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Unity Android Game Development by Example
Beginner's Guide

Год: 2013
Автор: Thomas Finnegan
Жанр: CG Game Development
Издательство: PacktPub
ISBN: 978-1-84969-201-4
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Изначально компьютерное (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 320
Описание: In this book, we explore the ever-expanding world of mobile game development. Using Unity 3D and the Android SDK, we will learn how to create every aspect of a mobile game. Every chapter explores another piece of the development puzzle. Exploring the special features of development with mobile platforms, every game in the book is designed to increase your understanding of these features. We also finish the book with a total of four complete games and all of the tools we need to create many more. The first game that we make is Tic-tac-toe. This game functions just as the classic paper version. Two players take turns filling a grid with their symbols; the first to make a line of three wins. It is the perfect game for us to explore the graphical interface options that we have in Unity. By learning how to add buttons, text, and pictures to the screen here, we have all of the understanding and tools needed to add any interface that we might want to any game. The next game that we create is the Tank Battle game. The player takes control of a tank to drive around a small city and shoot targets and enemies. This game spans three chapters, allowing us to explore many key points of creating games for the Android platform. We start by creating a city and making the player's tank move around, using controls that we learned about when making the Tic-tac-toe game. We also create and animate the targets that the player will shoot at. In the second part of this game, we add some lighting and special camera effects. By the end of the chapter, the environment looks great. In the third part of the game's creation, we create some enemies. Using the power of Unity, these enemies chase the player throughout the city, and attack when they are close. The third game to be completed is a simple clone of a popular mobile game. Using the power of Unity's physics system, we are able to create structures and throw birds at them. Knock down the structures to gain points, and destroy the target pigs to win the level. We also take the time to explore some of the specific features of a 2D game, such as a parallax scrolling background, and how they can be achieved in Unity. We complete the chapter and the game with the creation of a level selection menu.
Chapter 1: Saying Hello to Unity and Android 7
Understanding what makes Unity great 8
Understanding what makes Android great 10
Understanding how Unity and Android work together 10
Differences between Pro and Basic 11
License comparison overview 11
Setting up the development environment 16
Time for action – installing the JDK 16
Time for action – installing the Android SDK 17
Time for action – installing Unity 3D 20
Optional code editor 23
Connecting to a device 23
Time for action – simple device connection 23
Time for action – connecting trickier devices 25
Unity Remote 26
Building a simple application 26
Time for action – Hello World 26
Summary 34
Chapter 2: Looking Good – Graphical Interface 35
Creating a Tic-tac-toe game 36
Time for action – creating Tic-tac-toe 36
Finishing the game 41
Time for action – finish creating the game 41
GUI Skins and GUI Styles 48
A prettier form of Tic-tac-toe 54
Time for action – styling the game 54
Table of Contents
[ ii ]
Dynamic positioning 61
Time for action – the dynamic GUI 61
A better way to build to device 66
Time for action – build and run 66
Summary 69
Chapter 3: The Backbone of Any Game – Meshes, Materials,
and Animations 71
Setting up 72
Time for action – the setup 72
Importing the meshes 73
Time for action – importing the tank 73
Tank import settings 74
Setting up the tank 79
Time for action – creating the tank 79
Time for action – keeping score 81
Time for action – controlling the chassis 81
Time for action – controlling the turret 84
Time for action – putting the pieces together 87
Creating the materials 89
Time for action – creating the city 89
Time for action – moving treads 96
Animations 97
The target's animations 102
Time for action – setting up target's animations 102
State machines 103
Time for action – creating the target state machine 104
Time for action – scripting the target 110
Creating the prefab 113
Time for action – creating the target 113
Ray tracing to shoot 115
Time for action – simple shooting 115
Summary 118
Chapter 4: Setting the Stage – Camera Effects and Lighting 119
The camera effects 120
Skyboxes and distance fog 120
Time for action – adding a skybox and distance fog 120
Target indicator 122
Time for action – creating the pointer 122
Time for action – controlling the indicator 124
Time for action – working with a second camera 126
Table of Contents
[ iii ]
Turbo boost 129
Time for action – using the boost effect 129
Lights 132
Time for action – adding more lights 133
Lightmaps 136
Time for action – creating a lightmap 136
Cookies 139
Time for action – applying headlights 139
Blob shadow 141
Time for action – a tank with a shadow 141
Summary 144
Chapter 5: Getting Around – Pathfinding and AI 145
Understanding AI and pathfinding 146
The NavMesh 146
Time for action – creating the NavMesh 147
The NavMeshAgent component 152
Time for action – creating the enemy 152
The chase 154
Time for action – the player is over here 155
Time for action – chasing the player 156
Being attacked 158
Time for action – getting ready to fire 159
Attacking the enemy 164
Time for action – giving it a weakness 164
Spawning 166
Time for action – creating spawns 166
Summary 169
Chapter 6: Specialties of the Mobile Device – Touch and Tilt 171
Setting up 172
Time for action – creating the project 172
Controlling with tilt 172
Time for action – steering the space ship 173
Making things move in space 175
Time for action – flying asteroids 176
Adding space collisions 180
Time for action – adding collisions 180
Creating the enemy 182
Time for action – adding an enemy ship 182
Controlling with touch 187
Time for action – touch to shoot 187
Table of Contents
[ iv ]
Spawning in space 190
Time for action – creating a space spawn 190
Summary 194
Chapter 7: Throwing Your Weight Around – Physics and a 2D Camera 195
2D games in a 3D world 196
Time for action – preparing the world 196
Physics 198
Building blocks 199
Time for action – creating planks 199
Physics materials 203
Time for action – sliding and bouncing 203
Characters 204
The enemy 204
Time for action – creating the pigs 204
The ally 208
Time for action – creating the red bird 209
Controls 210
Attacking 210
Time for action – creating the slingshot 211
Watching 220
Time for action – controlling the camera 220
A better background 224
Time for action – creating the parallax background 224
The flock variety 227
The yellow bird 227
Time for action – creating the yellow bird 227
The blue bird 228
Time for action – creating the blue bird 228
The black bird 230
Time for action – creating the black bird 230
Level selection 232
Time for action – creating the level selection 232
Summary 234
Chapter 8: Special Effects – Sound and Particles 235
Understanding audio 236
Import settings 236
Audio Listener 237
Audio Source 238
Adding background music 240
Table of Contents
[ v ]
Time for action – adding background music 240
Creating an alarm system 242
Time for action – warning the player 243
Understanding particle systems 244
Particle system settings 244
Creating engine trails 253
Time for action – adding engine trails 254
Putting it together 256
Explosions 256
Time for action – adding explosions 256
Creating laser blasts 259
Time for action – adding laser blasts 260
Summary 264
Chapter 9: Optimization 265
Minimizing the application footprint 266
Editor log 266
Asset compression 267
Models 267
Model tab 268
Rig tab 269
Animations tab 270
Textures 271
Audio 272
Player settings 274
Rendering 274
Optimization 275
Tracking performance 276
Editor statistics 276
The Profiler 278
Tracking script performance 279
Time for action – tracking scripts 279
Minimizing lag 285
Occlusion 285
Time for action – occluding tanks 286
Points to remember 290
Summary 291
Pop Quiz Answers 293
Index 295
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