejecting a PS3 game disc)
* Fixed a very rare bug in mmOS when icon names/texts are getting corrupted
* Added support for 4.30DEX CFW (REBUG) (TBA)
* Added support for PS1 BIN+CUE (using ps1_emu/netemu) for 3.55DEX, 4.21DEX and 4.30DEX
* Added DynaRec support: New option in Settings "Enable DYNAREC"
* DYNAREC support for 3.55CEX/DEX, 4.21CEX/DEX, 4.30CEX/DEX, 4.31CEX
DYNAREC support tested on 4.21REX and 4.30ROGERO with ps3sx_Beta.pkg which is enough to assume that the implementation is proper. Thanks to Ing. Pereira for the htab info and PeteUK for the testing. All offsets can be found in my source below so Ing. Pereira can port his app for other firmwares, too. Also there is an easier way to detect all CFW firmwares and I posted about it at the end of this post.
* Improved discless compatibility (even more) on 3.55/4.21/4.30CEX firmwares
* A BD-DISC icon with [PlayStation(R)3] text will appear in XMB to replace /app_home/PS3_GAME entry
* Tested few games, which didn't work discless before and now work just fine (like LEGO:Indiana Jones, LBP2 and others)
* Upon launch mM will try to restore default LV2 environment by resetting syscalls 35, 36, 37, 141, 142, 600, 604
Here is a slightly modified PS3SX:
* You can install it on any mM supoprted firmware (3.55CEX/DEX, 4.21CEX/DEX, 4.30CEX/DEX, 4.31CEX)
* The configuration file is USRDIR/CF.ini
* Comes with bios and all paths set properly where the default ROM path is /dev_hdd0/PSXISO
* EBOOT.BIN calls RELOAD.SELF so you can boot PS3SX directly from multiMAN
* It has VERY POOR compatibility but shows that dynarec is working on all firmwares.
You can enable DynaRec in mM's settings and directly load PS3SX from mM's GAME column. Thanks to aldostools for the cover. Developers can use this dynarec option in mM if they wish to test their apps in this environment.
* Introducing the new mM payload which makes mM independent and easy to port for various firmwares
* Supports only 3.55 CEX/DEX, 4.21 CEX/DEX, 4.30 CEX, 4.31 CEX
* BD-ROM Emulator option in Settings can be set to "Enable / Disable" - no more "Hermes"/"Standard"
* Compatibility-wise it is better than "Standard" and "Hermes".
* This payload overwrites 252 bytes of strings in LV2 memory (and not 4000 bytes of code like other payloads), it doesn't use syscalls and doesn't rely on firmware functions, executes fast and improves performance
* Added option in settings "Redirect /app_home":
--- Disable (/app_home will not be mounted at all)
--- Enable (/app_home as used in previous versions - points to the game - for disc-less)
--- Toolbox (on Rogero firmwares with pre-installed toolbox if you play from discs only - it allows you to return to stealthMAN without restart)
* For 3.55DEX and 4.21DEX mM now supports split-games, adds better disc-less compatibility and also allows loading of PS1 backups in BIN+CUE format from internal/external.
The new payload allows for some tweaks and there is 80% chance that games that didn't work disc-less will now work.
* Added support for single-disc PS1 ISO/BIN backups (/PSXISO /PSXGAMES folders)
* PS1 ISO/BIN backups will show in the RETRO column
* Credits for the PS1 EMU patches go solely to Estwald/Hermes
* Added support for 4.31CFW
* Added support for creating ISO files from PS1 game discs
* Improved support for PS1 ISO/BIN/IMG/MDF
* Added support for BIN+CUE PS1 games with AUDIO tracks
* Added Smooth/Full-Screen options for PS1 games in "Settings"
* Updated Showtime to 04.01.480
* Added support for PS2 disc add-ons for PS3 games like SingStar:
- "[PS2" prefix in folder name required
- Example: /dev_hdd0/GAMES/SingStar-Dance/[PS2 Pop] where [PS2 Pop] contains a backup of your PS2 disc
- You can have up to 10 [PS2] add-on discs per PS3 game
/dev_usb000/GAMES/SingStar-Dance <--- This is the PS3 game listed in the Game column
mM detects the add-on PS2 discs and will list them in the pop-up menu when you load the game:
/dev_usb000/GAMES/SingStar-Dance/[PS2 Pop]
/dev_usb000/GAMES/SingStar-Dance/[PS2 Disney]
/dev_usb000/GAMES/SingStar-Dance/[PS2 Party]
- [Hermes] option for BD-ROM Emulator must be used and a PS3 disc is required. Later for the PS2 swap you'll need an original PS2 disc.
- Don't forget that you can backup your original PS2 discs in folder format using mmOS.
* Added support for PSXEMU/PSXNETEMU emulator selection for PS1 BIN+CUE backups (Press [Triangle] -> Game Settings)
* When on-screen-keyboard (OSK) is used and user cancels the entry mM will not accept the entered text
* Created proper ring-buffer for mp3 playback which should mean no more glitches/pauses of the music
* Restored support for GLC3.PNG for themes in 8x4 mode
* Increased screenshot JPEG quality to 90% and 1MB buffer size
* Toolbox/IPF from /app_home will be activated when you quit mM with {PS} button on 4.30 Rogero CFWs
* Fixed a bug introduced in mM 04.17.00: mM skipping 1-letter filenames (x.yyy) when copying folders
* Greatly improved graphics rendering (visuals) when mM is used in 480p/576p/720p
* Browsing Blu-ray, AVCHD and DVD-Video discs from the BD/DVD icon in Video column now works
* Removed duplicates of BD/AVCHD/DVD-Video entries in the Video column
* Fixed mouse-control when mmOS is the first display mode after mM starts
* Toolbox/IPF from /app_home will be activated when you quit mM on 4.30 Rogero CFWs (not if you load a game)
* Changed method for scanning of metadata for eboot.bin/self/sprx files
* [* Install Package Function] won't allow adding the same PKG twice and allows 'deselecting' when "Standard" method is used
* Added support for downloadable packages/files in the Web column
* Fixed some minor issues (rename/delete) when using "Game Settings" menu (after using L1/R1 to switch games)
* Reworked some core functions and improved mM's performance even more
* Added [www.brewology.com] installable packages in the WEB column
* Fixed access to AVCHD/Blu-ray Movie Discs and DVD Video Discs
* When moving files on the same drive mmOS won't check for available free space
* Improved background scanning/verifying of USB games
* Added support for AVCHD HDD movies to lastGAME
* Improved copying folders (double progress bar and faster speed)
* Minor fix for 4.30CFW Hermes payload
* Fixed copying folders with 0 byte files
* Fixed problem with split games in stealthMAN
* installPKG [Singstar Replacement] available
* installPKG standalone updated
* Installing PKG files will not reboot the PS3
* Visual improvements
* Added SD/MS/CF entries in Retro
* Fade-in for game backgrounds
* Some other improvements related to copying/scanning/verifying/etc
* multiMAN "minimal"/"bare" version available (read below)
* Improved overall speed of all functions and GUI
* Data Test/Verify functions now take fraction of the time compared to previous versions
* Improved 'Verifying data' of USB games by a factor of 50
* Improved scan before copying a game/folder
* Improved loading folders in mmOS
* Improved just a bit deleting games/folders
* Greatly improved loading content when browsing PS3 HDD/USB drives in game modes
* Loading Retro ROM/Video/Photo and ISO folders while browsing PS3 HDD/USB is now about 15 times faster
* Added "Friendly" name option in "Settings"/"Network Servers" for /net_host parties
* Fixed over-scrolling when browsing through large number of entries
* Increased max number of entries in game modes by 50% to 3072 (from 2048)
* Improved speed when copying games/files from/to USB HDDs
* Improved speed when copying games from PS3 Game Discs
* Improved speed when copying/browsing folders via FTP (LIST/MLSD)
* Added support for up to 99 pkg files in the [* Install Package Files] queue
* [* Install Package Files] function will scan /dev_hdd0/PKGTMP and will MOVE the queued pkg files from this folder (saving HDD space by not copying to temp location)
* mmOS will now honor the "Verify USB Games" setting when starting games from icons/shortcuts/game-folder
* Scanning for active USB storage devices is now performed in the background and will speed up loading games on 4.**CFW
* Verifying games in now performed in the background (when possible) to avoid delays when loading games
* Scanning for games is greatly improved and is 40-80% faster now
* Improved "Remote Access" functions (support for Left/Right stick mouse controls in remote mmOS)
* Added support for new mmRAS 01.02.00
* Some other general improvements
* Improved quality and speed of remote access screen rendering. Depending on server PS3 resolution the image is rendered as follows:
- 1920x1080 -> 960x720, 1280x720 -> 960x720, 720x480 -> 720x480, 720x576 -> 720x576 (all with PAR 16:9)
* Added support for new functions in mmRAS
* When using remote access to another PS3 both must be on mM 04.16.00
* Added new lines in translation files
* Added linux (x86) version of ps3netsrv
* Updated Showtime (for mM and standalone) to 4.1.307
* Fixed a bug about 80010009 error not being fixed
* Updated PC application "ps3netsrv" to support fast folder-data retrieval
* Greatly improved loading of remote /net_host folders (up to 4096 entries in mmOS and 2048 in other modes)
* Greatly improved loading of remote Retro ROMs folders with covers
* Added support to access remote PS3 system in mmOS or in game modes via /net_host
- You can access all data of a remote PS3 to view/play photo/music/video files, transfer files/folders and load ISO games (PS3/PSX/DVD/BD) if used with Cobra CFW
* Added option in "Settings" - "Connect to Another PS3" - it allows full remote control (screen/pad) of another PS3 running multiMAN 04.15.00 and later
* Added option in "Settings" - "Remote Access Permissions" (Disable/Files/Screen/Full) to restrict remote connnections to your PS3
* Added support for mmRAS - PC application by Aldo (aldostools) which allows remote access to your PS3 (screen/pad) while running multiMAN
* Screenshot feature in multiMAN (START+R2) will now save screens as JPEG.
The key features of this release:
* The improved PC ps3netsrv application allows much faster access speeds when retrieving data from folders in mmOS or when browsing photo/music/video/ROMs from remote /net_host. You can now browse a remote folder with roms+covers and it takes a fraction of the time it took before.
* The Remote Access feature allows you to connect to another PS3 anywhere in the world (be it in the other room or across the country) and copy files/folders, play Retro ROMs, view photos and play music and video files (after caching)
* The Remote Access Control (PS3) feature allows you to connect to another PS3 running multiMAN and view its screen and control it with your pad. It allows you to minimize the current session and work with your own PS3 (to transfer files to the remote PS3 for example) and then return to the other PS3.
* The Remote Access Control (PC) feature via aldostools mmRAS client allows you to connect to your PS3 (or any other PS3 around the world running multiMAN) from your PC.
* The option in "Settings" (Remote Access Permissions) allows you to configure the access to your PS3. You can completely "Disable" it, you can allow remote connections only to access your "Files", you can restrict it only to remote control "Screen" or allow "Full" access for files and screen control.
* The Remote Access Control provides 960x540 resolution (it doesn't depend on the remote PS3 resolution).
* To be able to use these features you have to configure your remote peers in "Settings" -> "Network Servers".
* Any configured /net_host can be used for file access (PC and PS3) and for remote control (PS3)
* If you are connecting to a PC you must have ps3netsrv application running on the PC side
* If you wish to restrict access to your PS3 - change the setting in "Remote Access Permissions"
* If you wish to connect to another PS3 configured as /net_host - use the "Connect to Another PS3" function in "Settings"
While connected to another PS3 you can 'minimize' the connection and work with your own PS3 and then resume the remote control. You will see the live minimized remote screen in the lower corner. To switch between local/remote control use [START]+[SQUARE]. To terminate a connection to a remote PS3 use [START]+[CIRCLE]. All other buttons you press will be sent to the remote PS3.
* Added support for fixing 80010009 errors for games with updates (like FIFA 2013 v 1.04)
* Added support for installing PKG files from NTFS drives in mmOS
* Added support for installing game updates after download on 4.30CFW ROGERO 2.03
* Improved display of game titles in all modes (no double refresh/redraw)
* Fixed covers issue in 8x4 display mode
* Totally reworked 8x4 display mode (compatible with all themes)
* Added "Reset USB" option to "Settings" to disable USB bus scan/reset
* Added new translation labels
* Changed: Do not scan/reset USB devices on DEX firmwares
* NTFS/PFS driver works properly with and without USB.CFG (only ONE active NTFS HDD supported)
* Game and Firmware version display in "Game Settings" menu will reflect data found in GAMEI folder if "Ext. Game Data" is enabled
* mM is now available in XMB after "Ext. Game Data" or gameDATA (USB mode) is used
* Improved support for data CD/DVD/BD discs (Blu-ray Movie Discs, AVCHD discs, other data discs)
- Upon mM launch if such disc is in the tray it will be accessible right away
- If a data disc (non-genuine PS3 BD Game Disc) is inserted during mM operation it will be also accessible
- These changes negate the use of "Enable Direct Disc Access" option in "Settings"
* Checking for game updates will also check GAMEI folder on external USB drives for installed game data
* Using NTFS/PFS driver with configured USB.CFG allows for any number of partitions
* If a broken cover is detected it is re-downloaded from the update server
* Fixed cover issues in 8x4 (and other display modes) when cover is missing or broken
* Added 300 new covers to the update server (over 5600 PS3 game covers available now)
* [* Install Package Files] function in mM supports:
- up to 256 pkg files
- split pkg files
- sorting
- queued PKG indication (in red)
- multipart (split) PKG indication (in yellow)
- copy/transfer progress
- Scanned locations: /dev_usb*** /dev_hdd0 /dev_bdvd in /PKG /packages and root folders
- Split files format: .0 - .63 / .66600 - .66663 / .001 - .064
- Supports both "PSN (Bubble)" and "Standard" install methods
* Online mM update from now on will require prior BASE/FULL installation
Changes related only to 4.20-4.30 CEX/DEX CFWs:
* BD-Mirror option now supports USB HDDs mounted as /dev_usb000 to /dev_usb127
* BD-Mirror option uses different approach now and doesn't move the PS3_GAME folder of USB games and doesn't modify the mount table
* After using BD-Mirror for USB games, the usb drive is still accessible in XMB (Video/Music/Photo/Saves)
* Improved disc-less support with BD-Mirror option enabled
USB Ports issues:
* When using more than one USB device mM will disconnect/reconnect them from/to the USB bus in the proper order
* This fixes games that crash when started from USB when multiple devices are connected
NTFS/PFS usage:
* It is now possible to use any NTFS usb drive without configuring its Vendor/Device IDs in USB.CFG
* When switching to NTFS/PFS mode use only one USB HDD connected (mM supports up to 2 partitions: FAT32+NTFS, NTFS+NTFS, FAT32+FAT32)
* To access the contents of NTFS drives use mmOS and /pvd_usb000 /pvd_usb001 (games from NTFS drives won't show in other display modes)
* Better support for data CD/DVD/BD discs and improved "Enable Direct Disc Access" function
* Improved BD-Mirror function for games on internal HDD
* Games started from mmOS icons/shortcuts handle BD-Mirror/Ext.Game Data options properly
* Online update server updated (5320 PS3 game covers and 3420 PS1/PS2 game covers)
* Updated showTIME media player (for mM) to version 04.01.264
Install Package Files (standalone application):
* Supports split pkg files named in the following format:
filename.pkg.0 -> filename.pkg.63
filename.pkg.001 -> filename.pkg.064
filename.pkg.66600 -> filename.pkg.66663
* Upon launch/refresh the following folders are scanned:
* Updated stDISC application (better drive reset timing and support for 4.30CFW)
* Updated gameDATA, bdRESET and lastGAME applications to support 4.30CFW
* Updated showTIME media player (standalone) to version 04.01.264 (CEX/DEX)
* Fixed issue with Hermes payload on 4.30CEX Rogero ver 2.00
- 4+GB split files caching from USB and "Ext. Game Data" game option now work
* Added standalone application "* Install Package Files"
- RELOAD.SELF from the application can be used in other homebrew tools to install PKG files via the bubble-method
- Install Package Files app works on all firmwares
* Added full support for Rogero 4.30CFW Version 2.00
- LV1 peek/poke support
- PS1 disc backups support
- Direct Disc Access support
* Added new function in "Home" column - "* Install Package Files"
* Added new option in "Settings" - "Install Package Files Method"
- User can pick from either "Standard" or "PSN Style (bubble)" modes
- Bubble mode shows installable packages as PSN downloaded content in Game column (or under Rebug's Package Manager/PSN Content)
- To select a package file (*.pkg):
-- Use [* Install Package Files] option in Home column or
-- double click on a pkg file in mmOS/File Manager (when "bubble" method is used the PS3 will reboot)
* Fixed copying of AVCHD/Blu-ray movie backups from Video column
* Added check for EBOOT.BIN firmware version (offset 0x428) and prompt to 'fix' the version to your current one.
This will fix 80010009 errors for 04.20-04.31 games without updates if EBOOT.BIN is encrypted with 4.20/0x1C key revision or lower.
Tested NFS:MW on 4.21REX without installing the 01.01 udpate for the game.
* Fixed LV1 peek/poke for 4.21REX in DEX mode + DEX lv2_kernel
* Added back IDPS display in "System Information"
* Added preliminary support for 4.30CFW with LV1 peek/poke syscalls (sc 8/9) or lv1 mmap patch (hvsc 114)
(if such CFW is released then direct-disc-access/PS1 disc backups should work)
* Increased number of supported simultaneous FTP transfers to 8
* FTP user/password can be anything
* Added support for "Change BD-Movie Region" function for 4.30CFW
* Updated Showtime to 04.01.224
* Added option in "Settings" - Fix Broken Blu-ray Movie Playback
The function will rewrite DRL/CRL hashes if there is a mismatch
and will fix "Playback Prohibited" error on 3.41/3.55/4.21/4.30 firmwares.
Option also availabe in control console via telnet to port 8080 (rcp vtrm / rcp vtrm update)
* Credits to graf_chokolo and glevand for all their work!
* Added full support for 4.21REX (REBUG) firmware
* Added support for 4.21REX in DEX full mode (DEX flash + DEX lv2 kernel)
* Added support for PS1 disc backups for 4.21REX CFW in DEX/DEX mode
* Added support for direct-disc-access for 4.21REX CFW in DEX/DEX mode (data CD/DVD/BD discs)
* Added support for flashing 256MB NAND *.EID0.NANDBIN backups
* Users with broken BD drives can use 4.21REX in DEX mode with fake BDEMU stick/image for 100% game compatibility