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Scanner Smashed Face / Blue Screen of Death
Жанр: Brutal Death/Grind
Год издания: 2013
Страна: UK
Аудиокодек: FLAC (*.flac)
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Продолжительность: 00:14:22
Источник (релизер): Web
Наличие сканов в содержимом раздачи: нет
01. Blue Screen of Death - 0:54
02. Scanner Smashed Face - 0:30
03. Corpse Cabinet - 0:28
04. Foetus in the Stuffing Machine - 0:34
05. Call Centre Autopsy - 0:59
06. Stapletits - 0:01
07. Head in a Water Cooler - 0:36
08. Fire Drill Death Stampede - 0:43
09. Hung From a Tie - 0:41
10. Deadly Spreadsheet Malfunction - 0:28
11. Deadly Manager Encounter - 0:28
12. Murder King Lunchtime Brutality - 0:25
13. Office Chair Death Race - 0:24
14. Hard Drive Soft Skull - 0:14
15. Genital Shredder - 0:47
16. Super Fun Teambuilding Fun Day - 1:22
17. Rapeler - 0:32
18. Ctrl Alt Kill - 0:06
19. Car Pool of Blood - 1:14
20. Foul Xerox Infestation - 0:57
21. Painful Paperclip Insertion - 0:30
22. Deadly Manager Encounter Part 2: Hellfired - 1:29

Свой стиль группа характеризует как Brutal Office Death Metal
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Audiochecker log
AUDIOCHECKER v2.0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - opdester@freemail.hu
Path: ...\Scanner Smashed Face - Blue Screen of Death
01 -=- 01 - Blue Screen of Death.flac -=- CDDA (43%)
02 -=- 02 - Scanner Smashed Face.flac -=- CDDA (85%)
03 -=- 03 - Corpse Cabinet.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
04 -=- 04 - Foetus in the Stuffing Machine.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
05 -=- 05 - Call Centre Autopsy.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
06 -=- 06 - Stapletits.flac -=- CDDA (99%)
07 -=- 07 - Head in a Water Cooler.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
08 -=- 08 - Fire Drill Death Stampede.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
09 -=- 09 - Hung From a Tie.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
10 -=- 10 - Deadly Spreadsheet Malfunction.flac -=- CDDA (99%)
11 -=- 11 - Deadly Manager Encounter.flac -=- CDDA (99%)
12 -=- 12 - Murder King Lunchtime Brutality.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
13 -=- 13 - Office Chair Death Race.flac -=- CDDA (99%)
14 -=- 14 - Hard Drive Soft Skull.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
15 -=- 15 - Genital Shredder.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
16 -=- 16 - Super Fun Teambuilding Fun Day.flac -=- CDDA (99%)
17 -=- 17 - Rapeler.flac -=- CDDA (99%)
18 -=- 18 - Ctrl Alt Kill.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
19 -=- 19 - Car Pool of Blood.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
20 -=- 20 - Foul Xerox Infestation.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
21 -=- 21 - Painful Paperclip Insertion.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
22 -=- 22 - Deadly Manager Encounter Part 2- Hellfired.flac -=- CDDA (100%)
Summary 96,45% CDDA
Скриншот спектра частот
Office Chair Death Race
Об исполнителе (группе)
We play death metal based on the brutality of day to day office life. No filler, all killer.
"It sounds like a headache"
"Oh god please make it stop"
Mark "Skullwheel" Butler - Drums, Bass, Vocals
Jason "Killputer" Harper - Guitars
Darren "Filing" Cabinet (live drums)
Blue Screen of Death
My computers broken
Fucking piece of shit
Excel can suck my balls
What the fuck
Blue screen of death
Maybe I'll kill myself
Maybe I'll kill you
Rage in blue
I'll kill you
Scanner Smashed Face
Have an urge
Want to kill
Flatten Skull
With the weight of a photocopier
Print your death, 100 copies
And send them to your family
Corpse Cabinet
I hate you
After I've killed you
I'll stuff your body into a filing cabinet
I'll file you under dead
Foetus in the Stuffing Machine
Maternity Leave
My pet peeve
Here's your present, bitch
Head in a Water Cooler
I'm thirsty
And you're in my way
I hate you
I really fucking hate you
So I'm going to kill you
Need to hide your body
But I also need a drink
Two birds, one headstone
I'll hide your head in a water cooler
Fire Drill Death Stampede
Fire drill death stampede
Everybody get back inside
The building's not really on fire
Lock the doors
Cant get out
Fire drill death stampede
I was wrong
You're all dead
Hung From a Tie
Items of death tied around your neck
Time is right
To pull them tight
Feel my hate
As you asphyxiate
Dont be late
To meet your fate
Hung from a tie
Hurry up and die
Hanging from a tie
You will not survive
Hanging from a tie
Deadly Spreadsheet Malfunction
I hate Excel
Fuck your spreadsheet
Want to punch you
Till your face bleeds
Macro wanker
Autosum monkey
Knife your face
Till it's read-only
Deadly spreadsheet malfunction
Murder King Lunchtime Brutality
Lunch time
I'm hungry
Tasty meat
Fast food treat
There's a line
I don't have time
Drive through
Murder you
Urgh, there's a finger in my burger
I ordered breast
Office Chair Death Race
I've tied my colleagues to their chairs
Now ill race them down the stairs
Winner is the first to die
And scream out loud "Oh my god why"
Finish line is barbed wire
Half the contestants are on fire
Poking them with pointy sticks
This sure beats the Olympics
Office chair death race
Hard Drive Soft Skull
I hate you
I'll kill you
I'm going to hit you in the back of the head with a hard drive
Hard drive
Soft skull
Genital Shredder
Total hatred
I will kill you
First I need to
Shred some paper
Get in my way
And you will pay
With your precious
Family jewels
Will be torn
From your groin
Bloody Loins
No more children
Learned your lesson
Genital Shredder
Bleeding forever
Erectile dysfunction
'Cos you ain't got one
Coworker's a fucking grass
I'll jam a stapler up his ass
Get it in there nice and deep
And laugh at him while he weeps
Rapeler, rapeler
Raped by a stapler
Stapler Rape
Ctrl Alt Kill
Car Pool of Blood
Driving to work
I pick you up
My carbon footprint
Is really good
Fuck you're annoying
Won't stop talking
Your music sucks
You use air con too much
Car pool cunt
I'll drown you
In a car pool of blood
Foul Xerox Infestation
I better stop murdering
And do some work
I'll scan these documents
For a client
And then ill send a fax
To the offshore site
Integrated Data Logistics
Employee of the month!
Oh God what's this
Rotting, infested, severed head
In the xerox machine
I didn't do this!
Yes I did
Killed last week
My mistake
Painful Paperclip Insertion
In the face
In the eye
In the ear
In the mouth
In the arm
In the groin
In the ass
In the tit
In the cock
In the nose
In the chest
In the toe
In the hand
In the neck
In the knee
In the beard
Painful paperclip insertion
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