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Academic books 2

Жанр: Сборник книг по гуманитарным наукам.
Описание: Большое собрание научных книг по гуманитраным наукам.

Все книги на Английском языке.

Антропология, социология, культура.
Aguar&Aguar - Wrightscapes.pdf
Banyard et al (eds) - Trauma and Physical Health.pdf
Barnett - When death enters therapeutic space.pdf
Barth - Ethnic Groups and Boundaries.pdf
Barth - Nomads of South Persia.pdf
Bennett et al - Culture Class Distinction.pdf
Block - Defending the Undefendable.pdf
Brottman - High Theory Low Culture.pdf
Brown (ed) - Handbook Of Pediatric Psychology In School Settings.pdf
Carson&Bull (eds) - Handbook of Psychology in Legal Contexts.pdf
Castex - Architecture of Italy.pdf
Dawson&Spannagle - The Complete Guide to Climate Change.pdf
Deegan - Africa Today.pdf
Delanty (ed) - Handbook contemporary European social theory.pdf
Demorest - Psychology's Grand Theorists.pdf
Demsetz - From economic man to economic system.pdf
de Rivera - Handbook on Building Cultures of Peace.pdf
Donnan (ed) - Interpreting islam.pdf
Duggan&Hunter - Sex Wars.pdf
Eldridge - American Culture in the 1930s.pdf
Felleman - Art in the Cinematic Imagination.pdf
Fellner - Wrestling with Starbucks.pdf
Fentress&Whickham - Social memory.pdf
Franklin - Tourism An introduction.pdf
Fry et al (eds) - A Handbook For Teaching & Learning in Higher Education.pdf
Gadd&Jefferson - Psychosocial Criminology.pdf
Giger - Verdi & French Aesthetic.pdf
Guillebaud - The Tyranny of Pleasure.pdf
Halliwell&Morely (eds) - American Thought And Culture in the 21th c.pdf
Hamm - Philosophical Issues In Education.pdf
Hoare - Thailand A Global Studies Handbook.pdf
Holmes - Gender and Everyday Life.pdf
Hughes&Reader (eds) - Encyclopedia of Contemporary French Culture.pdf
Ingold - What is an animal.pdf
Izod - Myth Mind and the Screen.pdf
Jahn-Sudmann&Stockmann (eds) - Computer games as a sociocultural phenomenon.pdf
Kalof et al - Essentials Of Social Research.pdf
Kleinig - Ethics and criminal justice.pdf
Kramer - Why classical music still matters.pdf
Luckhurst&Moody (eds) - Theatre and Celebrity in Britain 1660-2000.pdf
Matsue - Making Music in Japan's Underground hardcore scene.pdf
McNeill - The Human Condition.pdf
Memon et al - Psychology and Law.pdf
Metcalf - Anthropology The Basics.pdf
Miles - Urban Avant-Gardes.pdf
Mitchell&Osland - Representing Women and Female Desire.pdf
Monteith - American Culture in the 1960s.pdf
Montgomery et al (eds) - How Professionals Make Decisions.pdf
Moore - Music and Revolution (Socialist Cuba).pdf
Moses - German Intellectuals and the Nazi Past.pdf
Mullen et al - Stalkers And Their Victims.pdf
Newman - Playing with videogames.pdf
Olson - An Ethnohistorical Dictionary China.pdf
Pearson - Wicca & the Christian heritage.pdf
Pecher&Zwaan - Grounding Cognition.pdf
Pemberton&Nijhawan - Shared Idioms Sacred Symbols And Articulation Of Identities (South-Asia).pdf
Portmann - When bad things happen to other people.pdf
Riggio&Feldman (eds) - Applications Of Nonverbal Communication.pdf
Rodgers (ed) - Encyclopedia of Contemporary Spanish Culture.pdf
Saari - Disposing Dictators Demystifying Voting Paradoxes.pdf
Salzmann (ed) - When nomads settle.pdf
Shehadeh - Idea of women fundamentalist islam.pdf
Thornicroft&Tansella (eds) - Better mental health care.pdf
Tomlinson - Cultural imperialism.pdf
Tremblay et al (eds) - Developmental Origins of Aggression.pdf
Turnbull - Masons tricksters and cartographers.pdf
Valsiner&Rosa (eds) - Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology.pdf
van Ginneken - Collective Behavior and Public Opinion.pdf
Vertigans - Militant Islam (A.Sociology Of Characteristics).pdf
Walklate - Understanding Criminology.pdf
Wheeler - Practical Cinematography.pdf
Wierzbicki - Film Music - A History.pdf
Wilton - Sexual (Dis)Orientation.pdf
Wolf - Peasants.pdf
Woods - Vietnam.pdf
История и археология.
Abelove et al (eds) - Visions of history.pdf
Abulafia - Christians and Jews in 12th c Renaissance.pdf
Agnew&Rosenzweig (eds) - A Companion to Post 1945 America.pdf
Ankersmit - History and Tropology.pdf
Arnold - German Knighthood 1050-1300.pdf
Arnold - Science Technology and Medicine in Colonial India.pdf
Aston - Interpreting the Landscape.pdf
Atkin&Biddiss (eds) - Themes in Modern European History 1890-1945.pdf
Atkinson - The oldest vocation (Christian motherhood).pdf
Austin&Alcock (eds) - From the Baltic to the Black Sea (Medieval Archaeology).pdf
Bagnall - Reading papyri.pdf
Baker&Brothwell - Animal diseases in archaeology.pdf
Baker (ed) - Relations between East and West in the Middle Ages.pdf
Barham&Mitchell - The First Africans.pdf
Barnes - Athanasius and Constantius.pdf
Barrett - Caligula The corruption of power.pdf
Bartlett (ed) - History and historians (RW Southern).pdf
Bauman - Crime & Punishment Ancient Rome.pdf
Bauman - Human Rigts in Ancient Rome.pdf
Berkhofer - Beyond the Great Story.pdf
Berry&Foyster (eds) - Family in Early Modern England.pdf
Birley - Marcus Aurelius.pdf
Boardman&Hammond (eds) - Greek Expansion 8-6th c (Cambridge Ancient History).pdf
Boardman et al (eds) - The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires 8-6th c (Cambridge Ancient History).pdf
Brown - The Death Of Christian Britain (Secularisation).pdf
Brown - The Making of Late Antiquity.pdf
Bruce - Silence and sign in medieval monasticism.pdf
Budin - The myth of sacred prostitution in antiquity.pdf
Burbank et al (eds) - Russian Empire.pdf
Burke - Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe.pdf
Bynum - Jesus as a Mother.pdf
Bynum - Resurrection of the Body.pdf
Cambell (ed) - Greek & Roman Military Writers.pdf
Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare 1.pdf
Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare 2.pdf
Cameron (ed) - The Sixteenth Century.pdf
Camp - The Archaeology of Athens.pdf
Campbell - The Witness and the Other World (travel literature).pdf
Cartmill - Hunting and Nature through History.pdf
Chaliand&Blin (eds) - The history of terrorism.pdf
Clark&Brandt (eds) - From Hunters to Farmers.pdf
Clark - Divine Qualities.pdf
Cline - Colonial Culhuacan.pdf
Cochrane - Historians and Historiography in the Italian Renaissance.pdf
Cogliano - Revolutionary America.pdf
Cohen - The Friars and the Jews.pdf
Coker - Humane warfare.pdf
Collins - Early Medieval Europe 300-1000.pdf
Collins - Magic in the Ancient Greek World.pdf
Considine - Dictionaries in Early Modern Europe.pdf
Craik - Mr Hopkins' Men (Cambridge in the 19th c).pdf
Creighton - Britannia.pdf
Cuomo - Ancient Mathematics.pdf
Davis - The Archaeology of Animals.pdf
Dawson (ed) - Sima Quian The First Emperor.pdf
DeVries&Smith - Mediaeval Weapons.pdf
Dignas&Winter - Rome and Persia in Late Antiquity.pdf
di Vittorio (ed) - An Economic History of Europe.pdf
Elkins - Pictures&Tears.pdf
Ennen - The Medieval Woman.pdf
Esmonde-Cleary - Rome In The Pyrenees.pdf
Feng - Landscape and Power in Early China.pdf
Finkelberg - Greeks and Pre-Greeks.pdf
Forrest - The Spanish Civil War.pdf
Forsythe - A critical history of early Rome.pdf
Garipzanov et al (eds) - Franks Northmen and Slavs.pdf
Garton - Histories Of Sexuality.pdf
Geary - Living with the dead in the Middle Ages.pdf
Gledhill et al (eds) - State and society.pdf
Goette - Athens Attica and the Megarid.pdf
Goffart - The Narrators of Barbarian History.pdf
Goodman - Roman World 44BC-AD180.pdf
Gorlizki&Khlevniuk - Cold Peace.pdf
Grant et al - The Archaeology Coursebook.pdf
Grayson - Quantitative Zooarchaeology.pdf
Hallaq - Authority continuity ans change Islamic law.pdf
Hanson - A Cultural History of Pregnancy.pdf
Harding et al (eds) - Enclosing the past.pdf
Harper&Proctor (eds) - Medieval Sexuality.pdf
Hassig - Time history and belief in Aztec and colonial Mexico.pdf
Hingley - Roman officers and English gentlemen.pdf
Hodder (ed) - Archaeological Theory Today.pdf
Hodder - Theory and Practice in Archaeology.pdf
Hughes-Warrington (ed) - Palgrave Advances in World Histories.pdf
Hulsether - Religion Culture And Politics in the 20th c USA.pdf
Joes - Guerrilla Warfare.pdf
Jones - Emperor Domitian.pdf
Jones - The Conquest of the Last Maya Kingdom.pdf
Joshi - Gender and Power in the Third Reich.pdf
Kamen - Golden Age Spain.pdf
Kitzinger - Byzantine art in the making.pdf
Klein - Genesis of Industrial America.pdf
Kyle - Spectacles of Death.pdf
Lafaye - Quetzalcoatl and Guadalupe.pdf
Landels - Music Ancient Greece & Rome.pdf
Landels - Music in Ancient Greece & Rome.pdf
Lawrence - Sexual liberation The scandal of Christendom.pdf
Lee&Reinhardt - Eskimo Architecture.pdf
Lewis - Nomads and Crusaders.pdf
Lewis - The arabs in history.pdf
Lockhart - The nahuas after the conquest.pdf
Ludwig Jansen - The Making of the Magdalen.pdf
Lynch - Mao.pdf
Lyons&Russell (eds) - Australia's History.pdf
Maddison - Contours of World Econonomy 1-2030 AD.pdf
Magner - A History of Medicine.pdf
Martines - Power and Imagination.pdf
Mathiesen - Apollo's Lyre.pdf
Mays - The Archaeology of Human Bones.pdf
McCabe - A Byzantine Encyclopedia of Horse Medicin.pdf
Merrills - History and Geography in Late Antiquity.pdf
Metcalf&Metcalf - Concise History of Modern India.pdf
Mirka&Agawu (eds) - Communication in 18th cen Music.pdf
Mitchinson - Defending Albion.pdf
Mommsen - History of Rome Vol 1.pdf
Mommsen - History of Rome Vol 2.pdf
Mommsen - History of Rome Vol 3.pdf
Mommsen - History of Rome Vol 4.pdf
Mommsen - History of Rome Vol 5.pdf
Mousourakis - A Legal History of Rome.pdf
Muir - Life and letters in the Ancient Greek World.pdf
Nirenberg (ed) - Communities of violence.pdf
O'Connor - The Archaeology of Animal Bones.pdf
Odahl - Constantine and the Christian empire.pdf
Peraino - Listening to the Sirens (Musical.Technologies).pdf
Pluskowski (ed) - Medieval Animals.pdf
Pohlsander - Emperor Constantine.pdf
Price - The Archaeology of Shamanism.pdf
Reitz&Wing - Zooarchaeology.pdf
Retallack - Imperial Germany.pdf
Rhodes - A History of the Classical Greek World 478-323 BC.pdf
Richardson - The Language Of Empire.pdf
Richardson et al (eds) - Liverpool and Transatlantic Slavery.pdf
Rietbergen - Europe A Cultural History.pdf
Robinson - Ancient Rome - City Planning.pdf
Rochberg - The Heavenly Writing.pdf
Rogerson&Lieu (eds) - Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies.pdf
Rudolph (ed) - Companion to Medieval Art.pdf
Rutledge - Imperial Inquisitions.pdf
Sandmeyer - Husserl's Constitutive Phenomenology.pdf
Saxonhouse - Free Speech and Democracy in Ancient Athens.pdf
Scott - The gothic enterprise (medieval cathedrals).pdf
Seager - Pompey the great.pdf
Shotter - Fall of Roman the Republic.pdf
Shotter - Roman Britain.pdf
Shotter - Tiberius Caesar.pdf
Smith - Masters of the Sacred Page.pdf
Spawforth - The Court and Court Society in Ancient Monarchies.pdf
Spufford - Money and its use in the Medieval world.pdf
Staples - From Good Goddess To Vestal Virgins.pdf
Stearns - Western civilization in world history.pdf
Stein - Vijayanagara.pdf
Stephenson - Byzantium's Balkan Frontier.pdf
Stocks - Experiments in Egyptian Archaeology.pdf
Tamagne - A History of Homosexuality in Europe 1919-1939.pdf
The British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt.pdf
Turner - Making Prehistory.pdf
Tusell - Spain From Dictatorship to Democracy.pdf
Unger - The Art of Medieval Technology.pdf
van Creveld - The Rise and Decline of the State.pdf
van Dam - Roman Revolution Constantine.pdf
Vaughan - Art and Magic in the Court of the Stuarts.pdf
Walsh - A Brief History Of India.pdf
Walthall - Servants of the Dynasty (palace women).pdf
Ward - Networks of Empire.pdf
Watson - Aurelian &the 3rd Century.pdf
Wawro - The Franco-Prussian War.pdf
Webster - Roman Invasion in Britain.pdf
Weinberg - A World at Arms.pdf
Whittaker - Rome and its Frontiers.pdf
Wiener - An Empire On Trial - Race Murder And Justice Under British Rule.pdf
Wood - The Merovingian Kingdoms 450-751.pdf
Adams - The Regional Diversification of Latin.pdf
Allan&Burridge - Forbidden Words.pdf
Allen - Intertextuality.pdf
Ariel - Pragmatics and Grammar.pdf
Barden&Williams - Words And Symbols.pdf
Bauer - An Introduction to International Varieties of English.pdf
Bielec - Intermediate Polish.pdf
Cutting - Vague Language Explored.pdf
Eckert&McConnell-Ginet - Language And Gender.pdf
Farrell - Latin language & latin culture.pdf
Hackett - An Introduction To Ancient Greek.pdf
Hickey (ed) - Legacies of Colonial English (Transported dialects).pdf
Hoffmann&Ytsma (eds) - Trilingualism in Family School and Community.pdf
Hutchinson&Lloyd - Portuguese Essential Grammar.pdf
Jay - Why We Curse.pdf
Jones&gade - Colloquial Danish.pdf
Kirkman - Punctuation matters.pdf
Kroeger - Analyzing grammar.pdf
Lang&Perez - Modern French Grammar.pdf
La Porta&Shulman (eds) - Poetics of Grammar.pdf
Llamas et al (eds) - The Routledge Companion to Sociolinguistics.pdf
Lymbery - Colloquial Italian.pdf
Mallory&Adams - The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European.pdf
Masataka (ed) - The Origins of Language.pdf
Mills - Language and Sexism.pdf
Mugglestone - The Oxford History Of English.pdf
Naughton - Czech An Essential Grammar.pdf
Orel - A Handbook of Germanic Etymology.pdf
Partridge - The Routledge Dictionary of Historical Slang.pdf
Proudfoot&Cardo - Modern Italian Grammar.pdf
Reiter&Placencia - Spanish Pragmatics.pdf
Simpson - Language Through Literature.pdf
Tokuhama-Espinosa - Living Languages (Multilingualism).pdf
Wilton - Word Myths - Debunking Linguistic Urban Legends.pdf
Chevalier (ed) - Encyclopedia of the Essay.pdf
Dobson&Wells (eds) - Oxford Companion to Shakespeare.pdf
Drabble - The Oxford Companion To English Literature.pdf
Eagleton - Literary Theory.pdf
Enterline - The Rhetoric of the Body from Ovid to Shakespeare.pdf
Gill (ed) - Cambridge Companion to Wordsworth.pdf
Hine (tr) - Puerilities Erotic Epigrams of The Greek Anthology.pdf
Killingsworth - The Cambridge Introduction to Walt Whitman.pdf
Leatherbarrow - The Cambridge Companion To Dostoevskii.pdf
Lehman (ed) - The Oxford Book of American Poetry.pdf
Martin (ed) - Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson.pdf
Meisel - How Plays Work - Reading and Performance.pdf
Messent - The Cambridge Introduction to Mark Twain.pdf
Peradotto - Man in the Middle Voice.pdf
Plain&Sellers (eds) - History of Feminist Literary Criticism.pdf
Rice - Lay Piety And Religious Discipline In Middle English Literature.pdf
Sipe - Serpent & the dove (celibacy in literature).pdf
Weinstein - The Cambridge Companion To Faulkner.pdf
Политика, экономика и закон.
Abouharb&Cingranelli - Human Rights And Structural Adjustment.pdf
Agamben - Means Without End.pdf
Agamben - State of Exception.pdf
Aladjem - The Culture of Vengeance.pdf
Alexander - Is there a right of freedom of expression.pdf
Annesley - Political & economic dictionary of Western Europe.pdf
Asgharzadeh - Iran And The Challenge Of Diversity.pdf
Bell - East meets West.pdf
Bellamy&Mason (eds) - Political Concepts.pdf
Branco - Economics vs human rights.pdf
Brands - From Berlin to Baghdad.pdf
Brandt&Rawski - China's great economic transformation.pdf
Brecher - Torture and the ticking bomb.pdf
Calvert - Political & Economic Dictionary of Latin America.pdf
Carty - Philosophy of International Law.pdf
Cesari - When Islam and democracy meet.pdf
Chen&Lee (eds) - Leadership and Management in China.pdf
Cooley - Unholy Wars - Afghanistan America and International Terrorism.pdf
Cragg - The Practice of Punishment.pdf
Dauvergne (ed) - Handbook Global Environmental Politics.pdf
Davanzati - Ethical codes and income distribution.pdf
de Jasay - Against politics.pdf
Demsetz - From economic man to economic system.pdf
Drexl - Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Competition Law.pdf
Dunning - Crude Democracy.pdf
Edmundson - An introduction to rights.pdf
Farrelly (ed) - Contemporary Political Theory.pdf
Femia - Against the masses.pdf
Femia - Pareto and Political Theory.pdf
Forest - Countering Terrorism Vols 1-3.pdf
Forst - Terrorism Crime And Public Policy.pdf
Gauri&Brinks (eds) - Courting social justice.pdf
Gaus&Kukathas (eds) - Handbook of Political theory.pdf
Gaus - Contemporary theories of liberalism.pdf
Gelman - Red State Blue State - Rich State Poor State.pdf
Griffiths et al (eds) - Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations.pdf
Harvey - A brief history of neoliberalism.pdf
Helms - Presidents Prime Ministers and Chancellors.pdf
Hollowell - Twentieth-Century Anglo-American Relations.pdf
Holton - Making Globalization.pdf
Houghton - Global Warming The Complete Briefing.pdf
Howell (ed) - Fighting Unemployment.pdf
Humphrey - The Politics of Atrocity and Reconciliation.pdf
Ife - Human Rights And Social Work.pdf
Infantino - Ignorance and liberty.pdf
Iseult&Jennings (eds) - Republicanism in theory and practice.pdf
Jacoby - The Age of American Unreason.pdf
Johnson (ed) - Handbook of Intelligence Studies.pdf
Jones - Death of a Generation (Vietnam War).pdf
Kaehne - Political and social thought in post-communist Russia.pdf
Khan - Islam Muslims and America.pdf
Khatab - The political thought of Sayyid Qutb.pdf
Kirchengast - The Victim in Criminal Law and Justice.pdf
Kramer - Objectivity and the rule of law.pdf
Kriesi et al - West European Politics in the Age of Globalization.pdf
Lacey - State punishment.pdf
Landry - Decentralized Authoritarianism in China.pdf
Lowe et al (eds) - The United Nations Security Council And War.pdf
Machan - The Morality of Business.pdf
Machin&van Leeuwen - Global media discourse.pdf
May - Crimes against humanity.pdf
Mayers&Bass - Policy That Works for Forests and People.pdf
McDonogh - Iberian Worlds.pdf
McGraw&Formicola - Taking religious pluralism seriously.pdf
Murphy - The US and the rule of law in international affairs.pdf
Neumann&Smith - Strategy of terrorism.pdf
O'Flynn - Deliberative Democracy and Divided Societies.pdf
O'Neill - The Struggle for the European Constitution.pdf
Odysseos&Petito (eds) - The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt.pdf
Ollapally - The Politics Of Extremism in South Asia.pdf
Qureshi&Sells (eds) - The New Crusades.pdf
Ranstorp&Normark (eds) - Unconventional Weapons And International Terrorism.pdf
Ross - Urban Politics and Democratisation in Russia.pdf
Roy - The Philosophy of Economics (Reason in Economic Inquiry).pdf
Rudra - Globalization and the race to the bottom.pdf
Russell - Sharpening strategic intelligence.pdf
Ruttan - Is War Necessary for Economic Growth.pdf
Schmidt (ed) - Game Theory and Economic Analysis.pdf
Schmitt - Legality and Legitimacy.pdf
Schneider - Conflict Negotiation And European Union Enlargement.pdf
Seddon - Political & Economic Dictionary of Africa.pdf
Seddon - Political & Economic Dictionary of the Middle East.pdf
Senior - Corruption The World's Big C.pdf
Shapiro - Is the Welfare State Justified.pdf
Shapiro - The Moral Foundations of Politics.pdf
Stabile - The Living Wage.pdf
Suettinger - Beyond Tiananmen.pdf
Talbott - Which rights should be universal.pdf
Vail - A Theory of Power.pdf
Webster - Adaptive Governance (Atlantic Fisheries Management).pdf
Weiner (ed) - Japan's Minorities.pdf
Williams - The Realist Tradition and the Limits of Iinternational Relations.pdf
Wood - Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed.pdf
Wright&Drake (eds) - Economic & political impediments to Middle East peace.pdf
Young - Twentieth Century Diplomacy (British Practice 1963-1976).pdf
Теология, философия и история мысли.
Faivre - The Eternal Hermes.djvu
Williams - Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy.djvu
Adams - A theory of virtue.pdf
A Jones&Fogelin (eds) - The Twentieth Century To Quine and Derrida.pdf
Amundson - The changing role of embryo in evolutionary thought.pdf
Anderson - Imagined communities.pdf
Angle - Human Rights in Chinese Thought.pdf
Ansell-Pearson (ed) - Nietzsche and Modern German Thought.pdf
Armstrong - Islam.pdf
Armstrong - Truth and truthmakers.pdf
Atran&Medin - Native mind and cultural construction of nature.pdf
Audi - Moral Value and Human Diversity.pdf
Audi - Practical reasoning and ethical decision.pdf
Baker - Metaphysics of everyday life.pdf
Bamyeh - The social origins of Islam.pdf
Barnstone&Meyer (eds) - The Gnostic Bible.pdf
Beaney (ed) - The Analytic Turn.pdf
Bedau (ed) - Civil Disobedience in focus.pdf
Benn - Ethics.pdf
Bennett - Water is thicker than blood (Augustinian theology).pdf
Berkwitz et al (eds) - Buddhist Manuscript Cultures.pdf
Besserman - Sacred and secular in medieval and early modern cultures.pdf
Bett (ed) - Sextus Empiricus~ Against the Logicians.pdf
Biletzki&Matar (eds) - The Story of Analytic Philosophy.pdf
Billington - Living Philosophy.pdf
Bird - An Introduction to Political Philosophy.pdf
Bird - Nature's Metaphysics.pdf
Bishop&Trout - Epistemology and the Psychology of Human Judgement.pdf
Bloomfield (ed) - Morality and Self-Interest.pdf
Boswell - Christianity Social Tolerance and Homosexuality.pdf
Botros - Hume Reason and Morality.pdf
Boucher&Kelly (eds) - Social justice from Hume to Walzer.pdf
Bowell&Kemp - Critical Thinking A Concise Guide.pdf
Brecher - Getting What You Want~ A Critique of Liberal Morality .pdf
Brekke (ed) - The ethics of war Asian civilizations.pdf
Broome - Ethics out of Economics.pdf
Burian - The Epistemology of Development Evolution and Genetics.pdf
Burrill - The Cosmological Arguments.pdf
Byron (ed) - Satisficing and Maximizing - Moral Theorists on Practical Reason.pdf
Calvert - Quaker Constitutionalism And The Political Thought Of John Dickinson.pdf
Casebeer - Natural Ethical Facts.pdf
Cassam - The Possibility of Knowledge.pdf
Chakrabarty - The Social and Political thought of Gandhi.pdf
Chappell (ed) - Values and Virtues.pdf
Chilton&Neusner - Judaism in the New Testament.pdf
Chomsky - Failed States.pdf
Chomsky - Syntactic Structures.pdf
Christman - Social and Political Philosophy.pdf
Clemens et al (eds) - The Work Of Giorgio Agamben.pdf
Cohen - Political Philosophy From Plato to Mao.pdf
Converse - Atheism as a positive social force.pdf
Copp - Morality in a Natural World.pdf
Corradini et al (eds) - Analytic Philosophy Without Naturalism.pdf
Coupe - Myth The New Critical Idiom.pdf
Cowton&Haase - Trends in Business and Economic Ethics.pdf
Craig - Handbook of Polynesian Mythology.pdf
Crisp - Reasons and the good.pdf
Dagenais - Ethics of reading in manuscript culture.pdf
Dark - Theoretical Archaeology.pdf
Davidson&Harrington (eds) - Visions of compassion.pdf
Davis - Meaning Expression and Thought.pdf
Dean et al - Realism Philosophy and Social Science.pdf
de Dijn - French Political Thought.pdf
Dees - Trust and toleration.pdf
deMarrais&Lapan (eds) - Foundations for Research.pdf
Dennett - Consciousness Explained.pdf
Docker - The origins of violence.pdf
Dodaro&Lawless (eds) - Augustine and His Critics.pdf
Dreier (ed) - Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory.pdf
Dubiel&Motzkin (eds) - The lesser evil.pdf
Easley - The war over perpetual peace.pdf
Egginton&Sandbothe - Pragmatic Turn in Philosophy.pdf
Elster - Closing the Books (Transitional Justice Historical perspective).pdf
Everitt - The Non-Existence of God.pdf
Ferreira - Kierkegaard.pdf
Findlen (ed) - Athanasius Kircher.pdf
Fine - Modality and Tense.pdf
Foley - Intellectual Trust in Oneself and Others.pdf
Force&Hutton (eds) - Newton and Newtonianism.pdf
Ford&Muers (eds) - Modern theologians.pdf
Frank - The memory of the eyes.pdf
Frankish - Mind and Supermind.pdf
Fraser - The Cosmos A historical Perspective.pdf
Freppert - The basis of morality according to Ockham.pdf
Fuller - The Notion of Ditthi in Buddhism.pdf
Gaita - Good and evil An absolute conception.pdf
Garcia-Carpintero&Kolbel (eds) - RelativeTruth.pdf
Gardner&Lieu (eds) - Manichaen texts from the Roman Empire.pdf
Garfield (ed) - Modularity in Knowledge Representation.pdf
Garrett - What is this thing called metaphysics.pdf
Gellner - The Devil in Modern Philosophy.pdf
Gellner - The Psychoanalytic Movement.pdf
Gensler et al (eds) - Ethics Contemporary Readings.pdf
Gersh - Neoplatonism after Derrida.pdf
Gerson - Knowing Persons A Study in Plato.pdf
Gill (ed) - Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity.pdf
Gillespie - The Theological Origins of Modernity.pdf
Glock (ed) - The Rise of Analytic Philosophy.pdf
Glock - What is Analytic Philosophy.pdf
Golding&Edmundson (eds) - Blackwell Guide to philosophy of law and legal theory.pdf
Goodin et al (eds) - A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy.pdf
Gordon - The history and philosophy of social science.pdf
Haakonssen (ed) - Adam Smith The Theory of Moral Sentiments.pdf
Halliwell - Greek Laughter A Study of Cultural Psychology.pdf
Hampton - The Intrinsic Worth of Persons.pdf
Hanna - Kant and the Foundations of Analytic Philosophy.pdf
Hannan - The riddle of the world (Schopenhauer)ű.pdf
Hardin - David Hume.pdf
Harmelen - Handbook of Knowledge Representation.pdf
Harms - Information & meaning in evolutionary processes.pdf
Harris - Reason's Grief.pdf
Harrison - Democracy.pdf
Hausmann&McPhearson (eds) - Economic Analysis Moral Philosophy & Public Policy.pdf
Hawthorne - Metaphysical Essays.pdf
Haynes (ed) - Religion and Politics.pdf
Herman (ed) - Lectures On The History Of Moral Philosophy (Rawls).pdf
Hetherington - Planetary Motions A Historical Perspective.pdf
Hill&Rauser - Christian Philosophy A–Z.pdf
Hill - Thought and World.pdf
Hintikka - Socratic Epistemology.pdf
Horgan&Timmons (eds) - Metaethics after Moore.pdf
Hossack - Metaphsyics of knowledge.pdf
Hughes - The nature of god.pdf
Ingle - The Social and Political Thought of Orwell.pdf
Inwagen - The problem of evil.pdf
Irwin - The Development of ethics vol 1.pdf
Isaacs - The Politics and Philosophy of Michael Oakeschott.pdf
Jacobs - Dimensions of moral theory.pdf
Jacobs - Pursuing equal opportunities.pdf
Jamieson - Ethics and the Environment.pdf
Jenkins - Grounding Concepts.pdf
Jinkins - Christianity Tolerance and Pluralism.pdf
Jordan - Ancient Concepts of Philosophy.pdf
Joyce - The Myth of Morality.pdf
Kalderon (ed) - Fictionalism in Metaphysics.pdf
Kamm - Intricate Ethics.pdf
Kasser et al (eds) - The Gospel of Judas.pdf
Kearney&Dooley (eds) - Questioning Ethics.pdf
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