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Hic Et Nunc - Discography

Жанр: Garage Rock | Blues rock
Страна: Slovenia
Год издания: 1995-2005
Аудиокодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps
Продолжительность: 02:58:36

01. Welcome To My Soul [00:02:14]
02. Come On [00:03:59]
03. Silver Train [00:03:06]
04. The Stereo Stars [00:04:40]
05. The United States Of The Universe [00:03:44]
06. Sweet Baby Panic Blues [00:04:23]
07. Boomerang [00:04:33]
08. Feed [00:02:00]
09. Hot Summer Days [00:05:15]
10. Drug Truck [00:02:50]
11. Everything Under The Sun [00:02:14]
12. Walk [00:03:14]

01. Can't Take Away My Pride [00:02:47]
02. Reason To Be Free [00:02:28]
03. I'm My Own Judge [00:03:15]
04. Nothing To Lose [00:03:17]
05. Cherry Pie [00:02:30]
06. Got My Mojo Working [00:04:22]
07. Break A Leg [00:02:26]
08. Hey Jesus [00:02:23]
09. The Light [00:03:27]
10. Razorback's Blues [00:04:30]
11. The Hammer And The Mighty Rose [00:03:17]
12. The Return Of The Boomerang [00:05:53]

01. Amazing Blues [00:01:51]
02. Psycho Smile [00:03:54]
03. Dance With... [00:02:06]
04. I'm Your Witchdoctor [00:02:29]
05. Madhouse In The Car [00:02:35]

01. Death In The Desert [00:04:26]
02. Canceller [00:04:01]
03. Just A Minute [00:04:04]
04. Hard Rock [00:04:00]
05. I'm In Love [00:03:14]
06. You Drive Me Mad [00:03:31]
07. Mr. President [00:03:09]
08. Comrade [00:03:51]
09. You'll Never Be A Human Being [00:04:11]
10. Desperately Devoted [00:03:19]
11. Wreckage [00:03:38]
12. To Johnny C. [00:04:27]

01. Kalki's Song [00:03:49]
02. Fade Away [00:02:53]
03. You've Got Me All Wrong [00:03:06]
04. Bottom [00:05:05]
05. Burn Fat Old Sun [00:04:22]
06. Instant Self-Knowledge [00:02:51]
07. Meanwhile [00:03:08]
08. Human Devil Woman [00:03:47]
09. Madman On The Loose [00:03:04]
10. Petrol [00:04:32]
#777The band HIC ET NUNC was formed in Vrhnika in 1990 by Tomi Popit, Bernard Kogovšek and Andrej Fir. Later they invited Mario Mlakar as a drummer and Klemen Fink as a vocalist to join the band. In April 1992 the group was re-formed, and a new vocalist and organist became Sašo Solarovič who had played in bands ”Ghost riders” and “ Berlinski zid” before. In the same year HIC ET NUNC played at the famous Slovenian rock festival “Novi Rock”. Due to singer’s illness, the band performed as an instrumental trio in 1994. In that form they also gave concerts in the Netherlands. Soon after that the singer recovered and together they recorded their first album called “Hic Et Nunc”, released for the FV MUSIC in December 1995.
In spite of strong competition among well-known and popular Slovenian rock bands the record was awarded Best Slovenian Record of the year on the Radio Student. Music critics consider the record one of the best rock records in the area of ex-Yugoslavia.
Amongst the most important concerts staged in 1996 were concerts in Greece and Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In December 1996 they recorded their second album called “Lava”. After that the drummer left the group and the new drummer Boris Kerimov, who had played in young and prospective band Agenti before, joined them in January 1997. In March they issued their second CD “Lava” for the FV MUSIC and, at the time, the band had numerous concerts in various clubs and performed at almost all bigger and important festivals in Slovenia.
In September the singer left the band so Popit, Kogovšek and Kerimov decided to continue performing as a trio. In the first week of May 1998, the band released a CD EP called “Howling Monkeys´ Blues” with five songs.
In October 1998, HIC ET NUNC and the band Dicky b. Hardy were invited on American tour where they had 30 concerts in 17 American states. This was the second break-through in the history of Slovenian rock music, the first being that of the Laibach, the band famous all over the world.
The American legend “Beatle Bob” visited their concert in St. Louis. When he, at the end of 1998, published the list of his favourite concerts, HIC ET NUNC took 3rd place out of more than 500 concerts he visited in that year.
After the American tour the band decided to take a short brake and in summer 1999 they invited a new singer and a harmonic player Bruno Subiotto, who had played with groups like The Spoons and Borghesia before, to join them. At the same time the band worked on some new material for its fourth record and enriched its concert repertoire with some concerts in between.
In the summer of 2002 they went to the Tivoli recording studio in Ljubljana where, together with some interesting guests, they recorded eleven new songs.
These new songs are the proof of a distinctive musical talent and brought some fresh approach into the Slovenian music. With their unique musical language, the songs break the silence and promise numerous appearances on stages both at home and abroad.
In twelve years of its existence, HIC ET NUNC has acquired an enviable reputation as a healthy, sincere and true rock´ n´ roll band, full of surprises. With some new members and new approach to music they started creating with a new impulse, promising to surpass the last hindrances. Their music has become more solid but has still retained melodious tunes with the finesse of blues.
Although the quartet is still rooted in the tunes of rock , blues and punk, it does not perform its music in a worn-out and outmoded way. They interpret the songs in their own way.
… they created one of the most mature native debut albums of all times. A record which carrys the songs we know well from the concerts is so good that it can be compared with the products of foreign groups in the same sound field. With some other rare pearls HIC ET NUNC form the elite of the Slovenian rock and they open it the door to the world…
( Glasbena Mladina, Viva )
…HIC ET NUNC succeeded to create an organic sound, which they as excellent musicians have completely under control… The first thing which strikes your ears when you listen the record is a dirty sound and unstoppable storm mixed with dangerous sensual stream of guitar playing. In five songs they lead us from the hard rock, blues and even surf ( song Dance With… ). They spiced everything with a punk attitude and magic drink is ready. There’s nothing left to add here.
( Dnevnik, Alenka Veler )
…they were performing with girlsinger and for a while as an instrumental trio. On one of that kind of performances I witnessed an unique experience. HIC ET NUNC performed an intensive and energetic concert without vocal and they sounded just as sovereign as with the vocal. That way it came out their unbelievable rich and supreme musical knowledge in which we meet an unique guitar language, you can’t find many miles away. It joins a supreme musical sensibility and an instrumental technique in something unique. That’s why their last year published record HIC ET NUNC (label FV) is with no doubt the best album ever published in Slovenia. Not only that the poetics of HIC ET NUNC brings together an unbelievable energy and expressivenes. Above all it carrys with itself that richness of unique music, which is typical of THE STOOGES – maybe because they just like their music has the richness of the blues…
( Delo, Marjan Ogrinc )
…Hire and now is the album because of which they came in the non-existent encyclopaedia of the Slovenian rock. But they don’t belong there, they belong in the encyclopaedia of world rock…
( Rock Vibe, BIGor )
What happens with blues if it is played faster louder and harder? They still love electric powered blues form, witch is set is sound gallop and rhythmic stampede with rational use of guitar modulations of sound (sound modulations with pedals), with stronger refrains, bigger instrumental balance and passages with basic parts of the songs and hypnotic, increasing riff drive. The essence of exceptional persuasiveness of the record Lava is an a successful encounter of punk aesthetics with blues roots. Lava form is simply: blues electrically powered and modulated is played by a classical rock band (with organ) and hardcore riffs witch are performed with a punk sharpness and speed. Beside all that HIC ET NUNC really excell in a group play and enjoy the travelling in the heart of R’N’R, where we can’t forget about the dance and the needs of the body…
( Večer, beg )
…A remarkable-work! In five songs lasting one second less then 13 minutes, mixed and coproduced by well known producer Janez Križaj, with the name witch reflect the contents, HIC ET NUNC definitely grabbed, bit and squeezed out the essence of Rock’n’roll. Explosive drums exchanging with screaming guitars and thundering of bass with strong, wild vocals is just a short description of the explosion created by The Stooges in full fit celebrating the end of the millennium! Howling Monkeys’ blues is real indispensable Rock’n’Roll holiness.
( RTV Varaždinac, Boris Badun )

Hic Et Nunc - Burn Fat Old Sun

Vztrajati petnajst let v garažnemu, umazanemu, a iskrenemu undergroundu v naših krajih ni kar tako. Pred nami se je tako te dni znašla peta plošča vrhniške rockovske skupine Hic Et Nunc, ki nosi naslov Burn Fat Old Sun.
Glede na naslov prve asociacije letijo na skladbo zgodnjih Pink Floydov, Fat Old Sun, a s to skladbo, razen svežine, nima nobenih skupnih točk. Hic Et Nunc, tokrat pod taktiriko producenta Chris Eckmana še naprej samozavestno stopa korak naprej v svoji vztrajni in entuziastični glasbeni poti.

Pred nami je kolaž najžlahtnejših zvokov, ki potegnejo za sabo tako vse prejšnje odtenke glasbenega izraza skupine, poleg vsega pa vključuje še močnejše elemente modernega rocka, ki je zopet na vrhuncu vsepovsod, razen v Sloveniji. V svoj prepoznavni Hic Et Nunc zvok pa skupina vpleta močnejši priokus trdega rocka, kar jih nekako vrača nazaj h koreninam in jih začinijo z vse boljšim, če je to sploh še možno, vokalom Bruna Subiotta, ki na plošči kar nekajkrat poskrbi za srh vzbujajoče soul vložke. Kitara Bernarda Kogovška je predvsem tista, ki poleg vokala daje skupini prepoznavnost, a vsekakor ni za zanemariti ritem sekcije. Vidi se, da ima tudi basist Tomi Popit za seboj že pravo pravcato kilometrino, ki tre basovske strune. S svežo pridobitvijo Luke Kržeta, mladega in obetavnega bobnarja, pa ritem podlaga pridobi na nekaterih spremembah. Nekoliko enostavnejše bobnanje, ki mestoma, predvidljivosti navkljub, pritegne že pravcate funky vzorce in osveži zvok skupine.

Zasedbi Hic Et Nunc se skoraj na vseh skladbah pridruži tudi producent, glavni avtor skladb legendarne skupine iz Seattla, The Walkabouts. Z izjemo ene same plošče, skupina Hic Et Nunc, namreč na vsaki plošči (in občasno tudi na živih nastopih) obogati zvok z zvokom orgel. Tokrat jih igra sam Eckman, ki pa poleg tega gostuje tudi kot kitarist in pevec spremljevalnih vokalov. Vsekakor veliko priznanje skupini, ki je po Eckmanovih besedah, ne samo ena najboljših, ampak tudi najboljša v Sloveniji. Eckman pa ni edini eminentni gost na plošči. Pri zadnji skladbi, hipijevsko orientirani »Petrol« na inštrument dobro, zabrenka še ena svetovna legenda, kantavtor Terry Lee Hale. Z velikimi imeni na področju glasbe nehamo, vsekakor pa moram omeniti še oblikovno vrednost izdelka. Jana Marot je, s pomočjo fotografij priznanega fotografa Toma Brejca, ustvarila pravcati konceptualni ovitek s knjižico, ki se kar sonči v gorečemu debelemu staremu soncu.

Žal obstaja verjetnost, da bo ta plošča ostala prezrta, a za tiste, ki imajo v sebi vsaj kanček patriotizma je ta plošča nujna. Kaj tako velikega se v naši sredini zgodi zelo redko. Ali kot se je nekoč pošalil bivši bobnar Hic Et Nunc, Boris Kerimov, pred nami je nova glasbena zvrst, ki sliši na ime »top rock«!

Kapo dol pa tudi pred meceni plošče, to so Klub vrhniških študentov, Občina Vrhnika, ministrstvo za kulturo in Mestna občina Ljubljana. Nekaterim ni vseeno!
Silvij Skok
Sašo Solarovič (vocals, 1992-97), Bruno Subiotto (vocals, guitar, 1999-present), Bernard Kogovšek (guitar, backing vocals), Andrej Fir (guitar, 1990-97), Tomi Popit (bass, backing vocals), Mario Mlakar (drums, 1990-97), Boris Kerimov (drums, 1997-2004), Luka Krže (drums, 2004-present).
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