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Various Artists - Sacred Music: Cornerstone Works of Sacred Music from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century (Harmonia Mundi 30 CD set) LIMITED EDITION [Box set]
Жанр: Classical \ Spiritual
Год выпуска диска: 2009
Производитель диска: Harmonia Mundi
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks+.cue
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Продолжительность: 01:10:58:18
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Ambrosian Chant

01 Lucernarium - Paravi lucernam Christo meo [04:44]
02 Ingressa - Lux fulgebit hodie super nos [01:54]
03 Psalmellus - Tecum principium in die virtutis tue [10:27]

Old Roman Chant

04 Introit - Resurrexi [07:24]
05 Offertoire - Terra tremuit [09:58]
06 Alleluia [04:25]

Beneventan Chant

07 Introit - Maria vidit angelum (tutti) [09:41]

Mozarabic Chant

08 Invocation sacerdotale d'introduction : Per gloriam nominis tui [02:11]
09 Gloria in excelsis Deo [02:48]
10 Ad confractionem panis - Qui venit ad me non esuriet [02:35]
11 Pretre - Humiliate vos ad benedictionem! [00:47]
12 Ad accedentes - Gustate et videte [02:31]

Old Roman Chant

13 Ad processionem Kyrie [05:19]
14 Alleluia - Versus O kyrios evasileosen, Versus Ke gar estereosen [05:37]

Ensemble Organum, Marcel Pérès
Solistes : Lycourgos Angelopoulos (1), Soeur Marie Keyrouz (3), Josep Cabré (4),
Marcel Pérès (8, 11), Jérôme Casalonga (9, 10)
Marcel Pérès, Jean-Etienne Langianni (13), Lycourgos Angelopoulos (14)

Universi qui te expectant

01 Universi qui te expectant (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant) [02:21]
Dominique Vellard, ténor
Missa da Requiem

02 Introit: Requiem Aeternam (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant) [01:58]
03 Kyrie eleison (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant) [01:33]
04 Graduel: Requiem aeternam (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant) [03:06]
05 Trait: Absolve, Domine (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant) [02:26]
06 Sequence: Dies irae (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant) [06:30]
07 Offertoire: Domine Jesu Christe (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant) [03:58]
08 Sanctus (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant) [00:45]
09 Agnus Dei (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant) [00:54]
10 Communion: Lux aeterna (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant) [01:01]
11 Repons: Libera me (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant) [04:27]
12 Antienne: In paradisum (The Vast Corpus of Gregorian Chant) [01:10]
Deller Consort, dir. Alfred Deller

Anonymous 4

13 Agnus dei: Omnipotens eterne (Mass from the Year 1000 - excerpts) [03:03]
14 Communion tropee: Corpus quod nunc / Psallite Domino (Mass from the Year 1000 - excerpts) [02:31]
15 Hymne: Cives clestis patrie (Mass from the Year 1000 - excerpts) [05:39]
Anonymous 4


16 Invitatoire: Regem regum dominum (Codex Calixtinus. Plainchant for Santiago da Compostela) [00:52]
17 Repons: Iacobe servorum (Codex Calixtinus. Plainchant for Santiago da Compostela) [02:14]
18 Offertoire: Ascendens Ihesus in montem (Codex Calixtinus. Plainchant for Santiago da Compostela) [03:48]
Anonymous 4


19 In timore De (Cistercian Chant. 12th century) [05:59]
20 Testamentum eternum (Cistercian Chant. 12th century) [05:33]
21 Dedit Dominus confessionem sancto suo (Cistercian Chant. 12th century) [05:25]


22 Anonyme: Natus est rex (Magnus Liber Organi. 12 th century) [05:27]
23 Adam de St. Victor: In natale (Magnus Liber Organi. 12 th century) [06:03]
Ensemble Organum, dir. Marcel Pérès

01 Polyphonie Aquitaine-Domine labia mea aperies Deus in adjutorium meum [01:19]
02 O primus homo coruit [05:36]
Ensemble Organum, dir. Marcel Pérès

03 Resonemus hoc natali [03:23]
Theatre of Voices, dir. Paul Hillier
Mass for Christmas Day

04 Puer natus est [06:01]
05 Kyrie [02:13]
06 Propter veritatem [07:00]
07 Viderunt omnes/ Notum fecit Dominus [11:03]
08 In seculum Longum [00:59]
09 In seculum Viellatoris [01:05]
10 In seculum Breve [01:05]
11 In seculum D' Amiens longum [01:04]
Theatre of Voices, dir. Paul Hillier

13th-century Marian Songs

12 Chansons Mariales-Ave Maria gracia plena [02:40]
13 Pia mater gratie [02:46]
14 Ave nobilis venerabilis [03:48]

Anonymous 4

The Gradual of Eleanor of Brittany (13th & 14th centuries)

15 Graduel d' Alienor de Bretagne-Kyrie Orbis factor [05:41]
Ensemble Organum, dir. Marcel Pérès
An English Ladymass (13th & 14th centuries)

16 Messe Mariale a la cathedrale de Salisbury-Kyrie-Kyria christifera [03:58]
17 Gloria [02:59]
18 Sanctus-Benedictus [01:44]
19 Agnus Dei:Virtute numinis [02:43]
Anonymous 4


01 Ars Antiqua-ANON:-Virgo flagellatur [06:30]
02 PEROTINUS:Perotinus: Mors [01:37]
Theatre of Voices, dir. Paul Hillier

03 L' Angleterre du XIV siecle-Campanis cum cymbalis [00:57]
04 Worldes blisse have good day [02:23]
05 Valde mane diluculo [01:55]
06 Ovet mundus letabundus [03:43]
The Hilliard Ensemble, dir. Paul Hillier

ARS NOVA & Pré-Renaissance

07 GUILLAUME DUFAY:Ave Regina coelorum [07:02]
08 JOHN DUNSTABLE:Salve scema sanctitatis/ /salve salus servulorum/ Cantant celi agmina [06:50]
The Orlando Consort

John DunstaBle (1390-1453)

09 JOHN PLUMMER:Anna Mater Matris Christi [06:01]
The Hilliard Ensemble

10 JOSQUIN DESPREZ:Salve Regina [04:05]
La Chapelle Royale, dir. Philippe Herreweghe

CLEMENT JANEQUIN (c.1485-1558)

11 Congregati sunt [05:08]
Ensemble Clément Janequin, dir. Dominique Visse

WILLIAM BYRD (1543-1623)

12 Cantiones sacrae [05:23]
Deller Consort, dir. Mark Deller

13 Tribuationem et dolorem [04:02]
14 Ecce quomodo moritur justus [06:00]
Ensemble Vocal Européen, dir. Philippe Herreweghe

HANS LEO HASSLER (1562-1612)

15 Ad Dominum [04:13]

Messe de Notre Dame

01. Kyrie [06:11]
02. Gloria [04:10]
03. Credo [05:49]
04. Sanctus [03:57]
05. Agnus Dei [03:16]
06. Ite miss est [01:02]
The Orlando Consort

Missa Pange lingua

07. Kyrie [02:43]
08. Gloria [04:57]
09. Credo [07:03]
10. O Salutaris [01:01]
11. Agnus [07:04]
Ensemble Clément Janequin, dir. Dominique Visse

Messe 'La Bataille'

12. Kyrie [02:58]
13. Gloria [04:14]
14. Credo [05:49]
15. Sanctus [04:02]
16. Agnus Dei [05:12]
Ensemble Clément Janequin, dir. Dominique Visse


LASSUS - Missa 'Tous les regretz'

01. I - Kyrie [03:09]
02. II - Gloria [04:37]
03. III - Credo [07:26]
04. IV - Sanctus [03:25]
05. V - Agnus Dei [03:38]
Huelgas-Ensemble, dir. Paul Van Nevel

Palestrina - Missa 'Viri Galilaei'

06. I - Kyrie [03:58]
07. II - Gloria [04:44]
08. III - Credo [07:33]
09. IV - Sanctus [03:23]
10. V - Benedictus [02:10]
11. VI - Agnus Dei I [01:59]
12. VII - Agnus Dei II [02:08]
La Chapelle Royale - Ensemble Organum
Dir. Philippe Herreweghe

13. I - Kyrie [02:25]
14. II - Gloria [05:16]
15. III - Credo [06:56]
16. IV - Sanctus [02:06]
17. V - Benedictus [01:27]
18. VI - Agnus Dei [03:30]
Pro Arte Singers, dir. Paul Hillier

HENRY DUMONT (1610-1684)

01. Memorare [08:43]

Jean-BAptiste Lully (1632-1687)

02. Dies Irae [18:52]
Solistes, Choeur et Orchestre de La Chapelle Royale
Dir. Philippe Herreweghe

Michel-Richard Delalande (1657-1726)
Super flumina Babilonis (1687)

03. I - Simphonie - Super flumina [03:59]
04. II - In Salicibus [02:35]
05. III - Quia illic interrogaverunt nos [00:40]
06. IV - Hymnum cantate nobis [02:32]
07. V - Si oblitus fuero tui [01:30]
08. VI - Adhaereat lingua mea [02:44]
09. VII - Memore esto, Domine [01:10]
10. VIII - Filia Babilonis misera [soli] [01:19]
11. IX - Filia Babilonis misera [choeur] [01:29]

Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704)
Te Deum H.146

12. I - Prelude [01:53]
13. II - Te Deum laudamus [01:04]
14. III - Te aeternum Patrem [03:59]
15. IV - Per te orbem terrarum [03:22]
16. V - Tu devicto mortis arculeo [01:52]
17. VI - Te ergo quaesumus [02:25]
18. VII - Aertuna fac cum sanctis tuis [02:22]
19. VIII - Dignare Domine [01:58]
20. IX - Fiat misericordia tua Domine [01:43]
21. X - In te Domine speravi [02:34]
Les Arts Florissants, dir. William Christie


22. Ave coeli [03:40]

Michel-Richard Delalande (1657-1726)

23. Miserator et misercors [06:44]
Les Arts Florissants, dir. William Christie

Tiburtio Massaino (c.1550-c.1609)

01. Prima [05:07]
02. Secunda [05:31]
03. Tertia [07:02]

Roland de Lassus (1532-1594)
Lamentationes Hieremiae
Feria sexta in Parasceve à 5

04. prima [07:35]
05. Secunda [07:13]
06. Tertia [06:58]
Huelgas-Ensemble, dir. Paul Van Nevel


07. Lecons de Tenebres du Mercredy Sainct-Seconde Lecon [16:01]


08. Lecons de Tenebres-Troisieme Lecon [12:51]
Concerto Vocale, dir. René Jacobs
ERNST KRENEK (1900-1991)

09. Hieremie prophetae Lamentationes-Lectio secunda [09:08]
RIAS Kammerchor, dir. Marcus Creed

Vespro della Beata Vergine (I)
da concerto, composto sopra canti fermi, 1610

01 Deus In ADJutorium [02:13]
02 Antiphona - Dixit Dominus (Psalmus 109) [08:27]
03 Nigra Sum (Concerto) [03:33]
04 Laudate Pueri (Psalmus 112) [06:48]
05 Pulchra Es (Concerto) [03:53]
06 Antiphona - Laetatus Sum (Psalmus 121) [07:23]
07 Duo Seraphim (Concerto) [06:00]
08 Antiphona - Nisi Dominus (Psalmus 126) [06:19]
09 Audi Coelum (Concerto) [07:45]
10 Antiphona - Lauda, Jerusalem, Dominum (Psalmus 147) [04:38]
11 Sonata Sopra 'Sancta Maria, Ora Pro Nobis' [07:00]
12 Ave Maris Stella (Hymnus, Anon. XIe Siecle) [06:55]

Agnès Mellon, soprano 1
Guillemette Laurens, soprano 2
Vincent Darras, alto
Howard Crook, ténor 1
William Kendall, ténor 2
Gerard O’Beirne, ténor 3
Peter Kooy, basse 1
David Thomas, basse 2
La Chapelle Royale
Collegium Vocale Gent
Les Sacqueboutiers de Toulouse
Dir. Philippe Herreweghe

Vespro della Beata Vergine (II)

01 Vespro Della Beata Vergine [II] : Antiphona - Magnificat [18:21]

Agnès Mellon, soprano 1
Guillemette Laurens, soprano 2
Vincent Darras, alto
Howard Crook, ténor 1
William Kendall, ténor 2
Gerard O’Beirne, ténor 3
Peter Kooy, basse 1
David Thomas, basse 2
La Chapelle Royale
Collegium Vocale Gent
Les Sacqueboutiers de Toulouse
Dir. Philippe Herreweghe

Giovanni Rovetta (1596-1668)
Vespro solenne

02 Dixit secondo [08:07]
03 Confitebor tibi Domine [08:23]
04 Beatus vir [08:14]
05 Laudate pueri [08:44]
06 Lauda Jerusalem - [11:57]
07 Magnificat - [10:04]

Cantus Cölln, Dir. Konrad Junghänel
Nele Grams, Hedwig Westhoff-Düppmann, sopranos
Elisabeth Popien, Henning Voss(3, 7), altos
Hans-Jörg Mammel, Wilfried Jochens, Sebastian Hübner(4), ténors
Stephan Schreckenberger, Matthias Gerchen, basses
Bruce Dickey, Doron Sherwin, cornets
Ulla Bundies, Veronika Skuplik, violons
Albert Brüggen, violoncelle
Miriam Shalinsky, contrebasse
Carsten Lohff, orgue
Konrad Junghänel, luth

Cain overo Il primo omicidio

01. Spiritoso [01:05]
02. Adagio [01:29]
03. Allegro [01:47]
04. Recitativo 'Figli Miseri Figli' [00:59]
05. Aria 'Mi Balena Ancor Sul Ciglio' [02:13]
06. Recitativo 'Di Serpe Ingannator Perfida Frode' [00:39]
07. Aria 'Caro Sposo, Prole Amata' [06:50]
08. Recitativo 'Genitori Adorati' [00:43]
09. Aria 'Dalla Mandra Un Puro Agnello' [05:25]
10. Recitativo 'Padre Questa D'abel Forz'e Che Sia' [00:23]
11. Aria 'Della Terra I Frutti Primi' [02:23]
12. Recitativo 'Figli Cessin Le Gare' [00:34]
13. Aria 'Piu Dei Doni Il Cor Devoto' [04:28]
14. Recitativo 'Disposto O Figli E Il Sacrificio' [00:54]
15. Aria 'Sommo Dio Nel Mio Peccato' [05:22]
16. Recitativo 'Miei Genitori, Oh Come Dritta Ascende' [00:30]
17. Duetto 'Dio Pietoso Ogni Mio Armento' [03:52]
18. Recitativo 'Figli Balena Il Ciel D'alto Splendore' [00:31]
19. Sinfonia [02:33]
20. Recitativo 'Prima Imagine Mia, Prima Fattura' [01:17]
21. Aria 'L'olocausto Del Tu Abelle' [04:30]
22. Recitativo 'Ne' Tuoi Figli, E Nipoti' [00:37]
23. Recitativo 'Udiste, Udiste, O Figli' [00:19]
24. Aria 'Aderite' [03:34]
25. Sinfonia [01:19]
26. Recitativo 'Cain, Che Fai, Che Pensi ' [01:02]
27. Aria 'Poche Lagrime Dolenti' [03:10]
28. Recitativo 'D'ucciderlo Risolvo, Il Core Affretta' [00:13]
29. Aria 'Mascheratevi O Miei Sdegni' [01:54]
30. Rcitativo 'Ecco Il Fratello, Anzi Il Nemico' [00:46]
31. Duetto 'La Fraterna Amica Pace' [03:57]
32. Recitativo 'Sempre L'amor Fraterno E Un Ben Sincero' [00:29]

Caino Bernarda Fink, alto
Abel Graciela Oddone, soprano
Eva Dorothea Röschmann, soprano
Adamo Richard Croft, ténor
Voce di Dio René Jacobs, contre-ténor
Voce di Lucifero Antonio Abete, basse
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin - dir. René Jacobs

01 - Recitativo 'Ferniam Qui Abelle Il Paso' [00:48]
02 - Aria 'Perche Mormora Il Ruscello' [03:59]
03 - Aria 'Ti Risponde Il Ruscelletto' [03:56]
04 - Recitativo 'Or Se Braman Posar La Fronda, E'l Rio' [01:20]
05 - Recitativo 'Piu Non So Trattenr L'impeto Interno' [00:27]
06 - Andante E Staccato [00:44]
07 - Recitativo 'Cain Dov'e Il Fratello? Abel Dov'e?' [00:36]
08 - Recitativo 'Or Di Strage Fraterna Il Suolo Asperso' [00:32]
09 - Aria 'Come Mostro Spaventevole' [02:11]
10 - Recitativo 'Signor Se Mi Dai Bando' [00:43]
11 - Aria 'O Preservami Per Mia Pena' [03:37]
12 - Recitativo 'Vattene Non Temer, Tu Non Morrai' [00:37]
13 - Aria 'Vuo Il Castigo, Non Voglio La Morte' [03:13]
14 - Recitativo 'O Ch'io Mora Vivendo' [00:21]
15 - Aria 'Bramo Insieme, E Morte, E Vita' [03:00]
16 - Grave, E Orrido Rcitativo 'Codardo Nell'ardire, E Nel Timore' [01:10]
17 - Aria 'Nel Poter Il Nume Imita' [02:20]
18 - Recitativo 'Oh Consigli D'inferno, Onde Soggiace' [00:43]
19 - Aria 'Miei Genitori, Adio' [04:32]
20 - Aria 'Mio Sposo Al Cor Mi Sento' [06:03]
21 - Aria 'Miei Genitori Amati' [01:58]
22 - Aria 'Non Piangete Il Figlio Ucciso' [02:06]
23 - Recitativo 'Ferma Del Figlio Mio Voce Gradita' [00:40]
24 - Aria 'Madre Tenera, Et Amante' [06:21]
25 - Recitativo 'Sin Che Spoglia Mortale' [00:35]
26 - Aria 'Padre Misero, E Dolente' [04:32]
27 - Recitativo 'Spirto Del Figlio Mio, Questi Son Sensi' [01:45]
28 - Aria 'Piango La Prole Essangue' [02:44]
29 - Recitativo 'Adam Prole Tu Chiedi, E Prole Avrai' [00:58]
30 - Aria 'L'innocenza Paccando Perdeste' [06:32]
31 - Recitativo 'Udii Signor Della Divina Idea' [00:56]
32 - Duetto 'Contenti' [02:11]

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Part 1

01 - Sinfonia [02:59]
02 - Comfort ye, my people, saith your God [03:11]
03 - Every valley shall be exalted [03:20]
04 - And the glory of the Lord [02:42]
05 - Thus saith the Lord of Hosts [01:40]
06 - But who may abide the day of His coming? [04:38]
07 - And He shall purify the sons of Levi [02:17]
08 - Behold, a virgin shall conceive [06:01]
09 - For behold, darkness shall cover the earth [05:46]
10 - For unto us a child is born [03:45]
11 - Pastoral Symphony [02:55]
12 - There were shepherds abiding in the field [03:26]
13 - Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion [04:28]
14 - Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened [06:04]
15 - His yoke is easy, and His burthen is light [02:33]

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Part 2

16 - Behold the lamb of God [02:26]
17 - He was despised and rejected of men [11:11]
18 - Surely He hath borne out griefs - All we like sheep have gone astray [07:29]

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Messiah (II)

01 - 2-19 Recitative (Tenor), Chorus: All they that see Him laugh Him to scorn [02:55]
02 - 2-20 Recitative (Tenor), Air (Tenor), Recitative (Soprano): Thy rebuke hath broken His heart [03:39]
03 - 2-21 Air (Soprano): Thou didst not leave His soul in hell [02:48]
04 - 2-22 Chorus: Lift up your heads, O ye gates [02:45]
05 - 2-23 Recitative (Tenor), Chorus: Unto which of the angels He at any time [01:41]
06 - 2-24 Air (Soprano): Thou art gone up on high [03:07]
07 - 2-25 Chorus: The Lord gave the world [01:19]
08 - 2-26 Air (Soprano): How beautiful are the feet of them [02:37]
09 - 2-27 Chorus: Their sound is gone out into all lands [01:17]
10 - 2-28 Air (Bass): Why do the nations so furiously rage together [02:40]
11 - 2-29 Chorus: Let us break their bonds asunder [01:46]
12 - 2-30 Recitative (Tenor), Air (Tenor): He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh them to scorn [02:17]
13 - 2-31 Chorus: Hallelujah! [03:34]

Messiah (III)

14 - 3-32 Air (Soprano): I know that my redeemer liveth [06:14]
15 - 3-33 Chorus: Since by man came death [02:15]
16 - 3-34 Recitative (Bass), Air (Bass): Behold, I tell you a mystery [09:19]
17 - 3-35 Recitative (Alto), Duet (Alto & Tenor), Chorus: Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written [03:35]
18 - 3-36 Air (Soprano): If God be for us, who can be against us? [04:54]
19 - 3-37 Chorus: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain [03:29]
20 - 3-38 Chorus: Amen [03:27]

Soprano I Barbara Schlick
Soprano II Sandrine Piau
Alto Andreas Scholl
Ténor Mark Padmore
Basse Nathan Berg
L’ange Tommy Williams, Soprano
Les Arts Florissants
Dir. William Christie

Paulus, oratorio op.36 (I)

01 - Ouverture [06:27]
02 - No. 1 - Chor [04:30]
03 - No. 2 - Choral [01:31]
04 - No. 3 - Rezitativ [01:59]
05 - No. 4 - Chor [03:19]
06 - No. 5 - Rezitativ & Chor [04:33]
07 - No. 6 - Aria [03:04]
08 - No. 7 - Rezitativ & Chor [01:57]
09 - No. 8 - Rezitativ & Choral [02:43]
10 - No. 9 - Rezitativ [00:58]
11 - No. 10 - Chor [03:45]
12 - No. 11 - Rezitativ & Aria [02:26]
13 - No. 12 - Rezitativ & Arioso [02:48]
14 - No. 13 - Rezitativ mit Chor [02:45]
15 - No. 14 - Chor [04:58]
16 - No. 15 - Choral [02:06]
17 - No. 16 - Rezitativ [01:39]
18 - No. 17 - Aria [06:27]
19 - No. 18 - Rezitativ [01:36]
20 - No. 19 - Aria mit Chor [05:08]
21 - No. 20 - Rezitativ [01:52]
22 - No. 21 - Chor [05:09]

Paulus, oratorio op.36 (I)

01 - No. 22 - Chor [04:21]
02 - No. 23 - Rezitativ [00:58]
03 - No. 24 - Duettino [01:20]
04 - No. 25 - Chor [03:06]
05 - No. 26 - Rezitativ & Arioso [02:22]
06 - No. 27 - Rezitativ, Chor [01:31]
07 - No. 28 - Chor, Choral [05:41]
08 - No. 29 - Rezitativ [00:54]
09 - No. 30 - Duetto [02:37]
10 - No. 31 - Rezitativ [01:05]
11 - No. 32 - Chor [01:19]
12 - No. 33 - Rezitativ [00:33]
13 - No. 34 - Chor [02:47]
14 - No. 35 - Rezitativ, Aria, Chor [07:57]
15 - No. 36 - Rezitativ [00:20]
16 - No. 37 - Chor [01:50]
17 - No. 38 - Rezitativ [00:34]
18 - No. 39 - Cavatine [03:44]
19 - No. 40 - Rezitativ [01:56]
20 - No. 41 - Chor & Rezitativ [03:46]
21 - No. 42 - Chor [02:46]
22 - No. 43 - Rezitativ [01:15]
23 - No. 44 - Schlusschor [04:14]

Melanie Diener, soprano
Annette Markert, mezzo-soprano
James Taylor, ténor
Matthias Goerne, baryton
La Chapelle Royale - Collegium Vocale
Orchestre des Champs Élysées
Dir. Philippe Herreweghe

Claudin de Sermisy (c.1490-1562)

01. Sermisy - Tant que vivray en aege florissant [01:13]

Paschal de l’Estocart

02. L'Estocart - Estans assis aux rives aquatiques [02:06]
Ensemble Clément Janequin

THOMAS TALLIS (c. 15005-1585)
9 Psalm Tunes for Archbishop Parker’s Psalter

03. First tune - Man blest no doubt [01:11]
04. Second tune - Let God arise [00:51]
05. Third tune - Why fum'th in fight [00:56]
06. Fourth tune - O come in one to praise the Lord [00:58]
07. Fifth tune - E'en like the hunted hind [01:04]
08. Sixth tune - Expend. O Lord [01:10]
09. Seventh tune - Why brag'st in malice [00:46]
10. Eighth tune - God grant with grace [01:35]
11. Veni creator - Come Holy Ghost [00:32]
Stile Antico

HENRY PURCELL (1659-1695)
Remember not, Lord, our offences, full anthem Z.50

12. Remember not, Lord, our offences [03:09]
Collegium Vocale, dir. Philippe Herreweghe

Musikalische Exequien op.7
swv 279-281

13. Concert in Form einer teutschen Begraebnis [26:06]
La Chapelle Royale, dir. Philippe Herreweghe

Deutsche Kantaten
Hemmt eure Tränenflut

14. Hemmt eure Traenenflut - [05:14]
15. Der Stein war allzu gross [02:27]
16. Die Christi Grab bewacht sind weg [02:44]
17. Verlass ich gleich die Welt [03:10]
18. Amen [01:07]
Cantus Cölln, dir. Konrad Junghänel

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Missa brevis in F-dur / Fa majeur / F major BWV 233

19. I - Kyrie [03:38]
20. II - Gloria [05:00]
21. III - Domine Deus [03:26]
22. IV - Qui tollis [05:00]
23. V - Quoniam [03:49]
24. VI - Cum Sancto Spiritu [02:20]
Cantus Cölln, dir. Konrad Junghänel

Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248 (I)
Erster teil / Am ersten Weihnachtstag

01 - Chor : 'Jauchzet, Frohlocket, Auf, Preiset Die Tage' [07:31]
02 - Rezitativ - Evangelist : 'Es Begab Sich Aber Zu Der Zeit' [01:19]
03 - Rezitativ - Alto : 'Nun Mird Mein Liebster Brautigam' [00:58]
04 - Air - Alto : 'Bereite Dich, Zion, Mit Zartlichen Trieben' [04:48]
05 - Choral : 'Wie Soll Ich Dich Empfangen' [01:41]
06 - Rezitativ - Evangelist : 'Und Sie Gebar Ihren Ersten Sohn' [00:25]
07 - Choral - Soprano : 'Er Ist Auf Erden Kommen Arm' [03:19]
08 - Air - Basse : 'Groser Herr Und Starker Konig' [04:51]
09 - Choral : 'Ach Mein Herzliebes Jesulein' [01:33]
Première Partie / Pour le jour de Noël
First Part / For the First Day of Christmas

zweiter teil / Am zweiten Weihnachtstag

10 - Sinfonia [07:48]
11 - Rezitativ - Evangelist : 'Und Es Waren Hirten In Deselben Gegend' [00:39]
12 - Choral : 'Brich An, O Schones Morgenlicht' [01:30]
13 - Rezitativf : 'Und Der Engel Sprach Zu Ihnen' [00:42]
14 - Rezitativf - Basse : 'Was Gott Dem Abraham Verheisen' [00:38]
15 - Air : 'Frohe Hirten, Eilt, Acht Eilet' [03:24]
16 - Rezitativ - Ange : 'Und Das Habt Zum Zeichen' [00:20]
17 - Choral : 'Schaut Hin, Dort Liegt Im Finstern Stall' [00:55]
18 - Rezitativ - Basse : 'So Geht Denn Hin, Ihr Hirten, Geht' [00:51]
19 - Air - Alto : 'Schlafe, Mein Liebster, Geniese Der Ruh' [10:14]
20 - Rezitativ - Evangelist : 'Und Alsobald War Da Bei Dem Engel' [00:14]
21 - Chor : 'Ehre Sei Gott In Der Hohe' [02:19]
22 - Rezitativ - Basse : 'So Recht, Ihr Engel, Jauchzet Und Singet' [00:23]
23 - Choral : 'Wir Singen Dir In Deinem Heer' [02:04]
Zweiter Teil / Am zweiten Weihnachtstag
Deuxième Partie / Pour le deuxième jour de Noël
Second Part / For the Second Day of Christmas

dritter teil / Am dritten Weihnachtstag

24 - Chor : 'Herrscher Des Himmels, Erhore Das Lallen' [01:46]
25 - Rezitativf - Evangelist : 'Und Da Die Engel Von Ihnen Gen Himmel Fuhren' [00:09]
26 - Chor : 'Lasset Uns Nun Gehen Gen Bethlehem' [00:40]
27 - Rezitativ - Basse : 'Er Hat Sein Volk Getrost' [00:36]
28 - Choral : 'Dies Hat Er Alles Uns Getan' [00:56]
29 - Duo - Soprano, Basse : 'Herr, Dein Mitleid, Dein Erbarmen' [07:04]
30 - Rezitativ - Evangelist : 'Und Sie Kamen Eilend Und Fanden Beide' [01:24]
31 - Air - Alto : 'Schliese, Mein Herze, Dies Selige Wunder' [04:54]
32 - Rezitativ - Alto : 'Ja, Ja, Mein Herz Soll Es Bewahren' [00:24]
33 - Choral : 'Ich Will Dich Mit Fleis Bewahren' [01:11]
Dritter Teil / Am dritten Weihnachtstag
Troisième Partie / Pour le troisième jour de Noël
Third Part / For the Third Day of Christmas

Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248 (II)

01 - Rezitativ - Evangelist : 'Und Die Hirten Kehreten Wieder Um' [00:25]
02 - Choral : 'Seid Froh' [01:02]
03 - Chor (Da Capo) : 'Herrscher Des Himmels, Erhore Das Lallen' [01:56]
Vierter Teil / Am Fest der Beschneidung Christi
Quatrième Partie / Pour la Fête de la Circoncision du Christ
Fourth Part / For the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ

vierter teil
Am Fest der Beschneidung Christi

04 - Chor : 'Fallt Mit Danken, Fallt Mit Loben' [05:01]
05 - Rezitativ -Evangelist : 'Und Da Acht Tage Um Waren' [00:28]
06 - Rezitativ - Basse : 'Immanuel, O Suses Wort' [02:34]
07 - Air - Soprano : 'Flost, Mein Heiland, Flost Dein Namen' [05:34]
08 - Rezitativ - Basse : 'Wohlan, Dein Name Soll Allein' [01:44]
09 - Air - Tenor : 'Ich Will Nur Dir Zu Ehren Leben' [04:28]
10 - Choral : 'Jesu Richte Mein Beginnen' [02:45]
* Echo: Steffen Barkawitz, Aurelius-Sängerknaben Calw
Fünfter Teil / Am Sonntag nach Neujahr
Cinquième Partie / Pour le dimanche après le Jour de l’An
Fifth Part / For the Sunday after New Year

fünfter teil
Am Sonntag nach Neujahr

11 - Chor : 'Ehre Sei Dir, Gott, Gesungen' [06:03]
12 - Rezitativ - Evangelist : 'Da Jesus Geboren War Zu Bethlehem' [00:22]
13 - Choeur : 'Wo Ist Der Neugeborne Konig Der Jude ?' [01:41]
14 - Choral : 'Dein Glanz All Finsternis Verzehret' [01:05]
15 - Air - Basse : 'Erleucht Auch Meine Finstre Sinnen' [04:29]
16 - Rezitativ - Evangelist : 'Da Das Der Konig Herodes Horte' [00:09]
17 - Rezitativ - Alto : 'Warum Wollt Ihr Erschrecken ?' [00:34]
18 - Rezitativ - Evangelist : 'Und Lies Versammlen Alle Hohepriester' [01:12]
19 - Trio : 'Ach, Wenn Wird Die Zeit Erscheinen ?' [05:59]
20 - Rezitativ - Alto : 'Mein Liebster Herrschet Schon' [00:29]
21 - Choral : 'Zwar Ist Solche Herzensstube' [01:24]
Sechster Teil / Am Epiphaniasfest
Sixième Partie / Pour la Fête de l’Epiphanie
Sixth Part / For the Feast of Epiphany

sechster teil / Am Epiphaniasfest

22 - Choeur :'Herr, Wenn Die Stolzen Feinde Schnauben' [05:12]
23 - Rezitativ - Evangelist : 'Da Berief Herodes Die Weisen Heimlich' [00:42]
24 - Rezitativ - Soprano : 'Du Falscher, Suche Nur Den Herrn Zu Fallen' [00:50]
25 - Air - Soprano : 'Nur Ein Wink Von Seinen Handen' [04:15]
26 - Rezitativ - Evangelist : 'Als Sie Nun Den Konig Gehoret Hatten' [01:14]
27 - Chor : 'Ich Steh An Deiner Krippen Hier' [01:45]
28 - Rezitativ - Evangelist : 'Und Gott Befahl Ihnen Im Traum' [00:23]
29 - Rezitativ - Tenor : 'So Geht ! Genug, Mein Schatz Geht Nicht Von Hier' [01:54]
30 - Air - Tenor : 'Nun Mogt Ihr Stolzen Feinde Schrecken' [04:17]
31 - Rezitativ : 'Was Will Der Hollen Schecken Nun' [00:51]
32 - Choral : 'Nun Seid Ihr Wohl Gerochen' [03:38]
Dorothea Röschmann, soprano
Andreas Scholl, alto
Werner Güra, ténor
Klaus Häger, basse
RIAS Kammerchor
Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin
Dir. René Jacobs

Stabat Mater pour soprano, alto, cordes et orgue

01. Duo 'Dolorosa' [03:32]
02. Aria (Soprano) 'Cuius Animam Gemenentem' [02:18]
03. Duo 'O Quam Tristis Et Afflicta' [02:07]
04. Aria (Alto) 'Quae Moerebat Et Dolelebat' [02:20]
05. Duo 'Quis Est Homo, Qui Non Fleretet' [02:52]
06. Aria (Soprano) 'Vidit Suum Dulcem m Natum' [03:25]
07. Aria (Alto) 'Eja, Mater, Fons Amororis' [02:33]
08. Duo 'Fac, Ut Ardeat Cor Meum' [02:23]
09. Duo 'Sancta Mater, Istud Agas' [05:39]
10. Aria (Alto) 'Fac, Ut Portem Christi Mortem' [03:42]
11. Duo 'Inflammatus Et Accensus' [02:22]
12. Duo 'Quando Corpus Morietur' - Duo 'Amen' [03:58]
Sebastian Hennig, soprano (garçon)
René Jacobs, contre-ténor
Concerto Vocale
Dir. René Jacobs

S tabat Mater G. 532, première version 1781

13. 'Dolorosa'. Grave Assai [05:04]
14. 'Cujus Animam Gementem'. Allegro [02:16]
15. 'Quae Moerebat Et Dolebat'. Allegretto Con Moto [03:14]
16. 'Recitativo' [01:26]
17. 'Pro Peccatis Suae Gentis'. Allegretto [03:53]
18. 'Eja Mater, Fons Amoris'. Larghetto Non Tanto [07:11]
19. 'Tui Nati Vulnerati'. Allegro Vivo [04:26]
20. 'Virgo Virginum Praeclara'. Andantino [05:18]
21. 'Fac Ut Portem Christi Mortem'. Larghetto [02:37]
22. 'Fac Me Plagis Vulnerari'. Allegro Commodo [02:38]
23. 'Quando Corpus Morietur'. Andante Lento [04:17]
Agnès Mellon, soprano
Ensemble 415, dir. Chiara Banchini

Stabat Mater RV 621

01 - 'Stabat Mater Dolorosa'. Largo [02:54]
02 - 'Cujus Animam Gementem'. Adagio [01:47]
03 - 'O Quam Tristis'. Andante [01:53]
04 - 'Quis Est Homo'. Largo [02:50]
05 - 'Quis Non Posset'. Adagio [02:04]
06 - 'Pro Peccatis Suae Gentis'. Andante [01:49]
07 - 'Eja Mater, Fons Amoris'. Largo [02:43]
08 - 'Fac Ut Ardeat'. Lento [01:38]
09 - 'Amen'. Allegro [01:07]
Andreas Scholl, contre-ténor
Ensemble 415, dir. Chiara Banchini

Stabat Mater

I. Introduzione. Andante Moderato. 'Stabat Mater Dolorosa' [08:39]
II. Aria. Allegretto Maestoso. 'Cujus Animam Gementem' [05:48]
III. Duetto. Largo. 'Quis Est Homo, Qui Non Fleret' [06:19]
IV. Aria. Allegretto Maestoso. 'Pro Peccatis Suae Gentis' [04:18]
V. Coro E Recitativo. Andante Mosso. 'Eja Mater, Fons Amoris' [04:47]
VI. Quartetto. Allegretto Moderato. 'Sancta Mater, Istud Agas' [06:49]
VII. Cavatina. Andante Grazioso. 'Fac, Ut Portem Christi Mortem' [04:30]
VIII. Aria E Coro. Andante Maestoso. 'Inflammatus Et Accensus' [04:27]
IX. Quartetto. Andante. 'Quando Corpus Morietur' [05:47]
X. Finale. Allegro. 'In Sempiterna Saecula. Amen' [05:39]
RIAS Kammerchor
Dir. Marcus Creed

Requiem K. 626

01. Introitus [04:41]
02. Kyrie [02:27]
03. Dies irae [02:02]
04. Tuba mirum [03:15]
05. Rex tremendae [01:52]
06. Recordare [04:57]
07. Confutatis [02:28]
08. Lacrimosa [03:05]
09. Domine Jesu [03:39]
10. Hostias [03:55]
11. Sanctus [01:28]
12. Benedictus [04:40]
13. Agnus Dei [03:23]
14. Communio: Lux aeterna [05:22]
15. Kyrie, K.341 [06:23]

Sibylla Rubens, soprano - Annette Markert, alto
Ian Bostridge, ténor - Hanno Müller-Brachmann, baryton
La Chapelle Royale - Collegium Vocale
Orchestre des Champs Élysées - dir. Philippe Herreweghe

Ein deutsches Requiem op.45

01 - Selig sind, die da Leid tragen [10:18]
02 - Denn alles Fleisch, es ist wie Gras [13:54]
03 - Herr, lehre doch mich, das ein Ende mit mir haben mu [09:28]
04 - Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen, Herr Zebaoth [05:03]
05 - Ihr habt nur Traurigkeit [06:52]
06 - Denn wir haben hier keine bleibende Statt [11:12]
07 - Selig sind die Toten, die in dem Herren sterben [09:24]

Christiane Oelze, soprano - Gerald Finley, baryton
La Chapelle Royale - Collegium Vocale
Orchestre des Champs Élysées - dir. Philippe Herreweghe

Gabriel FauRÉ (1845-1924)
R equiem op.48 (1893)

01 - Requiem Op.48 (1893 Versionn)- I. Introit [07:20]
02 - II. Offertoire [08:00]
03 -III. Sanctus [03:26]
04 - IV. Pie Jesu [04:23]
05 - V. Agnus Dei [06:38]
06 - VI. Libera Me [04:34]
07 - VII. In Paradisum [04:09]
Agnès Mellon, soprano
Peter Kooy, baryton
Les Petits Chanteurs de Saint-Louis (chef de choeur Olivier Schneebeli)
Ensemble Musique Oblique
Dir. Philippe Herreweghe

Maurice Duruflé (1902–1986)
R equiem, op. 9
(third version, for choir, small orchestra & organ)

08 - Introit [03:17]
09 - Kyrie [03:05]
10 - Domine Jesu Christe [07:49]
11 - Sanctus [02:42]
12 - Pie Jesu [02:58]
13 - Agnus Dei [03:16]
14 - Lux Aeterna [03:20]
15 - Libera Me [05:12]
16 - In Paradisum [02:56]
The Choir of Magdalen College, Oxford
Dir. Bill Ives

Missa Solemnis op.123 en Ré majeur / D major / D-dur

01 - I. Kyrie [11:55]
02 - II. Gloria [16:59]
03 - III. Credo [17:41]
04 - IV. Sanctus [05:16]
05 - V. Benedictus [09:21]
06 - VI. Agnus Dei [16:09]
Rosa Mannion, soprano - Birgit Remmert, alto
James Taylor, ténor - Cornelius Hauptmann, basse
Choeurs de la Chapelle Royale & du Collegium Vocale
Orchestre des Champs Élysées - dir. Philippe Herreweghe

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809-1847)

01 - Psalm 100: 'Jauchzet Dem Herrn Alle Welt' [03:53]
02 - Psalm 2 Op.78 No.1: 'Warum Toben Die Heiden' [06:43]
03 - Psalm 43 Op.78 No.2: 'Richte Mich, Gott' [03:47]
04 - Psalm 22 Op.78 No.3: 'Mein Gott, Warum Hast Du Mich Verlassen?' [06:50]
05 - Choralmotette Op.23 No.3: 'Mitten Wir Im Leben Sind' [06:41]
06 - Motette Op.69 No.1: 'Herr, Nun Lassest Du Deinen Diener In Frieden Fahren' [04:20]
07 - Motette Op.69 No.2: 'Jauchzet Dem Herrn Alle Welt' [05:08]
08 - Motette Op.69 No.3: 'Mein Herz Erhebet Gott, Den Herrn' [09:03]
09 - Missa Breve: Kyrie Eleison - Ehre Sei Gott In Der Hohe - Heilig, Heilig, Heilig [07:07]
10 - Zum Abendsegen: 'Herr, Sei Gnadig Unserm Flehn' [02:21]
RIAS Kammerchor, dir. Marcus Creed

11 - Ave Maria [03:39]
12 - Christus Factus Est [06:07]
13 - Os Justi [04:41]
14 - Locus Iste [03:03]
15 - Vexilla Regis [04:51]
La Chapelle Royale - Collegium Vocale Gent
Ensemble Musique Oblique - dir. Philippe Herreweghe

A Theatre Piece for Singers, Players and Dancers (I)

Quatre Motets Pour Un Temps De Penitence:

01 - Timor Et Tremor [03:20]
02 - Vinea Mea Electa [03:39]
03 - Tenebrae Factae Sunt [04:39]
04 - Tristis Est Anima Mea [03:33]

Quatre Motets Pour Le Temps De Noel:

05 - O Magnum Mysterium [03:05]
06 - Quem Vidistis Pastores Dicites [02:42]
07 - Videntes Stellam [03:17]
08 - Hodie Christus Natus Est [02:25]

Messe En Sol Majeur
09 - I.Kyrie [03:13]
10 - II. Gloria [04:07]
11 - III. Sanctus [02:34]
12 - IV. Benedictus [03:39]
13 - V. Agnus Dei [04:54]
RIAS Kammerchor, dir. Marcus Creed

Mass.Devotions Before Mass

14 - Antiphon: 'Kyrie Eleison' [02:28]
15 - Hymn And Psalm: A Simple Song [03:46]
16 - Mass. I. Devotions Before Mass: 3. Responsory: 'Alleluia' [01:07]
17 - Mass. II. First Introit (Rondo): 1. Prefatory Prayers [05:06]
18 - Mass. II. First Introit (Rondo): 2. Thrice - Triple Canon: Dominus Vobiscum [00:42]
19 - Mass. III. Second Introit: 1. In Nomine Patris [02:03]
20 - Mass. III. Second Introit- 2. Prayer For The Congregation (Chorale- 'Almighty Fathe... [00:00]
21 - Mass. III. Second Introit: 3. Epiphany [00:56]
22 - Mass. IV. Confession: 1. Confiteor [02:10]
23 - Mass. IV. Confession: 2. Trope: 'I Don't Know' [01:30]
24 - Mass. IV. Confession: 3. Trope: 'Easy' [04:44]

A Theatre Piece for Singers, Players and Dancers (II)

01 - Mass: V. Meditation No.1 [06:11]
02 - Mass. VI. Gloria: 1. Gloria Tibi [01:38]
03 - Mass. VI. Gloria: 2. Gloria In Excelsis [01:16]
04 - Mass. VI. Gloria: 3. Trope: 'Half Of The People' [00:59]
05 - Mass. VI. Gloria: 4. Trope: 'Thank You' [02:42]
06 - Mass. VII. Meditation No.2 [03:37]
07 - Mass. VIII. Epistle 'The Word Of Lord' [05:53]
08 - Mass. IX. Gospel-Sermon 'God Said' [04:27]
09 - Mass: X. Credo: 1. Credo In Unum Deum [01:10]
10 - Mass: X. Credo: 2. Trope: 'Non Credo' [02:17]
11 - Mass: X. Credo: 3. Trope: 'Hurry' [01:22]
12 - Mass: X. Credo: 4. World Without End [01:34]
13 - Mass: X. Credo: 5. Trope: 'I Believe In God' [01:58]
14 - Mass. XI. Meditation No.3 (De Profundis, Part 1) [02:43]
15 - Mass. XII. Offertory (De Profundis, Part 2) [02:02]
16 - Mass. Xiii. The Lord's Prayer: 1. 'Our Father...' [02:07]
17 - Mass. Xiii. The Lord's Prayer: 2. Trope: 'I Go On' [02:34]
18 - Mass. XIV. Sanctus 'Holy! Holy! Holy!...' [05:19]
19 - Mass. XV. Agnus Dei [05:37]
20 - Mass. XVI. Fraction 'Things Get Broken' [14:19]
21 - Mass. XVIi. Pax: Communion 'Secret Songs' [09:43]
Jerry Hadley, ténor
Rundfunkchor Berlin
Pacific Mozart Ensemble
Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin
Dir. Kent Nagano

Дмитрий Бортнянский

01 - Let My Prayer Arise (No.2) (Da Ispravitsia Molitva Moia) [06:53]

Джузеппе Сарти

02 - Now The Powers Of Heaven (Nyne Sily Nebesnyia) [05:36]

Дмитрий Бортнянский

03 - The Cherubic Hymn (No.7) (Kheruvimskaia Pesn) [03:54]

Василий Титов

04 - Glory / Only-Begotten Son (Slava / Yedinorodnyi Syne) [03:15]

Бальдассаре Галуппи

05 - In The Flesh Thou Didst Fall Asleep (Plotiyu Usnuv) [02:46]

Дмитрий Бортнянский

06 - I Lift Up My Eyes To The Mountains (Choral Concerto No.24) (Vozvedokh Ochi Moyi V Gory) [06:11]

Николай Дилецкий

07 - Praise The Name Fo The Lord (Khvalite Imia Gospodne) [02:01]

Дмитрий Бортнянский

08 - With My Voice I Cried Out To The Lord (Choral Concerto No.27) (Glasom Moim Ko Gospodu Vozzvakh) [09:05]

Артемий Ведель

09 - By The Rivers Of Babylon (Na Rekakh Vavilonskikh) [10:13]

Дмитрий Бортнянский

10 - Lord, Make Me To Know My End (Choral Concerto No.32) (Skazhi Mi, Gospodi, Konchinu Moyu) [08:20]

Sergei Rachmaninov (1873-1943)
All-Night Vigil Op.37. Vespers:

11 - Come, Let Us Worship [02:48]
12 - Praise The Lord, O My Soul [04:48]
13 - Blessed Is The Man [04:16]
14 - O Gentle Light [03:19]
15 - Lord, Now Lettest Thou [03:32]
16 - Rejoice, O Virgin [02:45]

Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Dir. Paul Hillier

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