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Joachim Kuhn - Out Of The Desert (Majid Bekkas/Ramon Lopez)

Жанр: ACT, post-bop, world, afro-arab jazz
Год выпуска диска: 2009
Производитель диска: ACT
Аудио кодек: FLAC
Тип рипа: tracks+.cue+Complete Artwork
Битрейт аудио: lossless
Продолжительность: 52:49
1. Foulani
2. Transmitting
3. One. Two, Free
4. Sandia
5. Seawalk
6. Chadiye
Joachim Kuhn: piano, alto saxophone (3)
Majid Bekkas
: vocals, guembri, kalimba (3), molo (6)
Ramon Lopez
: drums, tabla (3)
Abdelfettah Houssaini: djembe (1, 2, 4)
Abdessadek Bounhar: karkabou, chorus (1, 2, 4)
Rachid El Faditi: karkabou, chorus (1, 2, 4)
Kouassi Bessan Joseph: talking drums, percussion, vocals (3, 6)
Mouloud Amrini El-Mesaoui: drums, percussion (5)
Mouloud Lamirni El-Mesaoui: drums, percussion (5)
Hittouri El Uqzzani: drums, percussion (5)
Hmad Ait Ibrahim: drums, percussion (5)
Aamirni Er Houcin: drums, percussion (5).
Диск взят с другого трекера. Спасибо dtromp
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4. May 2009
EAC extraction logfile from 31. October 2009, 12:15
Joachim Kuhn Majid Bekkas Ramon Lopez / Out Of The Desert
Used drive  : PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-860A   Adapter: 0  ID: 0
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Utilize accurate stream : Yes
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Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out          : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
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Null samples used in CRC calculations       : Yes
Used interface                              : Native Win32 interface for Win NT & 2000
Gap handling                                : Appended to previous track
Used output format              : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate                : 768 kBit/s
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Add ID3 tag                     : No
Command line compressor         : C:\Program Files\FLAC\flac.exe
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TOC of the extracted CD
     Track |   Start  |  Length  | Start sector | End sector
        1  |  0:01.02 |  6:43.70 |        77    |    30371
        2  |  6:44.72 |  9:57.19 |     30372    |    75165
        3  | 16:42.16 | 12:32.60 |     75166    |   131625
        4  | 29:15.01 |  7:40.39 |    131626    |   166164
        5  | 36:55.40 |  7:45.41 |    166165    |   201080
        6  | 44:41.06 |  8:26.48 |    201081    |   239078
Track  1
     Filename N:\DL\Joachim Kuhn Majid Bekkas Ramon Lopez - Out Of The Desert (2009) [FLAC] {ACT Music 9475-2}\01 - Foulani.wav
     Pre-gap length  0:00:03.02
     Peak level 98.1 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC 555661CE
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Track  2
     Filename N:\DL\Joachim Kuhn Majid Bekkas Ramon Lopez - Out Of The Desert (2009) [FLAC] {ACT Music 9475-2}\02 - Transmitting.wav
     Pre-gap length  0:00:03.38
     Peak level 98.1 %
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Track  3
     Filename N:\DL\Joachim Kuhn Majid Bekkas Ramon Lopez - Out Of The Desert (2009) [FLAC] {ACT Music 9475-2}\03 - One, two, free.wav
     Pre-gap length  0:00:03.97
     Peak level 98.1 %
     Track quality 99.9 %
     Test CRC 5ADB0164
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Track  4
     Filename N:\DL\Joachim Kuhn Majid Bekkas Ramon Lopez - Out Of The Desert (2009) [FLAC] {ACT Music 9475-2}\04 - Sandia.wav
     Pre-gap length  0:00:03.77
     Peak level 98.1 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC 7954EA75
     Copy CRC 7954EA75
     Accurately ripped (confidence 1)  [98A0DAB6]
     Copy OK
Track  5
     Filename N:\DL\Joachim Kuhn Majid Bekkas Ramon Lopez - Out Of The Desert (2009) [FLAC] {ACT Music 9475-2}\05 - Sea Walk.wav
     Pre-gap length  0:00:02.62
     Peak level 98.0 %
     Track quality 99.9 %
     Test CRC 281A022E
     Copy CRC 281A022E
     Accurately ripped (confidence 1)  [DC8552DE]
     Copy OK
Track  6
     Filename N:\DL\Joachim Kuhn Majid Bekkas Ramon Lopez - Out Of The Desert (2009) [FLAC] {ACT Music 9475-2}\06 - Chadiye.wav
     Pre-gap length  0:00:03.62
     Peak level 98.0 %
     Track quality 100.0 %
     Test CRC 30EF408C
     Copy CRC 30EF408C
     Accurately ripped (confidence 1)  [BCFFF54D]
     Copy OK
All tracks accurately ripped
No errors occurred
End of status report
REM COMMENT "ExactAudioCopy v0.99pb5"
PERFORMER "Joachim Kuhn Majid Bekkas Ramon Lopez"
TITLE "Out Of The Desert"
FILE "01 - Foulani.wav" WAVE
    TITLE "Foulani"
    PERFORMER "Joachim Kuhn Majid Bekkas Ramon Lopez"
    PREGAP 00:01:02
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    TITLE "Transmitting"
    PERFORMER "Joachim Kuhn Majid Bekkas Ramon Lopez"
    INDEX 00 06:40:41
FILE "02 - Transmitting.wav" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    TITLE "One, two, free"
    PERFORMER "Joachim Kuhn Majid Bekkas Ramon Lopez"
    INDEX 00 09:53:21
FILE "03 - One, two, free.wav" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    TITLE "Sandia"
    PERFORMER "Joachim Kuhn Majid Bekkas Ramon Lopez"
    INDEX 00 12:29:02
FILE "04 - Sandia.wav" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    TITLE "Sea Walk"
    PERFORMER "Joachim Kuhn Majid Bekkas Ramon Lopez"
    INDEX 00 07:37:67
FILE "05 - Sea Walk.wav" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
    TITLE "Chadiye"
    PERFORMER "Joachim Kuhn Majid Bekkas Ramon Lopez"
    INDEX 00 07:41:69
FILE "06 - Chadiye.wav" WAVE
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

Доп. информация:
Новый совместный проект немецкого пианиста Joachim Kuhn, марокканского вокалиста Majid Bekkas и испанского барабанщика Ramon Lopez. Диск записывался в Морокко, где музыканты объединились с тремя местными знатоками gnawa, народной, марокканской музыки транса, берущей корни в 500летней истории юга Африки. В отдаленном городе пустыни Erfoud они сделали запись с пятью берберскими барабанщиками и перкуссионисты.
Предыдущая пластинка музыкантов вышла в 2007 году и носила название Kalimba
Boundary busting and inventive though it was, Kalimba (ACT, 2007)—the first album by German pianist Joachim Kuhn, Moroccan vocalist and guembri player Majid Bekkas, and Spanish drummer Ramon Lopez—ultimately felt like Kuhn's album more than a fully integrated, cross-cultural group exercise. Two years on, the trio's second outing, Out Of The Desert, offers a deeper mix—and an altogether more absorbing one.
Kalimba was recorded in Germany. For Out Of The Desert, the trio travelled to Morocco. In the regional capital Rabat, they teamed up with three local adepts of gnawa, a Moroccan trance music with roots in black Africa south of the Sahara. In the remote desert town of Erfoud, they recorded with five Berber drummers and percussionists.
As the recording locations and guest musicians suggest, Kuhn, Bekkas and Lopez were aiming for a fundamentally Moroccan fix to the sessions. And boy, did they deliver. There are six tracks on the album, and on the four featuring the expanded line-up, the group dig deep into traditional Moroccan music, with the tunes—two by Bekkas, two by Kuhn—based on a generic trance aesthetic. At the bottom are Bekkas' percussive bass register ostinatos on the guembri (a kind of lute). At the top are the insistent iterations of the karkabou (hand-held cymbals). There are call and response vocals and, a signature element of Maghrebi trance music, the use of accelerating tempos once a tune has passed the halfway mark. On top of all this lies Kuhn's piano, at times funky and lowdown—like that of longtime Moroccan resident and musical disciple, American pianist Randy Weston—at others more free and atonal, true to Kuhn's "diminished augmented system" (that's "minor keyed" in plain English).
The two remaining tracks feature the Beninese vocalist and talking drum player Kouassi Bessan Joseph, and add a more pronounced sub-Saharan flavor to the music. On Kuhn's "One, Two, Three," at 12:29 the longest track on the album (the others average about eight), and the one with the clearest "jazz" provenance, further diversity is injected via Bekkas' kalimba and Lopez's tabla—and an extended, free improv section featuring Kuhn on alto saxophone.
As befits trance music, Out Of The Desert is visceral and simple in structure, although some of the rhythms may at first sound complex to ears not attuned to North African music. All the more reason to check this music out—it's jazz, Jim, but not as most people, at least in North America, know it. We're going to hear more of this sort of genre-mashing in jazz, from all over the world, in the future. Bring it on.

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