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Mötley Crüe — дискография

Жанр: Glam Metal || Период: 1981 — 2008
Аудио кодек: MP3 || Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps (студийные альбомы) и ниже
Официальный сайт группы || О группе: Статья в Wikipedia || Автобиографическая книга-бестселлер «The Dirt» в русском переводе
Эта, пожалуй, самая скандальная хард-роковая команда была основана бас-гитаристом Никки Сикксом (Фрэнк Феррано, р. 11 декабря 1958). В 1980 году он ушел из глэм-банды "London" и начал подумывать о том, чтобы замутить свой проект. Как раз в этот момент Сикксу под руку подвернулся Томми Ли (Томас Ли Басс, р. 3 октября 1962, Греция), терзавший барабанную установку в "Suite 19", и вместе они занялись подбором остальных членов группы. Первым, кто попал в их поле зрения, стал "громкий грубый агрессивный гитарист" (так было написано в объявлении) Мик Марс (Боб Дил, р. 3 апреля 1956), чьей характеристики вполне хватило для приема в штат.

С появлением вокалиста Винса Нейла (Винс Нейл Вартон, р. 8 февраля 1961) состав был окончательно укомплектован, и "Motley Crue" ринулись в бой. Выпустив в июне 1981-го сингл "Stick to your guns", группа активизировала концертную деятельность и довольно быстро завоевала популярность в окрестностях Лос-Анджелеса. В конце года "Motley Crue" испекли первый виниловый блин под названием "Too fast for love". Несмотря на то, что альбом, также как и сингл, был издан своими силами, его тираж составил внушительную цифру в 20000 копий.

Новоявленной перспективной командой заинтересовалась фирма "Elektra records", которая взяла "MC" под свою опеку и переиздала "Too fast for love". В 1983-м после гастролей на разогреве у "Kiss" вышел второй альбом, "Shout at the devil", записанный с продюсером Томом Верманом. Пластинка содержала классику глэм-металла "Looks that kill", "Bastard" и сам заглавный трек. Во время последующего тура с Оззи Осборном "Motley Crue" своим разгульным поведением заработали репутацию самой дикой команды. В конце 1984-го Винс попал в аварию, но остался в живых, в то время как ехавший с ним барабанщик "Hanoi Rocks" погиб. Вероятно, именно из-за этого инцидента альбом "Theatre of pain" выглядел мрачнее предшественника.

Как бы то ни было, но "Motley Crue" теперь перешли в категорию хедлайнеров, а их концерты открывали такие коллективы как "Cheap Trick" и "Whitesnake". Группа продолжала покорять высоты, выпустив два замечательных платиновых альбома, "Girls, girls, girls" и "Dr. Feelgood". Гастроли проходили на ура и любые концертные площадки с легкостью покорялись музыкантами. При всем этом не обходилось без неприятностей. Так, например, в 1988-м Никки чуть было не отдал концы из-за передозировки героина, а менеджер группы Док МакДжи был арестован за контрабанду марихуаны.

Свое десятилетие "Motley Crue" отметили выпуском сборника "Decade of decadence", включавшего старые хиты и парочку новых треков. На следующий год команду покинул Винс, организовавший свой проект "Vince Neil band". На место Нейла пригласили Джона Кораби, но после одного неудачного альбома с ним пришлось расстаться. В 1996-м Винс вернулся в коллектив, а на следующий год вышел "Generation swine". В поддержку альбома было организовано грандиозное турне, однако внимание публики было больше приковано к скандалу, разгоревшемуся вокруг Томми Ли и его жены Памелы Андерсон.

Накануне выхода первого концертника, "Entertainment or death", Ли всерьез разругался с Нейлом и хлопнул дверью. Место ударника занял Рэнди Кастилло, но у него обнаружились проблемы со здоровьем, и дела группы шли ни шатко, ни валко. В марте 2002-го Кастилло скончался от рака, и "Motley Crue" фактически распались. Музыканты занялись каждый своими делами, а фанатам только оставалось надеяться на воссоединение любимой команды. И реюнион действительно состоялся. В 2005 году "Motley Crue" в классическом составе провели турне, а затем выпустили компиляцию "Red, White and Crue".

Девятый студийный альбом Motley Crue «Saints of Los Angeles» был выпущен 24 июня 2008 года. На 2009 год группой намечен выход фильма, основанного на автобиографической книге-бестселлере «The Dirt».

1. "Live Wire" – 3:14
2. "Come On and Dance" – 2:47
3. "Public Enemy #1" (Sixx, Lizzie Grey) – 4:21
4. "Merry-Go-Round" – 3:22
5. "Take Me to the Top" – 3:43
6. "Piece of Your Action" (Vince Neil, Sixx) – 4:39
7. "Starry Eyes" – 4:28
8. "Too Fast for Love" – 3:22
9. "On With the Show" (Neil, Sixx) – 4:07

Total Time: 33:51

• Vince Neil - vocals
• Mick Mars - guitar
• Nikki Sixx - bass
• Tommy Lee - drums
1. "In the Beginning" (Geoff Workman, Nikki Sixx) – 1:13
2. "Shout at the Devil" (Sixx) – 3:16
3. "Looks That Kill" (Sixx) – 4:07
4. "Bastard" (Sixx) – 2:54
5. "God Bless the Children of the Beast" (Mick Mars) – 1:33
6. "Helter Skelter" (John Lennon, Paul McCartney) – 3:09
7. "Red Hot" (Mars, Vince Neil, Sixx) – 3:21
8. "Too Young to Fall in Love" (Sixx) – 3:34
9. "Knock 'Em Dead, Kid" (Neil, Sixx) – 3:40
10. "Ten Seconds to Love" (Neil, Sixx) – 4:17
11. "Danger" (Mars, Neil, Sixx) – 3:51

Total Time: 34:35

• Vince Neil - vocals
• Mick Mars - guitar
• Nikki Sixx - bass
• Tommy Lee - drums
1. "City Boy Blues" - (Nikki Sixx, Mick Mars, Vince Neil) - 4:10
2. "Smokin' in the Boys' Room" - (Cub Koda, Michael Lutz) - 3:27
3. "Louder Than Hell" - (Sixx) - 2:32
4. "Keep Your Eye on the Money" - (Sixx) - 4:40
5. "Home Sweet Home" - (Sixx, Neil, Tommy Lee) - 3:59
6. "Tonight (We Need a Lover)" - (Sixx, Neil) - 3:37
7. "Use It or Lose It" - (Sixx, Mars, Neil, Lee) - 2:39
8. "Save Our Souls" - (Sixx, Neil) - 4:13
9. "Raise Your Hands to Rock" - (Sixx) - 2:48
10. "Fight For Your Rights" - (Sixx, Mars) - 3:50

Total Time: 35:42

• Vince Neil - lead vocals, harmonica
• Mick Mars - guitar, backing vocals
• Nikki Sixx - bass, backing vocals
• Tommy Lee - drums, keyboards, backing vocals
1. "Wild Side" – 4:40 (Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee, Vince Neil)
2. "Girls, Girls, Girls" – (Sixx, Lee, Mick Mars) - 4:30
3. "Dancing on Glass" – (Sixx, Mars) - 4:18
4. "Bad Boy Boogie" – (Sixx, Lee, Mars) - 3:27
5. "Nona" – (Sixx) - 1:27
6. "Five Years Dead" – (Sixx) - 3:50
7. "All in the Name of..." - (Sixx, Neil) - 3:39
8. "Sumthin' for Nuthin'" – (Sixx) - 4:41
9. "You're All I Need" – 4:33 - (Lee, Sixx)
10. "Jailhouse Rock" (Live) (Jerry Leiber, Mike Stoller) – 4:39

Total Time: 39:59

• Vince Neil - vocals
• Mick Mars - guitar
• Nikki Sixx - bass
• Tommy Lee - drums
1. "T.N.T. (Terror 'N Tinseltown)" – 0:42
2. "Dr. Feelgood" – (Mick Mars, Nikki Sixx) – 4:50
3. "Slice of Your Pie" – (Sixx, Mars) – 4:32
4. "Rattlesnake Shake" – (Mars, Sixx, Vince Neil, Tommy Lee) – 3:40
5. "Kickstart My Heart" – (Sixx) – 4:48
6. "Without You" – (Sixx, Mars) – 4:29
7. "Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.)" – (Lee, Sixx, Neil, Mars) – 4:12
8. "Sticky Sweet" – (Mars, Sixx) – 3:52
9. "She Goes Down" – (Mars, Sixx) – 4:37
10. "Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)" – (Sixx, Mars) – 4:40
11. "Time for Change" – (Sixx, Donna McDaniel) – 4:45

Total Time: 45:03

• Vince Neil – vocals, harmonica, guitar
• Mick Mars – guitar
• Nikki Sixx – bass guitar, vocals
• Tommy Lee – drums, percussion, vocals


• Donna McDaniel - background vocals on album
• Emi Canyn - background vocals on album
• Bryan Adams – background vocals on "Sticky Sweet"
• Skid Row – background vocals on "Time for Change"
• Robin Zander – background vocals on "She Goes Down"
• Mike Amato – background vocals on "Time For Change", Production Coordination, Project Coordinator
• Jack Blades – background vocals on "Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.)" and "Sticky Sweet"
• Bob Dowd – background vocals on "Time For Change"
• Tom Keenlyside, Ian Putz, Ross Gregory, Henry Christian – marguerita horns on "Rattlesnake Shake"
• Marc LaFrance – background vocals on all tracks
• George Marino – mastering
• Rick Nielsen – background vocals on "She Goes Down"
• Bob Rock – bass on "Time For Change", background vocals on "Dr. Feelgood", "Rattlesnake Shake", "Sticky Sweet", "She Goes Down", producer, engineer
• Randy Staub – engineer
• David Steele – background vocals
• Chris Taylor – assistant engineer
• Steven Tyler – background vocals on "Sticky Sweet" and intro to "Slice of Your Pie"
• John Webster – honky tonk piano on "Rattlesnake Shake"
1. "Power to the Music" – 5:12
2. "Uncle Jack" – 5:28
3. "Hooligan's Holiday" – 5:51
4. "Misunderstood" – 6:53
5. "Loveshine" – 2:36
6. "Poison Apples" (Corabi, Sixx, Mars, Lee, Bob Rock) – 3:40
7. "Hammered" – 5:15
8. "'Til Death Do Us Part" – 6:03
9. "Welcome to the Numb" – 5:18
10. "Smoke the Sky" – 3:36
11. "Droppin' Like Flies" – 6:26
12. "Driftaway" – 4:05

Total Time: 1:00:17

• John Corabi – vocals, acoustic guitar, rhythm guitar, six-string bass
• Mick Mars – lead & rhythm guitars, six-string bass, sitar, mandolin
• Nikki Sixx - bass, piano, backing vocals
• Tommy Lee - drums, percussion, piano, backing vocals
1. "Find Myself" (Nikki Sixx, Mick Mars, Tommy Lee) – 2:51
2. "Afraid" (Sixx) – 4:07
3. "Flush" (Sixx, Lee, John Corabi) – 5:03
4. "Generation Swine" (Sixx, Lee) – 4:39
5. "Confessions" (Lee, Mars, Corabi) – 4:21
6. "Beauty" (Sixx, Lee, Scott Humphrey) – 3:47
7. "Glitter" (Sixx, Humphrey, Bryan Adams) – 5:40
8. "Anybody Out There?" (Lee, Sixx) – 1:50
9. "Let Us Prey" (Sixx, Corabi) – 4:22
10. "Rocketship" (Sixx) – 2:05
11. "A Rat Like Me" (Sixx) – 4:13
12. "Shout at the Devil '97" (Sixx) – 3:43
13. "Brandon" (Lee) – 3:25

Total Time: 52:50

• Vince Neil – vocals
• Mick Mars – guitar
• Nikki Sixx – bass, vocals
• Tommy Lee – drums, piano, vocals

Additional Musicians:

• David Darling - Guitar
• Suzie Katayama - Cello
• Bennet Salve - String Arrangements
• David Paich - Piano and Harpsichord
• Scott Humphrey - Synthesizer, Computer Programming, and Vocals
1. "Teaser" - (Tommy Bolin, Jeff Cook)
2. "Primal Scream" - (Tommy Lee, Nikki Sixx, Mick Mars, Vince Neil)
3. "Sinners & Saints" - (Mars, Sixx) (previously unreleased)
4. "Monsterous" - (Sixx) (previously unreleased)
5. "Say Yeah" - (Sixx) (previously unreleased)
6. "Planet Boom" - (Lee)
7. "Bittersuite" - (Mars)
8. "Father" - (Sixx)
9. "Anarchy in the U.K." - (Paul Cook, Steve Jones, Glen Matlock, Johnny Rotten)
10. "So Good, So Bad" - (Mars, Sixx) (previously unreleased)
11. "Hooligan's Holiday" (Extended Holiday Version by Skinny Puppy) - (John Corabi, Lee, Mars, Sixx)
12. "Rock 'N' Roll Junkie" - (Sixx, Mars, Lee)
13. "Angela" - (Lee, Mars, Neil, Sixx)
14. "Mood Ring" - (Mars, Sixx, Lee, Neil) (previously unreleased)
15. "Dr. Feelgood" (live) - (Mars, Sixx)

Total Time: 1:05:07
1. "Hell on High Heels" (Mick Mars, Vince Neil, Nikki Sixx) – 4:15
2. "Treat Me Like the Dog I Am" (Michael, Sixx) – 3:40
3. "New Tattoo" (Mars, James Michael, Sixx) – 4:18
4. "Dragstrip Superstar" (Michael, Sixx) – 4:22
5. "1st Band on the Moon" (Sixx) – 4:25
6. "She Needs Rock & Roll" (Michael, Sixx) – 3:59
7. "Punched in the Teeth by Love" (Randy Castillo, Mars, Neil, Sixx) – 3:32
8. "Hollywood Ending" (Michael, Sixx) – 3:43
9. "Fake" (Michael, Sixx) – 3:44
10. "Porno Star" (Sixx) – 3:45
11. "White Punks on Dope" (Michael Evans, Bill Spooner, Roger Steen) – 3:39
12. "Timebomb" – 4:38 (Released in the European version)

Total Time: 47:48

• Vince Neil - lead vocals
• Mick Mars - guitar, backing vocals
• Nikki Sixx - bass, backing vocals
• Randy Castillo - drums
1. "L.A.M.F." (1:23)
2. "Face Down In The Dirt" (3:44)
3. "What's It Gonna Take" (3:45)
4. "Down At The Whisky" (3:50)
5. "Saints of Los Angeles" (3:40)
6. "Mutherfucker Of The Year" (3:55)
7. "The Animal In Me" (4:16)
8. "Welcome To The Machine" (3:00)
9. "Just Another Psycho" (3:36)
10. "Chicks = Trouble" (3:13)
11. "This Ain't A Love Song" (3:25)
12. "White Trash Circus" (2:51)
13. "Goin' Out Swinging" (3:27)

Total Time: 44:04

• Vince Neil - lead vocals
• Mick Mars - guitar, backing vocals
• Nikki Sixx - bass, backing vocals
• Tommy Lee - drums, backing vocals

1. "Live Wire" – 3:14
2. "Come On and Dance" – 2:47
3. "Public Enemy #1" (Sixx, Lizzie Grey) – 4:21
4. "Merry-Go-Round" – 3:22
5. "Take Me to the Top" – 3:43
6. "Piece of Your Action" (Vince Neil, Sixx) – 4:39
7. "Starry Eyes" – 4:28
8. "Too Fast for Love" – 3:22
9. "On With the Show" (Neil, Sixx) – 4:07

That re-release would be the "popular" version of the album for the next 17 years, until it was re-released again in 1999 with bonus tracks, along with all their 80's albums.

10. "Toast of the Town" - 3:35
11. "Tonight" [Previously Unreleased] - 4:27
12. "Too Fast for Love" [Alternate Take] - 4:19
13. "Stick to Your Guns" - 4:23
14. "Merry-Go-Round" [Live In San Antonio, TX] - 3:56

Total Time: 54:36

• Vince Neil - vocals
• Mick Mars - guitar
• Nikki Sixx - bass
• Tommy Lee - drums
1. "In the Beginning" (Geoff Workman, Nikki Sixx) – 1:13
2. "Shout at the Devil" (Sixx) – 3:16
3. "Looks That Kill" (Sixx) – 4:07
4. "Bastard" (Sixx) – 2:54
5. "God Bless the Children of the Beast" (Mick Mars) – 1:33
6. "Helter Skelter" (John Lennon, Paul McCartney) – 3:09
7. "Red Hot" (Mars, Vince Neil, Sixx) – 3:21
8. "Too Young to Fall in Love" (Sixx) – 3:34
9. "Knock 'Em Dead, Kid" (Neil, Sixx) – 3:40
10. "Ten Seconds to Love" (Neil, Sixx) – 4:17
11. "Danger" (Mars, Neil, Sixx) – 3:51

Bonus tracks:
12. "Shout at the Devil (demo)" (Sixx) – 3:18
13. "Looks That Kill (demo)" (Sixx) – 5:06
14. "Hotter Than Hell (demo)" (Sixx) – 2:49
15. "I Will Survive" (Mars, Sixx) – 3:19

Total Time: 49:22

• Vince Neil - vocals
• Mick Mars - guitar
• Nikki Sixx - bass
• Tommy Lee - drums
1. "City Boy Blues" - (Nikki Sixx, Mick Mars, Vince Neil) - 4:10
2. "Smokin' in the Boys' Room" - (Cub Koda, Michael Lutz) - 3:27
3. "Louder Than Hell" - (Sixx) - 2:32
4. "Keep Your Eye on the Money" - (Sixx) - 4:40
5. "Home Sweet Home" - (Sixx, Neil, Tommy Lee) - 3:59
6. "Tonight (We Need a Lover)" - (Sixx, Neil) - 3:37
7. "Use It or Lose It" - (Sixx, Mars, Neil, Lee) - 2:39
8. "Save Our Souls" - (Sixx, Neil) - 4:13
9. "Raise Your Hands to Rock" - (Sixx) - 2:48
10. "Fight For Your Rights" - (Sixx, Mars) - 3:50

Bonus tracks:
11. "Home Sweet Home" (Demo Version) - 4:24
12. "Smokin' in the Boys' Room" (Alternate Guitar Solo-Rough Mix) - 3:34
13. "City Boy Blues" (Demo Version) - 4:28
14. "Home Sweet Home" (Instrumental Rough Mix) - 2:58
15. "Keep Your Eye on the Money" (Demo Version) - 3:49
16. Tommy Drum Piece from Cherokee Studios - 3:16

Total Time: 58:11

• Vince Neil - lead vocals, harmonica
• Mick Mars - guitar, backing vocals
• Nikki Sixx - bass, backing vocals
• Tommy Lee - drums, keyboards, backing vocals
1. "Wild Side" – 4:40 (Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee, Vince Neil)
2. "Girls, Girls, Girls" – (Sixx, Lee, Mick Mars) - 4:30
3. "Dancing on Glass" – (Sixx, Mars) - 4:18
4. "Bad Boy Boogie" – (Sixx, Lee, Mars) - 3:27
5. "Nona" – (Sixx) - 1:27
6. "Five Years Dead" – (Sixx) - 3:50
7. "All in the Name of..." - (Sixx, Neil) - 3:39
8. "Sumthin' for Nuthin'" – (Sixx) - 4:41
9. "You're All I Need" – 4:33 - (Lee, Sixx)
10. "Jailhouse Rock" (Live) (Jerry Leiber, Mike Stoller) – 4:39

Bonus tracks:
11. "Girls, Girls, Girls" [Tom Werman and band intro - rough mix of instrumental track] – 5:36
12. "Wild Side" [rough mix of instrumental track] – 4:06
13. "Rodeo" [Unreleased track] – 4:14
14. "Nona" [Instrumental Demo Idea] – 2:42
15. "All in the Name of..." [live in Moscow] - 5:02

Total Time: 1:01:50

• Vince Neil - vocals
• Mick Mars - guitar
• Nikki Sixx - bass
• Tommy Lee - drums
1. "T.N.T. (Terror 'N Tinseltown)" – 0:42
2. "Dr. Feelgood" – (Mick Mars, Nikki Sixx) – 4:50
3. "Slice of Your Pie" – (Sixx, Mars) – 4:32
4. "Rattlesnake Shake" – (Mars, Sixx, Vince Neil, Tommy Lee) – 3:40
5. "Kickstart My Heart" – (Sixx) – 4:48
6. "Without You" – (Sixx, Mars) – 4:29
7. "Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.)" – (Lee, Sixx, Neil, Mars) – 4:12
8. "Sticky Sweet" – (Mars, Sixx) – 3:52
9. "She Goes Down" – (Mars, Sixx) – 4:37
10. "Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)" – (Sixx, Mars) – 4:40
11. "Time for Change" – (Sixx, Donna McDaniel) – 4:45

Bonus tracks:

12. "Dr. Feelgood" (Demo Version) – (Mars, Sixx) – 4:42
13. "Without You" (Demo Version) – (Sixx, Mars) – 4:12
14. "Kickstart My Heart" (Demo Version) – (Sixx) – 4:28
15. "Get it for Free" (Demo Version) – (Sixx) – 4:14
16. "Time for Change" (Demo Version) – (Sixx, Donna McDaniel) – 4:09

Total Time: 1:07:06

• Vince Neil – vocals, harmonica, guitar
• Mick Mars – guitar
• Nikki Sixx – bass guitar, vocals
• Tommy Lee – drums, percussion, vocals


• Donna McDaniel - background vocals on album
• Emi Canyn - background vocals on album
• Bryan Adams – background vocals on "Sticky Sweet"
• Skid Row – background vocals on "Time for Change"
• Robin Zander – background vocals on "She Goes Down"
• Mike Amato – background vocals on "Time For Change", Production Coordination, Project Coordinator
• Jack Blades – background vocals on "Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.)" and "Sticky Sweet"
• Bob Dowd – background vocals on "Time For Change"
• Tom Keenlyside, Ian Putz, Ross Gregory, Henry Christian – marguerita horns on "Rattlesnake Shake"
• Marc LaFrance – background vocals on all tracks
• George Marino – mastering
• Rick Nielsen – background vocals on "She Goes Down"
• Bob Rock – bass on "Time For Change", background vocals on "Dr. Feelgood", "Rattlesnake Shake", "Sticky Sweet", "She Goes Down", producer, engineer
• Randy Staub – engineer
• David Steele – background vocals
• Chris Taylor – assistant engineer
• Steven Tyler – background vocals on "Sticky Sweet" and intro to "Slice of Your Pie"
• John Webster – honky tonk piano on "Rattlesnake Shake"
01. T. N T. (Terror 'n Tinseltown) (0:44)
02. Dr. Feelgood (4:50)
03. Slice Of Your Pie (4:32)
04. Rattlesnake Shake (3:40)
05. Kickstart My Heart (4:43)
06. Without You (4:29)
07. Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.) (4:13)
08. Sticky Sweet (3:51)
09. She Goes Down (4:38)
10. Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) (4:40)
11. Time For Change (4:53)

12. Dr.Feelgood (Demo) (4:43)
13. Without You (Demo) (4:12)
14. Kickstart My Heart (Demo) (4:29)
15. Get It For Free (4:14)
16. Time For Change (Demo) (4:09)
17. Girls, Girls, Girls (Live) (5:41)
18. Red Hot (Live) (3:22)
19. All In The Name Of Rock (Live) (4:54)
20. Dr.Feelgood (Live) (6:41)

Total Time: 1:27:38

• Vince Neil – vocals, harmonica, guitar
• Mick Mars – guitar
• Nikki Sixx – bass guitar, vocals
• Tommy Lee – drums, percussion, vocals


• Donna McDaniel - background vocals on album
• Emi Canyn - background vocals on album
• Bryan Adams – background vocals on "Sticky Sweet"
• Skid Row – background vocals on "Time for Change"
• Robin Zander – background vocals on "She Goes Down"
• Mike Amato – background vocals on "Time For Change", Production Coordination, Project Coordinator
• Jack Blades – background vocals on "Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.)" and "Sticky Sweet"
• Bob Dowd – background vocals on "Time For Change"
• Tom Keenlyside, Ian Putz, Ross Gregory, Henry Christian – marguerita horns on "Rattlesnake Shake"
• Marc LaFrance – background vocals on all tracks
• George Marino – mastering
• Rick Nielsen – background vocals on "She Goes Down"
• Bob Rock – bass on "Time For Change", background vocals on "Dr. Feelgood", "Rattlesnake Shake", "Sticky Sweet", "She Goes Down", producer, engineer
• Randy Staub – engineer
• David Steele – background vocals
• Chris Taylor – assistant engineer
• Steven Tyler – background vocals on "Sticky Sweet" and intro to "Slice of Your Pie"
• John Webster – honky tonk piano on "Rattlesnake Shake"
1. "Power to the Music" – 5:12
2. "Uncle Jack" – 5:28
3. "Hooligan's Holiday" – 5:51
4. "Misunderstood" – 6:53
5. "Loveshine" – 2:36
6. "Poison Apples" (Corabi, Sixx, Mars, Lee, Bob Rock) – 3:40
7. "Hammered" – 5:15
8. "'Til Death Do Us Part" – 6:03
9. "Welcome to the Numb" – 5:18
10. "Smoke the Sky" – 3:36
11. "Droppin' Like Flies" – 6:26
12. "Driftaway" – 4:05

Bonus tracks:
13. "Hypnotized" – 5:29
14. "Babykills" – 5:26
15. "Livin' in the Know" – 4:23

Total Time: 1:15:29

• John Corabi – vocals, acoustic guitar, rhythm guitar, six-string bass
• Mick Mars – lead & rhythm guitars, six-string bass, sitar, mandolin
• Nikki Sixx - bass, piano, backing vocals
• Tommy Lee - drums, percussion, piano, backing vocals
01. Find Myself (2:51)
02. Afraid (4:08)
03. Flush (5:03)
04. Generation Swine (4:39)
05. Confessions (4:20)
06. Beauty (3:47)
07. Glitter (5:00)
08. Anybody Out There (1:51)
09. Let Us Prey (4:22)
10. Rocketship (2:05)
11. A Rat Like Me (4:13)
12. Shout At The Devil '97 (3:43)
13. Brandon (3:26)

Bonus tracks:
14. Afraid (Swine Mix-Jimbo Mix) (3:57)
15. Wreck Me (Unreleased Track) (4:19)
16. Kiss The Sky (Unreleased Track) (4:47)
17. Rocketship (Early Demo) (1:36)

Total Time: 1:04:06

• Vince Neil – vocals
• Mick Mars – guitar
• Nikki Sixx – bass, vocals
• Tommy Lee – drums, piano, vocals

Additional Musicians:
• David Darling - Guitar
• Suzie Katayama - Cello
• Bennet Salve - String Arrangements
• David Paich - Piano and Harpsichord
• Scott Humphrey - Synthesizer, Computer Programming, and Vocals
1. "Teaser" - (Tommy Bolin, Jeff Cook)
2. "Primal Scream" - (Tommy Lee, Nikki Sixx, Mick Mars, Vince Neil)
3. "Sinners & Saints" - (Mars, Sixx) (previously unreleased)
4. "Monsterous" - (Sixx) (previously unreleased)
5. "Say Yeah" - (Sixx) (previously unreleased)
6. "Planet Boom" - (Lee)
7. "Bittersuite" - (Mars)
8. "Father" - (Sixx)
9. "Anarchy in the U.K." - (Paul Cook, Steve Jones, Glen Matlock, Johnny Rotten)
10. "So Good, So Bad" - (Mars, Sixx) (previously unreleased)
11. "Hooligan's Holiday" (Extended Holiday Version by Skinny Puppy) - (John Corabi, Lee, Mars, Sixx)
12. "Rock 'N' Roll Junkie" - (Sixx, Mars, Lee)
13. "Angela" - (Lee, Mars, Neil, Sixx)
14. "Mood Ring" - (Mars, Sixx, Lee, Neil) (previously unreleased)
15. "Dr. Feelgood" (live) - (Mars, Sixx)
16. Knock 'em Dead, Kid (Demo) - (Sixx, Neil)

Total Time: 1:08:52
Разыскивается ремастер 2003 года: 2000-New Tattoo.
mp3, заявленные в 320 kbps, в Сети встречаются, но это почти сплошь апконверты, так что буду благодарен за ссылки на лосслесс.
1. "Looks That Kill" - 6:06
2. "Knock'Em Dead, Kid" - 3:35
3. "Too Young to Fall in Love" - 3:57
4. "Live Wire" - 4:19
5. "Public Enemy #1" - 4:53
6. "Shout at the Devil" - 4:19
7. "Merry-Go-Round" - 3:22
8. "Ten Seconds To Love" - 4:46
9. "Piece Of Your Action" - 4:06
10. "Starry Eyes" - 4:37
11. "Helter Skelter" - 4:17

1. "Smokin' In the Boys' Room" - 5:18
2. "Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)" - 4:14
3. "Wild Side" - 5:52
4. "Girls, Girls, Girls" - 4:50
5. "Dr. Feelgood" - 5:13
6. "Without You" - 3:05
7. "Primal Scream" - 5:42
8. "Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.)" - 4:33
9. "Home Sweet Home" - 4:06
10. "Kickstart My Heart" - 5:39

Total Time: 1:36:41

• Vince Neil - vocals
• Mick Mars - guitar
• Nikki Sixx - bass, backing vocals, additional guitar
• Tommy Lee - drums, backing vocals, piano
1. "Shout at the Devil" (from the album Shout at the Devil)
2. "Too Fast for Love" (from the album Too Fast for Love)
3. "Ten Seconds to Love" (from the album Shout at the Devil)
4. "Red Hot" (from the album Shout at the Devil)
5. "On With the Show" (from the album Too Fast for Love)
6. "Too Young to Fall in Love" (from the album Shout at the Devil)
7. "Looks That Kill" (from the album Shout at the Devil)
8. "Louder Than Hell" (from the album Theatre of Pain)
9. "Live Wire" (from the album Too Fast for Love)
10. "Girls, Girls, Girls" (from the album Girls, Girls, Girls)
11. "Wild Side" (from the album Girls, Girls, Girls)

1. "Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)" (from the album Dr. Feelgood)
2. "Primal Scream" (from the album Decade of Decadence)
3. "Glitter" (from the album Generation Swine)
4. "Without You" (from the album Dr, Feelgood)
5. "Home Sweet Home" (from the album Theatre of Pain)
6. "Dr. Feelgood" (from the album Dr. Feelgood)
7. "Same Ol' Situation" (from the album Dr. Feelgood)
8. "Sick Love Song" (from the album Red, White and Crue)
9. "If I Die Tomorrow" (from the album Red, White and Crue)
10. "Kickstart My Heart" (from the album Dr. Feelgood)
11. "Helter Skelter" (from the album Shout at the Devil)
12. "Anarchy in the U.K." (from the album Decade of Decadence)

Total Time: 1:43:55

"Carnival of Sins: Live" is a 2CD live album by Motley Crue released in 2006, featuring the Grand Rapids, Michigan performance from their 2005-2006 "Carnival of Sins" reunion tour.
1. "Live Wire" [Kick Ass '91 Remix] (Nikki Sixx) - 3:16
2. "Piece of Your Action" [Screamin' '91 Remix] (Vince Neil, Sixx) - 4:39
3. "Shout at the Devil" (Sixx) - 3:14
4. "Looks That Kill" (Sixx) - 4:08
5. "Home Sweet Home '91 [Remix]" (Neil, Sixx, Tommy Lee) - 4:01
6. "Smokin' In the Boys Room" (Cub Koda, Michael Lutz) - 3:27
7. "Girls, Girls, Girls" (Mick Mars, Sixx, Lee) - 4:29
8. "Wild Side" (Neil, Sixx, Lee) - 4:40
9. "Dr. Feelgood" (Mars, Sixx) - 4:48
10. "Kickstart My Heart" [Live in Dallas, Texas; Reunion Arena, July 1990] (Sixx) - 4:57
11. "Teaser" (Tommy Bolin, Jeff Cook) - 5:16
12. "Rock N' Roll Junkie" (Mars, Sixx, Lee) - 4:01
13. "Primal Scream" (Neil, Mars, Sixx, Lee) - 4:46 **Previously Unreleased
14. "Angela" (Neil, Mars, Sixx, Lee) - 3:54
15. "Anarchy in the U.K." (Johnny Rotten, Steve Jones, Glen Matlock, Paul Cook) - 3:20

Total Time: 1:02:56

As well as six of the band's big hits, this release featured three remixes ("Live Wire [Kick Ass '91 Remix]", "Piece Of Your Action [Screamin' '91 Remix]" and "Home Sweet Home ['91 Remix]"), a soundtrack contribution ("Rock N' Roll Junkie"), a compilation album track "Teaser" (previously released on the Stairway to Heaven/Highway to Hell album), a previously unreleased live track (""Kickstart My Heart" [Live in Dallas, Texas]") and three newly recorded songs "Primal Scream", "Angela", Anarchy in the UK".
1. "Bitter Pill" - 4:27(Sixx, Lee, Mars, Neil)
2. "Enslaved" - 4:30 (Lee, Mars, Sixx)
3. "Girls, Girls, Girls" - 4:30
4. "Kickstart My Heart" - 4:44
5. "Wild Side" - 4:37
6. "Glitter" (remix)- 5:40
7. "Dr. Feelgood" - 4:43
8. "Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.)" - 4:14
9. "Home Sweet Home" - 3:57
10. "Afraid" - 4:08
11. "Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)" - 4:40
12. "Without You" - 4:29
13. "Smokin' In the Boys Room" - 3:27
14. "Primal Scream" - 4:46
15. "Too Fast for Love" - 3:21
16. "Looks That Kill" - 4:01
17. "Shout at the Devil" '97 - 3:42

Total Time: 1:13:43
01. Wild Side (4:42)
02. Too Fast For Love (3:21)
03. Shout At The Devil (3:14)
04. A Rat Like Me (4:13)
05. Primal Scream (4:46)
06. Let Us Prey (4:20)
07. Dancing On Glass (4:17)
08. Bitter Pill (4:24)
09. Dr. Feelgood (4:50)
10. You're All I Need (4:34)
11. Piece Of Your Action (4:39)
12. Red Hot (3:21)
13. Find Myself (2:49)
14. Hell On High Heels (4:15)
15. Tonight (We Need A Lover) (3:33)
16. Poison Apples (3:39)
17. Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) (4:39)
18. Starry Eyes (4:28)
19. Danger (3:46)

20. Kickstart My Heart (4:42)
21. Looks That Kill (4:07)
22. Louder Than Hell (2:32)
23. Take Me To The Top (3:44)
24. Girls, Girls, Girls (4:30)
25. Afraid (4:07)
26. Hooligan's Holiday (5:48)
27. Knock 'em Dead, Kid (3:43)
28. Slice Of Your Pie (4:31)
29. Merry-Go-Round (3:22)
30. All In The Name Of... (3:40)
31. Too Young To Fall In Love (3:30)
32. Glitter (5:00)
33. Smokin' In The Boys Room (3:26)
34. Punched In The Teeth By Love (3:32)
35. Beauty (3:45)
36. Live Wire (3:15)
37. Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.) (4:13)
38. Home Sweet Home (4:01)

Total Time: 2:33:20

"Loud as F@*k" is a 2CD+1DVD box set. It includes 40 of the band's greatest tracks remastered with 10 Promo Videos. Also, it was developed with the help of former Kerrang! Editor Dante Bonutto and Mötley Crüe bassist Nikki Sixx.
1. "Piece of Your Action" (Vince Neil, Sixx) - 4:40
2. "Shout at the Devil" (Sixx) - 3:15
3. "Too Young to Fall in Love" (Sixx) - 3:33
4. "Home Sweet Home" (Sixx, Neil, Tommy Lee) - 4:00
5. "Girls, Girls, Girls" (Sixx, Lee, Mick Mars) - 4:31
6. "All in the Name of..." (Sixx, Neil) - 3:41
7. "Kickstart My Heart" (Sixx) - 4:44
8. "Rock 'N' Roll Junkie" - 4:02
9. "Anarchy in the U.K." - 3:20
10. "Hooligan's Holiday" (Sixx, Lee, Corabi, Mars) - 5:49
11. "Generation Swine" (Sixx, Lee) - 4:41
12. "Hell on High Heels" (Sixx, Mars, Neil) - 4:15

Total Time: 1:01:37

• Vince Neil - Vocalist
• Mick Mars - Guitarist
• Nikki Sixx - Bassist
• Tommy Lee - drummer
• John Corabi - Lead Vocals/Rhythm Guitar on "Hooligan's Holiday"

"20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best of Motley Crue" is a compilation album of hits released by Universal Music as part of their "20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection" series.
1. "Live Wire"
2. "Piece of Your Action"
3. "Black Widow"
4. "Looks That Kill"
5. "Too Young to Fall in Love"(Remix)
6. "Shout at the Devil"
7. "Girls, Girls, Girls"
8. "Wild Side"
9. "Kickstart My Heart"
10. "Dr Feelgood"
11. "Primal Scream"
12. "Home Sweet Home"('91 Remix)
13. "Hooligan's Holiday"(Brown Nose Edit)
14. "Beauty"
15. "Bitter Pill"
16. "Hell On High Heels"
17. "If I Die Tomorrow" (Rock Mix)
18. "Sick Love Song"

Total Time: 1:16:36

"Red, White & Crue" features three new tracks, among them the first single "If I Die Tomorrow", which was cowritten by pop punk band Simple Plan. However, Tommy Lee didn't play on the cover of the Rolling Stones' "Street Fighting Man"; drumming duties were handled by Josh Freese of the the Vandals.
Disc 1:
1. "Live Wire" (Sixx)–3:15 (from the album Too Fast for Love)
2. "Piece of Your Action" (Sixx/Neil)–4:40 (from the album Too Fast for Love)
3. "Toast of the Town" (Mars/Sixx)–3:32 (Originally released as a single, appears on the remastered version of Too Fast for Love)
4. "Too Fast for Love" (Sixx)–3:21 (from the album Too Fast for Love)
5. "Black Widow" (Sixx)–4:26 (previously unreleased)
6. "Looks That Kill" (Sixx)–4:07 (from the album Shout at the Devil)
7. "Too Young to Fall in Love" (remix) (Sixx)–3:38 (original version from the album Shout at the Devil, this version from the EP Raw Tracks)
8. "Helter Skelter" (Lennon/McCartney)–3:12 (from the album Shout at the Devil)
9. "Shout at the Devil" (Sixx)–3:14 (from the album Shout at the Devil)
10. "Smokin' In the Boys Room" (Lutz/Coda) - (from the album Theatre of Pain)
11. "Use It Or Lose It" (Sixx/Mars/Neil/Lee) - (from the album Theatre of Pain)
12. "Girls, Girls, Girls" (Sixx/Lee/Mars) - (from the album Girls, Girls, Girls)
13. "Wild Side" (Sixx/Lee/Neil) - (from the album Girls, Girls, Girls)
14. "You're All I Need" (Sixx/Lee) - (from the album Girls, Girls, Girls)
15. "All In The Name Of..." (Sixx/Neil) - (from the album Girls, Girls, Girls)
16. "Kickstart My Heart" (Sixx)- (from the album Dr. Feelgood)
17. "Without You" (Sixx/Mars) - (from the album Dr. Feelgood)
18. "Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)" (Sixx/Mars) - (from the album Dr. Feelgood)
19. "Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S)" (Sixx/Mars/Neil/Lee) - (from the album Dr. Feelgood)
20. "Dr. Feelgood" (Sixx/Mars) - (from the album Dr. Feelgood)

Disc 2:
1. "Anarchy in the U.K." (Sex Pistols) - (from the album Decade of Decadence)
2. "Primal Scream" (Sixx/Mars/Lee) - (from the album Decade of Decadence)
3. "Home Sweet Home" - ('91 remix) (Sixx/Neil/Lee) - (from the album Decade of Decadence)
4. "Hooligan's Holiday" - (Corabi/Sixx/Mars/Lee) - (from the album Motley Crue)
5. "Misunderstood" - (Successful Format Version) (Corabi/Sixx/Mars/Lee) - (from the album Motley Crue)
6. "Planet Boom" (Lee) - (from the album Quaternary)
7. "Bittersuite" (Mars) - (from the album Quaternary)
8. "Afraid" - (Alternative Rave mix) (Sixx) - (from the album Generation Swine)
9. "Beauty" (Sixx/Lee) - (from the album Generation Swine)
10. "Generation Swine" (Sixx/Lee) - (from the album Generation Swine)
11. "Bitter Pill" (Sixx/Lee/Mars/Neil) - (from the album Greatest Hits)
12. "Enslaved" (Lee/Mars/Sixx) - (from the album Greatest Hits)
13. "Hell On High Heels" (Mars/Neil/Sixx) - (from the album New Tattoo)
14. "New Tattoo" - (single version) (Mars/Sixx/Michael) - (from the album New Tattoo)
15. "If I Die Tomorrow" (Sixx/Simple Plan) - (new song)
16. "Sick Love Song" (Sixx/Michael) - (new song)
17. "Street Fighting Man" (Jagger/Richards) (The Rolling Stones) - (new song)

Total Time: 2:30:31

"Red, White & Crue" features three new tracks, among them the first single "If I Die Tomorrow", which was cowritten by pop punk band Simple Plan. However, Tommy Lee didn't play on the cover of the Rolling Stones' "Street Fighting Man"; drumming duties were handled by Josh Freese of the the Vandals.
01. Live Wire (Original Leathur Mix) (3:17)
02. Piece Of Your Action (Original Leathur Mix) (4:42)
03. Too Young Too Fall In Love (Remix) (3:38)
04. Knock 'em Dead, Kid (3:43)
05. Home Sweet Home (Remix) (3:53)
06. Smokin' In The Boys Room (Live) (Brownsville Station Cover) (4:20)

Total Time: 23:33

The EP features six songs released on the band's previous albums, but some of them appear in remixed or live versions.
01. Misunderstood (Lp Version) (6:53)
02. Hooligan's Holiday (Extended Holiday Version) (11:07)
03. Hypnotized (Previously Unreleased Demo) (5:29)
04. Hooligan's Holiday (Lp Version) (5:44)

Total Time: 29:13

All songs written by John Corabi, Nikki Sixx, Mick Mars and Tommy Lee.

"Misunderstood" was one of the first songs that the band wrote with Corabi when he joined Motley Crue, working out the acoustic part of the song during one of their first rehearsals together.
01. Planet Boom (3:50)
02. Bittersuite (3:17)
03. Father (3:59)
04. Friends (2:29)
05. Babykills (5:25)
06. 10000 Miles Away (6:20)
07. Hooligan's Holiday (Extended Holiday Version) (11:08)
08. Hammered (Demo) (4:39)
09. Livin' In The No (Demo) (4:27)

Total Time: 45:33

• John Corabi - lead vocals, rhythm guitar, keyboards
• Mick Mars - guitar, backing vocals
• Nikki Sixx - bass, backing vocals
• Tommy Lee - drums

The EP, which was initially going to be titled "Leftovers", was made available as a mail-in offer for purchasers of the self-titled album Motley Crue in a limited quantity of 20,000 copies. The EP features one song from each member of the band ("Planet Boom" - Tommy Lee, "Bittersuite" - Mick Mars, "Father" - Nikki Sixx, and "Friends" - John Corabi), along with the song "Babykills" which is performed by the entire band.
1. Afraid (Rave Mix)
2. Afraid (Swine Mix)
3. Lust For Life (Iggy Pop cover)
4. Welcome To Planet Boom

Total Time: 16:01
01. If I Die Tomorrow [Rock Mix] (3:43)
02. Live Wire [Lethuer Records Version] (3:19)
03. Stick To Your Guns [Lethuer Records Version] (4:23)

Total Time: 11:24

• Vince Neil - vocals
• Mick Mars - guitar
• Nikki Sixx - bass
• Tommy Lee - drums
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