Электронные книги по ABAP/4На русском Разработка приложений SAP R/3 на языке ABAP/4
#777Формат: PDF Авторы: Рюдигер Кречмер, Вольфганг Вейс Издательство: Лори, 1998 г. Страниц: 348 Описание: Разработка приложений SAP R/3 на языке АВАР/4` - наиболее полное официальное руководство по программированию на языке АВАР/4. Написанное двумя разработчиками компании SAP, оно станет настольной книгой программистов, консультантов и менеджеров ИС, использующих R/3 или планирующих внедрить эту систему на своем предприятии. Руководство содержит основные понятия, применяемые в языке при создании отчетов и диалоговых программ. Ясное и доступное изложение поможет: Писать коды программ; Генерировать диалоговые экраны и интерфейсы окон; Создавать определения объектов Dictionary; Использовать в программах библиотечные функции; Разрабатывать собственные приложения клиент/сервер. Средства разработки Development Workbench помогут овладеть мощью и гибкостью языка АВАР/4, освоить элементарные и динамические конструкции языка, манипулирование таблицами базы данных и внутренними таблицами, создать между ними связи, формировать данные, предназначенные для извлечения из базы с помощью Logical Database, и разрабатывать диалоговые программы. Для взаимодействия с продуктами других производителей ПО предусмотрены средства Remote Function Call и поддерживается технология OLE Automation. Руководство включает в себя типичные примеры программ, содержательное описание функций запроса АВАР/4 Query и коллективных методов разработки программ в распределенной вычислительной среде, а также описание архитектуры системы R/3. Книга написана членами команды разработчиков АВАР/4 Development компании SAP. Книга адресована программистам, консультантам и менеджерам ИС, создающим на языке АВАР/4 бизнес-приложения для работы в среде клиент/сервер, которые должны стать частью системы R/3. Это расширенное справочное руководство для разработки приложений клиент/сервер поможет изучить основы языка с целью создания отчетов, диалоговых программ-транзакций и освоить другие возможности программирования интерактивных приложений.
На английскомFoundations Of Java For ABAP Programmers
#777Формат: PDF Автор: Rooney A. Год издания: 2006 Количество страниц: 196
Аннотация: The only beginning book of its kind, this book will teach you SAP/ABAP developers the skills you need for Java 5 programming. The book emphasizes the fundamentals of core Java SE 5 and Java EE 5, to get you up to speed with these technologies. YouТll learn about the most important enterprise Java API found in the new Java EE 5 platform, which you can immediately use and integrate. Furthermore, the book elaborates on connecting to a database, SAP Java Connector, servlets, Java Server Pages, Enterprise JavaBeans, and Java Messaging.
Sams Teach Yourself Abap4 in 21 Days
#777Формат: HTML Авторы: Greenwood, Ken Страниц: 752
Book Description The ideal book for a programmer who must get started in ABAP immediately, and does not want to know the complete story of how and why ABAP was originated. Provides all of the essential information that an ABAP programmer needs and provides it in a readable format. Provides examples that are real and practical not text-book based, like other ABAP programming books. The book also provides insight into the SAP certification process, although not actual coverage of certification because candidates must have two years of practical ABAP programming experience to even enroll in the certification courses!
From the Back Cover The ideal book for a programmer who must get started in ABAP immediately, and does not want to know the complete story of how and why ABAP was originated. Provides all of the essential information that an ABAP programmer needs and provides it in a readable format. Provides examples that are real and practical not text-book based, like other ABAP programming books. The book also provides insight into the SAP certification process, although not actual coverage of certification because candidates must have two years of practical ABAP programming experience to even enroll in the certification courses!
Электронные книги по SAP На русскомМенеджмент процессов
#777Формат: PDF Автор: Й. Беккер, М. Кугелер, М. Роземанн Издательство: Эксмо Год: 2007 Страниц: 384 Качество: 300 dpi, ч/б
Цель данной книги — помочь российским компаниям продуманно и системно осуществить переход от функционального подхода к процессному и шаг за шагом провести преобразовательные процессы, опираясь на опыт западноевропейских компаний. Книга составлена в соответствии с фазами типичного реорганизационного проекта и представляет собой руководство по планированию и проведению мероприятий, связанных с использованием процессного подхода. В России данную книгу можно назвать уникальной как с точки зрения практической применимости для реального бизнеса — менеджмента российских организаций, так и с точки зрения академического образования — студентов ВУЗов по специальностям «Экономика», «ИТ в экономике» и «Бизнес-информатика». Основой для первого российского издания данной книги послужило пятое немецкое издание книги «Менеджмент процессов», ставшее в Германии одним из бестселлеров в области управления бизнес-процессами. Общие концептуальные основы целенаправленного внедрения процессного подхода представлены в виде четкой последовательности действий, а объяснение затронутых проблем на сквозном комплексном примере позволяет провести параллели к реалиям российского бизнеса и применить описанные концепции непосредственно на практике. Таким образом, дизайн этой книги следует принципу: «Столько практики, сколько возможно, и столько теории, сколько необходимо».
Системное администрирование SAP R/3
#777Формат: PDF Автор: Лиане Вилл Страниц: 364 Издательство Лори. 1999г.
Аннотация: SAP R/3. Системное администрирование" - важнейшее пособие для руководителей информационных служб, технических консультантов и системных администраторов R/3. Это знания "из первых рук", полученные от различных специалистов TeamSAP, работавших над реализацией более 20 тысяч систем на базе R/3. Книга научит выполнять повседневные задачи администрирования с максимальной эффективностью. Она поможет подготовиться к экзаменам СТС (Certified Technical Consultant) no R/3 Release 4.0.
Руководство охватывает следующие темы:Инсталляция R/3 Реализация архитектуры клиент/сервер Использование и расширение OSS Определение пользователей и полномочий Спулинг и фоновая обработка Использование Application Link Enabling Архивирование данных Защита экземпляра Мониторинг производительности и использования системы Подготовка и распространение отчетов [*]Использование инструментальных средств управления системой в корпоративной среде
На английскомBusiness Information Warehouse for SAP
Gain an understanding of what it takes to implement SAP BW. Follow along as the author explains the evolution of SAP BW architecture and its components. This book describes the roots of SAP BW and how it has evolved from a simple operational reporting environment to a full-featured information warehouse. Profit from a description of the structure of the SAP BW implementation team and SAP BW ASAP methodology. Learn how to construct data warehouses using BW based on the author's experiences during actual SAP BW implementations.
Master Data Warehouse Concepts
Learn basic data warehouse concepts--including the technical aspects and performance characteristics associated with constructing a data warehouse. Then, advance to a discussion of SAP BW architecture and how it compares with a traditional data warehouse. Learn what it takes to build analytical applications in SAP BW and the SAP BW development environment. Learn how metadata is managed in SAP BW and how SAP BW compares with data warehouse solutions provided by other vendors.
Business Processes- Operational Solutions for SAP Implementation
#777Author / Editor :VICTOR PORTOUGAL & OTHER Publisher :IRM PRESS Year : 2006 Pages : 329
Book Description Business Processes: Operational Solutions for SAP Implementation deals with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems implementation, and also business operations/processes and information systems to support business operations/processes. There are a large number of books treating ERP implementation, operations management and information systems separately, but books dedicated to all three topics applied to practical issues of ERP implementation are scarce. However, teaching ERP merely as software does not work. Uniting these three topics in one book allows the reader to avoid the problems of teaching separate fields and then connecting them in one complex solution, providing the opportunity to better educate students.
About the Author Victor Portougal (1941 - 2005) was an associate professor in the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, Business School, The University of Auckland, New Zealand. Dr. Portougal?s practical and consulting experience included information and ERP systems design and implementation for companies in Russia and New Zealand. He was the author of many articles in scholarly journals, practitioner magazines, and books. Dr. Portougal held degrees from University of Gorki, Russia (M.Sc., Computer Science), Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Ph.D., Operations Research), and Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev (Doctor of Economics). His research interests were in quantitative methods, both in management science and information systems.
David Sundaram is a senior lecturer in the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, Business School, The University of Auckland, New Zealand. He has a varied academic (B.E. in Electronics & Communications, PG Dip in Industrial Engineering, and Ph.D. in Information Systems) as well as work (systems analysis and design, consulting, teaching, and research) background. His primary research interests include: the design and implementation of flexible and evolvable information, decision, and knowledge systems; process, information, and decision modelling; Triple Bottom Line modelling and reporting; and Enterprise Application Integration with a focus on ERP-DSS integration.
Enterprise Java for SAP
#777Формат: CHM Издательство: Apress Автор: Austin Sincock Год издания: 2003
Back Cover Java Primer for SAP is designed as an introduction to Enterprise Java for the SAP developer. After providing a general introduction to Java, author Austin Sincock explores how to open the typically closed SAP environment to the world of Java. Sincock explores communicating with a SAP environment through such Enterprise Java technologies as JavaServer Pages (JSP), JDBC, and Enterprise Java Beans (EJB). Where possible, open source technologies are explored for the Java connections pieces-atypical for the SAP environment where everything is proprietary.
Java & BAPI Technology for SAP
#777Авторы: Kroes K., Thakur A. Год издания: 2000 Количество страниц: 432
Book Description As a programmer, you need to know how to get the most out of using Java in the SAP environment. This book will show you how to tie key corporate data through the Internet; create, change, and display information via Java applets or executable code; and how Java and SAP interrelate. Java & BAPI Technology for SAP is a solid reference for beginning and intermediate users who are seeking help in this booming area.
Book Info (Prima Tech) Learn how platform independent Java can reduce development and on-going maintenance costs for custom software. Discusses how to integrate Java with SAP and the basics of integrating the SAP Automation toolkit to develop applets or Java applications.
Mastering the SAP Business Information Warehouse
#777Auteur(s): Kevin McDonald Pagina's: 513 Release: september 2002
Book description: Written by the leading experts in the field, this comprehensive guide shows you how to implement the SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW) and create useful applications for business analysis of company-wide data. You'll quickly learn how to design, build, analyze, and administer the data and information in the SAP BW component. The authors present the material in a way that reflects the process an organization goes through during a software implementation. They begin with an introduction to the fundamentals of data warehousing and business intelligence, helping you determine if SAP BW is right for your organization. The book then focuses on the business content and options available when trying to deliver value from the data stored in the SAP BW. And it includes a methodology for implementing the BW, such as data modeling and techniques for capturing and transforming data.
With this book, you'll discover the options available in SAP BW 3.0 and explore a new way to drive business performance. It will show you how to:Tackle such challenges as eliminating poor data quality Develop an information model in order to properly deploy SAP BW Utilize ETL, data storage, information access, analysis, and presentation services Schedule, monitor, archive, and troubleshoot data loads [*]Effectively plan and manage the performance of a data warehouse
mySAP Toolbag for Performance Tuning and Stress
#777Автор: Anderson G.W. Язык: eng Год издания: 2004 Количество страниц: 401
"A good book for people who deal with SAP systems for a living. I haven't read another book like this. It's technical but it's also an entertaining read. A pleasant departure from the norm." —David C. Gilliland, Senior Consultant, SAP America, Inc.
"Clearly, this book could be used as an excellent development tool and could help a company like mine perfect performance tuning steps and standards." —Dennis Prince, SAP Development/Support Specialist, Hewlett-Packard
"SAP optimization is one of those subjects that developers struggle to find time for and managers don't know is necessary. Presenting the value of the process up front serves to give the developer ammunition to win time for optimization and the manager an education in the value and necessity of optimization. Even if the manager types don't read past chapter 3, George's job is done. They should be convinced that someone technical in their IT department needs to be reading this book. Anderson explains the value, then the core technology, and then when we're all on the same page, the process. To me, that was very helpful." —Crew Reynolds, Software Development Manager, Daydots
"This book features good discussion on performance tuning the mySAP suite that no other books have so far. This is the perfect book for SAP Stress Test Project Managers, SAP Stress Test Project Teams, SAP Basis Administrators, Oracle DBAs, Unix Administrators managing SAP systems, and project implementation teams. Those who stress test their systems well with the help of this book will have significant returns." —Sanjoy Rath, SAP Consultant
Аннотация: * The comprehensive, independent, real-world guide to SAP performance testing * Covers methods and challenges inherent to testing mySAP CRM, PLM, SCM, SRM, R/3 and R/3 Enterprise, Enterprise Portal, Web AS, SAP XI, MDM, and more * Shows how to plan, test, and optimize SAP NetWeaver solutions and components for daily loads, business peaks, key transactions, and end-to-end business processes
Drive maximum performance and value from your SAP investment!
In this book, a leading expert on SAP performance walks through every facet of tuning and optimizing mySAP Solutions, and the technology layers underpinning these solutions, to maximize performance and value. George W. Anderson covers the entire testing and tuning process: planning, staffing, developing, testing, execution, validation, evaluation... and acting on what you've learned.
Anderson offers unparalleled guidance with regard to predicting the impact of system changes-from new hardware to updated NetWeaver-enabled business processes. Along the way, he shows how to make the most of countless optimization and monitoring tools-from free and low-cost technology stack-based utilities to comprehensive, automated SAP testing suites. His vendor-neutral, unbiased coverage includes:
* Quantifying concrete performance requirements-even for complex, cross-application business processes * Testing and monitoring daily system loads, month-end or seasonal business peaks, key transactions, and complex multi-system business processes * Conducting comprehensive server, SAN/disk subsystem, and database testing * Managing the testing process, leveraging proven best practices andtechniques * Analyzing, verifying, and quantifying SAP availability, scalability, and TCO
Regardless of the technology infrastructure underpinning your SAP solutions, if you're responsible for deploying, managing, maintaining, refreshing, upgrading, or supporting SAP technologies, you need this book-now.
When you consider that SAP R/3 boasts some 8,000 tables and a mind-boggling number of Germanic-language data tags, it's hard to believe you could ever learn anything about SAP AG's flagship enterprise resource planning product in 10 minutes. However, SAMS Teach Yourself SAP R/3 in 10 Minutes, a slim volume written by SAP consultant Simon Sharpe, manages to provide a pragmatic blueprint of this software behemoth from a user-level perspective.
Catchy as it is, the title is slightly misleading. Instead of one 10-minute learning session, the book actually contains a series of exercises designed to familiarize new users with SAP R/3's core functionality. These lessons go from the very basic, such as how to log on and move between screens, to much more advanced topics, such as understanding configurations and creating documents. Each lesson is carefully constructed and provides a numbered list of steps to walk you through the tasks. In addition, the book's pages are studded with time-saving tips, real-language definitions of computerese, warnings, and relevant screen shots.
As Sharpe makes clear, the book is not intended for implementers or administrators. As a reference for new users to SAP R/3 or departments exposed to a recent implementation, SAMS Teach Yourself SAP R/3 in 10 Minutes comes extremely close to accomplishing its stated goal. -Sarah L. Roberts-Witt
Book Description Sams Teach Yourself SAP R/3 in 10 Minutes covers general tasks including basic navigation skills, working with master data and running reports. With Timesaving Tips, Plain English definitions, Panic Button advice and easy-to-follow tutorials that can be completed in 10 minutes or less, you can get productive immediately. Covers the general SAP functions that every end-user of SAP-based applications must know. The book focuses on the user interface, access issues, and basic navigation skills using mini-tutorials. You'll learn all the essential tasks for running SAP-based applications smoothly and easily. 10 minutes is all you need to learn how to log on to SAP R/3, access the SAP R/3 modules, use basic navigation skills, work with master data, generate reports, read and interpret common error messages, and access extensive online help features.
Sams Teach Yourself SAP™ in 24 Hours, Second Edition
#777Формат: CHM Авторы: George Anderson, Danielle Signorile Larocca Издательство: Sams, 2005 г. Мягкая обложка, 432 стр.
Sams Teach Yourself SAP in 24 Hours, Second Edition is the perfect tool for learning one of the most sophisticated enterprise solutions available today. Designed to being with the basics, you will become acquainted with the entire SAP system, from navigation to creating your own reports. You'll also cover:
# Implementation tools and methodologies NetWeaver # ECC 5.0 # Designing Screens and menus # Reporting # Integration with Microsoft Office # And more
Written by leading SAP consultants with over 20 years of combined experience, this easy-to-understand tutorial is ideal for getting up and running with SAP quickly and efficiently.
SAP NetWeaver For Dummies
#777Формат: CHM Авторы: Dan Woods, Jeffrey Word Published in 2004 Published by Wiley
* Shows IT directors and managers how to get up and running with Netweaver, SAP's Web services-based business integration and application platform * SAP, the world's third-largest independent software supplier, has nearly 20,000 corporate customersin 120 countries, including sixty-five percent of the Fortune 100 * Explains how SAP Netweaver can integrate existing applications; serve as the foundation for mySAP Business Suite and SAP xApps; work with .NET, J2EE, and Websphere; and enable portals, collaboration, data management, and development environments * Offers plain-English explanations along with a dash of humor and fun-the perfect antidote for people overwhelmed by the complex SAP Netweaver documentation * Cowritten by the SAP technology evangelist for Netweaver, this book provides inside information on new product revisions that will not be available anywhere else * Includes SAP-provided Netweaver content on CD-ROM
SAP Query Reporting
#777Автор: Danielle Larocca Signorile (Даниэль Ларокка Сигнорайла) Издательство: Sams, 2006 г. Страниц: 336 стр. Pub Date: July 24, 2006
SAP Query Reporting is everything an SAP user needs to know to create your own reports in SAP using Query tools, no programming required! Designed as a hands-on learning aid, you will be able to follow along and perform each new skill learned on your own SAP system. The book's tutorial style, step-by-step instruction will teach you everything you need to know to use the SAP Query tools, including its configuration, advanced usage, and integration to Microsoft. Additionally the book gives best business practice recommendations for the technology and internal business use of the tools. Learn to:
* Understand query security, table reads, and table joins * Perform basic and advanced calculations * Incorporate pictures and graphics into reports * Configure shortcuts and tran codes, schedule jobs and email PDFs * Utilize SAP Reporting with Microsoft Office applications
[*]SAPr3 Installation Guide
В руководстве подробно расписано, по шагам, как устанавливать miniSAP.
SAPscript Made Easy
#777Серия: SAP Enjoy Издательство: Sap Labs Inc, 1999 г. Страниц: 298 стр.
This guidebook (known as Printout Design Made Easy until Release 3.1H) helps reduce consulting time in development and modification of SAPscript forms. The book explains in an intuitive step-by-step manner how to do most common task (like moving/adding fields, printing bar codes and/or company logos etc.). These task help adapt forms quicker and more efficiently by using the new graphical WYSIWYG-based tools Form Painter and PC Editor.
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