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David Bowie - Дискография 1967-2017

#777Жанр: Classic Rock, Art Rock, Glam Rock, Pop, Electronic, Experimental || Страна: London, UK || Год издания: 1967-2017
Аудиокодек: MP3 || Битрейт аудио: 128-320 kbps || Продолжительность: 13d 21:02:18

#777David Bowie : Вокал, Гитара, Бэк-вокал, Клавишные (died 11/01/2016 (cancer), ex-Tin Machine)
Antoine Silverman : Strings (Antoine Silverman)
Gerry Leonard : Гитара, Бэк-вокал, Клавишные
Zachary Alford : Барабаны, Percussions
Henry Hey : Клавишные
Janice Pendarvis : Бэк-вокал
Earl Slick : Гитара (Earl Slick)
Maxim Moston : Strings (Iron And Wine, Antony And The Johnsons)
Sterling Campbell : Барабаны, Percussions
David Torn : Гитара (David Torn)
Tony Levin : Бас-гитара (Tony Levin, Liquid Tension Experiment, ex- Steven Wilson, ex- Peter Gabriel,ex- Yes, ex- King Crimson, ex- Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe)
Tony Visconti : Гитара, Бас-гитара
Hiroko Taguchi : Strings (Iron And Wine)
Steve Elson : Clarinet, Saxophone
Gail Ann Dorsey : Бас-гитара, Бэк-вокал (Gail Ann Dorsey)
Anja Wood : Strings (Iron And Wine)

Бывшие участники
Mick Ronson : Гитара
#777Дэвид Боуи (настоящее имя Дэвид Роберт Джонс; David Robert Jones, родился 8 января 1947 года в пригороде Лондона Брикстон, умер 10 января 2016 года) - британский рок-музыкант. Боуи называют "хамелеоном рока" из-за его способности предугадывать и даже создавать музыкальные тренды, а также постоянно менять свой образ, иногда полностью воссоздавая себя. Самое первое появление в шоу-бизнесе состоялось в 1964 году, выпуском сингла "Liza Jane / Louie, Louie Go Home". После этого сингла, выпущенного под именем Davie Jones совместно с группой "The King Bees", Дэвид с 1964 по 1966 годы включительно, выпустил 6 синглов, записал большое количество студийного материала и с 1966 года стал BOWIE. В этом же году был выпущен его первый альбом или если быть более точным полное издание синглов выпущенных компанией Pye - "Don't Be Fooled By The Name". В июне 1967 года был выпущен полноценный дебютный альбом "David Bowie".
Боуи заявил о себе синглом 1969 года "Space Oddity" и приобрел культовый статус благодаря концептуальному альбому "The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars" 1972 года.

С тех пор Дэвид Боуи смело экспериментирует с разными стилями — от классического рока и глэма до электроники и метала. При этом Боуи всегда удавалось сохранять свой собственный узнаваемый стиль, успешно совмещая его с актуальными музыкальными направлениями. Мультиинструменталист: играет на гитаре, фортепиано, саксофоне, виолончели и др. Актёр: снялся в фильмах "Человек, который упал на Землю" (The Man Who Fell to Earth, 1976), "Голод" (The Hunger, 1983,с Катрин Денев и Сюзан Сэрандон), "Лабиринт" (Labyrinth, 1986,с Дженнифер Коннели), "Престиж" (The Prestige, 2006). В фильме "Баскья" (Basquiat, 1996) Боуи сыграл Энди Уорхола.
Смышленый и увлекающийся, в 13 лет Дэвид заболел джазом, обзавелся саксофоном и стал брать уроки у Ронни Росса (Ronnie Ross). Первые группы, в которых играл Дэвид Джонс, The Konrads, The King Bees, The Manish Boys и The Lower Third, познакомили его с миром Шоу-бизнеса и моды.
В 1963 году, согласно легенде, Дэвид подрался с приятелем Джорджем Андервудом из-за некой юной леди, и тот поранил ему перстнем глаз. Дэвид долго лежал в больнице, врачам удалось спасти глаз, но левый зрачок так и остался парализованным.
И к 1966 году он превратился в Дэвида Боуи (днём рождения "Дэвида Боуи" считается 14 января 1966 года. Именно в этот день он впервые появляется под таким именем с группой The Lower Third на обложке пластинки «Can’t Help Thinking About Me»), юношу с длинными волосами, одержимого идеей стать звездой. Его первым менеджером стал Кеннетт Питт (Kenneth Pitt), с которым создавались первые синглы, сегодня благополучно забытые. Только в 1969-м имя Боуи впервые появилось в чартах, когда он издал легендарный сингл «Space Oddity» (5 место в Великобритании). В своих музыкальных экспериментах конца 60-х Боуи обращался ко всем подручным средствам выражения - кино, пантомиме, тибетскому буддизму и актерству. Дебютный альбом «David Bowie» (1967) отдает дань всем этим увлечениям и демонстрирует зарождение того мощного таланта, которому суждено создать классику рок-н-ролла.
Следующий альбом «The Man Who Sold The World» (1970) стал первой по-настоящему цельной творческой работой Боуи. В гитарном саунде его коллеги по группе Мика Ронсона (Mick Ronson) слышится голос зарождающегося heavy metal и вместе с тем - первые шаги glam rock. Весной 1971 года музыкант впервые отправился в Америку, чтобы познакомить заокеанских слушателей с альбомом, изданным на лейбле Mercury, кстати, без всякой рекламной поддержки.
Теперь Боуи интересуется еще один американский лейбл - RCA. Уладив все формальности, он записывает для RCA подряд два альбома. В основу «Hunky Dory» (1971) легла демо-запись из шести треков, которая как раз и соблазнила лейбл на подписание контракта и включала песни «Changes» и «Life On Mars?».
Очень скоро за ним последовал и ставший классикой «The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars» (1972). Премьера шоу «Ziggy Stardust» в Лондоне до сего дня остается одним из самых зрелищных и новаторских живых шоу, и набиравшая силу известность музыканта с этого момента приобретает черты помешательства.
В начале 70-х Боуи перестает быть только музыкантом и композитором и начинает активно заниматься продюсерской работой. Лето 1972 года он проводит в студиях, продюсируя альбом Лу Рида (Lou Reed) «Transformer» и Mott The Hoople «All The Young Dudes». В сентябре начинается американское турне в поддержку «Ziggy Stardust», сопровождавшееся нешуточным ажиотажем. Еще бы: неординарная режиссура, экзотические японские костюмы, феерический рок-н-ролльный драйв!… Однако Боуи, ко всеобщему удивлению, внезапно решается прервать эту феерию, длившуюся более полугода, и 3 июня 1973 года выступает с заявлением, что это сегодняшнее шоу стало последним.
Посреди ажиотажа вокруг «Ziggy», под впечатлением от Америки Дэвид Боуи успевает записать альбом «Aladdin Sane», который выходит в апреле 1973 года. Летом он едет во Францию и снова окунается в студийную работу. «Pin-Ups», вышедший в том же 73-м, был последним альбомом, который он записал с гитаристом Миком Ронсоном и продюсером Кеном Скоттом (Ken Scott). В апреле 1974 на свет появляется насыщенный атмосферой диско релиз «Diamond Dogs». А летом 74-го Дэвид предпринимает свое самое грандиозное турне в Соединенные Штаты, с огромной программой и двойным альбомом «David Live» в качестве сувенира.
Последние два альбома отражают интерес Боуи к той музыке, с которой он познакомился в Америке. Запись «Young Americans» (1975) стала экскурсом в соул-музыку. Совместная с Джоном Ленноном импровизация «Fame» попала на диск буквально в последнюю минуту. Она же стала первым в его карьере синглом #1 в США.
Вскоре Дэвид Боуи начинает осваивать актерскую профессию, сыграв свою первую роль в научно-фантастическом фильме «The Man Who Fell To Earth». А потом сразу же возвращается в студию и записывает «Station To Station» (1976), своего рода дневник путешественника. После театрализованного тура «White Light», с преобладанием электронного состава музыкантов, была издана компиляция хитов «Changes One Bowie» (1976). А сам музыкант, никогда не любивший долго засиживаться на одном месте, перебирается в Берлин.
В 1977 году в магазинах появились два новых лонг-плея «Low» и «Heroes», изданные на лейбле RCA. Обе записи - последствия пребывания Боуи в Восточной Германии, где вместе с новообретенными коллегами по творческому поиску, Брайаном Ино (Brian Eno) и Тони Висконти (Tony Visconti), он практиковал новые подходы к процессу сочинительства. На повестке дня стояли сюрреализм и новейшие эксперименты, и именно по изобретенным тогда рецептам Боуи сегодня продолжают создаваться ambient’ные звуковые пейзажи. Хотя альбом «Low» вызвал у RCA некоторое недоумение, однако сингл «Sound and Vision», в конце концов, добрался до второй строки британского чарта. Украшением альбома «Heroes» были гитарные партии Роберта Фриппа (Robert Fripp), отличало его и более оптимистичное настроение.
Ради своего друга Игги Попа (Iggy Pop) музыкант отложил собственные планы, чтобы спродюсировать две его новые пластинками - «The Idiot» и позднее «Lust For Life». Ради дружбы он даже преодолел свой разрекламированный страх перед самолетами и как пианист отправился с Игги на гастроли.
Следующим походом Боуи в большое кино стала роль в картине «Just A Gigolo». Большую часть 1978 года он провел в разъездах, а в перерыве - в мае месяце - успел начитать пластинку «Петя и волк», которая записывалась с оркестром Филадельфии. Это был первый из многочисленных его «детских» проектов, которыми он занимался на протяжении многих лет. «Петя и волк» был издан только недавно, на зеленом виниловом носителе, сразу превратившись в коллекционную редкость. В сентябре 1978-го вышел следующий альбом «Stage» на основе недавнего американского тура, включавший также концертные записи «берлинского» периода.
Теперь Боуи решил переселиться в Швейцарию, откуда, тем не менее, часто уезжал в Индонезию, Африку и на Дальний Восток. Записанный во Франции альбом «Lodger» был опубликован в мае 1979, а уже к концу года он снова в студии. Результат сессий - альбом «Scary Monsters And Super Creeps» - появился в сентябре 1980 года. К этому времени Дэвид Боуи успел дебютировать на Бродвее в спектакле «The Elephant Man», принятом прямо-таки с восторгом.
На некоторое время музыкант как будто бы уходит в тень, хотя продолжает активно работать в кино, пишет музыку, снимается в двух фильмах. В 1982-м вышла еще одна компиляция лучших хитов «Changes Two Bowie».
Подписавшись в 1983 году на лейбле EMI, музыкант издает новую работу «Let’s Dance», а в рамках промо-кампании снова объезжает с концертами полмира. В конце года EMI несказанно радуют фанов релизом «Ziggy Stardust: The Motion Picture», в основу которого лег последний концерт сказочного тура «Ziggy Stardust», а спустя некоторое время выходит и документальный фильм о туре, снятый еще в 1973 году.
«Let’s Dance» - это опять новый, опять неожиданный Дэвид Боуи. Спродюсированный культовой личностью - Найлом Роджерсом (Nile Rogers) - альбом стал, вероятно, одной из самых революционных работ в карьере музыканта. Коллекция элегантных, безупречно исполненных танцевальных композиций включала романтичную «China Girl» (впервые записанную с Игги Попом в Берлине) и римейк кинотрека «Cat People». Вместе с блестящим заглавным треком эти песни стали постоянными радиохитами. Таким же романтизмом был наполнен и следующий альбом «Tonight» (1984).
Сингл-дуэт с Миком Джаггером (Mick Jagger), яркий театрализованный тур «Glass Spider» (с гитаристом Питером Фрэмптоном) гарантировали Боуи популярность в середине 80-х гг. Даже несмотря на то, что его творческая активность пережила период некоторого спада.
А в 1988 году всех ждал сюрприз: Боуи сформировал новую группу Tin Machine вместе с Sales Brothers и гитаристом Ривзом Гэбрельсом (Reeves Gabrels), с которым познакомился в Бостоне. Проект создавался как постоянно действующая команда, а не просто группа музыкантов для сопровождения звезды. Диск ‘Tin Machine» (1989) разошелся 2-миллионным тиражом, а группа продемонстрировала свои блестящие возможности как современный альтернативный живой проект. В поддержку бокс-сета «Sound and Vision» Боуи отправился в свой первый Greatest Hits - тур, пригласив в качестве лид-гитариста Эдриана Белью (Adrian Belew). Во время ряда концертов фаны могли выбирать песни, которые прозвучат со сцены, голосуя по телефону.
И вот на дворе 90-е. За концертником «Tin Machine Live - Оy Vey, Baby» (1992) следуют новые долгожданные сольные работы David Bowie. «Black Tie White Noise» выходит в 1993-м, а вскоре появляется один из первых рОковых дисков «Jump». Продюсером «Black Tie White Noise» снова выступает Найл Роджерс, а запись выглядит неким суммированием каждого периода Дэвида Боуи: инструментальные композиции, данс, house, фанк в лучших образцах. Альбом возглавил британский рейтинг продаж, а фаны еще раз убедились, что Боуи - неподражаем и непотопляем.
1994-й - год возобновленного сотрудничества Ино и Боуи. Результатом совместных усилий стал концептуальный альбом «1.Outside», опирающийся на идею человеческого тела как искусства и оязычивания западного общества. Подчеркивая многослойный характер записи, Боуи поет несколькими голосами: то он мелодраматический эстрадный вокалист, то характерный лондонский певец, то тихий затворник берлинского периода. Он расслаивается и на несколько ролей: 14-летняя девушка, дряхлый 78-летний старикан, деспотичный футурист 46 лет от роду.
1996-й стал для Дэвида Боуи годом невероятной активности, даже по его нестандартным меркам. Он прокатился со скандальным туром по Соединенным Штатам вместе с Nine Inch Nails, давал акустические концерты вместе с Нилом Янгом (Neil Young) и Pearl Jam. Он триумфально выступил на фестивалях в Roskilde и Phoenix, а после его концерта на церемонии награждения VH-1 Fashion Awards, где музыкант впервые представил «Little Wonder», гудел весь Нью-Йорк.
Через год появился новый лонг-плей «Earthling» (1997), очень непосредственная, сильная, своевременная работа. Альбом включал авангардную буффонаду в стиле drum ‘n’ bass «Little Wonder», которая вошла в Великобритании в Top 20, и сокрушительный хит «Dead Man Walking», его размышления над близкой старостью.
В том же 97-м вместе с Ино был записан сингл «I’m Afraid Of Americans». Этот трек, сопровождавшийся импровизированным видео, в котором Дэвид и вокалист Nine Inch Nails Трент Резнор (Trent Reznor) прогуливаются по улицам Greenwich Village, поставил Америку на уши. Сингл три месяца не покидал американских чартов. В конце года Боуи снялся в фильме «Basquiat», играя вместе с Гэри Олдманом, Кристофером Уокеном и Деннисом Хоппером. Ему достался характер, который он обессмертил в своей песне 1972 года «Andy Warhol».
В январе 1997 в нью-йоркском зале Madison Square Gardens Дэвид Боуи отметил свой 50-летний юбилей при полном звездном параде. Шоу с участием Лу Рида, Sonic Youth, Роберта Смита (Robert Smith), Билли Коргана (Billy Corgan), Foo Fighters, Фрэнка Блэка (Frank Black), стало одним из самых памятных концертных событий 90-х. Отправившись в очередное кругосветное плавание, он заводил зрителей более 15 фестивалей, пел в переполненных театрах и клубах, закончив свой вояж стадионным туром по Южной Америке.
Освоив едва ли не все виды искусств, Bowie берется за новейшие информационные технологии. В 1998 году открывается информационный хайвэй BowieNet (www.davidbowie.com), первый в мире поставщик интернет-услуг, созданный артистом. BowieNet - это неограниченный доступ к интернету, новости, спорт, финансовые службы, чат, музыка и развлечения, а специально для меломанов - неизданные записи, видео- и фотоматериалы, отчеты о концертах во всех жанрах и, конечно, mp3-треки Боуи и ряда других звезд. В 1999 году сайт номинировался на получение WIRED Awards как лучший развлекательный сайт года.
Не прекращая заниматься интернет-проектами (среди них - собственная радиосеть на веб-сайте Rolling Stone Radio), Дэвид находит время для нового фильма - «Mr. Rice’s Secret», в котором исполняет главную роль.
В мае 1999 музыкант стал почетным доктором бостонского Berkley College. До него такой чести удостаивались BB King, Sting, James Taylor, Dizzy Gillespie и Quincy Jones.
К этому времени Боуи активно подружился с группой Placebo. Впервые они вместе поднялись на сцену на церемонии вручения Brit Awards, чтобы исполнить классику Марка Болана «Twentieth Century Boy». Позже Дэвид присоединился к британскому трио во время их концерта в Irving Plaza, где они спели новую версию трека Placebo «Without You I’m Nothing».
В октябре 99-го выходит новый студийный альбом «Hours», 23-й сольный альбом, записанный на Бермудах и возвращающий нас к саунду времен «Hunky Dory». Вероятно, это самая автобиографическая запись музыканта и композитора на сегодняшний день, которая апеллирует к реальной жизни, а не игре воображения.
В этом же году, на волне прощания с уходящим столетием, читатели газеты «Sun» назвали David Bowie величайшей музыкальной звездой 20 века. В списке мировых звезд он опередил Мика Джаггера и Ноэла Галлахера (Noel Gallagher). А читатели журнала «Q» отдали Боуи 6-ю строку в рейтинге величайших звезд 20 века, причем среди живых легенд он оказался третьим в списке.
В 2000-м году, уже пребывая в статусе самого влиятельного артиста всех времен (согласно опросу «New Musical Express»), Дэвид Боуи отнюдь не почивает на лаврах. Музыкант выпускает очередной альбом «All Saints» (2000), а в 2002-м снова встречается с давним другом Тони Висконти, чтобы выпустить новый релиз «Heathen» на собственном лейбле Iso Records. Инструментальная часть этого альбома в небывалом раньше объеме принадлежит самому автору - все синтезаторы, барабаны и многие другие инструменты, кроме разве что бас-гитары. В конце 2002 года журнал «Q» назвал «Heathen» 5-м по счету в списке 50 главных альбомов 2002.
10 января 2016 года музыкант скончался от рака, с которым боролся на протяжении последних 18 месяцев. Певец скончался в кругу своей семьи. 8 января Боуи исполнилось 69 лет.
David Bowie was born David Robert Jones on 8 January 1947 in Brixton, London, the son of a charity’s promotions officer and a waitress. Bowie attributes his interest in music to listening to Rock & Roll singles his father brought back from America in 1953, comparing listening to Little Richard's "Tutti-Frutti" to "hear[ing]God". He began learning multiple instruments and performing in Skiffle bands and solo tribute acts to Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry at a very young age. Jones went on to study art and music at Bromley Technical High School and developed an appreciation for Jazz.

Emerging on the Mod scene at the age of 15, Jones joined his first band - The Konrads. In 1963, Bowie left school with the intention of becoming a full-time musician, however at his parent’s insistence, he also took up an apprenticeship as an electrician. Bowie left the Konrads shortly after due to his bandmates' limited aspirations and formed another group - the King Bees. After hiring Leslie Conn as their manager, the group released their debut single - "Liza Jane", to little success. Dissatisfied, Jones left the King Bees and formed the Manish Boys and released the single "I Pity the Fool", again to little success. Jones again disbanded his group to form a new one - the Lower Third. They released their debut single - "You've Got a Habit of Leaving" to little success. Around this time, hoping to avoid confusion with Davy Jones of The Monkees, Jones changed his name to David Bowie, after the American frontiersman Jim Bowie. The Lower Third released another single - "Can't Help Thinking About Me", again to little success. Both these singles were credited solely to Jones/Bowie, rather than the Lower Third as a band, prompting the group to disband.

After a brief engagement with the Riot Squad, Bowie formed a new backing band - the Buzz - and emerged as a solo artist proper. He released two unsuccessful singles - "Do Anything You Say" and "I Dig Everything".

In 1966, Bowie moved away from the Mod scene and released the more psychedelic "Rubber Band", followed by "The Laughing Gnome" and "Love You Till Tuesday". Bowie released his self-titled debut album in 1967. The album combined elements of Psychedelic Pop, Folk, Music Hall and Baroque Pop into a bizarre and unique sound, however it failed to chart or receive any significant praise.

In 1967, Bowie enrolled in Lindsay Kemp's dance class. Kemp became a mentor to Bowie and trained him in the performing arts. Bowie found himself heavily inspired by Kemp; in particular the avant-garde performer piqued his interest in the importance of image to the artist. The following year, Kemp choreographed a dance sequence in the BBC play The Pistol Shoot featuring Bowie and Hermione Farthingale. Bowie and Farthingale began dating, living and performing together. The two created the until recently unreleased promotional film Love You Till Tuesday which featured Bowie cycling through his repertoire. They broke up less than a year later when Farthingale moved to Norway; she had a profound effect on Bowie and was referenced in multiple later songs of his. Bowie went on to occasionally star in television commercials, and performed mime as an opening act for Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Bowie had his first hit in 1969 with "Space Oddity". The psychedelic song told the story of an astronaut named Major Tom, tying into the Apollo 11 moon landing. He subsequently founded the Beckenham Arts Lab, a successful folk club, and released the song "Memory of a Free Festival" in its honor. This was followed by Bowie's second self-titled album. The album had a heavier folk influence than "Space Oddity" and was a commercial failure, despite some positive reviews. Around this time, Bowie met Angela Barnett, and the two were married in less than a year.

Feeling isolated as a solo artist, Bowie set about forming a new band. The Hype featured Bowie on vocals, Mick Ronson on electric guitar, Tony Visconti on bass, and John Cambridge on drums. Each member created a character that they were to play and an elaborate costume to reflect that. However, after one disastrous concert, it was decided to retire the idea and for Bowie to remain a solo artist, with the other members acting as his backing band. Cambridge left after several heated exchanges with Bowie and was replaced by Mick Woodmansey. Bowie's third album The Man Who Sold the World, released in 1970, was a stylistic departure from his usual folk and psychedelia to a heavier rock sound, complete with dark lyrics dealing with themes of mental illness, war, greed, mythology, and science fiction. Bowie subsequently embarked on his first American tour, controversially dressing in women's clothing during performances, interviews, and on the cover of the album's American edition. In America, Bowie met and was heavily influenced by Iggy Pop and Lou Reed.

Angie gave birth to the couple's son Duncan Jones in 1971. Shortly after, Bowie released his fourth album Hunky Dory. The album saw a retreat into the lighter, folkier sound of his first two albums but lyrically drove him forward into a kitsch aesthetic that would become the basis of the Glam Rock style. The album initially failed to chart.

In 1972, Bowie began playing a character in his live shows. The character, Ziggy Stardust, defined by his outrageous and androgynous dress, was a "crazy rock star" inspired by Iggy Pop, and intended to be an alien. Ziggy and his band - the Spiders From Mars (Ronson, Woodmansey, and Trevor Bolder) gained a significant cult following in the UK. The resulting album, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars, was Bowie's first album to fully embody the glam rock style. It was a concept album dealing with the character of Ziggy coming to earth in its final days before the apocalypse, and acted as a satire of rock music and its culture. It was Bowie's first hit album, peaking at #5 in the UK charts, where it remained for 2 years. The lead single "Starman" in particular was popular in the UK and worldwide. Hunky Dory too rose to popularity and began charting, as did the non-album single “John, I’m Only Dancing”. Ziggy and the Spiders toured America. At this time, Bowie produced and provided backing vocals for Lou Reed’s album Transformer. Bowie wrote a number of songs in America reflecting and commenting on what he observed. They resulted in the 1973 album Aladdin Sane, his first UK #1 album, which spawned the popular single "The Jean Genie". Bowie became unhealthily immersed in the character of Ziggy Stardust. This, along with tensions within the Spiders, lead to him abruptly announcing the end of the Spiders and the Ziggy character in a concert at the Hammermsith Odeon in 1973. The concert was filmed and released as ,Ziggy Stardust: The Motion Picture.

Bowie's back catalog became highly sought after. His first four albums peaked in sales, and the older song "Life On Mars?" became a chart-topping single. In late 1973, Bowie released Pin Ups, an album of covers of older rock and roll songs. Although one of his least acclaimed albums critically, it spawned the popular single "Sorrow".

In 1974, Bowie moved to Los Angeles. Here, he began work on a new album, initially intended to be a musical adaptation of George Orwell's 1984. The album, Diamond Dogs, ended up being based more around the idea of a post-apocalyptic society, and incorporated elements of R&B into the glam rock style. The album was a success and spawned the popular singles "Rebel Rebel" and "Diamond Dogs". Bowie embarked on a new tour throughout late 1974; it proved to be his most theatrical and conceptual tour to date, and involved him taking on a new character - Halloween Jack, an inhabitant of Bowie's fictional post-apocalyptic world. The tour resulted in Bowie’s first live album David Live. Around this time, Bowie became addicted to cocaine and in turn developed stimulant psychosis.

Bowie's interest in R&B continued and his next album, 1975's Young Americans, was purely Soul music, alienating many of his long-term fans. The album proved a commercial success however, and resulted in Bowie’s first US #1 single - "Fame". Shortly after, a reissue of "Space Oddity" became his first UK #1 single. At this time, he also received the honor of being one of the few white artists to perform on the popular African-American music show Soul Train.

In 1976, Bowie officially broke into the world of acting, starting as extraterrestrial Thomas Jerome Newton in the Science Fiction film The Man Who Fell to Earth. The film, and Bowie's performance therein, were met with mixed reviews and little commercial success, however the film went on to gain a significant cult following. The character of Newton became influential to the development of the next character Bowie would play through his music - the Thin White Duke. The Thin White Duke was intended to be a European living in America who wished to return home, and was often displayed as a cold and somewhat evil character. Bowie himself had become a very aggressive and paranoid man obsessed with the occult, making the line between character and actor hard to define. He overdosed multiple times and became physically frail and withered. At this time, he also engaged in some controversial public behavior - such as refusing to prematurely end a television interview after the station received breaking news on the death of Spanish dictator Franco, and making statements in favor of fascism (which he later retracted). The resulting album of the Thin White Duke phase - Station to Station - is conversely considered one of his all-time best. The album was one of Bowie’s more experimental outings - containing long, unusual, and emotionally cold and anxious songs inspired by Funk music and the German Krautrock scene, complete with lyrics referencing occultism and European romanticism. Shortly after the Station To Station tour, Bowie moved to Switzerland. Here he found his cocaine use decreasing and his sanity returning; he also began painting, being heavily interested by post-modernist art.

In late 1976, Bowie moved to West Germany, living in an apartment with Iggy Pop. While there, Bowie quit cocaine and overcame his psychosis. Here, the two met Brian Eno and began writing and recording. These sessions resulted in two albums. The first was Bowie's Low, his most experimental to date, which contained pop songs on its A-side and more experimental songs inspired by Eno's forays into Ambient music on its B-side. Low received negative reviews on its release, despite being retrospectively acclaimed, and spawning the popular single "Sound and Vision". The second album was Iggy's The Idiot, featuring songs written by Iggy and Bowie and performed by Iggy on vocals and Bowie and his band backing him. The Idiot is considered an early example of Post-Punk. Iggy released his second solo album - Lust for Life shortly after. It contained less creative input from Bowie, although he still played piano on all tracks. Bowie's next album - "Heroes", was also released in this year. Like Low, Heroes contained an A-side of art-pop songs an a B-side of more experimental and ambient compositions, however it was more conceptual than the earlier record, hoping to act as a zeitgeist for the culture of the Cold War. The title track, although only peaking at #24 in the UK, proved to be one of Bowie's most popular songs. He subsequently embarked on the Isolar II world tour; the first tour in some time where he had not been hindered by his drug problems. It resulted in his second live album - Stage.

In 1979, Bowie released the third and final album in his "Berlin trilogy" - Lodger. The album was heavily inspired by the New Wave scene, and ironically incorporated elements of various "world music" genres in an effort to parody Western racism and imperialism. It contained the popular singles "Boys Keep Swinging" and "DJ". Bowie had his second leading role in a feature film this year in the German Drama film Schöner Gigolo, armer Gigolo [Just a Gigolo]. The film, and Bowie's performance in particular, was widely panned, and eventually pulled from cinemas. Bowie subsequently moved back to the UK. He and Angela filed for divorce after ten years of marriage.

In 1980, Bowie released Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps). The album drew on post-punk and New Wave, as well as the then-new New Romantic scene. Scary Monsters produced the chart-topping single "Ashes to Ashes". The song resurrected the character of Major Tom from "Space Oddity" and was known for its experimental and boundary-pushing music video.

Bowie spent the next three months starring in the Broadway play The Elephant Man. He played John Merrick, a character based on the historical Joseph Merrick, known for his disfigured appearance. At the same time, Bowie collaborated with Queen on "Under Pressure", his third UK #1. In 1981, he provided the soundtrack for Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo [We Children From Bahnhof Zoo], composed mostly of material from his Berlin albums. He went on to star in a television adaptation of Bertolt Brecht's play Baal; he also reinterpreted and performed songs from the play, resulting in an EP of the same name. He then created the theme song for the film Cat People - "Cat People (Putting Out the Fire)", a minor hit for him. Another hit came with a medley of "Peace On Earth" and "Little Drummer Boy" taken from a three-year-old televised performance in collaboration with Bing Crosby.

In 1983, Bowie starred in two more films - The Hunger, where he played John the vampire; and Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, where he played POW Jack Celliers. His next album, Let's Dance, saw him move away from his experimental past and towards a more radio-friendly Dance-Pop sound. The title song was another #1 hit, with "China Girl" and "Modern Love" also charting high. The next year, Bowie released another pop album, Tonight. It was the first Bowie album in a long while to receive lukewarm reviews (with Bowie himself going on to say he disliked it); it did however spawn the popular single "Blue Jean". Bowie performed at the Live Aid concert and released the charity single "Dancing In the Street" in collaboration with Mick Jagger. The song was critically panned but reached #1. He also collaborated on the single "This Is Not America" with the Pat Metheny Group, which acted as the theme song for The Falcon and the Snowman, and composed the eponymous theme song to the film Absolute Beginners, in which he also had a minor role.

In 1986, Bowie starred in the children's fantasy film Labyrinth as Jareth the goblin king, and collaborated with Trevor Jones on the film's soundtrack. He returned to a more rock-influenced sound on 1987’s Never Let Me Down. Similar to Tonight, the album was poorly received and has been retrospectively criticized by Bowie. It was commercially successful however, resulting in the popular single "Day-In-Day-Out". The next year, he played Pontius Pilate in The Last Temptation of Christ.

In 1989, nearly 20 years since his last attempt at forming a band, Bowie formed Tin Machine with himself on lead vocals, Reeves Gabrels on guitar, Tony Sales on bass, and Hunt Sales on drums. Tin Machine's self-titled debut album was a Hard Rock album with simple, straightforward lyrics dealing with the kinds of egalitarian, anti-racist political views Bowie had expressed through more satirical and abstract means in Lodger and Let's Dance. Tin Machine sold well but was critically panned; in particular, fans and critics were unwilling to accept Bowie as a member of a band. Bowie himself became frustrated with Tin Machine, and embarked on the solo Sound + Vision tour. At the same time, he starred in the American comedy film The Linguini Incident.

Tin Machine re-converged and recorded their second album - Tin Machine II. The album was much lighter than their previous attempt, but did not fare any better critically. Its release was postponed due to a dispute about its artwork which depicted male genitals. Shortly after the release of the live album Oy Vey Baby, Tin Machine broke up. In 1992, Bowie played a supporting role in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, a big screen prequel to the popular Twin Peaks TV series. He performed at the late Freddie Mercury's tribute concert, and was remembered as one of the stand-out acts of the night. Shortly after the concert, Bowie married Iman, a Somali-born model, and the two moved to New York.

In 1993, Bowie released the solo album Black Tie White Noise. Adopting more of an electronic influence, the album was his first since Let's Dance to receive positive reviews; it also spawned the popular single "Jump They Say ". He continued down the electronic path with The Buddha of Suburbia, the soundtrack to the TV series of the same name.

Nearly 20 years since his last concept album, Bowie began work on a series of releases based around a science fiction/crime story he had written. 1995's 1.Outside was intended to be the first installment, although Bowie cancelled the project shortly after its release. The album was darker and more aggressive than any of his output in some time, sporting a heavy Industrial Rock influence. After embarking on a tour with Nine Inch Nails, Bowie held a 50th birthday concert at Madison Square Garden, joined by Lou Reed and several contemporary Alternative Rock bands. Shortly after this, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

In 1997, Bowie released Earthling, his most electronic album to date, heavily indebted to Drum and Bass. The album was a critical and commercial success, with the single "I'm Afraid of Americans" and its remixes receiving heavy rotation. This same year, he created the "Bowie bonds", early examples of celebrity bonds where he invested in asset-backed securities for his pre-1990 back-catalog. He also collaborated with Robert Goodale and Ron Roy to create the internet service provider BowieNet, and starred in the Western film Il mio west [Gunslinger's Revenge].

In 1999, Bowie starred in the crime film Everybody Loves Sunshine, and in a TV mini-series adaptation of The Hunger. He created the soundtrack for the video game Omikron and re-recorded parts of it, along with some new material, for the album 'Hours...'. Hours signaled a return to rock for Bowie, and received mixed reviews.

In 2000, he starred in the fantasy film Mr. Rice's Secret. This same year, Bowie and Iman had their first and only child together (Bowie's second overall), Alexandria Jones. Bowie began work on a new album, Toy, which would see him reworking some of his earliest songs (many of which appeared on his debut album). The album was never released (a bootleg version appeared in 2011), but original songs recorded at the same time were released as Heathen. Heathen was positively received, with many interpreting it as a concept album dealing with the 2001 World Trade Center attacks.

In 2002, Bowie was appointed artistic director of the Meltdown festival, where he also performed. His album Reality was released the next year to positive reviews. The Reality tour sold more tickets than any other in 2004, and resulted in the live album A Reality Tour. Among the venues Bowie performed at on this tour was the New York Tibet House, which he chose to show support for the Tibetan sovereignty movement. After suffering a heart attack, Bowie temporarily retired from the public eye. He returned to the stage in 2005, performing alongside Arcade Fire at the Fashion Rocks event, but made only sporadic concert appearances since. In 2006, Bowie received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Grammys, and BowieNet was shut down. In 2008, he acted in the short film August.

Bowie made his return to music in 2013 with the chart-topping single "Where Are We Now?", followed by the critically-acclaimed album The Next Day. Around this time, he was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer, but chose not to make this public. He passed away on 10 January 2016, shortly after the release of his final album, Blackstar. A return to his earlier avant-garde experimentation, Blackstar carried a heavy Jazz influence and featured dark lyrics alluding to his illness and impending death. Visconti confirmed that Blackstar was intended as a "parting gift" to fans. It was critically acclaimed and topped UK and US charts.
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#777[00:02:09] 01. Uncle Arthur
[00:02:59] 02. Sell Me A Coat
[00:02:18] 03. Rubber Band - Version 2
[00:03:11] 04. Love You Till Tuesday
[00:03:13] 05. There Is A Happy Land
[00:02:58] 06. We Are Hungry Men
[00:03:23] 07. When I Live My Dream - Version 1
[00:03:26] 08. Little Bombardier
[00:03:51] 09. Silly Boy Blue
[00:02:08] 10. Come And Buy My Toys
[00:02:18] 11. Join The Gang
[00:02:24] 12. She's Got Medals
[00:01:44] 13. Maid Of Bond Street
[00:02:37] 14. Please Mr. Gravedigger - Version 2

Продолжительность: 00:38:47
#777[00:05:14] 01. Space Oddity
[00:06:11] 02. Unwashed And Somewhat Slightly Dazed
[00:02:32] 03. Letter To Hermione
[00:09:28] 04. Cygnet Committee
[00:03:26] 05. Janine
[00:02:57] 06. An Occasional Dream
[00:04:48] 07. Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud
[00:03:19] 08. God Knows I'm Good
[00:07:10] 09. Memory Of A Free Festival

Продолжительность: 00:45:09
#777[00:08:09] 01. The Width Of A Circle
[00:05:42] 02. All The Madmen
[00:03:36] 03. Black Country Rock
[00:03:58] 04. After All
[00:03:15] 05. Running Gun Blues
[00:04:29] 06. Saviour Machine
[00:04:16] 07. She Shook Me Cold
[00:04:00] 08. The Man Who Sold The World
[00:03:41] 09. The Supermen

Продолжительность: 00:41:08
#777[00:03:36] 01. Changes
[00:06:08] 02. Oh! You Pretty Things, Eight Line Poem
[00:03:55] 03. Life On Mars?
[00:02:52] 04. Kooks
[00:05:05] 05. Quicksand
[00:07:03] 06. Fill Your Heart, Andy Warhol
[00:04:12] 07. Song For Bob Dylan
[00:03:18] 08. Queen Bitch
[00:05:24] 09. The Bewlay Brothers

Продолжительность: 00:41:38
#777[00:04:43] 01. Five Years
[00:03:33] 02. Soul Love
[00:04:39] 03. Moonage Daydream
[00:04:12] 04. Starman
[00:02:57] 05. It Ain't Easy
[00:03:21] 06. Lady Stardust
[00:02:47] 07. Star
[00:02:39] 08. Hang On To Yourself
[00:03:13] 09. Ziggy Stardust
[00:03:25] 10. Suffragette City
[00:03:01] 11. Rock 'N' Roll Suicide

Продолжительность: 00:38:35
#777[00:04:30] 01. Watch That Man
[00:05:08] 02. Aladdin Sane (1913-1938-197?)
[00:04:36] 03. Drive-In Saturday
[00:04:28] 04. Panic In Detroit
[00:03:01] 05. Cracked Actor
[00:05:15] 06. Time
[00:03:31] 07. The Prettiest Star
[00:03:10] 08. Let's Spend The Night Together
[00:04:07] 09. The Jean Genie
[00:03:54] 10. Lady Grinning Soul

Продолжительность: 00:41:43
#777[00:02:23] 01. Rosalyn
[00:03:09] 02. Here Comes The Night
[00:02:48] 03. I Wish You Would
[00:04:12] 04. See Emily Play
[00:02:28] 05. Everything's Alright
[00:02:10] 06. I Can't Explain
[00:02:56] 07. Friday On My Mind
[00:02:53] 08. Sorrow
[00:02:06] 09. Don't Bring Me Down
[00:02:53] 10. Shapes Of Things
[00:03:08] 11. Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere?
[00:02:43] 12. Where Have All The Good Times Gone!

Продолжительность: 00:33:54
#777[00:01:07] 01. Future Legend
[00:05:57] 02. Diamond Dogs
[00:03:39] 03. Sweet Thing
[00:02:40] 04. Candidate
[00:02:32] 05. Sweet Thing (Reprise)
[00:04:30] 06. Rebel Rebel
[00:04:00] 07. Rock 'N' Roll With Me
[00:04:59] 08. We Are The Dead
[00:03:26] 09. 1984
[00:03:21] 10. Big Brother
[00:02:00] 11. Chant Of The Ever Circling Skeletal Family

Продолжительность: 00:38:15
#777[00:01:03] 01. Future Legend - Bewitched
[00:06:03] 02. Diamond Dogs
[00:08:47] 03. Sweet Thing / Candidate / Sweet Thing (Reprise)
[00:04:28] 04. Rebel Rebel
[00:04:01] 05. Rock 'N' Roll With Me
[00:04:56] 06. We Are The Dead
[00:03:25] 07. 1984
[00:05:25] 08. Big Brother - Chant Of The Ever Circling Skeletal Family

Продолжительность: 00:38:14
#777[00:05:10] 01. Young Americans
[00:04:43] 02. Win
[00:05:44] 03. Fascination
[00:04:14] 04. Right
[00:06:32] 05. Somebody Up There Likes Me
[00:04:31] 06. Across The Universe
[00:05:04] 07. Can You Hear Me
[00:04:16] 08. Fame

Продолжительность: 00:40:16
#777[00:10:08] 01. Station To Station
[00:04:00] 02. Golden Years
[00:05:59] 03. Word On A Wing
[00:05:30] 04. TVC15
[00:06:12] 05. Stay
[00:05:58] 06. Wild Is The Wind

Продолжительность: 00:37:49
[00:10:13] 01. Station To Station
[00:04:03] 02. Golden Years
[00:05:58] 03. Word On A Wing
[00:05:34] 04. TVC15
[00:06:15] 05. Stay
[00:06:05] 06. Wild Is The Wind

Продолжительность: 00:38:10
[00:10:21] 01. Station To Station
[00:04:05] 02. Golden Years
[00:05:56] 03. Word On A Wing
[00:05:35] 04. TVC15
[00:06:19] 05. Stay
[00:06:09] 06. Wild Is The Wind

Продолжительность: 00:38:28
[00:10:21] 01. Station To Station
[00:04:05] 02. Golden Years
[00:05:56] 03. Word On A Wing
[00:05:35] 04. TVC15
[00:06:19] 05. Stay
[00:06:09] 06. Wild Is The Wind

Продолжительность: 00:38:28
[00:10:21] 01. Station To Station
[00:04:05] 02. Golden Years
[00:05:56] 03. Word On A Wing
[00:05:35] 04. TVC15
[00:06:19] 05. Stay
[00:06:09] 06. Wild Is The Wind

Продолжительность: 00:38:28
[00:10:14] 01. Station To Station
[00:04:02] 02. Golden Years
[00:06:03] 03. Word On A Wing
[00:05:34] 04. TVC15
[00:06:15] 05. Stay
[00:06:04] 06. Wild Is The Wind

Продолжительность: 00:38:15
[00:10:07] 01. Station To Station
[00:04:00] 02. Golden Years
[00:05:58] 03. Word On A Wing
[00:05:31] 04. TVC15
[00:06:12] 05. Stay
[00:05:56] 06. Wild Is The Wind

Продолжительность: 00:37:46
[00:03:29] 01. Golden Years (Single Version)
[00:03:33] 02. TVC15 (Single Edit)
[00:03:22] 03. Stay (Single Edit)
[00:03:13] 04. Word On A Wing (Single Edit)
[00:03:40] 05. Station To Station (Single Edit)

Продолжительность: 00:17:21
[00:11:52] 01. Station To Station
[00:03:30] 02. Suffragette City
[00:03:58] 03. Fame
[00:06:04] 04. Word On A Wing
[00:07:24] 05. Stay
[00:06:19] 06. Waiting For The Man
[00:03:11] 07. Queen Bitch

Продолжительность: 00:42:23
[00:02:13] 01. Life On Mars?
[00:05:04] 02. Five Years
[00:06:02] 03. Panic In Detroit
[00:04:10] 04. Changes
[00:04:57] 05. TVC15
[00:06:38] 06. Diamond Dogs
[00:04:06] 07. Rebel Rebel
[00:07:25] 08. The Jean Genie

Продолжительность: 00:40:39
[00:10:14] 01. Station To Station
[00:04:02] 02. Golden Years
[00:06:03] 03. Word On A Wing
[00:05:32] 04. TVC15
[00:06:15] 05. Stay
[00:06:06] 06. Wild Is The Wind

Продолжительность: 00:38:15
[00:11:52] 01. Station To Station
[00:03:30] 02. Suffragette City
[00:04:01] 03. Fame
[00:06:05] 04. Word On A Wing
[00:07:24] 05. Stay
[00:06:19] 06. Waiting For The Man
[00:03:12] 07. Queen Bitch

Продолжительность: 00:42:28
[00:02:13] 01. Life On Mars?
[00:05:04] 02. Five Years
[00:06:02] 03. Panic In Detroit
[00:04:10] 04. Changes
[00:04:57] 05. TVC15
[00:06:38] 06. Diamond Dogs
[00:04:06] 07. Rebel Rebel
[00:07:25] 08. The Jean Genie
[00:13:08] 09. Panic In Detroit (Live; Unedited Alternate Mix)

Продолжительность: 00:53:47
#777[00:03:36] 01. Beauty And The Beast
[00:03:09] 02. Joe The Lion
[00:06:10] 03. "Heroes"
[00:03:19] 04. Sons Of The Silent Age
[00:03:52] 05. Blackout
[00:03:10] 06. V-2 Schneider
[00:03:58] 07. Sense Of Doubt
[00:05:02] 08. Moss Garden
[00:04:35] 09. Neukoln
[00:03:46] 10. The Secret Life Of Arabia

Продолжительность: 00:40:42
#777[00:02:47] 01. Speed Of Life
[00:01:52] 02. Breaking Glass
[00:02:23] 03. What In The World
[00:03:03] 04. Sound And Vision
[00:03:29] 05. Always Crashing In The Same Car
[00:02:56] 06. Be My Wife
[00:02:55] 07. A New Career In A New Town
[00:06:23] 08. Warszawa
[00:03:47] 09. Art Decade
[00:03:28] 10. Weeping Wall
[00:05:42] 11. Subterraneans

Продолжительность: 00:38:51
#777[00:03:01] 01. Fantastic Voyage
[00:02:58] 02. African Night Flight
[00:03:21] 03. Move On
[00:04:14] 04. Yassassin
[00:03:49] 05. Red Sails
[00:04:02] 06. D.J.
[00:03:10] 07. Look Back In Anger
[00:03:20] 08. Boys Keep Swinging
[00:03:02] 09. Repetition
[00:04:19] 10. Red Money

Продолжительность: 00:35:21
#777[00:04:18] 01. It's No Game (Part 1)
[00:03:16] 02. Up The Hill Backwards
[00:05:12] 03. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)
[00:04:25] 04. Ashes To Ashes
[00:04:48] 05. Fashion
[00:06:56] 06. Teenage Wildlife
[00:03:35] 07. Scream Like A Baby
[00:03:46] 08. Kingdom Come
[00:04:55] 09. Because You're Young
[00:04:25] 10. It's No Game (Part 2)

Продолжительность: 00:45:40
#777[00:04:47] 01. Modern Love
[00:05:33] 02. China Girl
[00:07:36] 03. Let's Dance
[00:03:09] 04. Without You
[00:05:13] 05. Ricochet
[00:04:24] 06. Criminal World
[00:05:10] 07. Cat People (Putting Out Fire)
[00:03:51] 08. Shake It

Продолжительность: 00:39:48
#777[00:07:09] 01. Loving The Alien
[00:04:10] 02. Don't Look Down
[00:03:06] 03. God Only Knows
[00:03:44] 04. Tonight
[00:03:13] 05. Neighborhood Threat
[00:03:09] 06. Blue Jean
[00:04:58] 07. Tumble And Twirl
[00:02:35] 08. I Keep Forgettin'
[00:03:35] 09. Dancing With The Big Boys

Продолжительность: 00:35:44
#777[00:05:35] 01. Day-In Day-Out
[00:04:18] 02. Time Will Crawl
[00:05:03] 03. Beat Of Your Drum
[00:04:04] 04. Never Let Me Down
[00:05:44] 05. Zeroes
[00:05:30] 06. Glass Spider
[00:05:04] 07. Shining Star (Makin' My Love)
[00:04:31] 08. New York's In Love
[00:04:18] 09. '87 And Cry
[00:03:59] 10. Too Dizzy
[00:04:29] 11. Bang Bang

Продолжительность: 00:52:42
#777[00:05:35] 01. Day-In Day-Out
[00:04:18] 02. Time Will Crawl
[00:05:03] 03. Beat Of Your Drum
[00:04:04] 04. Never Let Me Down
[00:05:44] 05. Zeroes
[00:05:30] 06. Glass Spider
[00:05:04] 07. Shining Star (Makin' My Love)
[00:04:32] 08. New York's In Love
[00:04:18] 09. '87 And Cry
[00:04:29] 10. Bang Bang
[00:03:40] 11. Julie
[00:05:34] 12. Girls
[00:03:32] 13. When The Wind Blows

Продолжительность: 01:01:30
#777[00:04:12] 01. Day-In Day-Out (Single Version)
[00:04:18] 02. Time Will Crawl
[00:04:32] 03. Beat Of Your Drum
[00:04:04] 04. Never Let Me Down
[00:05:46] 05. Zeroes
[00:04:57] 06. Glass Spider
[00:04:04] 07. Shining Star (Makin' My Love)
[00:03:57] 08. New York's In Love
[00:03:53] 09. '87 And Cry
[00:04:02] 10. Bang Bang

Продолжительность: 00:43:49
#777[00:05:03] 01. The Wedding
[00:04:43] 02. You've Been Around
[00:04:52] 03. I Feel Free
[00:04:54] 04. Black Tie White Noise
[00:04:23] 05. Jump They Say
[00:04:34] 06. Nite Flights
[00:04:40] 07. Pallas Athena
[00:04:12] 08. Miracle Goodnight
[00:04:53] 09. Don't Let Me Down & Down
[00:05:37] 10. Looking For Lester
[00:04:06] 11. I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday
[00:04:29] 12. The Wedding Song
[00:04:01] 13. Jump They Say (Alternate Mix)
[00:05:47] 14. Lucy Can't Dance

Продолжительность: 01:06:20
[00:05:03] 01. The Wedding
[00:04:43] 02. You've Been Around
[00:04:49] 03. I Feel Free
[00:04:54] 04. Black Tie White Noise
[00:04:23] 05. Jump They Say
[00:04:36] 06. Nite Flights
[00:04:39] 07. Pallas Athena
[00:04:12] 08. Miracle Goodnight
[00:04:54] 09. Don't Let Me Down & Down
[00:05:37] 10. Looking For Lester
[00:04:04] 11. I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday
[00:04:30] 12. The Wedding Song

Продолжительность: 00:56:30
[00:05:25] 01. Real Cool World
[00:05:46] 02. Lucy Can't Dance
[00:04:29] 03. Jump They Say (Rock Mix)
[00:03:43] 04. Black Tie White Noise (3rd Floor US Radio Mix)
[00:04:28] 05. Miracle Goodnight (Make Believe Mix)
[00:04:55] 06. Don't Let Me Down & Down (Indonesian Vocal Version)
[00:07:38] 07. You've Been Around (Dangers 12" Remix)
[00:08:24] 08. Jump They Say (Brothers In Rhythm 12" Remix)
[00:05:31] 09. Black Tie White Noise (Here Come Da Jazz)
[00:07:22] 10. Pallas Athena (Don't Stop Praying Remix No. 2)
[00:09:59] 11. Nite Flights (Moodswings Back To Basics Remix)
[00:06:18] 12. Jump They Say (Dub Oddity)

Продолжительность: 01:14:03
[00:03:14] 01. Introduction
[00:00:59] 02. With Lester Bowie
[00:01:39] 03. On Reeves Gabrels
[00:04:54] 04. You've Been Around (Recorded At The Hollywood Center Studios, Los Angeles, 5/8/93)
[00:01:32] 05. Expanding And Experimenting
[00:05:43] 06. Nite Flights (Recorded At The Hollywood Center Studios, Los Angeles, 5/8/93)
[00:02:33] 07. Otherness
[00:05:04] 08. Miracle Goodnight (Recorded At The Hollywood Center Studios, Los Angeles, 5/8/93)
[00:03:13] 09. On Marriage
[00:04:46] 10. Black Tie White Noise (Recorded At The Hollywood Center Studios, Los Angeles, 5/8/93)
[00:01:42] 11. With Mick Ronson
[00:04:42] 12. I Feel Free (Recorded At The Hollywood Center Studios, Los Angeles, 5/8/93)
[00:03:35] 13. With Nile Rodgers
[00:05:03] 14. I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday (Recorded At The Hollywood Center Studios, Los Angeles, 5/8/93)
[00:04:25] 15. Miracle Goodnight (Promo Video)
[00:04:02] 16. Jump They Say (Promo Video)
[00:04:09] 17. Black Tie White Noise (Promo Video)
[00:01:50] 18. Credits

Продолжительность: 01:03:13
#777[00:01:25] 01. Leon Takes Us Outside
[00:04:04] 02. Outside
[00:04:57] 03. The Hearts Filthy Lesson
[00:06:34] 04. A Small Plot Of Land
[00:01:40] 05. Segue - Baby Grace (A Horrid Cassette)
[00:05:14] 06. Hallo Spaceboy
[00:06:49] 07. The Motel
[00:03:48] 08. I Have Not Been To Oxford Town
[00:04:33] 09. No Control
[00:02:02] 10. Segue - Algeria Touchshriek
[00:04:21] 11. The Voyeur Of Utter Destruction (As Beauty)
[00:04:01] 12. Segue - Ramona A. Stone / I Am With Name
[00:05:08] 13. Wishful Beginnings
[00:04:33] 14. We Prick You
[00:01:00] 15. Segue - Nathan Adler
[00:04:31] 16. I'm Deranged
[00:04:22] 17. Thru' These Architects Eyes
[00:00:28] 18. Segue - Nathan Adler
[00:05:07] 19. Strangers When We Meet
[00:02:51] 20. Get Real

Продолжительность: 01:17:37
#777[00:01:25] 01. Leon Takes Us Outside
[00:04:03] 02. Outside
[00:04:57] 03. The Hearts Filthy Lesson
[00:06:34] 04. A Small Plot Of Land
[00:01:39] 05. Segue - Baby Grace (A Horrid Cassette)
[00:05:13] 06. Hallo Spaceboy
[00:06:50] 07. The Motel
[00:03:48] 08. I Have Not Been To Oxford Town
[00:04:32] 09. No Control
[00:02:02] 10. Segue - Algeria Touchshriek
[00:04:20] 11. The Voyeur Of Utter Destruction (As Beauty)
[00:04:00] 12. Segue - Ramona A. Stone / I Am With Name
[00:04:33] 13. We Prick You
[00:01:00] 14. Segue - Nathan Adler
[00:04:30] 15. I'm Deranged
[00:04:21] 16. Thru' These Architects Eyes
[00:00:28] 17. Segue - Nathan Adler
[00:05:06] 18. Strangers When We Meet
[00:04:24] 19. Hallo Spaceboy (Remix)

Продолжительность: 01:13:55
[00:01:24] 01. Leon Takes Us Outside
[00:04:05] 02. Outside
[00:04:57] 03. The Hearts Filthy Lesson
[00:06:34] 04. A Small Plot Of Land
[00:01:39] 05. Segue - Baby Grace (A Horrid Cassette)
[00:05:14] 06. Hallo Spaceboy
[00:06:50] 07. The Motel
[00:03:49] 08. I Have Not Been To Oxford Town
[00:04:33] 09. No Control
[00:02:03] 10. Segue - Algeria Touchshriek
[00:04:21] 11. The Voyeur Of Utter Destruction (As Beauty)
[00:04:01] 12. Segue - Ramona A. Stone / I Am With Name
[00:05:08] 13. Wishful Beginnings
[00:04:35] 14. We Prick You
[00:01:00] 15. Segue - Nathan Adler
[00:04:31] 16. I'm Deranged
[00:04:22] 17. Thru' These Architects Eyes
[00:00:28] 18. Segue - Nathan Adler
[00:05:07] 19. Strangers When We Meet

Продолжительность: 01:14:50
[00:05:21] 01. The Hearts Filthy Lesson (Trent Reznor Alternative Mix)
[00:07:48] 02. The Hearts Filthy Lesson (Rubber Mix)
[00:06:39] 03. The Hearts Filthy Lesson (Simple Text Mix)
[00:05:53] 04. The Hearts Filthy Lesson (Filthy Mix)
[00:05:00] 05. The Hearts Filthy Lesson (Good Karma Mix By Tim Simenon)
[00:02:49] 06. A Small Plot Of Land (Basquiat Ost Version)
[00:06:44] 07. Hallo Spaceboy (12" Remix)
[00:07:48] 08. Hallo Spaceboy (Double Click Mix)
[00:07:46] 09. Hallo Spaceboy (Instrumental)
[00:06:34] 10. Hallo Spaceboy (Lost In Space Mix)
[00:04:01] 11. I Am With Name (Album Version)
[00:07:03] 12. I'm Deranged (Jungle Mix)
[00:02:51] 13. Get Real
[00:02:16] 14. Nothing To Be Desired (Album Version)

Продолжительность: 01:18:38
[00:06:02] 01. Little Wonder
[00:05:20] 02. Looking For Satellites
[00:04:49] 03. Battle For Britain (The Letter)
[00:06:21] 04. Seven Years In Tibet
[00:07:26] 05. Dead Man Walking
[00:04:50] 06. Telling Lies
[00:04:57] 07. The Last Thing You Should Do
[00:05:00] 08. I'm Afraid Of Americans
[00:04:48] 09. Law (Earthlings On Fire)

Продолжительность: 00:49:37
[00:04:09] 01. Little Wonder (Censored Video Edit)
[00:08:17] 02. Little Wonder (Junior Vasquez Club Mix)
[00:05:33] 03. Little Wonder (Danny Sabre Dance Mix)
[00:04:00] 04. Seven Years In Tibet (Mandarin Version)
[00:07:33] 05. Dead Man Walking (Moby Mix 1)
[00:05:27] 06. Dead Man Walking (Moby Mix 2)
[00:05:08] 07. Telling Lies (Feelgood Mix)
[00:05:09] 08. Telling Lies (Paradox Mix)
[00:05:12] 09. I'm Afraid Of Americans (Show Girls OST Version)
[00:05:31] 10. I'm Afraid Of Americans (Nine Inch Nails V1 Mix)
[00:04:13] 11. I'm Afraid Of Americans (Nine Inch Nails V1 Clean Edit)
[00:07:16] 12. V-2 Schneider (Tao Jones Index)
[00:08:19] 13. Pallas Athena (Tao Jones Index)

Продолжительность: 01:15:54
#777[00:06:01] 01. Little Wonder
[00:05:20] 02. Looking For Satellites
[00:04:48] 03. Battle For Britain (The Letter)
[00:06:21] 04. Seven Years In Tibet
[00:06:49] 05. Dead Man Walking
[00:04:50] 06. Telling Lies
[00:04:57] 07. The Last Thing You Should Do
[00:04:59] 08. I'm Afraid Of Americans
[00:04:48] 09. Law (Earthlings On Fire)
[00:04:00] 10. Telling Lies (Adam F Mix)

Продолжительность: 00:52:58
[00:05:23] 01. Thursday's Child
[00:05:46] 02. Something In The Air
[00:04:11] 03. Survive
[00:07:04] 04. If I'm Dreaming My Life
[00:04:04] 05. Seven
[00:04:10] 06. What's Really Happening?
[00:04:41] 07. The Pretty Things Are Going To Hell
[00:04:37] 08. New Angels Of Promise
[00:01:51] 09. Brilliant Adventure
[00:05:13] 10. The Dreamers

Продолжительность: 00:47:04
[00:04:28] 01. Thursday's Child (Rock Mix)
[00:05:35] 02. Thursday's Child (Omikron: The Nomad Soul Slower Version)
[00:06:03] 03. Something In The Air (American Psycho Remix)
[00:04:18] 04. Survive (Marius De Vries Mix)
[00:04:07] 05. Seven (Demo Version)
[00:04:13] 06. Seven (Marius De Vries Mix)
[00:03:46] 07. Seven (Beck Mix #1)
[00:05:14] 08. Seven (Beck Mix #2)
[00:04:00] 09. The Pretty Things Are Going To Hell (Edit)
[00:04:49] 10. The Pretty Things Are Going To Hell (Stigmata Film Version)
[00:04:00] 11. The Pretty Things Are Going To Hell (Stigmata Film Only Version)
[00:04:38] 12. New Angels Of Promise (Omikron: The Nomad Soul Version)
[00:05:43] 13. The Dreamers (Omikron: The Nomad Soul Longer Version)
[00:03:29] 14. 1917
[00:03:55] 15. We Shall Go To Town
[00:04:11] 16. We All Go Through
[00:03:50] 17. No-One Calls

Продолжительность: 01:16:25
[00:04:45] 01. Sunday
[00:02:54] 02. Cactus
[00:06:04] 03. Slip Away
[00:04:41] 04. Slow Burn
[00:03:28] 05. Afraid
[00:03:00] 06. I've Been Waiting For You
[00:05:13] 07. I Would Be Your Slave
[00:04:06] 08. I Took A Trip On A Gemini Spaceship
[00:05:01] 09. 5:15 The Angels Have Gone
[00:03:57] 10. Everyone Says 'Hi'
[00:04:11] 11. A Better Future
[00:04:16] 12. Heathen (The Rays)

Продолжительность: 00:51:42
[00:05:11] 01. Sunday (Moby Remix)
[00:04:56] 02. A Better Future (Remix By Air)
[00:03:53] 03. Conversation Piece (Written 1969 - Recorded 1970 - Re-Recorded 2002)
[00:03:00] 04. Panic In Detroit (Outtake From A 1979 Recording)
[00:04:45] 05. Wood Jackson
[00:04:44] 06. When The Boys Come Marching Home
[00:04:43] 07. Baby Loves That Way
[00:04:50] 08. You've Got A Habit Of Leaving
[00:04:42] 09. Safe
[00:04:46] 10. Shadow Man

Продолжительность: 00:45:34
[00:04:45] 01. Sunday
[00:02:53] 02. Cactus
[00:06:05] 03. Slip Away
[00:04:41] 04. Slow Burn
[00:03:26] 05. Afraid
[00:02:58] 06. I've Been Waiting For You
[00:05:19] 07. I Would Be Your Slave
[00:04:03] 08. I Took A Trip On A Gemini Spaceship
[00:05:00] 09. 5:15 The Angels Have Gone
[00:03:58] 10. Everyone Says 'Hi'
[00:04:11] 11. A Better Future
[00:04:11] 12. Heathen (The Rays)
[00:04:50] 13. When The Boys Come Marching Home
[00:04:48] 14. Wood Jackson
[00:03:50] 15. Conversation Piece
[00:04:47] 16. Safe

Продолжительность: 01:09:53
[00:00:05] 01. Channel ID
[00:04:50] 02. Sunday
[00:02:52] 03. Cactus
[00:06:15] 04. Slip Away
[00:05:05] 05. Slow Burn
[00:03:26] 06. Afraid
[00:03:18] 07. I've Been Waiting For You
[00:05:10] 08. I Would Be Your Slave
[00:04:06] 09. I Took A Trip On A Gemini Spaceship
[00:05:25] 10. 5:15 The Angels Have Gone
[00:04:03] 11. Everyone Says 'Hi'
[00:03:53] 12. A Better Future
[00:04:12] 13. Heathen (The Rays)
[00:04:50] 14. When The Boys Come Marching Home
[00:04:47] 15. Wood Jackson
[00:03:50] 16. Conversation Piece
[00:05:56] 17. Safe

Продолжительность: 01:12:05
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