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ChinesePod.com - Learn Chinese on Your Terms DVD7

Lessons 1401-1580Год выпуска: 2010-2011
Автор: chinesepod.com
Жанр: podcast
Издательство: praxislanguage.com
Формат: HTML, PDF, MP3 (128k)
Продолжительность: ~ 45 ч
Язык: китайский, английский
Learn Chinese on Your Terms with free daily podcasts, lesson review, and guidance from experts.
ChinesePod is for everyone, from absolute beginners to advanced students. Real progress can be made with easy, manageable lessons.

ChinesePod gives you the flexibility to fit learning Chinese into your lifestyle. Perfect for the hobbyist or the busy professional.

Chinese is an intimidating language -- characters, four tones, mounds of vocabulary -- but we make it fun. With ChinesePod you'll be speaking Chinese in a few minutes, and conversing in a few weeks. You'll be learning real Chinese -- the kind of Chinese spoken by more than a billion people -- from a team of experts. You can take our podcasts with you anywhere you go, and then come back to ChinesePod.com to review and reinforce what you've learned. Each lesson -- we have more than 1000, with more every single day -- will add to your growing knowledge of Chinese and your growing confidence with the language.

Soon you won't be learning Chinese anymore. You'll be living it.

5 уровней сложности:
Once you're no longer a Newbie, you're ready for Elementary level's longer utterances, elements of grammar, and a wider range of everyday applications for your Chinese. Hosts Ken and Jenny give a thorough treatment of lesson content, including individual tones. More Chinese is used than in Newbie, but Jenny's speed remains slow enough to be accessible. Repeating the dialogues three times eases the listener into familiarity with the podcast content.

B1401 These Napkins Ain't Free
B1404 Shanghai Expo: Haibao
B1406 That's Not Your Food
B1413 Mother's Day
B1415 Hungry Traveller: Yunnan
B1420 Nearby Tea House
B1422 A New Jug for the Water Cooler
B1426 Security Check in the Subway
B1432 World Cup and Diamonds
B1436 Which tone was that again?
B1438 Changing a Plane Ticket
B1442 An Unplanned Tan
B1446 Check Your Spam
B1449 Buying Sandals
B1452 Chinese Fruits
B1456 Ordering Pizza
B1459 Reviewing in Class
B1463 Smelly Cheese
B1466 Which Subway Exit
B1469 Going on a Picnic
B1473 Wrong Way on the Subway
B1476 Asking about What to Wear
B1479 Going to the Gas Station
B1483 Politely Declining an Invitation
B1486 The Lazy Child
B1489 You've been everywhere!
B1493 Transportation Card
B1496 An Email Introduction
B1500 Set the Alarm Clock
B1504 Your First Mooncake
B1509 National Day Holiday
B1511 A Stroll through the Hutongs
B1514 City Districts in Shanghai
B1518 Cats Are Cool
B1521 Can't Get a Taxi
B1524 The Hunan Accent
B1527 Help Calling a Cab
B1531 Fasten that Safety Belt
B1532 Trick or Treat!
B1537 Dancing in Public
B1541 Practicing Kung Fu
B1544 Keen on Clean
B1547 Interested in Chinese Medicine
B1550 Toothache
B1554 I Want an Electric Scooter!
B1557 Skincare: Moisturizing Cream
B1561 This Needs to be Dry Cleaned
B1564 Lots of Musical Instruments
B1568 Don't Eat the Snow
B1571 A Special Christmas Gift
B1574 Which is better: China or the USA?
B1577 Playing Ice Hockey
B1580 Where's the soap?
As an Intermediate learner you can follow a Chinese conversation, but still want to work on broadening vocabulary and picking up more key patterns. Jenny and John host these lessons, and Jenny speaks almost entirely in Chinese. John offers key explanations in English. Intermediate podcasts help learners take their abilities to the next level.

C1402 Daddy Changes a Diaper
C1408 Fog or Smog?
C1410 A Tour of the Office
C1416 Blown Fuse
C1418 Shanghai Expo Pavilions
C1424 Sina's Microblogs
C1428 Insecticide
C1430 A Tour of Xi'an
C1434 Fun at the Beach
C1440 World Cup Talk
C1444 How was your flight?
C1448 Organic Food
C1451 Yellow Mountain
C1454 Renting an Apartment through an Agent
C1457 Catching a Train
C1461 A Magazine Subscription
C1464 Fans at Andy Lau's Concert
C1467 Going to the Toy Store
C1471 Adjusting the Temperature
C1474 Help at the ATM
C1477 Renting an Apartment through an Agent, 2
C1481 Lhasa
C1484 Ordering Food for the Group
C1487 Weighing Yourself on the Street
C1491 Reinstalling Windows
C1494 Getting the Correct Change
C1497 Getting a Tattoo
C1501 It's Not the Heat, It's the Humidity
C1503 Giving Instructions to the Ayi
C1506 Renting an Apartment through an Agent 3
C1507 Construction
C1512 Too Many Food Allergies
C1516 Music Corner in the Park
C1519 A Short Haircut
C1522 Walking the Bird
C1526 Renting an Apartment through an Agent 4
C1529 Reserving a Taxi Cab by Telephone
C1533 Utensils in the New Kitchen
C1536 One-Way Street Scuffle
C1539 Considering an iPad
C1543 Farewell Dinner
C1545 What does she look like?
C1549 Blind Massage
C1552 A Member of the 'Moonlight Clan'
C1556 Of Kings, Emperors, and Presidents
C1559 Sign Language in China
C1562 How to Protect the Environment
C1566 A Rarely Washed Car
C1569 Dad behind the Video Camera
C1572 A Visit to the In-laws
C1576 Shut down by Pimples
C1579 First Snow of the Winter
At the Upper Intermediate stage your Chinese is quite functional, but you're still pushing for more specialized vocabulary and ways to sophisticate your language. Hosts Jenny and John guide learners through a variety of higher level topics, speaking mainly in Chinese but shifting back to English for the occasional difficult vocabulary item.

D1405 Designing the New Apartment 4
D1407 Love Tangle 7
D1412 Learning English in China
D1414 Working at the United Nations
D1419 Into the Sandstorm
D1425 Straightening Teeth
D1427 Traditional Chinese Paintings
D1431 Love Tangle 8
D1435 Horseback Riding
D1439 Outdoor Survivors (Part 1)
D1443 NGO Guy
D1447 Philosophy: a Useless Major?
D1453 Love Tangle 9
D1458 Sex Education Class
D1462 Outdoor Survivors (Part 2)
D1468 Discussing a Thesis Topic with an Advisor
D1472 4S Dealership
D1478 Negotiating a Deadline
D1482 A Special Fondness for Jewelry
D1488 Firing Someone
D1492 Shopping for a Rice Cooker
D1498 How do you fix a boring Chinese course?
D1502 Working in the Countryside
D1508 The Frog Prince in the Well
D1513 Mudslide
D1517 Taxable Salary
D1523 Doing Business in the Bath House
D1528 Job Shopping in Modern China
D1534 Leeching off the Parents
D1538 Band Practice
D1542 Hospital Visits and Prescription Medication
D1548 Second-hand Bicycle
D1553 Considering LASIK Eye Surgery
D1558 Hanukkah
D1563 The Rising Cost of Food
D1567 River Town Tourism
D1573 Facing Bankruptcy
D1578 Discussing Divorce

E1403 网络红人
E1409 志愿者
E1417 电影故事 2
E1421 新能源
E1429 中国的戏剧
E1433 选择:大城市还是小城市?
E1437 人类的起源
E1445 太空旅游
E1450 电影故事 3
E1455 婚前恐惧症
E1465 理财
E1470 电影故事4
E1475 南北差异
E1485 这红包该不该送?
E1490 80后作家
E1495 事在人为
E1499 我不做剩女
E1510 疯狂的球迷
E1515 少数民族
E1520 蚁族
E1530 闪婚
E1535 春捂秋冻
E1540 团购
E1551 职场性别歧视
E1555 不能说的事儿
E1560 学历造假
E1570 癌症
E1575 你买家财险了吗?

F1411 邓小平南巡讲话
F1423 壹周立波秀
F1441 朝鲜巴西血战
F1460 汉语保卫战
F1480 《非诚勿扰》PK《我们约会吧》
F1505 大连石油泄漏
F1525 出租白人
F1546 人口普查
F1565 整容有风险
B1401 These Napkins Ain't Free
C1402 Daddy Changes a Diaper
E1403 网络红人
B1404 Shanghai Expo: Haibao
D1405 Designing the New Apartment 4
B1406 That's Not Your Food
D1407 Love Tangle 7
C1408 Fog or Smog?
E1409 志愿者
C1410 A Tour of the Office
F1411 邓小平南巡讲话
D1412 Learning English in China
B1413 Mother's Day
D1414 Working at the United Nations
B1415 Hungry Traveller: Yunnan
C1416 Blown Fuse
E1417 电影故事 2
C1418 Shanghai Expo Pavilions
D1419 Into the Sandstorm
B1420 Nearby Tea House
E1421 新能源
B1422 A New Jug for the Water Cooler
F1423 壹周立波秀
C1424 Sina's Microblogs
D1425 Straightening Teeth
B1426 Security Check in the Subway
D1427 Traditional Chinese Paintings
C1428 Insecticide
E1429 中国的戏剧
C1430 A Tour of Xi'an
D1431 Love Tangle 8
B1432 World Cup and Diamonds
E1433 选择:大城市还是小城市?
C1434 Fun at the Beach
D1435 Horseback Riding
B1436 Which tone was that again?
E1437 人类的起源
B1438 Changing a Plane Ticket
D1439 Outdoor Survivors (Part 1)
C1440 World Cup Talk
F1441 朝鲜巴西血战
B1442 An Unplanned Tan
D1443 NGO Guy
C1444 How was your flight?
E1445 太空旅游
B1446 Check Your Spam
D1447 Philosophy: a Useless Major?
C1448 Organic Food
B1449 Buying Sandals
E1450 电影故事 3
C1451 Yellow Mountain
B1452 Chinese Fruits
D1453 Love Tangle 9
C1454 Renting an Apartment through an Agent
E1455 婚前恐惧症
B1456 Ordering Pizza
C1457 Catching a Train
D1458 Sex Education Class
B1459 Reviewing in Class
F1460 汉语保卫战
C1461 A Magazine Subscription
D1462 Outdoor Survivors (Part 2)
B1463 Smelly Cheese
C1464 Fans at Andy Lau's Concert
E1465 理财
B1466 Which Subway Exit
C1467 Going to the Toy Store
D1468 Discussing a Thesis Topic with an Advisor
B1469 Going on a Picnic
E1470 电影故事4
C1471 Adjusting the Temperature
D1472 4S Dealership
B1473 Wrong Way on the Subway
C1474 Help at the ATM
E1475 南北差异
B1476 Asking about What to Wear
C1477 Renting an Apartment through an Agent, 2
D1478 Negotiating a Deadline
B1479 Going to the Gas Station
F1480 《非诚勿扰》PK《我们约会吧》
C1481 Lhasa
D1482 A Special Fondness for Jewelry
B1483 Politely Declining an Invitation
C1484 Ordering Food for the Group
E1485 这红包该不该送?
B1486 The Lazy Child
C1487 Weighing Yourself on the Street
D1488 Firing Someone
B1489 You've been everywhere!
E1490 80后作家
C1491 Reinstalling Windows
D1492 Shopping for a Rice Cooker
B1493 Transportation Card
C1494 Getting the Correct Change
E1495 事在人为
B1496 An Email Introduction
C1497 Getting a Tattoo
D1498 How do you fix a boring Chinese course?
E1499 我不做剩女
B1500 Set the Alarm Clock
C1501 It's Not the Heat, It's the Humidity
D1502 Working in the Countryside
C1503 Giving Instructions to the Ayi
B1504 Your First Mooncake
F1505 大连石油泄漏
C1506 Renting an Apartment through an Agent 3
C1507 Construction
D1508 The Frog Prince in the Well
B1509 National Day Holiday
E1510 疯狂的球迷
B1511 A Stroll through the Hutongs
C1512 Too Many Food Allergies
D1513 Mudslide
B1514 City Districts in Shanghai
E1515 少数民族
C1516 Music Corner in the Park
D1517 Taxable Salary
B1518 Cats Are Cool
C1519 A Short Haircut
E1520 蚁族
B1521 Can't Get a Taxi
C1522 Walking the Bird
D1523 Doing Business in the Bath House
B1524 The Hunan Accent
F1525 出租白人
C1526 Renting an Apartment through an Agent 4
B1527 Help Calling a Cab
D1528 Job Shopping in Modern China
C1529 Reserving a Taxi Cab by Telephone
E1530 闪婚
B1531 Fasten that Safety Belt
B1532 Trick or Treat!
C1533 Utensils in the New Kitchen
D1534 Leeching off the Parents
E1535 春捂秋冻
C1536 One-Way Street Scuffle
B1537 Dancing in Public
D1538 Band Practice
C1539 Considering an iPad
E1540 团购
B1541 Practicing Kung Fu
D1542 Hospital Visits and Prescription Medication
C1543 Farewell Dinner
B1544 Keen on Clean
C1545 What does she look like?
F1546 人口普查
B1547 Interested in Chinese Medicine
D1548 Second-hand Bicycle
C1549 Blind Massage
B1550 Toothache
E1551 职场性别歧视
C1552 A Member of the 'Moonlight Clan'
D1553 Considering LASIK Eye Surgery
B1554 I Want an Electric Scooter!
E1555 不能说的事儿
C1556 Of Kings, Emperors, and Presidents
B1557 Skincare: Moisturizing Cream
D1558 Hanukkah
C1559 Sign Language in China
E1560 学历造假
B1561 This Needs to be Dry Cleaned
C1562 How to Protect the Environment
D1563 The Rising Cost of Food
B1564 Lots of Musical Instruments
F1565 整容有风险
C1566 A Rarely Washed Car
D1567 River Town Tourism
B1568 Don't Eat the Snow
C1569 Dad behind the Video Camera
E1570 癌症
B1571 A Special Christmas Gift
C1572 A Visit to the In-laws
D1573 Facing Bankruptcy
B1574 Which is better: China or the USA?
E1575 你买家财险了吗?
C1576 Shut down by Pimples
B1577 Playing Ice Hockey
D1578 Discussing Divorce
C1579 First Snow of the Winter
B1580 Where's the soap?

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Qing wen

Qing Wen answers your questions about speaking Chinese. The questions are all real. We gather them from our Practice Plan learners. The Practice Plan provides learners a custom course of ChinesePod lessons, with integrated speaking practice with a ChinesePod counselor delivered through Skype.

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156 人家: Other People and Pouty Girls
157 Some uses of 些
158 Whatever, Wherever, Whoever
159 Separable Verbs
160 Comparing Buts: 但 and 却
161 Festivals, Holidays, Vacations, and Leave
162 Revisiting Before and After
163 Making people do things with 让,令,and 使
164 What is up with 由
165 Speaking with 跟 (gen) and 对 (dui)
166 There Is No Try
167 Various Speech Acts and 向 (xiang)
168 Ending, Completing, Finishing
169 Four Uses of the Complement 起来 (qilai)
170 An Introduction to Chengyu
171 Keeping and Leaving
172 Dealing with 管 (guan)
173 Losing and Forgetting
174 Surfing the Web Chinese Style
175 Nothing more than 而已 (eryi) and 罢了 (bale)
176 The 着 (zhe) Chronicles: How We Verb
177 Possible, Possibly, Possibility
178 The 着 (zhe) Chronicles: Actions in Progress
179 Adjectives with 是 (shi)
180 The 着 (zhe) Chronicles: Verbs as States
181 Actually
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