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HTML and CSS in 24 Hours - 8th Edition

Год: 2010
Автор: Julie Meloni
Жанр: WEB Design
Издательство: SAMS
ISBN: 978-0-672-33097-1
Серия: Teach Yourself
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Интерактивное оглавление: Нет
Количество страниц: 456
Описание: In 2009, it is estimated that more than 1.5 billion people have access to the Internet, including 220 million in the U.S. alone. Throw in 338 million Chinese users, 55 million German users, 48 million British users, 38 million Russian users, and 67 million Brazilians, and you can see the meaning of the word "world" in the term World Wide Web. Many of these Internet users are also creating content for the Web-you can be one of them! Although accurate measurements of the total number of web pages are difficult to come by, Google's most recent data indicates they hit the 1 trillion mark of indexed pages in the middle of 2008. In the next 24 hours, hundreds of millions of new pages will appear in accessible areas of the Internet. At least as many pages will be placed on private intranets, where they will be viewed by businesspeople connected via their local networks. Every one of those pages-like the more than 1 trillion pages already online-will use Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). As you complete the 24 one-hour lessons in this book, your web pages will be among those that appear on the Internet. These lessons will also help you develop one of the most valuable skills in the world today: mastery of HTML. Can you really learn to create topquality web pages yourself, without any specialized software, in less time than it takes to schedule and wait for an appointment with a highly paid HTML wizard? Can this relatively short, easytoread book really enable you to teach yourself stateof-theart web page publishing? Yes. In fact, within the first two lessons in this book, someone with no previous HTML experience at all can have a web page ready to place on the web. How can you learn the language of the Web so fast? By example. This book organizes HTML into simple steps and then shows you exactly how to tackle each step. Every HTML code example is listed directly before a picture of the web page it produces. You see how it's done. you read a clear, concise explanation of how it works, and then you immediately do the same thing with your own page. Ten minutes later, you're on to the next step. After 24 hours of work, you're marveling at your own impressive pages on the Internet.
PART I: Getting Started on the Web
HOUR 1: Understanding How the Web Works
A Brief History of HTML and the
World Wide Web ............................................ ..1
Creating Web Content .................................... ..2
Understanding Web Content Delivery .............. ..3
Selecting a web Hosting Provider .................... ..6
Testing with Multiple Web Browsers ................ ..8
HOUR 2: Publishing Web Content
Creating the Sample File for this Hour .......... ..13
Using FIP to Transfer l-‘iles ............................ ..14
Understanding Where to Place
Files on the Web Sewer .............................. ..18
Distributing Content without a Web Server .... ..22
Testing Web Content .................................. ..24
HOUR 3: Understanding HTML and XHTML
Getting Started with a Simple Web Page ........ ..28
HTML Tags Every XHTML Web
Page Must Have .......................................... ..32
Organizing a Page with Paragraphs
and Line Breaks .......................................... ..34
Organizing Your Content with Headings .......... ..36
Validating Your Web Content ........................ ..39
The Scoop on HTML, XML, XHTML,
and HTML 5 ................................................ ..41
HOUR 4: Understandhg Cascading Style Sheets
How CSS Works .......................................... ..48
A Basic Style Sheet ...................................... ..49
A CSS Style Primer ...................................... ..54
Using Style Classes .................................... ..58
Using Style IDs ............................................ ..61
Internal Style Sheets and lnline Styles .......... ..62
PART II: Building Blocks of Practical
Web Design
HOUR 5: Working with Text Blocks and Lists
Aligning Text on a Page ................................ ..68
The Three Types of HTML Lists .................... ..71
Placing Lists Within Lists .............................. ..73
HOUR 6: Working with Fonts
Boldface, Italics, and Special Text Formatting .... ..82
Tweaking the Font ........................................ ..85
Working with Special Characters .................. ..89
HOUR 7: Using Tables to Display information

Creating a Simple Table ................................ ..96
Controlling Table Sizes ................................ ..99
Alignment and Spanning Within Tables ........ ..102
Page Layout with Tables .............................. ..105
HOUR 8: Using External and internal Links
Using Web Addresses ................................ ..111
Linking Within a Page Using Anchors .......... ..114
Linking Between Your Own Web Content ...... ..117
Linking to External Web Content .................. ..120
Linking to an Email Address ...................... ..120
Opening a Link in a New Browser Window .... ..122
Using CSS to Style Hyperlinks .................... ..123
HOUR 9: Working with Colors
Best Practices for Choosing Colors ............ ..131
Understanding Web Colors .......................... ..133
Using Hexadecimal Values for Colors .......... ..135
Using CSS to Set Background,
Text. and Border Colors .............................. ..136
HOUR 10: Creating Images for Use on the Web
Choosing Graphics Software ...................... ..143
The Least You Need to Know About Graphics ....144
Preparing Photographic Images .................. ..145
Creating Banners and Buttons .................... ..151
Reducing the Number of Colors in an Image ....153
Working with Transparent Images ................ ..154
Creating Tiled Backgrounds ........................ ..154
Creating Animated Web Graphics ................ ..156
HOUR 11: Using Images in Your Web Site
Placing Images on a Web Page .................. ..162
Describing Images with Text ........................ ..163
Specifying Image Height and Width .............. ..165
Aligning Images .......................................... ..165
Turning Images into Links .......................... ..169
Using Background Images .......................... ..172
Using Imagemaps ...................................... ..173
HOUR 12: Using Multimedia in Your Web Site
Linking to Multimedia Files ........................ ..184
Embedding Multimedia Files ...................... ..187
Additional Tips for Using Multimedia ............ ..19O
HOUR 13: Working with Frames
What Are Frames? ...................................... ..197
Building a Frameset .................................. ..199
Linking Between Frames and Windows ........ ..202
Using Inline Frames .................................. ..204
PART III: Advanced Web Page Design
with CS5

HOUR 14: Working with Margins, Padding,
Alignment, and Floating

Using Margins ............................................ ..212
Padding Elements ...................................... ..219
Keeping Everything Aligned ........................ ..223
Understanding the Float Property ................ ..224

HOUR 15: Understanding the 055 Box Model
and Positioning

The CSS Box Model .................................. ..231
The Whole Scoop on Positioning ................ ..235
Controlling the Way Things Stack Up ............ ..239
Managing the Flow of Text .......................... ..242
HOUR 16: Using CSS to Do More with Lists
HTML List Refresher .................................. ..245
How the CSS Box Model Affects Lists ........ ..246
Placing List Item Indicators ........................ ..249
Creating Image Maps with List
Items and CSS ........................................ ..251
HOUR 17: Using CSS to Design Navigation
How Navigation Lists Differ
from Regular Lists ...................................... ..259
Creating Vertical Navigation with CSS .......... ..26O
Creating Horizontal Navigation with CSS ...... ..270
HOUR 18: Using Mouse Actions to Modify
Text Display
Creating a Tool Tip with CSS ...................... ..277
Displaying Additional Rollover Text with CSS ....281
Accessing Events ...................................... ..283
Using onclick to Change <div> Appearance....284
HOUR 19: Creating Fixed or Liquid Layouts
Understanding Fixed Layouts ...................... ..294
Understanding Liquid Layouts .................... ..295
Creating a Fixed/Liquid Hybrid Layout .......... ..298
PART Iv: Advanced Web Site
Functionality and Management
HOUR 20: Creating Print-Friendly Web Pages
What Makes a Page Print4=riendly? .............. ..312
Applying a Media-Specific Style Sheet .......... ..315
Designing a Style Sheet for Print Pages ...... ..317
Viewing a Web Page in Print Preview ............ ..320
HOUR 21: Understanding Dynamic Web Sites
Understanding the Different
Types of Scripting ...................................... ..325
Including Javascript in HTML ...................... ..326
Displaying Random Content ........................ ..328
Understanding the Document Object Model ......332
Changing Images Based on User Interaction ....333
HOUR 22: Working with web-Based Forms
How HTML Forms Work .............................. ..339
Creating a Form ........................................ ..340
Accepting Text input .................................. ..344
Naming Each Piece of Form Data ................ ..345
Including Hidden Data in Forms .................. ..345
Exploring Form input Controls .................... ..346
Submitting Form Data ................................ ..349
HOUR 23: Organizing and Managing a Web Site
When One Page Is Enough .......................... ..356
Organizing a Simple Site ............................ ..357
Organizing a Larger Site .............................. ..360
Writing Maintainable HTML Code ................ ..364
HOUR 24: Helping People Find Your Web Pages
Publicizing Your Web Site ............................ ..371
Listing Your Pages with the
Major Search Sites .................................... ..373
Providing Hints for Search Engines .............. ..374
Additional Tips for Search
Engine Optimization .................................... ..379
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